beskamel · 3 months
"I'm sorry, I came to keep you company and then I some how end up falling asleep." Bes spoke apologetically after being shaken awake by the woman. "It's been a long week and my head is really looking forward to a pillow." But he'd made plans with Piper and he wasn't the type to break them for anything. "I hope you weren't in the middle of telling me something, because I would imagine that would have looked really bad if you were and that's when I dozed off."
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siennawilkinson · 8 months
closed starter - sienna & piper ( @piperwilkinscn )
Sienna showed up to her coffee date with her sister, hungover and throbbing, sunglasses covering her eyes. "Who allowed me to drink? Seriously, I shouldn't be allow. I keep doing this to myself. I didn't even think I drank that much yesterday."
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little-earthquakes-rp · 3 months
@sharpenurdamnknife Aggressively yanked from Discord...
She felt that odd pit of jealousy in her stomach as he mentioned his previous relationship.  She knew it was stupid since he said it had ended a year ago but still.  She couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous that whoever she was for getting that time with him.  “I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”  Oh, she said that but she was SMILING.  God, she was such a bad person but she couldn’t help it.  Her eyebrows rose at his reaction to Jasons name though.  Obviously she wasn’t the only one that was thinking along those lines though.  Though she supposed he was her boss now so that rather shot them in the foot didn’t it. Her eyes fell to their plates and she took her own bite when she looked at her at the mention of only dating casually.  Sometimes she wasn’t even sure it could be called dating.  “It was just easier.”  She admitted guiltily.  She sincerely hoping that even though he was single he hadn’t been living the life she had.  Not exactly because she was jealous, though she was on a level, but because she knew that Lou wasn’t exactly the casual sort.  She just instinctively felt it, even now from him.  She gave him a little smirk at his comment about knowing.  “Would I though?  I don’t know if I would.  You were the healthiest relationship I had in the long run.  And I kinda fucked that up too.” She muttered, annoyed at herself. If she could she would have been with Lou from the start.    The thought was so sudden and she had to shake it away, surprised at herself. She glanced at his plate as he spoke.  “Damn.  Some things don’t change huh?”  She chuckled, leaning back and wondering if she was going to have to unbutton her jeans by the end of this.  “Yeah- sure.”  She was here for work, wasn’t she?  She launched into the local, simple but savory menu.  Good finger foods but not exactly your dive bar thing.  Most definitely something with flare.  She knew she could work around local to make it cheaper.  “I’d been butchering for some of the local hunters since I got back in my shed.  I’m sure I can get us some great ingredients on the cheap."
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A bit of an awkward conversation for them to be having considering his feelings, but Lou needed to remember to keep a level head. "I'm not.' he muttered when she offered up condolences. Honestly, his relationship wasn't going anywhere and it had run its course. The wide smile on her face told a different story though and it made him chuckle. Yeah, it took them all of two run-ins to find themselves back in familiar territory with one another.
At the mention of being the healthiest relationship she'd ever had struck him. It took his breath for a moment and he eased back in the chair. His eyes lifted from the plate to pull in the scene of Pip sitting across from him, burning the moment into his brain. It didn't happen often but Lou was gobsmacked at a loss. Reaching across the table for her wrist he held her gently for a moment. "You didn't fuck up anything. My feelings for you didn't leave when you did. I carry them. They're always here." Lou hoped he didn't make her uncomfortable, and ran the thick pad of his thumb across the width of her wrist before removing his hand, and grabbing the fork.
Honestly, it was true, he ate like a horse but her teasing him about it always made him laugh. Standing he gestured with a nod to follow so they could continue the conversation as they dished up. Filling his plate again he listened contently and nodded. He loved that she was going to pull things local as possible. "I have the inspectors coming in about three weeks, and an electrician this week. So I'm thinking we can start advertising soon. If you'd like to pick a date. Oh–don't let me forget I have a credit card for you so you can start purchasing supplies."
Sitting back down Lou realized his unsated hunger interrupted what had been a serious conversation. He felt like he needed to be careful because she had a history of being skittish when it came to emotional things with him. So he gently led back into the conversation, he didn't want her feeling down about her choices. "I think you needed to be out of this town. It would've just kept taking from you. You needed to go out and find yourself outside of the backdrop here. Even if I missed you." The last confession caused a smile to curl on his lips. "Look at you– you thrived out there, chef."
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maggiepicquery · 1 year
closed starter - maggie & piper ( @piperwilkinscn )
Maggie gave a soft smile at the other, when she saw her at the flower shop making a flower crown. “I knew I didn’t have the wrong idea coming here. Any good colors left? I heard the owner had some dyed ones shipped in and more flowers in to get all the colors of the rainbow.”
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He loved his people, but Loxley had a lot of people. He'd grown up just loving his dad, and now as an adult, he had more people than he could count that he cared for. It could be overwhelming at times, and so he cherished his time on the farm. He was working hard on independence. He had a girlfriend he loved who, due to the nature of her job, was away a lot. Loxley had to be comfortable with it being just him and Pearl and the majesty of the Earth.
He was in his little tent when he heard the tell tale sounds of apparation. Pearl lifted her head off his thigh lazily, expecting for him to get up and investigate, but her being a dog meant she already knew it was Piper. She could smell her. The fact Pearl wasn't even going to get up off the mattress told Loxley it was someone he liked, at least. He pulled on a hoodie and moved out to investigate. "Hey Pipes," He called out, before noticing the way she carried herself. "What's wrong babe?"
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juniperfontaine · 1 year
closed starter - juniper & piper ( @piperwilkinscn​ )
Junie was looking through the dresses on display at Twilfitt & Tattings. She heard someone behind her, assuming it was a worker. “Hey, do you have a size—” she cut herself off when she turned to see who it was. “Oh, Piper, uh, hi. What are you, uh, doing here?”
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evelynmoon · 10 months
"We have to sit down and we have to collaborate." Evie gushed in excitement as she linked arms with the woman. "If you have the time of course but I had this whole dream about my New Years outfit and whilst I am competent with the sewing machine I am nowhere near as talented as you. I can give you the drawings and the vision but I am relying on you to put it into fruition. Would you, please?"
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caspianberrycloth · 3 years
The bell jangled on the door to the shop as Caspian entered, his eyes immediately searching out the woman. “Piper?” He called out when he felt as though he saw the back of her, a bright grin on his face. “Sorry to interrupt you when you’re working, I just thought this was the best way of getting to see you.”
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sondermink · 4 years
He was giddy with nervous energy, but he was a little good at keeping that down below. He could instead focus on his date - well, could it be called that anymore, really? It was Christmas dinner. It just happened to be in a gay bar. Not that it looked anything like normal, and Sonder couldn't help but be a tiny bit disappointed. He wanted to grind, dammit! But it was a little easier this way, he supposed. A little less heated. Less pressure. He kept giving Oz heavy hooded looks between conversing casually with Piper and occasionally Maeko. They seemed to be a fun bunch, and Sonder was feeling incredibly comfortable. "Should we hit the London clubs after this?" He suggested, giving the corner of a grin in Oz's direction as he did. "I want to go dancing! I didn't get dressed and look this hot for roast potatoes."
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shevvrites · 5 years
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lead singer: piper cassidy - mary elizabeth winstead - 30 lead guitarist: isaiah wallace - lakeith stanfield - 28  rhythm guitarist / keyboardist: noel rahim - jade hassouné - 28 bassist: spencer howell - nico tortorella - 31 drummer: raquel ortega - victoria moroles - 19 merch girl / backing vocals / occasional tambourine: kellie ortega - gina rodriguez - 29
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starlessskye-blog · 6 years
Continued from here: @sharpenurdamnknife
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Given the look on her face, it was apparent the comment was misunderstood. Well, he’d managed to step in it right off the bat. Typically the man was a little smoother but given the soured look, he’d failed epically. With a wide smile, he quickly followed up, “No, not you.”  He let his attention shift towards the edge of cypress trees with an overgrown berm resting beyond it. 
Turning back to catch the shoulder shrug, she seemed almost indifferent. Something was incredibly off and frankly, she just might have been right with her assessment. Granted, he didn’t know the woman from the man on the moon he asked, “Aren’t you just a tad curious about where that smell is coming from?” Craning his neck to look back at the tree line. 
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beskamel · 7 months
"I have to say, I'll be making that drink for everyone who comes to my home in the future. Miss Wilkinson, fashion is definitely not the only thing you are good at creating. You may have a second calling if you ever want to try a new career path." Bes spoke with a bright laugh, clearly already high on both alcohol and the events of the day as he spun the woman around.
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siennawilkinson · 1 year
closed starter - sienna & piper ( @piperwilkinscn​ )
“I didn’t want to show up empty handed,” Sienna said when her the door opened to her sister’s flat. “But literally all I had in the flat right now was half a pint of Mint Chocolate Chip.” She held up the ice cream container. “I hope that’s alright.”
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little-earthquakes-rp · 4 months
17 from Piper to Lou
Finally, after the ruckus ended and the bar had finally quitted down Lou walked in back to ease any worry that Piper might have had. Hackles still raised he was mad things had gotten so out of hand. Several glasses and bottles smashed two broken chairs and another hole in the wall. Lou will be running to the hardware store tomorrow. He'd patched up enough drywall in his time he wondered if he should open up a business. God knows he's perfected it. The bar was used to taking a beating on the regular, but having Piper here for it felt different. Honestly, it actually pissed him off. Lou was typically pretty collected and wasn't easy to rile up, but the thought that the incident might upset Piper and she might bail wore on him. Finding her around the corner organizing some shelves he forced a tight smile. Pulling a chair over, he spun it around and spread his legs around the tall back as he began apologizing. He promised to try and tamper down the violence in the bar the best he could, but it would be hard. Thankfully she seemed pretty unfazed by it.
They talked for a bit, and she must have sensed the tension within him for when she dropped out of his line of vision he found her hands on his tight shoulders. The contact alone was enough to cause a wave of ease to push away the rigidity that had settled in. Letting out a soft sigh he leaned forward gripping the back of the chair and resting his head down for a moment. As she continued to massage the knots out of his muscles he found himself in a state of relaxation. Lifting his head he turned partly in the chair and reached for her hand, and pulled it towards his mouth pressing a quick kiss to it before he muttered. "Thank you, Pip."
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phoebeh-writes · 6 years
@piperedhalliwell - Phoebe ran to her sister almost out of breath “Pi-” she took an other deep breath “Piper- I have to tell you something I can’t keep it to myself anymore I have to tell someone. “ the witch fell down on one of the chairs in the kitchen. “Please don’t be mad.” 
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[ Formal ] - Dona
It felt really weird to think of his little sister getting married. Like, why? Why marriage?She was almost two years younger than him, and as much as he thought Lee was a nice dude, she hadn't known him long. No one had. All the culty weird shit happening and finally getting her back, and then suddenly arranging a wedding? Well, arranging moss, thanks to Shosh.
He didn't know how he was expected to curate a Southern style environment for her wedding, and he hadn't been given enough time to create a proper ecosystem. What would six more months do? But Shosh was scary when she was mad. Well, she was always a bit scary. Whenever he alluded to how fast everything was happening it seemed like the brunette nearly hexed him through the damn phone.
He knew not everyone was in love with the first girl to talk to them, practically ever, but it all seemed a little bit like a trauma response. For both of them. Since 11, he'd been raised as her big brother, and it was only right that he worry. He knew all about trauma responses. Loxley had been non-verbal for years, and Dona was getting married.
In the end there was nothing he could do. He wasn't going to exclude himself, hurting her further. She had supported him in his quiet trauma. Getting married to a great guy wasn't the worst way this could go.
He kicked off his uncomfortable vegan leather shoes as soon as the ceremony was over. Shosh shot him a fierce look, and instead of shying away like before, Loxley stuck out his tongue. She couldn't do anything to him now, and besides, how was he meant to dance if his feet hurt?
He cried loud and freely at their first dance. A married woman, but Loxley could only see Dona as a girl dressing up and playing pretend. He rubbed his face on his sleeve hastily and pulled Piper out onto the dance floor as soon as he was allowed, followed by Nate, Catelyn, Shosh, and then suddenly everyone.
Soon the dance floor was full and the formal dancing was a little less formal. Everyone clamoured to dance with Dona, but he knew he'd get a chance. He took Catelyn and dipped her, making her laugh and slap him playfully on the chest for daring. "You're behaving! Mostly." She noted his bare feet and he pretended not to notice. "It - it's fun! I'm having fun. He's a great guy." They both looked over at Lee, with his little shy smile. Dona could have done a lot worse.
He danced with Sol next, and then with Nate for a little bit. He actually missed his shoes then, the added height against him felt pretty nice. He finally got around to Lee and gave him a tight hug.
"Are you gunna threaten me... again?" He asked with a guilty look in his eyes. Loxley snorted and squeezed his brother-in-law's cheeks. "Nah. Twenty other people in this room have probably all warned you. I like you Lee! Really! You're my brother now too, and my other brother is that moron over there," He pointed at Jeremy, who was showing a giggling Sonder how to do the chicken dance. "And I'd murder anyone who fucked with that dickhead. You're on the team, bud. Loosen up!" He gave Lee a quick kiss on the cheek and laughed himself stupid at the look he was given in response. Getting to know that kid was gunna be a hoot.
He swept Piper up around her waist and pulled her into a quick but passionate kiss. She looked almost as surprised as Lee had looked a moment ago. "Oh shit! I'm glad that was you! The champagne is making people awfully kissy." She laughed, and he joined her, his lips shadowing hers until their laughing bubbled between kisses.
He felt Dona wander up behind him, and he leaned to the side to listen to what she had to say. "I'm about to throw the bouquet at her, Loxley Blair Lockhart. Seriously!" Loxley made a high pitched whining to try and drown her out and Dona matched his pitch in a playful teasing-my-sibling harmony.
He turned back to Piper giggling and her cheeks red with more than drunken blushing, so she had definitely heard. He took a hold of her cheeks in his hands and started apologise over and over but stopped in his tracks to give a wild look. "This is like, really fun though, and not as scary as I expected..." Piper had always been the girl he'd been scared to ask too much of in case he scared her off, but she returned his gaze with an equally excited one. "Shhhhhhhh!! We'll talk about it later... but yeah, it is!"
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