#c; gabriella cullen
wastheheart · 3 months
[  nap  ]  sender  falls  asleep  against  receiver
@rosefromdeath (thank you!)
Their youngest had just started kindergarten. The experience was new to everyone. Carlisle and Esme were adept at scouring high schools and colleges, but not elementary schools. In fact, the prospect of Gabriella starting school at all caused a nervousness in Esme that she hated to acknowledge.
It was going to come round eventually, but she still remembered holding that tiny baby in her arms for the first time, smitten and a feeling of finally being needed. Sure, the coven needed her in other ways, but this was the first time someone fully depended on Esme for every single one of their needs. It also helped her heal the wound that losing her son left.
She also couldn't help thinking about just how much less Gabby would need her as she continued to grow. There was a bitter sweetness with that realisation, but Esme couldn't help the way it also invited a sense of an identity crisis. Hopefully, Gabriella's growing independence would invite Esme's own sense of self once more.
Still, as much as Esme felt her identity had disappeared simply into the role of mother, Esme also recognised how incredibly blessed and lucky she was to have such a role. Right now, as five year old Gabby (still fully dressed) fell asleep slumped against Esme's arm, Esme couldn't help but cherish the moment.
Someone clearly had fun today; no wonder she was completely burned out.
Esme let her remain there for an hour until she scooped the small girl into her arms and placed her in bed, pyjamas on and the bear Emmett won for her securely under her arm. Usually she'd enjoy a story too, but that could wait until tomorrow, now.
She placed a kiss against Gabby's forehead, whispering a soft goodnight before turning her nightlight on and letting her daughter dream about all the fun she had today.
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anarmyofcanons · 5 years
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@rosefromdeath​ // ✉ sent: “What did you just say?” from ✘
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Laughter sounded as he watched her reaction to his request. Well, it was more of a command, which he thought she would be used to at this point. ❝ I told you to remove your offending clothing. Life here grows tiresome and your bared form is a source of entertainment for myself. ❞ Considering she was human, one could only think of how he truly felt about her and her kind. But she intrigued him, especially the family that she was raised with. Holding his lithe hand out to her, he motioned for her to come closer. ❝ Do you require assistance with said removal? ❞
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wastheheart · 7 months
The Mountain in The Sea
@rosefromdeath asked: "there was nothing you could have done."
Esme's family had been suffocated by the Volturi for years; their control was firmly around their throats. First Bella, then Renesmee... and then Gabriella. It was no-one's fault, at least that's what Esme believed about Bella and her daughter.
This, though? This is her fault.
Esme had no reason to adopt a child. The uproar it caused was deserved despite thinking it unfair at the time. Humans did not belong with vampires, at least with the inability to choose for themselves as Bella had. Gabriella was a baby— she hadn't got a decision, Esme had made it for her.
"I was selfish, Gabriella." Esme can't even meet her daughter's eyes. Admittedly, they could have remained incognito if it wasn't for Bella and Edward, but that was no excuse. "You deserved a normal life and I couldn't provide that... and now this." Esme's voice breaks despite the lack of tears. "You should be allowed to grow old, have a family, do everything humans do and I took that away from you."
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wastheheart · 2 months
 “ hold me, please. “   
@rosefromdeath (thank you!)
It was few and far between that Gabby wished to be held now. In fact, Esme relished the time they spent together. Of course, it was nothing personal; Gabby was getting older, spreading her wings and exploring independence, but Esme still missed those baby and toddler days— being able to prop her daughter on her hip and carry her around with ease.
True, she could still do that now, but not only would it look odd, Gabby wouldn't want that either.
A tentative smile found Esme's lips, wary that Gabby was asking for such a thing because she was upset about something. As much as Esme would hold her daughter without another thought, she also preferred that her daughter was okay first and foremost.
Pulling her daughter into her lap, Esme let Gabby's body rest against her own, Gabby's head against her chest and Esme's arms loosely linked around her. Before long, her fingertips began massaging the top of her scalp.
"You used to fall asleep like this as a toddler," she commented, her smile widening with fondness. "Yet somehow you always knew when we made it to the threshold of your bedroom and refused to let me tuck you into bed."
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wastheheart · 3 months
it's all my fault they're gone.
Should've Been Me
@rosefromdeath (thank you!)
The dust had started to settle across the surfaces of their new normal. Carlisle wasn't here to watch things carry on. He had been taken along with the other members of their family. Those who remained just survived each day.
Gabriella's words pulled Esme from her grief momentarily, black eyes searching for Gabriella's brown ones. There was a vague recollection of her human reflection in Gabriella, but even that hurt to remember; he was alive then. What she would give to go back to then, meet him and love him over again— better, more passionately.
"It's not your fault," she stated, perhaps far more sternly than she wished to. "The Volturi needed a reason and they found it in Irina. You being human didn't particularly help matters, but that was entirely on your father and myself, not you."
She wiped a hand across her face, exhausted and unable to truly rest at all. Every moment she wasn't occupying herself with something she would find herself listening out for Carlisle. She expected him to walk through the door at any minute, and of course it never happened.
"Besides," Esme continued, a sad smile touching her lips as she briefly squeezed her daughter's hand, "whose fault it was or wasn't hardly matters now. What happened, happened; we can't change it, no matter how much we wish we could."
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wastheheart · 3 months
"Whatever may be, I'll have to find out."
@rosefromdeath (thank you!)
There's an immediate smile, and Esme can't help but feel an immense sense of pride, not only in Gabby, but in herself. They've raised such a self assured, confident daughter, and Esme couldn't be prouder of them as a family.
"Indeed. You have the world at your fingertips, sweetheart. I can't wait to see what you do, the achievements you make. You have made your father and myself so incredibly proud."
In a few years, she'd be considering college— if it was something she wanted to pursue, of course.
"You are a light in our lives. I know whatever comes your way will be met head on. Just never forget that we're never more than a phone call away if you need us."
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wastheheart · 3 months
[COMFORT]: sender cups a distressed receiver's face in their hands and steadies them by resting their foreheads together.
Reasons to Cup a Face
@rosefromdeath (thank you!)
Esme couldn't get through the door quick enough. It was the first time since her newborn years that she had nearly ripped the door from its hinges.
She could feel the panic at the back of her throat as the key trembled in her fingers and struggled to feed into the lock. When it finally slotted in and turned, Esme released an audible sigh. She pushed the door open and closed with inhuman speed, placing a kiss on Gabriella's head before hurriedly making her way to her study before she completely lost what little resolve she had left.
As soon as she sat against her office chair, cold slow tears of venom slipped down her cheeks. She closed her eyes, immediately forcing herself to breathe in for four, hold for seven and exhale for eight. Her elbows rested against her desk, fingers threaded in her hair. She pulled slightly, the sensation meant to ground her beyond what her breathing exercise was already doing.
Esme only flinched at Gabby's touch simply due to the surprise of it. She knew it was Gabby by the warmth of her hands.
Opening her eyes, Esme only caught Gabby leaning in to rest her forehead against Esme's own. Fresh tears streaked down her cheeks in wake of Gabby's actions.
Triggers were few and far between now; Esme had lived nearly a century learning to navigate and deal with them all, but watching a man clearly and aggressively intimidating his partner while she bought gas was something she wasn't prepared to see. It was so casual, but enhanced hearing meant she could hear muttered threats and see how tightly his fingers were wrapped around her wrist.
Of course, Esme immediately started towards the pair, only to have the woman immediately notice and silently shake her head.
It felt as if she'd taken a punch to the gut.
And here she was now, her grief expelled in tears with the reminder of how Charles once treated her.
"Thank you, sweetheart," she managed to whisper, offering the briefest, shakiest smile. "I'll be alright, I promise. Just give me a minute, okay?"
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wastheheart · 3 months
"A part of you's a part of me."
@rosefromdeath (thank you!)
Esme's smile was bright, her expression soft. If her heart could melt, it would have done. It meant absolutely everything to know that Gabriella felt that way about her family, especially Esme.
Adoption was tricky, even in the traditional sense. There was so much you had to navigate, and Esme was careful to do her best through it all. There was no secret in the fact Gabby had been adopted; in fact, Esme made sure to keep that dialogue open. There was no shame in it.
"And a part of you is a part of me, always." Esme briefly cupped her daughter's face with both hands, pressing a brief kiss to her forehead. "We're so incredibly lucky to have found you."
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wastheheart · 4 months
Send “ ✿ ” for 2 headcanons about our muses' relationship!
@rosefromdeath (thank you!)
As much as Esme sees Gabriella as her own daughter, she has also never hidden the fact that she is adopted from Gabby. Esme is entirely transparent about that, especially since she knows that the circumstances Gabby was adopted into are entirely unique and unusual. Once Gabby was old enough to realise there was something different about her family, she would also realise that she wasn't the same as them either, and Esme refuses to create elaborate lies to excuse their clear differences.
Leading on from that, Esme is completely open to Gabby learning about her biological family. As wonderful as it's been to have the opportunity to raise Gabby as her own, Esme won't stand in Gabby's way should she wish to learn about her bio parents or try to reconnect with them.
Ever since Gabby was a baby, Esme has said affirmations with her in front of the bathroom mirror every morning. Once she got a little older, Esme would start the affirmation and then wait for Gabby to finish it. Eventually, Esme would wait for Gabby to say them all by herself every morning while she brushed Gabby's hair or worked on a particular hairstyle she wanted.
Esme is borderline feral in making sure Gabby has a secure sense self-worth, especially after Esme's own experience with her mother and Charles trying to destroy whatever sense of self-worth she ever felt.
Esme is raising confident, self-assured women whose self-worth is born from within them and not determined by those around them.
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wastheheart · 4 months
Epic the Musical Prompts
@rosefromdeath asked: "what if I'm the monster?" (thank you!)
Esme had often wrestled with such questions from Carlisle, but never Gabby. A frown lines Esme's otherwise youthful face, and she comes to sit opposite Gabby with obvious concern.
"What could you possibly mean, sweetheart?" She desperately wants to understand why she feels this way, and (but hopefully not) if someone has made her feel this way. It was something Esme would nip in the bud; after all, Esme's own parents had made her feel like nothing more than a monster. She would not allow Gabby to be made to feel the same way.
"Of course you're not a monster!" she assured, gently pushing Gabby's dark hair away from her face. "Not at all!"
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wastheheart · 4 months
Responding to "I'm Okay".
@rosefromdeath asked: "that really scared me." (thank you!)
In truth, it had scared Esme too. It wasn't often they came into contact with other vampires, especially nomads or smaller covens, but it wasn't an impossibility. To have to come across them with Bella and Gabby in tow was unpleasant to say the least. The look in James' eye reminded Esme of Charles, something that caused her to visibly bare her teeth and growl low in her throat.
Now, back at the house Esme was trying to relax again. Gabby's appearance and voice caused her to draw the girl into a tight cuddle. "I know, sweetheart," she murmured, tucking hard hair behind Gabby's ear. "But you're safe now, we're safe." Perhaps a lie, but Esme didn't want Gabby worrying more than she already was.
"Come on, do you want to watch some TV?" she asked, pulling back only so she could focus on her daughter's expression. "And don't worry about school tomorrow, I'm sure you can afford a day off."
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wastheheart · 4 months
" i'm fine, just. . . give me a minute. "
Blood ... Gallons of the Stuff || @rosefromdeath (thank you!)
"Gabriella!" Esme could smell the blood before her daughter even came into the room. "You're not fine, tip your head forwards. Your father would have a fit if he saw you tilting your head back with a nose bleed!"
Esme grabbed tissues, focussing on the task at hand whilst trying her best to ignore the sweetness of human blood and the way venom coated her tongue alongside the back of her throat.
"What happened?" Now assured Gabby isn't going to choke on blood, Esme somewhat relaxed. Then again, she couldn't help but worry about the cause of her daughter's nose bleed; she'd have to mention it to Carlisle. "Don't worry about mess, I can clean that up later."
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wastheheart · 5 months
we're a broken family, aren't we?
Lilo & Stitch || @rosefromdeath (thank you!)
Gabriella's words cause Esme's breath to hitch in her throat. They weren't a perfect family—not a family at all in the traditional sense—but they complimented and uplifted each other. Or at least that's what Esme thought.
"Broken?" she repeats, golden eyes studying Gabby's own so she can try and understand her daughter's question
"We're not perfect, Gabby," she begins tentatively, "but no family is. We're a tapestry of lived experiences and personalities, we do the best we can in the circumstances we face, but broken?" Esme repeats, the word almost making her wince. "I don't think we're broken, Gabby."
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wastheheart · 6 months
Interview With the Vampire
@rosefromdeath asked: "i missed you." (thank you!)
She immediately embraces Gabby, exhausted despite just returning from a hunt. Carlisle convinced her that, even with her level of control, the stress and the thirst of black eyes was hardly safe or healthy for their human daughter to be around.
They had landed early that morning, Egypt feeling nothing more than a distant memory, but despite pulsating, ceaseless anxiety, they had secured more witnesses.
Their hunting trip was nothing more than a detour before pulling into the long, winding driveway of their home.
"I missed you too," Esme replies, lips mumbling into dark hair. "I'm sorry... everything is so chaotic right now, I wish you had some sense of stability." Esme sighs, pulling back to properly look at Gabriella. "I hope they've been looking after you while we've been gone."
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wastheheart · 6 months
Vampiric Starters
@rosefromdeath asked: ❝ i think i just killed someone. ❞ (thank you!)
Golden eyes snap directly to Gabriella's face. Esme should have sent Emmett out with Gabby... No, he wasn't as quick but he was definitely strong enough to at least incapacitate her for as long as it took an extra pair of hands to arrive.
Esme isn't angry, at least not at Gabriella. At some point she would have to start her reintroduction to society— to live as her family had always done.
Gabby had thought herself ready to try alone despite Esme's objections. The forest provided a local hiking route which, known for its difficulty, was hardly overpopulated. At least they had that going for them... Esme thought Gabriella might depart should temptation get the better of her, but Esme also couldn't remember the incessant burning of her newborn days.
"Where are they now?" she asks plainly, her voice low and calm so not to stress Gabby out more than she already is. "Take me there and I can deal with it." The only thing worse than a body needing burying was a kill not quite achieved. Their coven and this town didn't need two newborns prowling around.
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wastheheart · 6 months
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
@rosefromdeath asked: rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder. (thank you!)
Spring is always hard. As a human, the understanding death would return her to her son was a comfort when all others had to offer was how "time would heal." Immortality, although a concept Esme has grown to accept and appreciate, also comes with its burdens, too.
She doesn't talk much about her son; she never has, really. Everyone knows, but Esme tends to prefer to keep these things to herself or simply between her and Carlisle. She doesn't wish to burden others of her coven with grief she feels should have resolved years ago. Spring causes her melancholy. It was significant in her escape from Charles, her move to Ashland. Every time flowers bloom, Esme can't help but remember that specific and defining moment of her human life.
Of course Esme is reading with Gabriella comfortably sat at the other end of the sofa. Esme feels the sofa dip as Gabby shifts, her daughter's head dipping beneath arms so she can rest her head against Esme's shoulder.
Without even thinking, Esme places the bookmark against the page and closes the book, lips pressing a kiss against Gabby's hair as she displaces the book upon the coffee table beside her. Reading was a good distraction, but this was even more so.
Her fingers come to gently brush through her daughter's dark hair as eyes scan the forest outside of windows. "If you're tired you can nap," Esme eventually comments, her body visibly relaxing with Gabby's weight against her side. "Like you used to as a little girl, remember? I've got nothing else to do this afternoon."
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