cleothruston · 7 months
closed starter - cleo & rowan ( @rowcnwcgtcil )
Cleo sighed and handed over a drink to Rowan, "I forgot how hard getting back out there is," she said. Even though she and Anthony were broken up, especially with him being in prison, there was still a part of her that felt like she was still in the past, and she was scared to try again and be betrayed again. "Maybe I shouldn't have worn a red bracelet."
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wlwhq · 1 year
@caeruleums liked for a CLOSED STARTER !! based off the plot in the source <3
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"you looked gorgeous tonight, your highness." the sound of the chamber door closing behind them echoed through the room. the princess they'd been assigned to guarding was in for the night now, after an evening of socializing and drinking at a ball. rowan was fortunate enough to escort her back to her room, though it felt like their own night was far from over. "another night of unworthy people vying for your attention. i'm sure it wears on you after a while?" as the question was asked, rowan unbuttoned the first collar of their shirt, raised eyebrow toward their princess.
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monsterboysrp · 11 months
cont'd;; @monstersxxorxxmen
[text] Basements are usually full of secrets you should see mine [text] that... sounded more ominous than I intended.
[text] 😂 maybe i'll just have a courier drop it off, wouldn't want to end up part of the collection
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immcrtalize · 3 months
who: rowan @nothingnowheres where: farmer's market
It had been nearly six years since Oscar had last seen Rowan, and while he had thought of her every day, and dreamed of their reunion, the prospect of it all still turned his stomach into knots. Six years was a long time to miss someone. It was an even longer time to hate someone. It took everything in him to remain carefully neutral about their upcoming time together, but a little part of Oscar hoped that they could get back to the place they'd once been even if they could never be those people again, and hopefully, exploring the farmer's market would take the pressure off of this momentous occasion.
"Thank you for agreeing to meet me," Oscar greeted. Was he supposed to hug her? Shake her hand? Stand three feet away and nod? A decade ago, this would have felt like second nature, but now, with the time and memories between them, Rowan felt more like a stranger than a daughter. "It's good to see you. How've you been?"
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hairycactus · 3 years
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Scronkly cat bout to tell a joke that gets him kicked out of local bar, live for the chaos or eh idk.. boring?
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dxnnyboi · 4 years
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“i don’t know if you’re here with somebody or not, but you look like you want to dance?” he asked, leaning in and politely offering his hand for the other to take. || @rowanendsley​
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thegraysonrhodes · 4 years
closed starter for @rowanwhitlock​
“I bet you $50 that I can not only steal that man’s wallet, but I can get that ice off his wrist too. It’ll take 5 seconds, tops.” Grayson told his friend, watching the nearby tourist from where they were sat on the patio of one of the better cafes in the city. Grayson liked their coffee and their chocolate scones and that was enough to make him a repeat customer. Still, even a good cup of joe couldn’t stop his eyes from so easily finding a potential target. “If there’s a chick waiting for his sweaty as in the rental Merc he has parked a few spaces up then I bet I can lift her too.” He added with a playful smirk.
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hazelmacdougal · 4 years
“I need the determination to succeed, and that’s the real reason I’m not a Slytherin,” Hazel said. ( @rxwancxleman​ )
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kiaan-bakshi · 4 years
closed starter for @rowanwhitlock​
“My dear sweet cousin, are you here to pick a poison for the evening?” Kiaan called out as he approached the familiar male who he had caught sight of as soon as Rowan’s tall figure strode in through the front door. “Or are you going to give me rein to pick it for you?” He asked with a teasing smile, one that said Rowan would either greatly benefit or terribly suffer as a result of Kiaan’s choices, no in between. Kiaan didn’t operate within the normal or menial. No, he appreciated the extremes in life, especially when he was in control of those extremes.
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raminakhatri · 5 years
Ramina knew that her friend was most likely at her wits end between the stress of both Lettie’s and Andy’s arrests and the constant job of looking after Benny. So she’d done the only thing that seemed to make sense in this situation. Take Rowan out for a drink...or two...or ten. She certainly wouldn’t be judging Rowan if she decided to take the night to let go and maybe let Patsy spread her wings a little. Looking over to the blond next to her, she slid the two shots on the counter her way. “These are for you so get goin’. You obviously are going to need them. I wanna see the girl that struck fear into the hear of every single man in that bar back in NOLA. I wanna see the girl who made good money dancing on that table,” she joked. 
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cleothruston · 9 months
closed starter - cleo & rowan ( @rowcnwcgtcil )
"Hey, I'm going to step outside for a second. It's getting a little claustrophobic in here," she said, and signed at the same time. "Wanna come?"
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sweaterinvested · 5 years
To be honest— Desmond didn’t even want to be on a date. But he’d always had a hard time saying no to Addie Fisher. He partially blamed it on the fact that she’d known him since he was an absolute runt at the age of eleven, and she’d always cut an imposing figure. Oh well. He was here now, and he’d have to endure it. Maybe whoever it was would be nice or something, and they could get through this as painlessly as possible.
Most hopes of that were dashed though as he saw a familiar blonde head coming his way, one that was attached to a Rowan Fisher. He honestly shouldn’t even be surprised at this point, he’d finally gotten the hint of what Addie Fisher was trying to achieve with him and her daughter some time ago. He looked up at the woman as she approached, standing from the table to welcome her. “I’m guessing that this is not a coincidence you’re at the same restaurant as me tonight.”
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jacksonthane · 5 years
Though Jackson had protested that he should be going on a date with the person’s who’s money had been spent, he was always glad to grab a bite with Rowan or something of that like. Besides, he had plenty of time to take himself out later. And he was also hoping to catch up with Rowan after the whole holding debacle. As soon as they sat down in the diner chairs, Jackson put his menu to the side, always one to get the same exact order. He knew what he liked. Today he’d chosen a different diner other than the Diner, knowing that Rowan didn’t always need to see her sister when she just wanted an easy meal. 
“So as far as meals go- is this one worth $10,000, yet?” he asked with the slightest quirk of his mouth. Rowan would know it meant he was in a relatively good mood at the moment. “But how are things after the holding cell? Your pops make it nice and comfortable enough for you in there?” It wasn’t meant to be a jab of any sort, he was genuinely wondering whether or not his sister had been taken care of.
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lizziehill · 6 years
If you let you fear controll you, you’ll never try new things | Lizzie & Rowan
Ja havia se passado alguns poucos dias desde o término do baile que havia a introduzido não somente ao castelo, como a seleção em si. Havia sido quando tivera suas primeiras interações com alguns dos membros que habitavam ali o castelo, uma delas sendo coincidentemente (pois estavam com mascaras, não tinha como ter o escolhido, mesmo se quisesse) havia sido o príncipe. E no meio da rápida conversa que tiveram ja tinham tido várias ideias a respeito de como seria as próximas interações dos dois, uma delas que a deixava ansiosa, tanto no sentido bom quanto no ruim havia sido aulas de montaria. Sabia que estaria segura com um instrutor mais experiente, que provavelmente presumia que Rowan era, mas ainda assim enrolou um pouco antes que pudesse o procurar. Não era como se estivesse esse tempo todo sem fazer nada, estava explorando os arredores do castelo. E podia dizer que havia feito várias descobertas nesse meio tempo, uma delas inclusive que talvez não levasse muito jeito para música. Seu encanto pelo piano era a única coisa que a impedira de desistir completamente de frequentar a sala de música, apesar de só produzir barulhos insuportáveis ao tentar. 
Por fim concluindo que não chegaria a lugar algum se não buscasse pelo príncipe, ou demonstrasse um pouco mais de vontade em aprender no caso; presumindo que ele estivesse receoso de a pressionar em algo que aparentemente não gostava ela seguiu em direção aonde lhe fora indicada pelos guardas. Não deixou de aproveitar o percurso para tentar descobrir alguma coisa nova a respeito do palácio, olhando atenta, mas discretamente as pessoas que passavam pelo seu caminho. Não demorou muito para o encontrar, e nem estava tão longe assim de onde sabia que os cavalos eram mantidos; apesar que a distancia também não poderia ser considerada como perto. Aproximou-se sem muita pressa do mesmo. — Desculpe se estiver atrapalhando. Esta muito ocupado? — perguntou analisando rapidamente o que o mesmo estava fazendo, um pouco confusa.
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meltriton-blog · 6 years
@rowanpan :
Who are you, again?
I think the better question is, who are you, again?
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milesmusic · 7 years
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Rowan... my number 1 fan
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