#Swimming Design Configurations
tenspontaneite · 1 year
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Did a preliminary dragon design for my Sig 👌 I likey
Lines and commentary under cut
Design details:
This biomechanical dragon body is designed for speed and amphibious operation. He is fast in the air and glides easily when his gas bladders are filled.
Gills function as gills underwater. Outside of water, they are additional openings for gas venting and intake for management of the gas bladders, which fill with hydrogen that needs to be expelled if he's going to be diving.
The hind limbs and tail are very heavy and muscular for swimming; to compensate for this bottom heaviness in flight, there are additional gas bladders in the tail, and gills to vent them.
There are jets in the elbows, sides beneath the wings, tail paddle, and tail fins. These function for additional thrust in the air, or for additional speed underwater, like a jetfish.
The bright lines are luminescent in the dark.
The eyes likewise are adapted for underwater vision, with an additional eyelid as well as tapeta lucida.
There is a coating of blubber under the skin across much of the body. The skin is smooth and somewhat velvety. Due to the blubber, he is squishy and fun to poke.
Like Suns' dragon design, the artificial chromatophores on the skin are configurable and the colours and patterns can be changed for taste or camouflage. Sigs use this to display their serial number for differentiation to outsiders.
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soylent-crocodile · 1 year
Rager (Monster)
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(Phyrexian Rager by Stephan Martiniere)
(The Phyrexian Rager is definitely an iconic phyrexian creature; first printed in Apocalypse, the finale of Old Phyrexia and of Magic's first long-form story arc, it has received a new printing and new art for the two times Phyrexia has got a facelift; Scars of Mirrodin block and the recent Phyrexian Invasion arc. I felt almost obligated to make statblocks for these. The three different art pieces it has have kept a relatively consistent design, which is great for me because I have multiple iterations of the same idea to draw from.)
CR7 NE Medium Aberration (Phyrexian)
Ragers are the shock troops of Phyrexia, serving on vanguard missions and in the front line of war. That is not to say they’re weak; indeed, a single rager is enough to hold off an average squadron of human soldiers and keep moving. Ragers have a habit of collecting body parts of their enemies- heads, limbs, organs- and returning them to their masters to be used in the creation of new beings for the glory of Phyrexia- most likely, more ragers.
Although a rager is built from a half dozen humanoid corpses, the core- its chest and face- is typically from a single creature, of whom it retains the appearance and a twisted echo of their personality. Ragers typically have around ten limbs- four legs, four clawed arms for damage, and two softer arms for manipulation- but this configuration is not a hard rule, and different combinations occur. Of these, however, almost all consistently make four claw attacks.
The most terrifying thing about this creature isn't its four arms and four legs, each tipped with claws, or the blend of mechanical and biological, but the human head and torso embedded in its own chest, staring right at you.
Misc- CR7 NE Medium Aberration (Phyrexian) HD10 Init:+7 Senses: Perception:+16 Lifesense 60ft   Stats-Str:20(+5) Dex:16(+3) Con:17(+3) Int:11(+0) Wis:16(+3) Cha:17(+3) BAB:+7/+2 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:75(10d8+30) AC:20(+3 Dexterity, +7 Natural) Fort:+8 Ref:+6 Will:+10 CMD:28 (+4 bonus vs trip) Resist: Cold 10, Fire 10, Electricity 10 Immunity: Fear, Acid, Curse, Disease, Poison Special Defenses: Fast Healing 5, Uncanny Dodge, Negative Energy Affinity, Mycosynth Flesh Offense-4 Claw +12(1d6+5 plus Grievous Rend) CMB:+12 Speed:40ft Special Attacks: Rend (2 claws, 1d6+5) Feats- Defensive Combat Training, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack (-2/+4), Vital Strike Skills- Climb +13, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (local) +8, Perception +16, Stealth +12, Swim +13 Spell-like Abilities-  Fear (DC17), Lesser Animate Dead, Shadow Ball (DC17) 3/day Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Necril Organization- Solitary, Pack (3-5) Treasure- Half Special Abilities- Grievous Rend (Ex)- A creature hit by two or more of a rager’s claw attacks in a single round must make a DC13 Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round by the brutal wounds inflicted. If it was a critical hit, they instead are nauseated for 1d6 rounds. This save is constitution-based. Mycosynth Flesh (Ex)- A phyrexian’s anatomy is both flesh and metal, typically arranged in the most disturbing way possible. As such, it may be targeted or affected by a spell as either an aberration or as a construct, whichever produces a greater effect.
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Fiat 600 Jungla
The Jungla, Italian for “Jungle,” was designed at the request of Fiat supremo Gianni Agnelli who wanted a vehicle to compete with the popular Mini Moke, and perhaps to win the company some military contracts. Just 3,200 or so were made between 1965 and 1974. Emphasizing simplicity as a design criterion, the Fiat Jungla boasted a utilitarian, squared-off metal body, providing space for four adults and up to 40 kilograms of luggage, cargo, or beach equipment. Leveraging the mass production of the Fiat 600, a popular and affordable car in Italy at the time, the Jungla was based on the same platform to ensure cost-effective, efficient production and broad parts availability.
Powering the vehicle was a 767cc inline-four cylinder, overhead valve engine borrowed from the Fiat 600, with power transmitted through a 4-speed manual gearbox to the rear wheels. Despite its modest output of 32 bhp, the low curb weight of 578 kilograms allowed for a respectable top speed of 95 km/h, depending on the load. Though of course, it woulds take a driver with significant courage to actually achieve that speed on Italy’s twisting coastal roads.
While initially intended for military use, the Jungla only saw very limited adoption by the Italian armed forces. That said, it found favor with the Italian Forestry Service and the Carabinieri who ordered some for specialist roles.
Interestingly, the Savio Jungla became particularly popular among affluent vacationers in France, Italy, and Monte Carlo. With their open-top configuration, these four-seaters offered a simple means of transportation for short trips from their hillside manor houses to the waterfront. Notably, the Kelly 600 variant of the Fiat Jungla gained significant recognition. This special edition featured a tasseled folding fabric roof, woven rattan seats, and other rattan accents. Produced by a Fiat dealership based in Monaco, original examples of the Kelly 600 have become highly sought-after and valuable collector’s items.
To shield occupants from the sun, many of these cars were fitted with simple canvas tops as mentioned above, while rattan seats were often preferred for their ability to accommodate individuals who were still damp from swimming in the sea.
Similar to the Savio Jungla, the Mini Moke and the French sibling, the Citroën Méhari, were also commonly seen at waterfront establishments during that era. The Méhari bore a striking resemblance to the Jungla, leading many to speculate that it drew direct inspiration from the Italian vehicle, appearing on the market just three years later.
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betterbemeta · 1 year
I once saw an eye opening breakdown of how different navigating an urban or suburban area is for a child that's half an adult's height, how much less they can see due to the height and configuration of the environment. The presentation was about safety, how a child might find an environment not designed for them dangerous, but it also made me think about how we all must have memories about 'normal' places that are stored from that alternate perspective:
distances are twice as far
the point of view is too short to see over obscuring barriers, making even mundane environments maze-like
features or conveniences we don't use as children are alien
we are often skipped without logic between destinations as adults 'take us places' without telling us why
Many environments have few to no ways for children to interact with them so they seem barren,
environments that children DO interact with (jungle gyms, play structures, gardens or parks, swimming pools, etc.) are extremely vivid to the exclusion of their surroundings,
Some environments are seen only from the seat of a car and are viewed quickly and in a mass sample without context (unfamiliar neighbourhoods, streets with houses, stores on avenues you never will visit yourself)
rooms are much taller and more empty because we measure space in reference to ourselves and we're physically smaller
When unsupervised, children must pay attention to areas that guardians would have carried them or led them through, calling attention to many of these features even more
Uncertainty about intentions of adult people/entities with more agency than you in these spaces, outside of routines familiar to children
these map 1:1 to emotions conveyed by the Backrooms. Many people remember being a much smaller, more confused explorer.
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neriedar · 1 year
More brain rot
Scott is gonna end up in an awkward stage of the change where he can’t really walk but can’t swim well. Scar in this universe may use leg braces and have a wheelchair for really bad days. Scott may end up having to rig up something similar to get around in town. Growing gills is also gonna be hard, once they start opening up on his rib cage Scott’s time out of water is gonna be limited because the gill part of the combination respiratory system likes being moist, he can extend the time limit by drinking lots of water and keeping his torso wet/moist.(I had to give up on figuring out the exact anatomical details on the gill/lung configuration, it was LITERALLY keeping me up at night! Issues of if I wanted the lungs to double as a swim bladder or if I wanted the liver to go oily like a shark for buoyancy control. Did I want to separate the two systems with a valve closing the lungs off in water? If the ribs acted as gill openings does that mess up the negative pressure system of the chest and make the diaphragm non functional and render the lungs useless?! It’s a mess and if anyone wants to help or talk about it PLEASE HELP so a gal can sleep.)
Speaking of sleep Scott’s back sleeping days are numbered once the changes start; he’s gonna get some form of back fin/sail, probably one that can fold down. So best get used to front sleeping. The ultimate shape of the pelvic fins his legs end up becoming are probably gonna be based on a lobe finned fish.
( I’m some degree aphantasic, so I have no clear visual in my head for design here, I also can’t write my way out of a paper bag unless it’s a research paper ; so You Have MY EXPLICIT CONSENT to use my brain rot as you like, BARRING AI use.)
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propertysale11 · 2 months
SKA Destiny One: A Paradigm of Luxury Living in Greater Noida
In the rapidly evolving real estate landscape of Greater Noida, SKA Destiny One emerges as a beacon of luxury and modern living. Designed with precision and built with a vision to provide an unparalleled lifestyle, SKA Destiny One offers a unique blend of comfort, convenience, and elegance. This comprehensive guide will explore the various facets that make SKA Destiny One an ideal residential choice for discerning homebuyers.
Location and Connectivity
Prime Location
SKA Destiny One is strategically located in the heart of Greater Noida, a region known for its robust infrastructure and rapid development. The location provides residents with easy access to key commercial and recreational hubs, ensuring a seamless urban lifestyle.
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Excellent Connectivity
The project boasts excellent connectivity to major highways and expressways, including the Yamuna Expressway and Noida-Greater Noida Expressway. This ensures that residents can easily commute to and from Delhi, Noida, and other Projects in Delhi regions. Additionally, the upcoming metro expansion will further enhance connectivity, making it even more convenient for residents.
Architectural Excellence
Contemporary Design
SKA Destiny One is a testament to contemporary architectural brilliance. The design philosophy seamlessly blends modern aesthetics with functionality, resulting in a structure that is not only visually appealing but also highly practical. The use of premium materials and state-of-the-art construction techniques ensures durability and longevity.
Spacious Layouts
The project offers a variety of apartment configurations to cater to different family sizes and needs. Each unit is meticulously designed to maximize space utilization and provide ample natural light and ventilation. The spacious layouts ensure that residents can enjoy a comfortable and luxurious living experience.
World-Class Amenities
Recreational Facilities
SKA Destiny One is equipped with a plethora of recreational facilities to cater to the diverse interests of its residents. These include:
Swimming Pool: A well-maintained swimming pool offers a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Fitness Center: A state-of-the-art gymnasium with modern equipment allows residents to maintain their fitness regimes.
Clubhouse: The clubhouse serves as a social hub where residents can interact, relax, and engage in various activities.
Sports and Wellness
For those who prioritize an active lifestyle, SKA Destiny One offers:
Tennis Court: A professionally designed tennis court provides an excellent venue for sports enthusiasts.
Jogging Track: A dedicated jogging track ensures that residents can enjoy their morning or evening runs in a serene environment.
Yoga and Meditation Area: A tranquil space dedicated to yoga and meditation helps residents achieve mental and physical well-being.
Green Spaces and Sustainability
Lush Green Landscapes
One of the standout features of SKA Destiny One is its commitment to providing ample green spaces. The project boasts beautifully landscaped gardens and parks that offer a serene and refreshing environment. These green spaces not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the property but also promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Sustainable Living
SKA Destiny One incorporates various eco-friendly practices and technologies to promote sustainable living. These include:
Rainwater Harvesting: Efficient rainwater harvesting systems help in conserving water and maintaining groundwater levels.
Solar Energy: The use of solar panels for common area lighting reduces the carbon footprint and promotes the use of renewable energy.
Waste Management: Effective waste management systems ensure that the property remains clean and environmentally friendly.
Security and Safety
Advanced Security Systems
The safety and security of residents are of paramount importance at SKA Destiny One. The project is equipped with advanced security systems, including:
24/7 CCTV Surveillance: Continuous monitoring through CCTV cameras ensures the safety of residents.
Trained Security Personnel: A team of trained security personnel is always on alert to handle any security concerns.
Access Control: Restricted access to the property ensures that only authorized individuals can enter the premises.
Emergency Services
The project is well-prepared to handle emergencies with:
Fire Safety: Modern fire safety equipment and protocols are in place to deal with any fire-related incidents.
Medical Facilities: Tie-ups with nearby hospitals ensure that residents can access medical care quickly in case of emergencies.
Community and Lifestyle
Vibrant Community
SKA Destiny One fosters a sense of community among its residents. Various events and activities are organized regularly to bring residents together and create a vibrant and inclusive community. This sense of belonging enhances the overall living experience and makes SKA Destiny One more than just a residential complex.
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Lifestyle Enhancements
The project offers various lifestyle enhancements that add to the convenience and comfort of residents, including:
Retail Outlets: On-site retail outlets ensure that residents can access daily necessities without leaving the premises.
Cafes and Restaurants: A selection of cafes and restaurants within the property provides convenient dining options.
Children’s Play Area: A safe and fun play area for children ensures that the younger residents have their own space to enjoy and explore.
Investment Potential
High ROI
Investing in SKA Destiny One is not just about securing a luxurious living space; it is also a smart financial decision. The project is situated in a rapidly developing area, which is expected to see significant appreciation in property values. This makes SKA Destiny One an excellent investment opportunity with high potential returns.
Rental Income
For investors looking to generate rental income, SKA Destiny One offers attractive prospects. The demand for quality Real Estate Property in Greater Noida is on the rise, and SKA Destiny One’s premium features and strategic location make it a sought-after choice for tenants.
SKA Destiny One is more than just a residential project; it is a lifestyle statement. With its prime location, architectural excellence, world-class amenities, and commitment to sustainability, SKA Destiny One offers a living experience that is truly unparalleled. Whether you are looking for a luxurious home for your family or a high-potential investment opportunity, SKA Destiny One is the perfect choice. Embrace the future of luxury living with SKA Destiny One and experience a life of comfort, convenience, and elegance in Greater Noida.
Read Other Projects :  Ace Terra , Fusion The Brook , New Faridabd , Fusion The Rivulet
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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This $86 Million Superyacht Concept that can ‘Fly’  
From floating ‘diamonds’ to roaming volcanoes, an array of eclectic and innovative superyacht concepts has been emerging in recent months, and this latest invention from Lazzarini Design Studio is no exception.
Powered by a hydrofoil system, the 74-meter-long vessel, known as Plectrum, can lift itself above the water surface and seemingly “fly” at high speeds.
According to the team at the Italian studio, the design was largely inspired by the foiling monohulls used in the America’s Cup, one of the oldest international sailing yacht competitions.
Hydrofoil system
But rather than being pushed by the wind like a sailing yacht, this huge shiny orange vessel will run on three hydrogen-powered motors with the ability to reach 5,000 horsepower each.
While foiling technology dates back many years, its popularity has recently grown, particularly due to the America’s Cup.
However, building a hydrofoil of this size would undoubtedly be a hugely significant achievement.
Although the design is just a concept, the designers say it could be constructed within two years at a cost of around $87 million (€80 million) if a buyer is found.
Eyecatching design
“We like to remember that in 1964, shipbuilding was already capable of similar vessel construction,” the designers say in a statement.
The foil system can apparently be adjusted depending on the “cruising needs” at the time, expanding from a width of 15 meters when the yacht is berthed/anchored and the foil is closed to up to 20 meters of beam when open while the yacht is sailing on high speed.
This “different superyacht configuration” will allow “much faster sea traveling than conventional similar size ships,” adds the Lazzarin team.
Made from a mixture of dry carbon fiber composite materials, the light superyacht has been “designed to be the fastest of its kind,” and will have the ability to reach a top speed of 75 knots.
As for onboard amenities, the yacht will be equipped with six guest cabins, a shipowner suite, a helipad and a beach club with a swimming pool over its four levels.
By Tamara Hardingham-Gill.
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concordethanisandra · 6 months
Unveiling Elegance: Concorde Thanisandra Residences
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Introduction to Concorde Thanisandra Residences
Welcome to the world of refined living at Concorde Thanisandra Residences, where elegance meets modernity. Nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Thanisandra, this exclusive property offers a luxurious lifestyle like no other. Get ready to uncover a haven of sophistication and comfort as we delve into the unique features, amenities, and benefits that make Concorde Thanisandra a standout choice for those seeking upscale living in Bangalore.
Unique Features and Amenities of the Property
When it comes to luxury living, Concorde Thanisandra Residences stands out with its exceptional features and top-notch amenities. The property boasts a state-of-the-art fitness center where residents can stay active and healthy without leaving the comfort of their home. Additionally, there's a sparkling swimming pool perfect for relaxing on hot days or getting some laps in. For those who enjoy socializing, the clubhouse is a great spot to host gatherings or simply unwind with neighbors. The lush green spaces and landscaped gardens provide a serene environment for peaceful walks or picnics with loved ones. Concorde Thanisandra also offers 24/7 security to ensure residents' peace of mind at all times. With dedicated parking spaces and high-speed elevators, convenience is prioritized throughout the property. From modern interiors to premium finishes, every detail has been carefully considered to enhance the living experience at Concorde Thanisandra Residences.
Location and Accessibility
Nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Thanisandra, Concorde Thanisandra Residences offer a perfect blend of convenience and serenity. The strategic location provides easy access to key areas in Bangalore, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a well-connected lifestyle. With close proximity to schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and entertainment hubs, residents can enjoy the ease of daily living without compromising on quality. Additionally, the property is well-connected to major transportation arteries, allowing for seamless commutes throughout the city. Whether you prefer exploring trendy cafes or unwinding in lush green spaces nearby, Concorde Thanisandra offers endless possibilities right at your doorstep. Experience the best of urban living with unmatched accessibility at this exclusive residential enclave.
Floor Plans and Design Details
When it comes to Concorde Thanisandra Residences, the floor plans and design details are truly a standout feature. Each residence is meticulously crafted to offer both elegance and functionality in every square foot. The floor plans are thoughtfully designed to maximize space utilization while maintaining a modern aesthetic appeal. Whether you prefer a cozy one-bedroom layout or a spacious three-bedroom configuration, there's something for everyone at Concorde Thanisandra. From high ceilings that create an airy atmosphere to large windows that flood the rooms with natural light, every detail has been carefully considered. The interiors boast premium finishes and fixtures, giving each residence a luxurious touch. Whether you're relaxing in the living room or whipping up a meal in the designer kitchen, you'll appreciate the attention to detail that sets Concorde Thanisandra apart from other properties. With sleek lines and contemporary design elements throughout, these residences exude sophistication and style.
Benefits of Living in Concorde Thanisandra Residences
Living in Concorde Thanisandra bangalore Residences offers a plethora of benefits that cater to modern living needs. The property provides a tranquil environment amidst the bustling city life, allowing residents to unwind and relax after a long day. The well-designed amenities such as the swimming pool, fitness center, and landscaped gardens promote an active lifestyle for all ages. For those who value community living, the clubhouse and recreational spaces foster social interactions among neighbors. Convenience is key at Concorde Thanisandra with its proximity to schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and IT parks. Residents can easily access everything they need within minutes from their doorstep. The thoughtfully planned floor layouts ensure optimal space utilization and comfort for families of all sizes. Each residence exudes sophistication and elegance with high-quality finishes and modern fixtures throughout. Investing in Concorde Thanisandra Residences not only provides a luxurious living experience but also a sense of belonging in a vibrant community setting.
Conclusion: Why You Should Consider Investing in Concorde Thanisandra Residences
When looking for a place to call home, Concorde Thanisandra Residences stands out as an exceptional choice. With its luxurious amenities, strategic location, thoughtfully designed floor plans, and elegant features, this property offers a lifestyle of sophistication and comfort. Investing in Concorde Thanisandra Residences not only provides you with a beautiful living space but also grants you access to a vibrant community where convenience meets elegance. Whether you are looking for a cozy nest or an upscale haven, these residences cater to your every need. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the epitome of modern living at Concorde Thanisandra Residences. Make your investment today and secure a future filled with luxury and tranquility. Live elegantly amidst the charm of Concorde Thanisandra price!
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kirtijadhav · 1 year
"Live the High Life: Exploring the Luxurious Lifestyle at Lodha Bellavista, Thane"
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If you're in search of opulent living spaces in Thane, your quest ends here. Lodha Bellavista on Pokhran Road in Manpada offers an array of 2 BHK, 3 BHK, and 4 BHK flats that epitomize luxury and comfort. In this article, we'll delve into the exquisite world of property  in thane, focusing on what sets Lodha Bellavista apart from the rest.
Why Choose Thane for Your Dream Home?
Before we dive into the specifics of Lodha Bellavista, let's discuss why Thane is a preferred destination for homebuyers. Thane, often referred to as the 'City of Lakes,' is a thriving metropolis that strikes the perfect balance between urban convenience and natural beauty. Its strategic location on the outskirts of Mumbai offers a serene escape from the bustling city life, while still providing easy access to all modern amenities.
The Allure of Pokhran Road, Manpada
Situated in the heart of Thane, Pokhran Road in Manpada is a coveted address for homebuyers real eatate . Its proximity to major commercial hubs, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and entertainment options make it an ideal location for families and working professionals alike. When it comes to lavish properties, Lodha Bellavista stands as a testament to the grandeur of Pokhran Road.
A Glimpse into Lodha Bellavista
Spacious Living Spaces
Lodha Bellavista offers a range of meticulously designed flats, including 2 BHK in thane , 3 BHK, and 4 BHK configurations. These spacious units are thoughtfully planned to maximize natural light and ventilation, ensuring a refreshing living experience.
Modern Amenities
This luxurious enclave is not just about the homes; it's also about the lifestyle it offers. Residents here can indulge in a plethora of amenities, including a state-of-the-art fitness center, swimming pool, landscaped gardens, and a clubhouse for social gatherings.
Green Living
Lodha Bellavista places a strong emphasis on sustainability. The project boasts eco-friendly features such as rainwater harvesting, waste management systems, and lush greenery, providing a green and clean environment for all residents.
Security and Privacy
Safety is paramount at Lodha Bellavista. The complex is equipped with advanced security systems and round-the-clock surveillance, ensuring the safety and peace of mind of its residents.
Flat Options to Suit Your Needs
2 BHK Flats
The 2 BHK flats at Lodha Bellavista are designed for young couples and small families. They offer a cozy yet spacious environment with all the amenities needed for a comfortable life.
3 BHK Flats
For larger families, the 3 BHK flats provide the perfect blend of space and luxury. These units are designed to accommodate your growing needs while maintaining a sense of opulence.
4 BHK Flats
If you desire the pinnacle of luxury and spaciousness, the 4 BHK flats at Lodha Bellavista are the answer. These expansive homes offer ample room for all your aspirations.
In conclusion, Lodha Bellavista on Pokhran Road, Manpada, Thane, presents a compelling choice for those seeking lavish properties in Thane. With a range of 2 BHK, 3 BHK, and 4 BHK flats, along with an array of modern amenities and a focus on sustainability and security, this residential complex encapsulates the essence of luxurious living. Make your dream of a lavish home in Thane a reality by choosing Lodha Bellavista as your abode. Experience the epitome of opulence amidst the tranquility of Thane, and embark on a journey to a life of comfort and prestige.
For more details visit our website :- https://www.propmart.co/blog/luxury-apartments-in-thane-upcoming-projects/
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Imperial Avenue: The Gateway to a Vibrant Lifestyle in the Heart of the Downtown Dubai
It’s an undeniable fact that Dubai is the physical manifestation of opulence. Be it its captivating skyline or lavish lifestyle, Dubai has all the attributes one could ask for in a cosmopolitan hub.
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Among the choices for premium residences, Imperial Avenue shines exceptionally brighter due to its unique location advantage, positioning it as an address for the extraordinary. With its apartments offering views of the iconic Burj Khalifa and proximity to this landmark, Imperial Avenue transcends the ordinary; it becomes a sanctuary for those in pursuit of exclusivity, offering a living experience unparalleled by any other.
Let's delve deeper into this exceptional project in Downtown Dubai's heart, where extravagance is the norm. 
A Panache for Unrivalled Excellence 
Upon entering, you’re welcomed by the grandeur of the 10,000 sq. ft. lobby with its majestic architecture and soaring ceilings that are adorned with crystal chandeliers.
Homes at Imperial Avenue are meticulously designed to intertwine luxury and comfort seamlessly. The apartments facing Burj Khalifa offer sweeping vistas of the city's skyline. These residences in Downtown Dubai benefit from seamless access to premier attractions like the Museum of Future, Dubai Mall (the World's Second-Largest Shopping Mall), and the Green Planet indoor rainforest. With configurations ranging from lavish 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartments to spacious four and five-bedroom podium villas, each space is artfully crafted to accommodate diverse lifestyle preferences.
The interiors exude an air of sophistication, characterised by elegant furnishings, marble floors, and cutting-edge technology. Leading designers have chosen everything, from lighting fixtures to kitchen appliances, to ensure a truly sumptuous living experience.
Residents also get to enjoy world-class amenities, which include two infinity swimming pools overlooking Burj Khalifa and the bustling Downtown Dubai, a fully equipped fitness centre, dedicated concierge services, 24/7 security surveillance for the utmost safety, two children's play areas, a mini-theater, and much much more.
Imperial Avenue, Downtown Dubai, doesn't merely embrace luxury as a concept; it's a lifestyle that guarantees the utmost indulgence at every juncture.
An Address of Distinction
Imperial Avenue distinguishes itself by its prime location. Situated in the heart of Downtown Dubai, this extraordinary project offers more than luxury living; it presents an opportunity to reside in an address that is synonymous with exclusivity and prestige.
One of Imperial Avenue's location advantages is its proximity to Burj Khalifa – Dubai's iconic landmark. Moreover, it also unlocks easy access to premier shopping destinations like The Dubai Mall and Souk Al Bahar, all within walking distance. Whereas convenient connectivity to major highways such as Sheikh Zayed Road facilitates effortless city-wide and inter-city commutes.
Imperial Avenue also happens to be at the centre of the cultural union, which can be observed by the shows at "The Opera District," and other theatres and art galleries. Renowned educational institutions too are nearby, making it ideal for families seeking both luxury and practicality.
Whether you're in search of apartments near Burj Khalifa or luxurious abodes in Dubai that offer convenience and extravagance within a regal address, Imperial Avenue in Downtown Dubai stands unrivalled.
Choose Unrivalled Rarity With Imperial Avenue
In a city where luxury knows no bounds, Imperial Avenue emerges as a rarity, an embodiment of luxury and prestige. It offers convenience and access to all desires. Nestled in the impeccable locale of Downtown Dubai, this development seamlessly combines the best of both worlds.
From its exceptional amenities to its top-tier finishes and panoramic skyline vistas, Imperial Avenue guarantees a life of unparalleled luxury. A life where every inch of each residence is imbued with abundant luxury, carefully curated to cater to the most discerning tastes while ensuring residents enjoy supreme comfort and style.
So, if you're seeking luxury apartments in Dubai that offer exclusivity and unmatched convenience, look no further than Imperial Avenue Downtown Dubai. Opt for this project for its unbeatable location advantage, as it stands apart from other developments in the city.
Elevate your lifestyle by choosing Imperial Avenue – the address of true rarity!
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softrobotcritics · 1 year
Amphibious soft robot
Matching the rich multimodality of natural organisms, i.e., the ability to transition between crawling and swimming, walking and jumping, etc., represents a grand challenge in the fields of soft and bio-inspired robotics. Here, a multimodal soft robot locomotion using highly compact and dynamic bistable soft actuators is achieved. These actuators are composed of a prestretched membrane sandwiched between two 3D printed frames with embedded shape memory alloy (SMA) coils. The actuator can swiftly transform between two oppositely curved states and generate a force of 0.3 N through a snap-through instability that is triggered after 0.2 s of electrical activation with an input power of 21.1 ± 0.32 W (i.e., electrical energy input of 4.22 ± 0.06 J. The consistency and robustness of the snap-through actuator response is experimentally validated through cyclical testing (580 cycles). The compact and fast-responding properties of the soft bistable actuator allow it to be used as an artificial muscle for shape-reconfigurable soft robots capable of multiple modes of SMA-powered locomotion. This is demonstrated by creating three soft robots, including a reconfigurable amphibious robot that can walk on land and swim in water, a jumping robot (multimodal crawler) that can crawl and jump, and a caterpillar-inspired rolling robot that can crawl and roll.
1 Introduction
In order to survive in the natural world, many animals have evolved to perform more than one mode of locomotion. For instance, besides crawling, some caterpillars are capable of rapidly curling themselves and rolling away to evade predators.[1] Crocodiles can both run on land and swim in the water in order to hunt their prey. Geese are capable of both flying for migration and walking to lay eggs in a nest. Inspired by nature, roboticists have developed machines capable of multimodal locomotion that are able to maneuver in unstructured environments for the application like search and rescue operation,[2]monitoring and defence.[3] Such multimodality is typically achieved through either i) shape morphing of the body, ii) gait change, or iii) using different mechanisms of actuation or propulsion. A popular approach is to use distinct propulsive mechanisms that are specialized for locomotion within a corresponding environment (e.g., propeller for flying and swimming and a wheel for locomotion on land[4, 5]). However, multiple propulsive mechanisms can complicate design and add extra weight to such systems. Likewise, using a single propulsive mechanism capable of achieving distinct gaits and locomotion modes can simplify the design but often results in more limited mobility within certain environments.[6-8] A promising alternative is to utilize reversible shape morphing of the body, so that a common set of actuators or robotic limbs can be re-oriented to perform new modes of ground contact or fluid-structure interactions (see Refs. [9-11] for examples).
Soft robots are especially well-suited for reversible shape change due to their mechanical deformability and morphological response in response to controlled stimuli. Recently, Baines et al. proposed a shape morphing limb that can transform between a flipper and a leg by taking advantage of stiffness tuning.[12] The limb is implemented on a turtle-inspired robot[6] to facilitate amphibious locomotion. Shah et al. presented a shape morphing robot that can switch between a crawling gait and a rolling gait to adapt to different environments through the actuation of both internal and external bladders.[13] Although the transformation process is expensive in both energy (72 W) and time (16 min)[12] or relies on external bulky hardware,[13] these two studies provide a promising approach for designing robots that are capable of multi-modal locomotion through the use of reversible shape change.
Soft actuators capable of bistable configurations represent a promising solution to overcome the existing challenges with shape-reconfigurable soft robotic systems. Such actuators can take advantage of snap-through instabilities to achieve fast and reversible shape change through short impulses of stimulation. Moreover, they can maintain different stable shapes without continuously consuming energy.[14, 15] In recent years, bistability has been exploited to create soft actuators for high-speed locomotion of soft robots,[16-18] fast grasping of soft grippers,[19-22] control of soft valves,[23-25] and construction of 3D reconfigurable electronics.[26, 27] However, the potential benefit of using bistability to facilitate multi-modal and amphibious locomotion remains unexplored. Additionally, the majority of the aforementioned soft actuators still require relatively bulky hardware for power and control.
Here, we present a highly dynamic and compact soft actuator that uses a snap-through instability to swiftly switch between two oppositely curved states (Figure 1A–C). The bistable actuator is powered through thermal activation of embedded shape memory alloy (SMA) coils and is capable of achieving a snap-through transition within 0.2 and 0.3 s in air and water, respectively, when powered at 11.1 V (DC Power Supply, Eventek or battery). SMA is adopted here due to its fast response, high mass-to-weight ratio, and compatibility with small and lightweight electronics for power and control.[28-30] By harnessing the fast and reversible response that is achieved through snap-through instability, a pair of bistable soft actuators are implemented on an amphibious robot that is capable of rapid transitions between a swimming-favored state and a walking-favored state (Figure 1D). Inspired by the caterpillar, we also demonstrate that multiple bistable actuators can connected in series to create a soft robot that is capable of adapting to various ground terrain by swiftly transitioning between a crawling gait and a rolling gait (Figure 1E). Moreover, we perform a series of experimental measurements to characterize the bending response, blocking force, and cyclical repeatibility of the actuator. In addition, we develop an experimentally-validated analytic model and numerical simulation to examine the design principles of the actuator. These experimental and theoretical studies provide a framework for understanding the mechanics of the snap-through instability and the influence of design parameters on actuator performance....
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blackpencilsstudio · 1 year
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This residence is a family home of two generations, located in the urban context of Bangkok, Thailand. The house has about one thousand and two hundred square meters of land and two thousand square meters of building area. The density of the neighborhoods does not allow a residential building to have a calm and peaceful environment. The initial idea is to preserve the valuable elements for the family members by looking inward to create the privacy of living in an urban context.
 Among the relationships of the family, the relationship between "interaction" and "privacy" is raised and transformed into an architectural element. The courtyard in the center of the property is to define the distance between "interaction" and "privacy", Each function around the courtyard is represented by the individual sizes and shapes of the openings. This methodology creates dialogues of interactions among the openings by the dimension the courtyard.
 The planning is designed in a centrifugal direction, placing function and circulation around the center courtyard. Entering the house from the west side, solid box volume facade leads to the double height volume foyer that has an opening above for overhead natural light. The light and shadow are contained in an internal white wall box, which is animated by the movement of light and shadow during the daytime. From this angle, the courtyard has not revealed itself yet. Moving away from the foyer, an opening reveals a little angle of the courtyard, with a six-meter tree in the foreground of this view. Living space is at the end of the circulation that needs two more turns to reach; the first is another viewing angle of the courtyard looking through layers of courtyard, pool terrace, and swimming pool. The sense of the internal courtyard is cast by the shadow of the trees on the interior floor. The last turn is the main living space, which consists of a twelve-meter-long opening, a six-meter-long pantry, a four-meter-long dining table, and a living room. The view of the courtyard reveals itself little by little, from a small angle to the full viewing angle from the main living space. This angle of the courtyard, the interior space, and the outdoor courtyard are connected seamlessly by the choice of the partition, which is able to create an open space of the entire floor. On the other hand, the complexity of the partitioning system is also able to create privacy in the room configuration.
 Within the twelve-meter-square shaped courtyard, the movement of trees and the shadow from the natural light are contained in this private space. Looking across the courtyard shows the scene of the courtyard and family's activities at the same time, each opening facing one another with the center greenery as the filter between them.
  This building is designed by grouping the bedroom level on the third floor, which has the most privacy among all the functions. The privacy point of view is translated into a solid box with openings that reflect the use of function behind each opening, contrasting with the space of the living area, which has more porosity. The overall perception of the building is that of a floating solid box with individual openings that play with the effect of natural light, on top of the second floor that has almost the entire opening of the floor.
 The materials are chosen by the interaction of the color of the natural light and the color of the materials, to create the warm atmosphere of a home. From the outside, the unique sizes and shapes of the windows are emphasized by the shadow on the slanting angle of the wall above and below each window.
 From the outside, the house presents a solid look to harmonize itself with the urban context; by contrast, the warmth of the shadows and trees is kept inside to create a dialogue between humans and nature.
                  บ้านที่มีสวนกลางบ้านเป็นตัวสร้างความสัมพันธ์ของสมาชิกในบ้าน จะดีแค่ไหนถ้าเราจะมีบ้านส่วนตัวที่มีพื้นที่สีเขียวเป็นของเราเอง บรรยากาศของพื้นที่สีเขียวที่ไม่ต้องแบ่งปันกับใครนอกจากสมาชิกในครอบครัว ถ้ามองจากภายนอกจะเห็นว่าบ้านหลังนี้เป็นกล่องทึบตันลอยอยู่ด้านบน แต่สวนสีเขียวที่มีเงาทอดผ่านของใบไม้ในช่วงเวลากลางวันจะค่อยๆเผยตัวออกมาเมื่อเดินผ่านมุมต่างๆของบ้านเข้าไป จากมุมเล็กๆ กลายเป็นมุมที่ใหญ่ขึ้น และกว้างขึ้น จนกลายเป็นมุมของหน้าต่างบานใหญ่ที่สุดในส่วนของพื้นที่รับประทานอาหาร และนั่งเล่น ซึ่งอยู่ในสุดของบ้านเพื่อสร้างความเป็นส่วนและบรรยากาศของพื้นที่สีเขียวโดยที่มีการรับรู้ถึงสภาพแวดล้อมของบริบทเมืองให้น้อยที่สุด
 บ้านหลังนี้ถูกสร้างขึ้นด้วยเพื่อสมาชิกในครอบครัวสองวัย ซึ่งความสัมพันธ์ของสมาชิกในครอบครัวอยู่ในจุดที่พอดีระหว่างความสัมพันธ์และความเป็นส่วนตัว จุดนี้เองจึงเป็นจุดตั้งต้นของการออกแบบบ้านหลังนี้ ด้วยการสร้างระยะห่างระหว่างความสัมพันธ์ด้วยสวนกลางบ้าน แต่ในขณะเดียวกัน ความเป็นส่วนตัวก็ถูกสร้างขึ้นด้วยต้นปีบสี่ต้นที่อยู่กลางบ้าน ซึ่งจะสร้างเงาและบรรยากาศที่ทอดเข้ามาสู่พื้นที่ภายใน พร้อมๆกับเป็นบังตาระหว่างพื้นที่ตัวของส่วนใช้สอยภายในบ้าน เมื่ออยู่ด้านในบ้านจึงมีทั้งความเป็นส่วนตัวและยังได้มุมมองต้นไม้ใหญ่ไปพร้อมๆกัน
พื้นที่ส่วนกลางที่อยู่ที่ชั้นสอง เมื่อเปิดหน้าต่างและประตู จะเสมือนพื้นที่ของทั้งชั้นถูกเชื่อมต่อกันหมด และกลายเป็นพื้นที่แบบเปิดทั้งชั้น ส่วนชั้นที่สามจะเป็นพื้นที่ส่วนตัวของห้องนอนที่มีการเล่นแสงเงาของผนังเอียงด้านภายนอก ภาพจำของบ้านหลังนี้ของสมาชิกในครอบครัว จึงไม่ใช่บ้านหลังใหญ่ แต่กลายเป็นสวนที่ดึงสมาชิกของทั้งครอบครัวมาอยู่ร่วมกัน ช่องลมที่ถูกกำหนดไว้ทางทิศใต้ ทำให้ลมประจำพัดเข้ามาสู่ภายในสวนและพื้นที่ในบ้านได้ตลอดทั้งปี เวลาอยู่ด้านในบ้านทั้งเสียง ฝุ่น และ แสงจากภายนอก จะถูกกรองออกไปหมด เหลือแค่พื้นที่ของความเป็นส่วนตัวอยู่ด้านใน ชั้นบนสุดเป็นสวนดาดฟ้าที่ต้นปีปเติบโตขึ้นไปจนกลมกลืนกับสวนด้านบน ทำให้ชั้นบนสุดดูเป็นพื้นสีเขียวขนาดเต็มพื้นที่ของบ้าน ต้นไทรที่ปลูกอยู่ริมราวกันตก บังสายตาจากด้านนอกได้พอดี จากวิวชั้นบนนี้จะเห็นมุมพระอาทิตย์ตกดินได้ตลอดทั้งปี
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lightdekor · 2 years
LIGHTING PHILOSOPHY SAFETY FIRST First and foremost, lighting helps prevent accidents. As internal and external configurations of swimming pools become more complex — creating blind spots and shadows — the need to address proper lighting has risen exponentially. Ensure all safety areas, such as pool steps, entrances and exits, are properly illuminated. MOOD AND AMBIENCE Subtleties in lighting can drastically alter the mood of a backyard landscape, contributing to the owner's enjoyment and satisfaction with the design. While safety is the number one concern, the ability to alter and manage mood and ambiance to suit the homeowner’s needs should also be paramount in the mind of the designer as light placement is determined.you can also see all pool light prouduct and learning from here.
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vserverealty · 2 years
Godrej Palm Retreat Sector 150 Noida
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Godrej Palm Retreat Overview
Godrej Palm Retreat, located on Pusta Road in Noida Section 150, the greenest sector of Noida, offers 430 'Resort Residences' to a select few. With world-class amenities at your disposal, immerse yourself in a lifestyle that will make you feel like you're on a lifetime vacation. The project is now under development and was designed by Godrej Properties, one of the most trusted real estate firms. The project was initiated in September 2019 and will be ready for occupancy in June 2025. Godrej Palm Retreat combines low-rise, resort-styled residences with honest indulgences to offer low-density luxury living.
 14 Acres of Land  The number of towers is two.  Units - 430  Apartment sizes range from 2 to 4 bedrooms.  RERA ID-UPPERAPRJ124632, UPRERAPRJ745601
Godrej Palm Retreat Information
Godrej Palm Retreat aspires to provide resort-style living in the city's core. The project, which debuted in September 2019, includes more than 20,000 square meters of central green space. Godrej Palm Retreat is a fully gated community with three configurations offered in 12 types of elegantly planned layouts ranging in size from 1629 to 3964 sqft. These ultra-luxurious homes range in price from Rs. 86 Lakhs to Rs. 1.99 Cr.
It is a beautifully designed residential property that is sure to impress you. The residential dwellings are currently under construction. The property offers several unit types as flat to meet the demands of different individuals. These property units were built to provide a pleasant lifestyle range from 3 BHK Flat (1947. 0 sq. Ft. - 3198. 0 sq. Ft.), to 2 BHK Flat (1264. 0 sq. Ft. - 1629. 0 sq. Ft.), and 4 BHK Flat (3198. 0 sq. Ft. - 3964. 0 sq. Ft. ). This well-planned region includes two towers, each with its unique set of advantages. The project will begin on September 1, 2019.The possession date is June 1, 2025.
Godrej Palm Retreat Specifications
You'll never feel disconnected from nature because of the beautifully kept grounds, poolside cabanas, and tranquil water bodies. The low-rise dwellings are light and airy. The nearby 40-acre Shaheed Bhagat Singh Park keeps the air breathable and fresh. 16% of the available properties in the complex are valued between 80 Lac and 1Cr. The 3 BHK configuration accounts for around 46% of the residences for sale in this complex.
Homes that are large and spacious, with plenty of natural light and fresh air
Preferred investment destination with a high rate of return
Eco-friendly setting with about 20,000 square meters of central green space
State-of-the-art Golf Course Well-connected to Noida, Greater Noida, and Delhi
All modes of public transportation are nearby.
Amenities of Godrej Palm Retreat.
Godrej Palm Retreat has received its start-up certificate. The project's occupancy certificate was not issued. Godrej Palm Retreat was meticulously designed by famous builder Godrej Properties. Godrej Palm Retreat is a perfect choice for a modern lifestyle, with all facilities and amenities such as a Golf Course, Mini Cinema Theatre, Meditation Area, Indoor Squash & Badminton Courts, Flower Gardens, Event Space & Amphitheatre, Lift, Banquet Hall, Park, Jogging and Strolling Track. Plot No. SC-02F, Sports City Sector 150, Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh is the full address of the site. The project's needed Pincode is 201310. Godrej Palm Retreat combines luxury living with seamless connectivity to provide you with a comfortable living environment.
Club House
Jogging and Strolling Track
Swimming Pool
Banquet Hall
Indoor Games Room
Flower Gardens
Air Conditioned
Indoor Squash & Badminton Courts
Physical Infrastructure
Noida is one of the most promising new developments in the Delhi NCR. Sector 150 is a Residential Property In Noida. It is only 8 kilometers from Pari Chowk and has an excellent connection to Noida, Greater Noida, and Delhi via the Noida-Expressway and the Yamuna-Expressway. This neighborhood, which is close to major residential buildings, is growing appeal and attracting both investors and purchasers. Premium projects are being developed in this area by developers such as TATA and Godrej. The Noida Sector 148 metro station on the Noida-Greater Noida Aqua line is only a 5-minute drive away. Residents will not have to worry about everyday commuting because there are numerous buses and other public transportation options, such as cabs and vehicles, available.
GD Goenka Public School
Delhi Public School
K R Mangalam World School
Galgotia University
Sharda University v
Kailash Hospital
The Great Venice Mall
Crystal Mall
Lotus Green Broadwalk
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real-estate1233 · 2 years
Civitech Strings 2/3 Bhk Apartment in Noida Extension
Situated in Greater Noida West, Civitech Strings plans to offer a modern lifestyle to all the residents. The units of Civitech Strings come at an affordable price which varies from Rs. 46.87 Lac*. It covers an area of 4 acres which provides ample green space to the residents. There are total 838 units in this project.
Constructed keeping in mind all the modern requirements, this residential property is a perfect choice. All the units of the property are under construction. Flats are the type of units available in this project. The offered residential units are spacious and are available in various sizes as 2 BHK flat (1090. 0 sq ft - 1090. 0 sq. ft), 3 BHK flat (1250. 0 sq. ft. - 1283.0 sq. ft.). ft.) 01 Jan 2021 is the date of commencement of the project. The estimated possession date of the project is 01 September 2027.
The commencement certificate of the beautiful Civitech Strings is provided. Occupancy certificate was not given for this planned project. Civtech Strings Noida Extension is developed by reputed real estate developer Civtech Developers. Subscribe for a wonderful stay with amenities like park, power back up, swimming pool, gymnasium, reserved parking, security, intercom facility, kids play area, aesthetically designed landscaped garden at Civtec Strings. You can reach to Sector 12, Greater Noida West, Greater Noida - 203207 for this project. This project comes under Pincode 201306. Civitech Strings is the mantra of convenience and comfort at a competitive price.
Civitech Strings Floor Plan
To learn more about the layout, it is best to study the floor plan. The floor plan provides a bird's eye view of the home's structure. The units from Civitech Strings come in a choice of 7 types of floor plans according to 2 configurations. Available in 2 bhk flat size 1090 sq ft super area. The 3 bhk flat comes in different sizes of 1250, 1275, 1280, 1281, 1282 and 1283 sq ft super area. All these configurations are accompanied by well maintained balconies and modern bathrooms. All the different configurations of Civtec strings are available on Magicbricks for your reference.
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godrejprojectss · 5 hours
Godrej Park Retreat, Sarjapur Road Redefining Modern Living in Bangalore
Godrej Properties, a name synonymous with quality and innovation, has once again raised the bar with its latest residential offering—Godrej Park Retreat on Sarjapur Road, Bangalore. This new project is designed to cater to the needs of modern homebuyers who seek a blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience. Strategically located in one of Bangalore’s most sought-after locales, offers an ideal opportunity for those looking to invest in a home that promises both lifestyle and future appreciation. In this blog, we will explore what makes this project a standout choice for prospective homebuyers.
Location Advantage
Sarjapur Road has emerged as a prominent residential hub in Bangalore, thanks to its strategic location and rapid development. It provides excellent connectivity to major IT parks such as ITPL, Electronic City, and Whitefield, making it a preferred destination for professionals working in these tech corridors. Godrej Park Retreat is strategically positioned to offer easy access to these key areas while being nestled in a tranquil environment away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
The locality is also well-connected to essential amenities such as reputed educational institutions, healthcare facilities, shopping centers, and entertainment zones. Schools like Oakridge International School, Inventure Academy, and hospitals like Columbia Asia are in close proximity, making it an ideal location for families. With the upcoming Namma Metro expansion plans, the connectivity of Sarjapur Road is set to improve even further, adding to the convenience of residents.
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Project Overview
Godrej Park Retreat is thoughtfully designed to offer a range of 2 and 3 BHK apartments that cater to the diverse needs of modern families. Each apartment is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a spacious, well-ventilated, and comfortable living environment. The project spans across acres of lush greenery, providing a serene and peaceful atmosphere that is hard to find in the bustling city.
The architectural design of the project reflects modern aesthetics, with a focus on maximizing natural light and ventilation. The project is not just about living spaces but a holistic lifestyle that encompasses a range of amenities and conveniences that add value to everyday living.
Amenities That Enhance Your Lifestyle
Godrej Park Retreat phase 2 is equipped with a plethora of amenities designed to cater to the varied needs of its residents. Whether you are looking for relaxation, fitness, or recreation, this project has something for everyone. Some of the standout amenities include:
Clubhouse: A spacious clubhouse that serves as the social hub for the community, equipped with indoor games, a lounge area, and a multipurpose hall.
Swimming Pool: A well-maintained swimming pool where residents can unwind and enjoy a refreshing dip.
Gymnasium: A state-of-the-art gym with the latest equipment, perfect for fitness enthusiasts.
Children’s Play Area: A dedicated play area with safe and engaging equipment for children to have fun.
Jogging Tracks and Landscaped Gardens: Lush green spaces and jogging tracks that promote a healthy and active lifestyle.
Sports Facilities: Courts for badminton, tennis, and basketball, catering to the sports enthusiasts in the community.
These amenities are designed to ensure that residents have access to everything they need for a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle, without having to step out of the gated community.
Floor Plans and Apartment Features
The apartments come in various configurations to suit different family sizes and preferences. The 2 BHK and 3 BHK units are designed to offer maximum space utilization and functionality. Large windows and balconies ensure that each unit is well-lit and ventilated, creating a cheerful and vibrant living environment.
The kitchens are equipped with high-quality countertops and storage solutions, while the bathrooms feature premium sanitary ware. Each apartment also comes with dedicated utility spaces and balconies, adding to the convenience and comfort of the residents.
Investment Potential
Investing in Godrej is not just about owning a home; it’s about making a smart financial decision. Sarjapur Road is witnessing rapid infrastructural development, and property values in this area are on the rise. The project’s strategic location, coupled with the brand reputation of Godrej Properties, ensures a high potential for future appreciation.
Additionally, the project’s proximity to major IT hubs makes it an attractive option for rental income, given the high demand for quality housing among professionals working in the area. For those looking to make a long-term investment, Godrej offers a perfect combination of a luxurious lifestyle and financial growth.
Why Choose Godrej Park Retreat?
Trusted Brand: Developed by Godrej Properties, known for its commitment to quality and timely delivery.
Modern Amenities: A comprehensive range of amenities that cater to all age groups and lifestyle needs.
Quality Construction: Well-designed apartments with high-quality materials and finishes.
Investment Potential: High appreciation potential due to strategic location and brand value.
Conclusion Godrej Park Retreat Sarjapur Road is more than just a residential project; it’s a gateway to a luxurious and fulfilling lifestyle. With its prime location, thoughtfully designed apartments, and a host of modern amenities, it stands as an ideal choice for homebuyers and investors alike. Whether you are looking for your dream home or a valuable investment, Park Retreat offers the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and growth potential. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this prestigious community and experience the best of urban living in Bangalore.
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