#c?te d'ivoire
lisaalmeida · 7 months
Poème :
′′ Ce n'est rien de ton corps ′′
Jaime Sabines
Ce n'est rien de ton corps,
Ni ta peau, ni tes yeux, ni ton ventre,
Ni cet endroit secret que nous connaissons tous les deux,
Fosse de notre mort, fin de notre enterrement.
Ce n'est pas ta bouche-bouche
qui est comme ton sexe -,
ni la réunion exacte de tes seins,
Ni ton dos doux et doux,
Ni ton nombril, où je bois.
Ce ne sont pas tes cuisses dures comme le jour,
Ni tes genoux d'ivoire au feu,
Ni tes petits pieds sanglants,
Ni ton odeur, ni tes cheveux.
Ce n'est pas ton regard - c'est quoi un regard ?-
Triste lumière égarée, paix sans maître,
ni l'album de ton oreille, ni tes voix,
Ni les cernes qui te laissent dormir.
Ni ta langue de vipère non plus,
flèche de guêpes dans l'air aveugle,
ni l'humidité chaude de ton étouffement
qui tient ton baiser.
Ce n'est rien de ton corps,
Pas de brin, pas de pétale,
Pas une goutte, pas un gramme, pas un instant :
C ' est juste cet endroit où tu étais,
ces mes bras têtus.
Jaime Sabines (25 mars 1926-19 Mars 1999)
Il était un poète et politicien mexicain reconnu comme l'un des grands poètes mexicains du XXe siècle.
Peinture :
Belarmino Miranda Montoya - De la série Manantial, 2005
Huile sur toile, 110 x 150 cm
Belarmino Miranda Montoya, né à Medellin (Colombie) 1966
′′ Amoureux de l'AMOUR, je pense que je suis un peintre fidèle à l'amour pour la femme ; je veux juste exprimer la beauté de son corps, à l'intérieur d'un fort mais très pur érotisme, sans aucune occultation, de femmes qui sont des emblèmes de la perfection physique, des corps qui crient, livrent, approximation, femmes qui s'imposent.
Je peins l'amour qui n'a pas peur de révéler quoi que ce soit, parce qu'il donne, mais toujours avec un grand humanisme, hautement signifiant, toujours de la main de maîtres anciens et toujours amoureux des femmes hautement poétiques qui irradient beauté, joie et beaucoup d'érotisme ′′
′′ Un artiste ordinaire se contente de son œuvre. Un artiste extraordinaire ne trouve jamais la perfection, il y a toujours autre chose à ajouter, à chercher, un coup de pinceau de plus, une note de plus, une ligne de plus.
La beauté d'une œuvre d'art est dans l'œil de l'observateur. L ' art est dans l'essence de tout être humain, les uns pour le créer et les autres pour l'admirer."
Source : SABINES, JAIME. <<Poèmes en liberté>>. Alliance éditoriale
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elecdarkon · 3 years
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Travel Smart by Conair All-in-One Adapter with USB Port Compare Purchase Now http://elecdarko.blogspot.com/2021/12/travel-smart-by-conair-all-in-one.html
All-in-one international travel adapter with 3 outlets and USB port. This travel accessory enables you to plug your electronics into sockets that are different from the type used in your home country. The 3 outlets and 2.4 Amp USB safely charges most tablets and smartphones including iPad and iPhone. Built in surge protection to keep your electrical appliances safe. The power light indicates when the adapter is operating. This all-in-one universal power adapter has everything you need to travel in comfort, safety, and style. This popular international adapter includes four most common adapter plug configurations in one compact unit for use worldwide in over 150 countries. It is meant for use with dual voltage appliances or with voltage converters; Perfect for travel. About Travel Smart: Travel Smart continues to serve the world s growing number of travelers with all the basic comforts and connectors they need for international travel. New high-tech devices require new high-tech converters and adapters and Travel Smart is keeping up with the demand. Travelers can count on Travel Smart for all the essential gadgets and gear they need for ever-evolving laptops and mobile devices; they can also count on Travel Smart products to make their journey comfortable! For use in Africa, Asia, Australia, Caribbean, Europe, Fiji, Great Britain, Ireland, Middle East, New Zealand, North and South America. CAUTION: This product does not convert electrical voltage. You will requilre a converter for your single-voltage appliances.Country List:Europe Plug: Albania, Algeria, Angola,Argentina, Austria, Azores, Balearic Islands,Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia andHerzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso,Burundi, Cameroon, Canary Islands, CapeVerde, Central African Republic, ChannelIslands, Chile, Comoros, Congo, Croatia,Dem. Rep. of Congo (Zaire), C?te d'Ivoire(Ivory Coast), Cyprus, Denmark, Djibouti,Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea,Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Gabon,Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland,Guadeloupe, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Laos,Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,Madagascar, Madeira, Mali, Martinique,Mauritius, Monaco, Morocco, Mozambique,Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway,Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Rwanda,Saint Vincent, Senegal, Somalia, Spain,Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria,Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay,Vietnam, Yugoslavia (former), Zambia.Great Britain Plug : Bahrain, Bangladesh,Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Cameroon, ChannelIslands, China, Cyprus, (Commonwealthof) Dominica, El Salvador, Gambia, Ghana,Gibraltar, Grenada, Guatemala, Co-operativeRepublic of Guyana, Hong Kong, Iraq,Ireland, Isle of Man, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,Macau, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar,(Federation of) Saint Kitts and Nevis, SaintLucia, Saint Vincent, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles,Sierra Leone, Singapore, Tanzania, Uganda,United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom,Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, ZimbabweAustralia Plug: American Samoa, Argentina,Australia, China, El Salvador, Fiji, Guatemala,Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Nauru, NewZealand, Okinawa Island, Panama, Papua NewGuinea, Saint Vincent, Tajikistan, (Kingdom of)Tonga, Uruguay.USA Plug: American Samoa, Anguilla,Antigua, Antilles, Aruba, Bahamas,Bangladesh, Barbados, Bermuda, Bolivia,Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Cayman Islands,China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador,El Salvador, Guam, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti,Honduras, Jamaica, Japan, Laos, Lebanon,Liberia, Maldives, Mexico, Micronesia,Montserrat, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Okinawa Island, Panama, Peru, Philippines,Puerto Rico, Saint Vincent, Saudi Arabia,Tahiti, Taiwan, Thailand, United States,Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (U.S. andBritish), Yemen. Check price
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writer-seydou · 3 years
Guerre silencieuse by Seydou Koné, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®
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christophe76460 · 4 years
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Shalom bien aimé
Que ta lumière ne se CORROMPE point en ténèbre .Ne deviens pas méchant à cause de la cruelle adversité en face de toi . N'y songe même pas !
Comment ramèneras-tu ton méchant frère à la bonté si tu deviens méchant comme lui ?
J'ai vu des horreurs , des énormités , des affreusetés ,des insupportables remontées à la surface : Ses œuvres de satan . Et paraît-il on entend pas s'arrêter là !
Ah mon DIEU ! Oh terre d'espérance ! Qu'ya t-il ?
Pourquoi l'Homme peut-il facilement virer aux félidés ?
Pourquoi le diable s'incarne t-il aisément en l'Homme à sa guise ?
À quoi ont servi nos prédications , si
l'ivoirien reste si fragiles ?
Je tombe des nuits devant le sombre et macabre destin de ma nation . J'aurais bien voulu tout mettre sur le compte de l'ivraie parmi les moissonneurs .Oui ses gueulards de la place publique qui ne savent faire que ça .Mais ce serait trop facile .
Il faut vite se remettre en cause .
Que les sérieux moissonneurs épris d'amour de la vérité et de la véritable foi en CHRIST accentuent le ministère sur L'ÉDIFICATION des âmes pour atteindre la nature parfaite de CHRIST ( ÉPHÉSIENS 4 :13 ) . Et donner la faculté aux fidèles de supporter le mal en vue de le transformer en bien ,tuant ainsi l'esprit du mal : extirper le mal des cœurs ivoiriens .C 'est cet AMOUR que nous ivoiriens exporterons dans le monde , les années avenirs . J'ai foi en cette CÔTE D'IVOIRE sanctifiée par l'épreuve du calvaire .
APPRENONS À NOS FIDÈLES À SUPPORTER LE MAL ,À SUPPORTER LE MAUVAIS FRÈRE JUSQU'À LA RESTAURATION DE SA CONSCIENCE HUMAINE ( I PIERRE 2 : 20 ) par une Evangile de conviction .Celle de notre SEIGNEUR JÉSUS CHRIST qui frappe à la porte du cœur et n'y rentre que si tu lui ouvres ton cœur ( APOCALYPSE 3 : 20 ). IL ne répondait pas à la violance physique, ni verbale .Mais IL convaint , désarme , désenvoute les esprits guerriers faibles en bonté .
Soyons rassurés : Aucun ténèbre ne régnera éternellement Amen .
CÔTE D'IVOIRE tu es le choix de LA PLÉNITUDE DU SAINT ESPRIT , et tu paies actuellement le prix de la dimension divine comme ton sauveur et frère JÉSUS CHRIST devant les pharisiens et Ponce Pilate ( ACTES 4 : 26 à 28 ) .
Fraternellement Tienan Richard Kouame
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lisaalmeida · 2 years
Poème :
′′ Ce n'est rien de ton corps ′′
Jaime Sabines
Ce n'est rien de ton corps,
Ni ta peau, ni tes yeux, ni ton ventre,
Ni cet endroit secret que nous connaissons tous les deux,
Fosse de notre mort, fin de notre enterrement.
Ce n'est pas ta bouche-bouche
qui est comme ton sexe -,
ni la réunion exacte de tes seins,
Ni ton dos doux et doux,
Ni ton nombril, où je bois.
Ce ne sont pas tes cuisses dures comme le jour,
Ni tes genoux d'ivoire au feu,
Ni tes petits pieds sanglants,
Ni ton odeur, ni tes cheveux.
Ce n'est pas ton regard - c'est quoi un regard ?-
Triste lumière égarée, paix sans maître,
ni l'album de ton oreille, ni tes voix,
Ni les cernes qui te laissent dormir.
Ni ta langue de vipère non plus,
flèche de guêpes dans l'air aveugle,
ni l'humidité chaude de ton étouffement
qui tient ton baiser.
Ce n'est rien de ton corps,
Pas de brin, pas de pétale,
Pas une goutte, pas un gramme, pas un instant :
C ' est juste cet endroit où tu étais,
ces mes bras têtus.
Jaime Sabines (25 mars 1926-19 Mars 1999)
Il était un poète et politicien mexicain reconnu comme l'un des grands poètes mexicains du XXe siècle.
Peinture :
Belarmino Miranda Montoya - De la série Manantial, 2005
Huile sur toile, 110 x 150 cm
Belarmino Miranda Montoya, né à Medellin (Colombie) 1966
′′ Amoureux de l'AMOUR, je pense que je suis un peintre fidèle à l'amour pour la femme ; je veux juste exprimer la beauté de son corps, à l'intérieur d'un fort mais très pur érotisme, sans aucune occultation, de femmes qui sont des emblèmes de la perfection physique, des corps qui crient, livrent, approximation, femmes qui s'imposent.
Je peins l'amour qui n'a pas peur de révéler quoi que ce soit, parce qu'il donne, mais toujours avec un grand humanisme, hautement signifiant, toujours de la main de maîtres anciens et toujours amoureux des femmes hautement poétiques qui irradient beauté, joie et beaucoup d'érotisme ′′
′′ Un artiste ordinaire se contente de son œuvre. Un artiste extraordinaire ne trouve jamais la perfection, il y a toujours autre chose à ajouter, à chercher, un coup de pinceau de plus, une note de plus, une ligne de plus.
La beauté d'une œuvre d'art est dans l'œil de l'observateur. L ' art est dans l'essence de tout être humain, les uns pour le créer et les autres pour l'admirer."
Source : SABINES, JAIME. <<Poèmes en liberté>>. Alliance éditoriale
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Details about Universal Travel Adapter Power Travel Adapter with 3 USB 1 TypeC, Europe Mul
Excludes: Cayman Islands, Djibouti, French Polynesia, Honduras, <a href="https://www.yuadon.com/industrial-waterproof-plugs-and-sockets.html">glass machinery</a> Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Peru, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Philippines, Ecuador, El Salvador, Suriname, Guyana, Montenegro, Panama, Mauritania, Turkey, Mauritius, Somalia, Brunei Darussalam, Chad, Madagascar, New Caledonia, South Africa, Western Samoa, India, C?te d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Zimbabwe, Bahamas, Bermuda, Iran, Jamaica, Saint KittsNevis, Saint Lucia , Trinidad and Tobago, Western Sahara, Wallis and Futuna, Nepal, Bolivia, Saudi Arabia, Mali, Fiji, Angola, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Gambia, Guatemala, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malawi, Mozambique , Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Congo, Republic of the, Senegal, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tonga, Uganda, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Botswana, Rwanda, Burma, Montserrat, Antigua and Barbuda, <a href="https://www.yuadon.com/us-to-australia-power-adapter-australian-plug-socket-adapter.html">bun toaster</a> Luxembourg, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Cuba, Republic of, Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Kiribati, Lesotho, United Arab Emirates, Zambia, Reunion, Cape Verde Islands, Oman, Swaziland, Yemen, Dominican Republic, Israel, Algeria, Argentina, Aruba, Azerbaijan Republic, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Chile, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Grenada, Haiti, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Liberia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Sierra Leone, Namibia, British Virgin Islands, Bhutan, Central African Republic, Comoros, Gabon Republic, Martinique, Niger, Togo, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Dominica, Eritrea, Czech Republic
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bettyewhartonblog · 5 years
Facebook’s Political and Issue Ad Policies, Transparency Tools Added to 32 Countries
Facebook is bringing its political and issue ad policies and transparency tools to 32 more countries, effective in mid-March. The social network said in a blog post that the policies and tools are being added in Australia, Belize, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Chile, Colombia, C?te D'Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Georgia, Ghana, Guyana, Iceland, Indonesia, Japan, Kyrgyzstan,... Facebook’s Political and Issue Ad Policies, Transparency Tools Added to 32 Countries published first on https://improfitninja.tumblr.com/
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amargueriteflower · 6 years
Diskova, comment ça marche ?
Diskova, comment ça marche ?
Diskova est une application mobile disponible sur Android et iOS. Nouvellement en Côte d’Ivoire, cette application a pour but de permettre d’obtenir des réductions dans diverses enseignes. Je vous dis comment ça marche juste en bas ! (more…)
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torentialtribute · 6 years
Ivory Coast ask French-born Wolves defender Willy Boly to play for them after fine start to season 
Côte d'Ivoire ask to defend wolves born in France
The 27-year-old has been impressed by newly promoted silk this season
Joe Bernstein for MailOnline
Published: 23:44 GMT, December 8, 2018 | Updated: 23:46 GMT, December 8, 2018
Bolly, 27, has been approached by the Africans after having played a large part in the impressive return of Wolves in the Premier League . They face Newcastle on Sunday at mid-table and have defeated Chelsea 2-1 on Wednesday-evening.
The middle class was born in France and represented them younger than 19, but his gateway to the seniors team was blocked by Winners World Cup Raphael Varane and Samuel Umtiti and he is eligible for Ivory Coast through his parents.
<img id = "i-5abe4b277a58db07" src = "https://ift.tt/2U02grJ" height = "477 "width =" 634 "alt =" Willy Boly has so far impressed the core of wolves defense in the Premier League "
<img id = "i-5abe4b277a58db07" src = "https://ift.tt/2U02grJ" height = "477 "width =" 634 "alt =" Willy Boly has so far impressed the core of wolves defense in the Premier League "
The West Africans also recruited Wilfried Zaha last year after the Crystal Palace winger thought he would not & # 39; I get a chance on the side of England.
Boly is a cult figure at Molineux and astonished teammates by defeating the new professional esports-player of the club 2-0 in a match of FIFA 19 in a recent appearance.
& # 39; Maybe Willy has to sign two contracts – for FIFA and football, & # 39; joke teammate Matt Doherty. He played one of the professionals and trained him. & # 39;
Wolves boss Nuno Espirito Santo has to decide if he will remember midfielder Ruben Neves in St James' Park after he missed the Chelsea victory by suspension.
& # 39; He can be a top class if he keeps his head down and directs his attention & # 39 ;, Doherty added. and he made a huge impact, starting with Chelsea.
& # 39; You see it happen that people enter and disappear.
& # 39; It should not be easy at his age that people talk about you, but not many 18-year-olds can put into a performance like he did against Chelsea.
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claritypoolservice · 6 years
A True Custom Swimming Pool Design Contractor
New Post has been published on https://lasvegascustomswimmingpooldesigncontractor.com/summit-club-golf-course-custom-pool-design-progress
A True Custom Swimming Pool Design Contractor
Clarity Pool Service – Custom Swimming Pool Design & Contracting
Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada is your custom swimming pool design contractor. We build unique, exciting, one-of-a-kind pool designs concepts for high-end residential home builders. We also perform work on mid-range projects for residential homeowners as well. Our passion is designing and constructing extravagant custom swimming pools. If you’re searching for a custom pool contractor here in the Southern Nevada area, look no further than Clarity Pool Service. We have your new custom pool design, in mind. Give us a call today to schedule an on-site swimming pool design consultation.
We’ve included some snapshots of a custom swimming pool project we’re currently in the process of building. This epic project, located in the custom residential home community of “The Summit Club”. A brilliant community with inspiring views and fantastic custom homes. The luxurious community is built around its private golf course and demonstrates what high-end Summerlin South living is all about, right off of the 215 & Summerlin. These homes are in a league of their own, so we decided that a traditional swimming pool design wouldn’t suffice. We’ve included a rough illustration of the pool design layout for you to examine. Once this project is complete, we are planning to return to do a final photo and video shoot.
Custom Pool Design by Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada
Don’t judge the illustration to harshly, but we wanted to give you an overview of roughly how the swimming pool lays out. This design is feature-full and will be a place where the homeowners will be able to entertain family and friends for many years to come.
This extraordinary custom home, built on a massive hillside overlooking the private golf course, has a reasonably large pond of water at the bottom of the hill. This body of water is placed at the perfect location. The overall landscape, hillside, and lake placement allowed for the ideal implementation of an Infinity Edge pool feature. We must say that this why the Infinity Edge was initially conceived, for a custom home and swimming pool design like this one. When the pool project is complete, it’ll be a custom home design that is sure to inspire feelings of envy. We’ll make sure to give you full coverage of all features and project details once we’ve finished this massive project.
If you’re in the market for a custom pool design contractor, give Clarity Pool Service a call today! We’re Las Vegas, Nevada’s premier custom pool design & contracting service.
Schedule a Swimming Pool Service Consultation with Clarity!
Whether you're exploring the idea of building a custom swimming pool, or you would like us to maintain your existing one. Clarity Pool Services has you covered! We specialize in custom pool design & construction as well as every maintenance service in between, and after pool construction. We're avid supporters of being water smart here in the Las Vegas, Valley, offering "no-drain" eco-friendly water treatments that restore the quality of your swimming pool water without having to drain, refill, and re-introduce traditional pool treatment chemicals. We have a better solution known as the PuriPool Water Treatment Process. We also offer pool restoration and our bead blasting service that will eliminate unsightly calcium scale and other hard water remnants. Schedule a consultation today with Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada!
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Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code AfghanistanÅland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaArgentinaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBelarusBelgiumBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanBoliviaBonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrunei DarrussalamBulgariaBurkina FasoBurundiCambodiaCameroonCanadaCape VerdeCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChadChileChinaChristmas IslandCocos IslandsColombiaComorosCongo, Democratic Republic of theCongo, Republic of theCook IslandsCosta RicaCôte d'IvoireCroatiaCubaCuraçaoCyprusCzech RepublicDenmarkDjiboutiDominicaDominican RepublicEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEquatorial GuineaEritreaEstoniaEswatini (Swaziland)EthiopiaFalkland IslandsFaroe IslandsFijiFinlandFranceFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesGabonGambiaGeorgiaGermanyGhanaGibraltarGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuernseyGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHaitiHeard and McDonald IslandsHoly SeeHondurasHong KongHungaryIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIranIraqIrelandIsle of ManIsraelItalyJamaicaJapanJerseyJordanKazakhstanKenyaKiribatiKuwaitKyrgyzstanLao People's Democratic RepublicLatviaLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgMacauMacedoniaMadagascarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMauritaniaMauritiusMayotteMexicoMicronesiaMoldovaMonacoMongoliaMontenegroMontserratMoroccoMozambiqueMyanmarNamibiaNauruNepalNetherlandsNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNorfolk IslandNorth KoreaNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayOmanPakistanPalauPalestine, State ofPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPitcairnPolandPortugalPuerto RicoQatarRéunionRomaniaRussiaRwandaSaint BarthélemySaint HelenaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint MartinSaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbiaSeychellesSierra LeoneSingaporeSint MaartenSlovakiaSloveniaSolomon IslandsSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth GeorgiaSouth KoreaSouth SudanSpainSri LankaSudanSurinameSvalbard and Jan Mayen IslandsSwedenSwitzerlandSyriaTaiwanTajikistanTanzaniaThailandTimor-LesteTogoTokelauTongaTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluUgandaUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUruguayUS Minor Outlying IslandsUzbekistanVanuatuVenezuelaVietnamVirgin Islands, BritishVirgin Islands, U.S.Wallis and FutunaWestern SaharaYemenZambiaZimbabwe Country
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Custom Pool by Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada
Clarity Pool Service Custom Swimming Pool Design & Contracting Services of Las Vegas, Nevada
Custom Swimming Pool Design with Small Overpass Bridge Area – Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada
Shallow Area for Pool Lounge Chairs, Gorgeous Golf Course View – Clarity Pool Service
Swimming Pool Design by Clarity Pool Service
Infinity Edge Custom Swimming Pool Design at Summit Club Private Golf Course
Infinity Edge Custom Swimming Pool Design at Summit Club Private Golf Course
Clarity Pool Service Custom Swimming Pool Design
Clarity Pool Service Custom Pool Design & Contracting – Near Summit Club Private Golf Course
Extra Long and Stylish Custom Swimming Pool Project – Clarity Pool Service and Swimming Pool Contracting
Inner Courtyard with Shallow Pool Area and Custom Fire Feature – Clarity Pool Service of Southern Nevada
Inner Courtyard with Shallow Pool Area and Custom Fire Feature – Clarity Pool Service of Southern Nevada
Inner Courtyard with Shallow Pool Area and Custom Fire Feature Area – Clarity Pool Service Custom Swimming Pool Contracting Service
Custom Swimming Pool Design with Small Overpass Bridge Area – Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada
Swimming Pool Design by Clarity Pool Service
Clarity Pool Service Custom Swimming Pool Design & Contracting Services of Las Vegas, Nevada
Clarity Pool Service Custom Swimming Pool Design & Contracting Services of Las Vegas, Nevada
Custom Pool by Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada
Custom Pool by Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada
View of Golf Course – Custom Infinity Edge Swimming Pool Design by Clarity Pool Service of Southern Nevada
Custom Swimming Pool Design & Construction Project by Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada
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christophe76460 · 4 years
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- Trop beau pour être vrai...
Bien aimé dans le Seigneur, nous, vous disons , shalom. Que la paix qui surpasse tout intelligence garde vos cœurs et vos pensées.
Souvent quand nous lisons les écritures, il ya des passages, tellement beau, que nous avons du mal à le croire, tel que :
"Ne crains rien, car Je suis avec toi ; Ne promène pas des regards inquiets, car Je suis ton Dieu ; Je te fortifie, Je viens à ton secours, Je te soutiens de Ma droite triomphante" (Ésaïe 41.10).
- Parce que je pardonnerai leurs iniquités, Et que je ne me souviendrai plus de leurs péchés.
Hébreux, 8:12
Car celui qui sanctifie et ceux qui sont sanctifiés sont tous issus d`un seul. C`est pourquoi il n`a pas honte de les appeler frères,
Hébreux, 2:11.
L`Éternel combattra pour vous; et vous, gardez le silence.
Exode, 14:14
Il n`y a donc maintenant aucune condamnation pour ceux qui sont en Jésus Christ.
Romains, 8:1.
Que dirons-nous donc à l`égard de ces choses? Si Dieu est pour nous, qui sera contre nous?
Romains, 8:31.
Mais Dieu prouve son amour envers nous, en ce que, lorsque nous étions encore des pécheurs, Christ est mort pour nous.
Romains, 5:8.
Car j`ai l`assurance que ni la mort ni la vie, ni les anges ni les dominations, ni les choses présentes ni les choses à venir,
ni les puissances, ni la hauteur, ni la profondeur, ni aucune autre créature ne pourra nous séparer de l`amour de Dieu manifesté en Jésus Christ notre Seigneur.
Romains, 8:38-39. ETC...
Il n'y a rien qui peut nous séparer de l'amour de Dieu manifesté en Jésus-Christ.
Même si tu ne prie plus, même si tu ne vas plus à l'église, même si tu ne donnes plus tes offrandes,( chose presque impossible pour les croyants), mais si cela arrivait,
Dieu va CONTINUER DE T'AIMER, mais ce qui va se refroidit c'est ton amour pour DIEU, ce qui va s'éteindre c'est ton zèle pour l'évangile.
La seule preuve d'amour que Dieu attend de nous c'est de garder sa parole et vivre par elle.
Jésus lui répondit: Si quelqu`un m`aime, il gardera ma parole, et mon Père l`aimera; nous viendrons à lui, et nous ferons notre demeure chez lui. Jean, 14:23.
C'est trop beau pour être vrai, pour certains, et ils ont du Mal à le croire.
Le problème c'est que vous voyez les choses du point de vue des hommes, au lieu de les voir du point de vue de Dieu , c'est pourquoi il est difficile pour vous de le croire.
Or du point de vue de DIEU, c'est VRAI. C'est pourquoi Paul dit c'est un scandale pour les non croyants.
Il ne m'aime pas à CAUSE, mais il m'aime PARCE QUE je suis sortie de lui. Cré à son image et à sa ressemblance.
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statesonearchives · 7 years
Côte d'Ivoire: Une Dame déférée devant le parquet pour diffamation ...
🗨 StatesOne.com — https://www.statesone.com/cotedivoire-news/201105-c-amp-ocirc-te-d-ivoire-une-dame-d-amp-eacute-f-amp-eacute-r-amp-eacute-e-devant-le-parquet-pour-diffamation?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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publicsituation · 6 years
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RT @UNICEF: Every child should have a safe space to learn, like this student in Côte d'Ivoire. #ENDviolence @UNICEF_CIV https://t.co/yrUlFa8ww5
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estonoesuntexto · 8 years
"Countries and immigration in  words.
"Countries ranked by Google searches for 'immigration' to them by each country, Sept 2014-Sept 2015",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, country,UK rank,country,US rank,country,Canada rank,country,Germany rank,country,France rank,country,Italy rank,country,Japan rank Turks and Caicos Islands,1,Kiribati,1,Cameroon,1,Afghanistan,1,Saint Barth�lemy,1,The Gambia (Senegal),1,Anguilla,1 Bermuda,2,Eritrea,2,Eritrea,2,Liechtenstein,2,Saint Martin,2,Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas),2,Niger (Agadez),2 United Kingdom,3,Tonga,3,Cuba,3,Iran,3,Chad,3,Micronesia,3,Nepal,3 Cayman Islands,4,Marshall Islands,4,Canada,4,The Gambia (Senegal),4,Monaco,4,San Marino (Emilia-Romagna),4,Guam,4 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,5,Palau,5,Guyana,5,Germany,5,Cameroon,5,Equatorial Guinea,5,Guyana,5 Antigua and Barbuda,6,U.S. Virgin Islands,6,Jamaica,6,Andorra,6,C�te d'Ivoire,6,Lesotho,6,Myanmar (Burma),6 British Virgin Islands,7,Guyana,7,Djibouti,7,Togo,7,Togo,7,Somalia,7,Singapore,7 Jersey,8,Samoa,8,Cayman Islands,8,Cameroon,8,Burkina Faso,8,Mali,8,Japan,8 Grenada,9,Micronesia,9,Tonga,9,Syria,9,Mauritania,9,Italy,9,Mongolia,9 Seychelles,10,Dominica,10,Pakistan,10,Albania,10,Senegal,10,Senegal,10,Philippines,10 U.S. Virgin Islands,11,Sint Maarten,11,Iran,11,Algeria,11,Guinea,11,Libya,11,Cambodia,11 Gibraltar,12,Jamaica,12,Nepal,12,Sierra Leone (Northern Province),12,French Guiana,12,Monaco,12,Mauritius,12 Afghanistan,13,Haiti,13,Afghanistan,13,Kosovo,13,Gabon,13,Guinea,13,Afghanistan,13 Guyana,14,Antigua and Barbuda,14,United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi),14,Madagascar,14,Algeria,14,Malta,14,Zambia,14 Malawi,15,Turks and Caicos Islands,15,Congo,15,Tunisia,15,Guernsey,15,South Sudan,15,Senegal,15 Guernsey,16,Cayman Islands,16,The Gambia (Senegal),16,Cura�ao,16,France,16,Maldives,16,Brunei Darussalam (Sarawak),16 Jamaica,17,Grenada,17,Benin,17,Somalia,17,Mauritius,17,C�te d'Ivoire,17,Bangladesh,17 Saint Helena,18,Cuba,18,Burundi,18,Gabon,18,Martinique,18,Togo,18,Ethiopia (Oromia),18 Zimbabwe,19,Djibouti,19,Togo,19,Tajikistan (Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province),19,Madagascar,19,Djibouti,19,Democratic Republic of the Congo,19 Liechtenstein,20,Afghanistan,20,Somalia,20,Lebanon,20,Democratic Republic of the Congo,20,Cuba,20,Macau,20 Isle of Man,21,Saint Lucia,21,Anguilla,21,Papua New Guinea,21,Tunisia,21,Afghanistan,21,Bahrain,21 Mauritius,22,The Bahamas,22,Qatar (Al Rayyan),22,Saint Helena,22,Congo,22,Congo,22,Ghana,22 Barbados,23,Liberia,23,Bangladesh,23,Malta,23,Guadeloupe,23,Liberia,23,Cameroon,23 Uganda,24,Dominican Republic,24,Haiti,24,Benin,24,Reunion,24,Ethiopia (Oromia),24,Hong Kong,24 The Gambia (Senegal),25,Northern Mariana Islands,25,Nigeria,25,Greece,25,Afghanistan,25,Guyana,25,Zimbabwe,25 Pakistan,26,Comoros,26,Seychelles,26,Mauritania,26,French Polynesia,26,Sudan,26,Montenegro,26 Ghana,27,Guam,27,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,27,Senegal,27,Mali,27,Madagascar,27,Australia,27 Timor-Leste,28,Sierra Leone (Northern Province),28,Mauritius,28,Fiji,28,Morocco,28,Gabon,28,Sri Lanka,28 Fiji,29,Togo,29,Saint Lucia,29,United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi),29,Benin,29,Ghana,29,Iran,29 Nepal,30,Anguilla,30,C�te d'Ivoire,30,Qatar (Al Rayyan),30,New Caledonia,30,Tunisia,30,New Zealand,30 United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi),31,Caribbean Netherlands,31,Antigua and Barbuda,31,Morocco,31,Fiji,31,Luxembourg,31,Canada,31 Trinidad and Tobago,32,Fiji,32,Sint Maarten,32,Guadeloupe,32,Barbados,32,Mauritius,32,Oman,32 Nigeria,33,Honduras,33,Barbados,33,Namibia,33,Iran,33,Turkmenistan,33,C�te d'Ivoire,33 Qatar (Al Rayyan),34,Cameroon,34,Saint Helena,34,Mali,34,Malta,34,Benin,34,Kyrgyzstan,34 Togo,35,Aruba,35,The Bahamas,35,Luxembourg,35,Rwanda,35,Mauritania,35,United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi),35 Djibouti,36,The Gambia (Senegal),36,Democratic Republic of the Congo,36,Switzerland,36,Iceland,36,Albania,36,Uganda,36 Aruba,37,Benin,37,Fiji,37,C�te d'Ivoire,37,The Bahamas,37,Qatar (Al Rayyan),37,Lebanon,37 Cuba,38,Saint Barth�lemy,38,Trinidad and Tobago,38,Pakistan,38,Luxembourg,38,Switzerland,38,Indonesia,38 New Zealand,39,El Salvador,39,Grenada,39,Ethiopia (Oromia),39,Lebanon,39,Australia,39,Pakistan,39 Botswana,40,Belize,40,Rwanda,40,Uganda,40,Kyrgyzstan,40,Rwanda,40,Malaysia,40 Belize,41,Ethiopia (Oromia),41,Lebanon,41,Sweden,41,Kosovo,41,Malawi,41,Albania,41 Brunei Darussalam (Sarawak),42,Cura�ao,42,Algeria,42,Bahrain,42,Canada,42,Argentina,42,Latvia,42 Laos,43,Barbados,43,Zimbabwe,43,Honduras,43,United Kingdom,43,Pakistan,43,Sweden,43 Libya,44,Bermuda,44,Oman,44,Ghana,44,Italy,44,Iceland,44,Thailand,44 Sri Lanka,45,British Virgin Islands,45,Chad,45,Armenia,45,Switzerland,45,Czech Republic,45,Switzerland,45 South Africa,46,Faroe Islands,46,Ghana,46,Ukraine,46,Ireland,46,Namibia,46,Ireland,46 Ireland,47,United States,47,Saint Kitts and Nevis,47,Moldova,47,United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi),47,United Kingdom,47,Kuwait (Al Jahra),47 Cyprus,48,Trinidad and Tobago,48,Guernsey,48,Bangladesh,48,Belgium (Walloon Region),48,Iran,48,Macedonia (FYROM),48 Malta,49,Congo,49,Bermuda,49,El Salvador,49,Macau,49,France,49,United States,49 Albania,50,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,50,Isle of Man,50,Oman,50,Puerto Rico,50,Nigeria,50,Brazil,50 Norway,51,Bhutan,51,Kuwait (Al Jahra),51,Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA-SRP),51,Cyprus,51,Ireland,51,Morocco,51 Sierra Leone (Northern Province),52,Bangladesh,52,Gabon,52,South Africa,52,El Salvador,52,Belgium (Walloon Region),52,Sudan,52 Australia,53,Isle of Man,53,Bahrain,53,Kuwait (Al Jahra),53,Nicaragua,53,Bangladesh,53,Kenya,53 Oman,54,Ghana,54,Philippines,54,Kenya,54,New Zealand,54,Canada,54,Czech Republic,54 Somalia,55,Swaziland,55,Senegal,55,Paraguay,55,Singapore,55,Mongolia,55,Finland,55 Bangladesh,56,Guatemala,56,Timor-Leste,56,Macedonia (FYROM),56,Saint Helena,56,Macedonia (FYROM),56,South Korea,56 Hong Kong,57,Papua New Guinea,57,Guinea,57,Jamaica,57,Albania,57,United States,57,Vietnam,57 Kenya,58,Iran,58,Kosovo,58,Jordan,58,Bangladesh,58,Greece,58,Qatar (Al Rayyan),58 Denmark,59,Lebanon,59,Sri Lanka,59,Uzbekistan,59,Mongolia,59,Morocco,59,Norway,59 Singapore,60,Puerto Rico,60,Belize,60,Austria,60,Angola,60,New Zealand,60,Panama,60 Kuwait (Al Jahra),61,Chad,61,Botswana,61,Saudi Arabia,61,China,61,Estonia,61,United Kingdom,61 Sudan,62,Nepal,62,Tunisia,62,United Kingdom,62,Kenya,62,Armenia,62,Algeria,62 Tanzania,63,Pakistan,63,Ethiopia (Oromia),63,Nigeria,63,Ghana,63,Lebanon,63,South Africa,63 Benin,64,Nicaragua,64,India,64,Iceland,64,Sweden,64,Nepal,64,Serbia,64 China,65,Liechtenstein,65,Mauritania,65,Ireland,65,Armenia,65,Uruguay,65,Taiwan,65 Ethiopia (Oromia),66,Saint Kitts and Nevis,66,Uganda,66,Israel (Southern District),66,Uruguay,66,Syria,66,Egypt,66 Guam,67,Guinea,67,Liberia,67,Tanzania,67,Norway,67,Martinique,67,Chile,67 New Caledonia,68,Cape Verde,68,Saudi Arabia,68,Belarus,68,Kuwait (Al Jahra),68,South Africa,68,Israel (Southern District),68 Algeria,69,United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi),69,Morocco,69,Latvia,69,Ethiopia (Oromia),69,Kyrgyzstan,69,France,69 Burkina Faso,70,Nigeria,70,Singapore,70,Canada,70,Portugal,70,Uganda,70,India,70 Canada,71,Uganda,71,Brunei Darussalam (Sarawak),71,Zimbabwe,71,Trinidad and Tobago,71,Macau,71,Nigeria,71 Mongolia,72,Monaco,72,Albania,72,Singapore,72,Germany,72,Jamaica,72,Croatia,72 Macau,73,Seychelles,73,Mali,73,Czech Republic,73,Nigeria,73,United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi),73,Mexico,73 Latvia,74,Senegal,74,Kenya,74,Montenegro,74,Spain,74,Bahrain,74,Russia,74 Morocco,75,Kenya,75,Sierra Leone (Northern Province),75,Myanmar (Burma),75,Paraguay,75,Cameroon,75,Peru,75 Bahrain,76,Qatar (Al Rayyan),76,Mongolia,76,Azerbaijan,76,Uganda,76,Slovakia,76,Germany,76 Uzbekistan,77,Saint Helena,77,El Salvador,77,United States,77,Estonia,77,Kuwait (Al Jahra),77,Uruguay,77 Cameroon,78,French Polynesia,78,Madagascar,78,Mozambique,78,Jamaica,78,Algeria,78,Austria,78 Tunisia,79,Rwanda,79,Niger (Agadez),79,Norway,79,Bahrain,79,Dominican Republic,79,Iraq,79 Saudi Arabia,80,Gabon,80,South Africa,80,Mauritius,80,Australia,80,Saint Helena,80,Slovenia,80 The Bahamas,81,Burkina Faso,81,Syria,81,New Zealand,81,United States,81,Norway,81,Ukraine,81 Tajikistan (Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province),82,C�te d'Ivoire,82,China,82,Lithuania,82,Greece,82,Zimbabwe,82,Costa Rica,82 Namibia,83,Philippines,83,South Sudan,83,Australia,83,Georgia,83,Venezuela,83,Argentina,83 Germany,84,Gibraltar,84,Macedonia (FYROM),84,Netherlands,84,Uzbekistan,84,Paraguay,84,Spain,84 Luxembourg,85,Suriname (Sipaliwini),85,Papua New Guinea,85,China,85,Pakistan,85,Kenya,85,Dominican Republic,85 India,86,Kuwait (Al Jahra),86,Sudan,86,Hungary,86,Argentina,86,Moldova,86,Ecuador,86 Sweden,87,Democratic Republic of the Congo,87,Zambia,87,Slovakia,87,Denmark,87,El Salvador,87,Denmark,87 Philippines,88,Andorra,88,Armenia,88,Italy,88,Panama,88,Sweden,88,Lithuania,88 Lithuania,89,Mali,89,Malawi,89,Chile,89,Austria,89,Spain,89,Jordan,89 Austria,90,Somalia,90,Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA-SRP),90,Russia,90,Russia,90,Hungary,90,Belgium (Walloon Region),90 Belgium (Walloon Region),91,Norway,91,Libya,91,Denmark,91,Poland,91,Slovenia,91,Italy,91 Estonia,92,Canada,92,Aruba,92,France,92,Dominican Republic,92,Portugal,92,Netherlands,92 Malaysia,93,Albania,93,Ukraine,93,Sri Lanka,93,Colombia,93,Cyprus,93,Colombia,93 Egypt,94,Burundi,94,Tajikistan (Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province),94,Hong Kong,94,Honduras,94,Austria,94,Kazakhstan,94 Greece,95,Morocco,95,Serbia,95,Spain,95,Chile,95,Brazil,95,Bulgaria,95 Jordan,96,Uruguay,96,New Caledonia,96,Egypt,96,Lithuania,96,Latvia,96,Bolivia,96 Portugal,97,Mexico,97,Angola,97,Kazakhstan,97,Kazakhstan,97,Oman,97,Poland,97 Switzerland,98,Panama,98,Honduras,98,Trinidad and Tobago,98,Hungary,98,Sri Lanka,98,Saudi Arabia,98 Iraq,99,Bahrain,99,Hong Kong,99,Kyrgyzstan,99,Finland,99,Belarus,99,Venezuela,99 Madagascar,100,Tunisia,100,Dominican Republic,100,India,100,Jordan,100,Peru,100,Romania,100 Zambia,101,Kosovo,101,Colombia,101,Argentina,101,Ukraine,101,Tanzania,101,Portugal,101 Reunion,102,Ecuador,102,Maldives,102,Malaysia,102,Oman,102,Netherlands,102,Hungary,102 Czech Republic,103,Zimbabwe,103,New Zealand,103,Bulgaria,103,Romania,103,Denmark,103,Greece,103 Moldova,104,Botswana,104,Moldova,104,Serbia,104,Sri Lanka,104,Costa Rica,104,Turkey,104 Cambodia,105,New Zealand,105,Brazil,105,Belgium (Walloon Region),105,Netherlands,105,Hong Kong,105,, Finland,106,Timor-Leste,106,Uzbekistan,106,Reunion,106,Hong Kong,106,Israel (Southern District),106,, Syria,107,Denmark,107,Jordan,107,Costa Rica,107,Sudan,107,Germany,107,, Democratic Republic of the Congo,108,Singapore,108,Palestine,108,Philippines,108,Saudi Arabia,108,Finland,108,, Honduras,109,Cambodia,109,French Polynesia,109,Portugal,109,Costa Rica,109,Ecuador,109,, Kyrgyzstan,110,Jordan,110,Egypt,110,Venezuela,110,Bulgaria,110,Ukraine,110,, Kosovo,111,Myanmar (Burma),111,Kyrgyzstan,111,Yemen,111,Mexico,111,Lithuania,111,, Lebanon,112,Zambia,112,Israel (Southern District),112,Poland,112,Brazil,112,Chile,112,, Iceland,113,Moldova,113,Jersey,113,Colombia,113,Venezuela,113,Croatia,113,, France,114,Venezuela,114,Yemen,114,Cyprus,114,Czech Republic,114,Jordan,114,, Netherlands,115,South Sudan,115,Greece,115,Romania,115,Serbia,115,Reunion,115,, Hungary,116,South Africa,116,Azerbaijan,116,Peru,116,Israel (Southern District),116,Singapore,116,, United States,117,Costa Rica,117,Ireland,117,Brazil,117,Qatar (Al Rayyan),117,Colombia,117,, Ukraine,118,Guadeloupe,118,Australia,118,Croatia,118,Iraq,118,Serbia,118,, Spain,119,Armenia,119,Nicaragua,119,Sudan,119,Latvia,119,Honduras,119,, Nicaragua,120,Algeria,120,Iraq,120,Finland,120,Egypt,120,Kazakhstan,120,, Belarus,121,Madagascar,121,United Kingdom,121,Uruguay,121,India,121,Poland,121,, Poland,122,India,122,Costa Rica,122,Iraq,122,South Korea,122,Bulgaria,122,, Montenegro,123,Mauritius,123,Turkmenistan,123,Slovenia,123,Belarus,123,Russia,123,, Palestine,124,Sudan,124,Venezuela,124,Mexico,124,Vietnam,124,Saudi Arabia,124,, Bulgaria,125,Brunei Darussalam (Sarawak),125,Bolivia,125,Guatemala,125,Philippines,125,Panama,125,, Myanmar (Burma),126,Laos,126,Burkina Faso,126,Estonia,126,Azerbaijan,126,Puerto Rico,126,, South Korea,127,Guernsey,127,Cambodia,127,Georgia,127,Slovenia,127,Mexico,127,, Italy,128,Colombia,128,United States,128,Panama,128,Indonesia,128,India,128,, Thailand,129,Ireland,129,Suriname (Sipaliwini),129,South Korea,129,Malaysia,129,Egypt,129,, Georgia,130,Reunion,130,Malta,130,Indonesia,130,Bolivia,130,Malaysia,130,, Angola,131,Hong Kong,131,Tanzania,131,Thailand,131,Turkey,131,Philippines,131,, Slovenia,132,Oman,132,Malaysia,132,Dominican Republic,132,Taiwan,132,Azerbaijan,132,, Romania,133,Angola,133,South Korea,133,Vietnam,133,Thailand,133,Iraq,133,, Israel (Southern District),134,Turkmenistan,134,Belarus,134,Ecuador,134,Croatia,134,Guatemala,134,, Armenia,135,Macedonia (FYROM),135,Namibia,135,Turkey,135,Slovakia,135,South Korea,135,, Senegal,136,Mauritania,136,Norway,136,Bolivia,136,South Africa,136,Taiwan,136,, Dominican Republic,137,United Kingdom,137,Guatemala,137,Taiwan,137,Peru,137,Romania,137,, Azerbaijan,138,Kyrgyzstan,138,Cyprus,138,Japan,138,Ecuador,138,Indonesia,138,, Croatia,139,Yemen,139,Kazakhstan,139,,,Japan,139,Thailand,139,, Slovakia,140,Sri Lanka,140,Romania,140,,,,140,Bolivia,140,, Serbia,141,Germany,141,Mozambique,141,,,,141,Vietnam,141,, C�te d'Ivoire,142,Saudi Arabia,142,Belgium (Walloon Region),142,,,,142,Turkey,142,, Chile,143,Sweden,143,Finland,143,,,,143,Japan,143,, Russia,144,Luxembourg,144,Latvia,144,,,,,,,, Kazakhstan,145,Iceland,145,Germany,145,,,,,,,, Iran,146,Australia,146,Puerto Rico,146,,,,,,,, Colombia,147,Macau,147,Netherlands,147,,,,,,,, Bolivia,148,Malawi,148,Austria,148,,,,,,,, Macedonia (FYROM),149,Tanzania,149,Bulgaria,149,,,,,,,, Yemen,150,Brazil,150,Croatia,150,,,,,,,, Venezuela,151,France,151,Estonia,151,,,,,,,, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA-SRP),152,French Guiana,152,Sweden,152,,,,,,,, Turkey,153,Palestine,153,France,153,,,,,,,, Ecuador,154,Peru,154,Panama,154,,,,,,,, Vietnam,155,Switzerland,155,Switzerland,155,,,,,,,, Paraguay,156,Egypt,156,Chile,156,,,,,,,, Costa Rica,157,Italy,157,Russia,157,,,,,,,, Argentina,158,Cyprus,158,Laos,158,,,,,,,, El Salvador,159,Jersey,159,Georgia,159,,,,,,,, Brazil,160,Ukraine,160,Turkey,160,,,,,,,, Panama,161,Israel (Southern District),161,Mexico,161,,,,,,,, Peru,162,Argentina,162,Lithuania,162,,,,,,,, Mexico,163,China,163,Luxembourg,163,,,,,,,, Japan,164,Paraguay,164,Slovenia,164,,,,,,,, Indonesia,165,Georgia,165,Czech Republic,165,,,,,,,, Taiwan,166,Martinique,166,Macau,166,,,,,,,, Uruguay,167,Libya,167,Uruguay,167,,,,,,,, ,,Mongolia,168,Guadeloupe,168,,,,,,,, ,,Uzbekistan,169,Portugal,169,,,,,,,, ,,Chile,170,Iceland,170,,,,,,,, ,,Iraq,171,Denmark,171,,,,,,,, ,,Czech Republic,172,Hungary,172,,,,,,,, ,,Austria,173,Peru,173,,,,,,,, ,,Belarus,174,Ecuador,174,,,,,,,, ,,South Korea,175,Vietnam,175,,,,,,,, ,,Azerbaijan,176,Italy,176,,,,,,,, ,,Montenegro,177,Argentina,177,,,,,,,, ,,Bolivia,178,Slovakia,178,,,,,,,, ,,Maldives,179,Spain,179,,,,,,,, ,,Kazakhstan,180,Poland,180,,,,,,,, ,,Netherlands,181,Thailand,181,,,,,,,, ,,Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA-SRP),182,Reunion,182,,,,,,,, ,,Syria,183,Taiwan,183,,,,,,,, ,,Malta,184,Indonesia,184,,,,,,,, ,,Belgium (Walloon Region),185,Japan,185,,,,,,,, ,,Greece,186,,,,,,,,,, ,,Spain,187,,,,,,,,,, ,,Malaysia,188,,,,,,,,,, ,,Russia,189,,,,,,,,,, ,,Tajikistan (Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province),190,,,,,,,,,, ,,Namibia,191,,,,,,,,,, ,,Finland,192,,,,,,,,,, ,,Hungary,193,,,,,,,,,, ,,Estonia,194,,,,,,,,,, ,,Romania,195,,,,,,,,,, ,,Vietnam,196,,,,,,,,,, ,,Portugal,197,,,,,,,,,, ,,Serbia,198,,,,,,,,,, ,,Latvia,199,,,,,,,,,, ,,Bulgaria,200,,,,,,,,,, ,,Lithuania,201,,,,,,,,,, ,,Slovakia,202,,,,,,,,,, ,,Thailand,203,,,,,,,,,, ,,Croatia,204,,,,,,,,,, ,,Poland,205,,,,,,,,,, ,,Taiwan,206,,,,,,,,,, ,,Mozambique,207,,,,,,,,,, ,,Indonesia,208,,,,,,,,,, ,,Slovenia,209,,,,,,,,,, ,,Turkey,210,,,,,,,,,, ,,Japan,211,,,,,,,,,,
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Travel Smart by Conair All-in-One Adapter Description All-in-one travel adapter with built-in surge protector allows you to plug dual-voltage appliances into foreign wall outlets. Includes 4 of the most commonly used adapters plugs in one compact unit. For use worldwide in over 150 countries. Built-in surge protection safeguards appliances from spikes in electricity. Includes a power light. Pack it up in the included travel pouch to protect it when you travel. This all-in-one international adapter has everything you need to travel in comfort, safety, and style. A combination of the four most common adapter plug configurations in one universal compact unit, this all-in-one adapter is a versatile power plug adapter that has an EMI/RFI power line filter and surge protection. About Travel Smart: Travel Smart continues to serve the world s growing number of travelers with all the basic comforts and connectors they need for international travel. New high-tech devices require new high-tech converters and adapters and Travel Smart is keeping up with the demand. Travelers can count on Travel Smart for all the essential gadgets and gear they need for ever-evolving laptops and mobile devices; they can also count on Travel Smart products to make their journey comfortable! For use in Africa, Asia, Australia, Caribbean, Europe, Fiji, Great Britain, Ireland, Middle East, New Zealand, North America and South American. Features Surge protection, EMI/RFI filter protection, safety shutters, power indicator light, clamping voltage: 775V, dissipation: 149.8 joules, electrical rating: 100/240V AC 10A. CAUTION: This product does not convert electrical voltage. you will require a converter for your single-voltage appliances.Country List: Europe Plug: Albania, Algeria, Angola,Argentina, Austria, Azores, Balearic Islands,Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia andHerzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso,Burundi, Cameroon, Canary Islands, CapeVerde, Central African Republic, ChannelIslands, Chile, Comoros, Congo, Croatia,Dem. Rep. of Congo (Zaire), C?te d'Ivoire(Ivory Coast), Cyprus, Denmark, Djibouti,Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea,Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Gabon,Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland,Guadeloupe, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Laos,Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,Madagascar, Madeira, Mali, Martinique,Mauritius, Monaco, Morocco, Mozambique,Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway,Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines,Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Rwanda,Saint Vincent, Senegal, Somalia, Spain,Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria,Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay,Vietnam, Yugoslavia (former), Zambia.Great Britain Plug : Bahrain, Bangladesh,Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Cameroon, ChannelIslands, China, Cyprus, (Commonwealthof) Dominica, El Salvador, Gambia, Ghana,Gibraltar, Grenada, Guatemala, Co-operativeRepublic of Guyana, Hong Kong, Iraq,Ireland, Isle of Man, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,Macau, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta,Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Oman, Qatar,(Federation of) Saint Kitts and Nevis, SaintLucia, Saint Vincent, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles,Sierra Leone, Singapore, Tanzania, Uganda,United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom,Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, ZimbabweAustralia Plug: American Samoa, Argentina,Australia, China, El Salvador, Fiji, Guatemala,Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Nauru, NewZealand, Okinawa Island, Panama, Papua NewGuinea, Saint Vincent, Tajikistan, (Kingdom of)Tonga, Uruguay.USA Plug: American Samoa, Anguilla,Antigua, Antilles, Aruba, Bahamas,Bangladesh, Barbados, Bermuda, Bolivia,Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Cayman Islands,China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador,El Salvador, Guam, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti,Honduras, Jamaica, Japan, Laos, Lebanon,Liberia, Maldives, Mexico, Micronesia,Montserrat, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Okinawa Island, Panama, Peru, Philippines,Puerto Rico, Saint Vincent, Saudi Arabia,Tahiti, Taiwan, Thailand, United States,Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (U.S. andBritish), Yemen.
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