randomoranges · 2 years
a prince au side chapter? a prince au side chapter that takes place BEFORE prince au? a prince au side chapter that takes place BEFORE prince au and that’s about cal and ét? a prince au side chapter that takes place BEFORE prince au and that’s about cal and ét AND is also a christmas song bonanza fic? say no more!
A Prize-Winning Pony with a Golden Saddle [This Could be Heaven]
 Étienne snuggled further into Calvin’s chest, content to have his lover with him. This was all still very new, but now that the king and queen knew, there was less sneaking around and so, Étienne could wake up with Calvin still in his bed and spend the morning with him, entangled around him, and indulge in the simple pleasures of life.
 On top of that, it was the High Holidays season, which was one of his favourite times of the year. Even though it was cold outside and there was more snow than he could tolerate, the prince enjoyed the festive mood and good cheer that permeated the air. Ever since he’d been little, he’d enjoyed going to the markets with his parents and siblings and going with Calvin this year had been even more special.
 He felt a soft kiss pressed to his forehead and looked up in time to catch the prettiest of smiles on Calvin’s face. His heart sped up, as it often did when it came to Calvin. He reached for Calvin’s hand, which was thankfully still under the covers and furs; it was cold outside of their little love nest and the idea of poking his hand outside of it sent a shiver down his back. He brought Calvin’s hand to his lips and kissed every finger in turn. Calvin chuckled softly at his antics, but it just made Étienne keep going, until Calvin pulled him close to kiss him properly.
 “Good morning, my prince,” Calvin whispered to him, gently caressing his face. Étienne leaned into the contact and smiled in turn, twining their legs together. He thrilled at hearing those words and knew that even years and years from now, his insides would still turn to goo hearing Calvin say it with such gentle affection. It held so much love and care that he couldn’t help but grin and seek a tender kiss from his lover, who was more than happy to oblige. It seemed he could never be close enough to Calvin and whatever point of contact he could find would have to do, until he found another. It seemed that his body craved the proximity to Calvin and luckily, it  seemed that Calvin felt the same.
 “Hi,” He whispered back. He loved that this was a new norm for them. He loved that at the end of the day, he would make it to his room and be able to unwind with Calvin – that he’d be able to pull Calvin close for a kiss, or two, or three, and that Calvin would respond in kind. He loved it best when they’d make it to his bed and their kisses would lead to more...
 “I know it’s early for gift exchanges, but, I – made you something...” He told Calvin, a moment later, when they pulled apart from their kiss. The time was perfect to do it now, when it was just the two of them in the quiet intimacy of his bedroom. Normally, the exchange of gifts was a much more boisterous event, surrounded by the rest of his family. However, he wanted this moment to be just between the two of them, considering it was the first time they were doing this as lovers and he wanted to mark the occasion.  
 “Oh? You know you didn’t have to...” Calvin said, even though the curiosity was getting the best of him.
 Étienne mourned the warmth of his bed, as he reached out for the night table beside him. He shivered at the cold, his exposed skin prickling with goose bumps, and he quickly opened the drawer to pull out a neatly wrapped parcel. The package was flat and square shaped with delicate fabric protecting the content of the gift. A green bow with gold trim adorned the wrapping and Calvin took it in careful hands, while Étienne furrowed himself back under the covers and furs, snuggling back to Calvin’s side.
 “Of course I did.” Étienne rebuked his last statement. “You’re my closest friend and important me. And now that you’re my lover, I wanted to make something special for you. I just hope you like it.” He added, softly, as if afraid that Calvin wouldn’t.
 Calvin rolled his eyes, knowing full well that the prince could offer him near anything and he would appreciate it. The mere fact that the prince would take the time to make something for him was gift enough. He undid the bow and put it to the side, before he slid the fabric off. He found a canvas of sorts and had to flip it over to see what it was.
 He gasped, immediately recognising the painted scene before him.
 “It’s Pony!” He said, tracing his fingers over the delicate brushstrokes that composed her mane. Besides him, Étienne chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to his bare, freckled shoulder. “This is beautiful,” He was quick to add, sparing Étienne a glance, before looking back at the painting.
 In it, Pony was featured in a beautiful meadow, surrounded by lush, green trees and a clear river. It looked a lot like the place he and Étienne liked to go to and he wouldn’t be surprised if the scene had been inspired by it. Pony looked magnificent and tranquil and the fact that the prince had taken the time to paint this for him meant the world to him. “When did you manage to do this?” He knew Étienne’s schedule by heart and he had never seen the prince working on this piece. Then again, there were many times when the prince would paint that Calvin would be called off on some duty and even many nights when the prince would meander the halls of the castle, unable to sleep.
 “Oh, you know, here and there; when you were out on a patrol, late at night, and such. I’m glad you like it though.” He smiled as Calvin wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him flush against him. Étienne hugged him back and found that even though he was no longer buried under the covers, Calvin’s body was warm and provided him with the heat he needed.
 “Of course; this is the best gift ever. I love it; thank you.” As if to prove his point, Calvin set the painting down, before cupping his face in his hands and kissed him in thanks. Étienne was more than happy to oblige and wrapped himself around his lover.
 (And, years and years later, beyond the wedding and the coronation, the painting still hung on Calvin’s bedroom wall, much to the king’s chagrin and partial amusement. Calvin defended the piece, saying that it was one of his most cherished items and that it was a reminder of the beginning of their relationship. The king let it be, knowing full well there was no sense in arguing with his lover, and had to admit that despite it all, he was touched that Calvin had kept it, after so many years. If asked, Calvin would say that he was an old romantic and that he knew for a fact that the king also happened to still have an old whittled horse that he had made him, a lifetime ago, that he refused to part with.)
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randomoranges · 2 years
hey hi hello bonjour salut là
so remember my olympic au??? well. i know it’s done, but like. i had this idea, you see, and i had it marinating for over a year. and so, i finally just - wrote the thing. and then i needed a title. and i couldnt think of it. until the silliest of titles came to mind. anyways.
ed’s still in the picture, he’s just not in this fic. but this is very much very mongary. caltreal. whatever. ça là.
can you believe, in 2023. amazing. im as shocked as you are.
 Étienne lets out a hiss of pain, followed by a curse and tries to yank his leg away from his tormentor. Calvin ignores the other’s protests but he does knead Étienne’s thigh a little more gently, even if there’s still a deep scowl on his face.
 “You overdid it.” He says and the again goes silent, even though they both hear it. “The doctor said to go easy and you overdid it.”
 Étienne sits up as much as he can on Calvin’s massage bench and leans back heavily on his arms. Calvin’s not wrong. He had overdone. He hadn’t meant to, but he had.
 “I got caught up in the moment...” Étienne admits. That isn’t a lie. He’d hit that ice with full swing and gusto. For the briefest of moments, he’d felt twenty-five years younger and at the peak of his youth and career. It had almost felt like – before.
 “And for what!? You don’t have anything to prove!”
 Étienne blinks, surprised that Calvin sounds – upset. Why would Calvin sound upset? It’s not his leg he’s gone and messed up (again). Plus, he’ll be fine in a few days if he actually takes it easy and doesn’t put too much weight on it.
 Calvin motions that he’s done and Étienne gingerly pulls his sweatpants back on and carefully hobbles off the massage bench and makes it to the couch. Calvin brings over the pouffe and helps him elevate his leg, before he hands him a bag of ice. His movements and attention are gentle, even if he still looks upset. Étienne feels like he’s eight again and being scolded for doing something his mother had advised him not to. It feels silly, considering he’s a grown man, but he can’t shake the feeling off.
 He watches as Calvin putters about, putting his things away and making the massage bench disappear, before he returns to the couch and sits next to him. Étienne scuttles closer, making himself small and waits for Calvin to motion to him that yes, he can still come and cuddle by his side. It takes a moment, during which Étienne starts to think that maybe Calvin won’t let him, but then, with a sigh, Calvin lifts his arm and motions for him to come over.
 Étienne doesn’t need to be told twice and he carefully manoeuvres himself over, leg still on the pouffe, until he has his head resting on Calvin’s chest and Calvin’s arms around his shoulders. It’s nice and cozy here, in his lover’s embrace, and the steady beating of Calvin’s heart quells the strum of anxiety that he fucked up something good that lives inside of him.
 “I wasn’t trying to prove anything,” He mumbles, face half buried in Calvin’s sweater. It’s easier if he speaks to the sweater, not having to read the disappointment and worry in Calvin’s usual kind eyes. He’s disappointed enough people in his life, he doesn’t need to add Calvin to the list.
 “Then why did you overdo it? The doctor gave you the clear only if you took it easy...” There’s less bite to it this time around, but the reprimand stings just as much.
 Étienne sighs and grows quiet, fiddling with the button on the sweater, trying to focus on Calvin’s sure hand on his back. It’s a nice and strong hand. Soft as well. Always warm. He wishes he could hold on to it at the moment. Kiss every knuckle until Calvin forgives him and they move on from this conversation.
 This had all started last summer, really. Or well, early spring.
 Étienne had gone for his annual check-up for his stupid leg and the doctor had mentioned there was a new type of surgery that could help give him some movement back. It wasn’t a miracle cure, but if done right, he would gain a good chunk of mobility and the day to day pain would diminish. He was a good candidate considering his overall good physical shape and the fact that he wasn’t too old.
 Étienne hadn’t even had to think about it. He was scheduled for the surgery a few weeks later.
 The surgery had gone as planned and there was nothing to say about his recovery. Étienne did notice the improvements almost right away and he’d felt like a new man. He still needed the brace every so often and he couldn’t exactly move his leg like a full able-bodied person, but there was progress and if it meant that he could get a few more good years out of his leg, then he would take them.
 Then, towards the end of his recovery, came the invite.
 It wasn’t the first time he received the invite, but every time he did, he had to turn it down.
 Every so often, the Devils invited former players to a charity game. The crowd got a chance to see some of their old favourite players and the guys got a chance to play together one more time. It was fun, it was for a good cause, and Étienne had always wanted to attend, but had never been able to, due to his injury.
 This time, however, he’d called the doctor to see if he could play. Even if just for one shift. They’d worked with his physical therapist and they’d both agreed, the doctor and the physical therapist, that if he didn’t overdo it, he could play.
 Jubilant, Étienne had accepted the invitation.
 “I guess I got caught up in the moment... of being back...” He finally says, lost in a myriad of different thoughts from what may as well be ten different lifetimes.
 “You know your worth isn’t based solely on what you did when you were playing hockey, right?”
 It stings a little, the way Calvin says it, as if he’s not grateful for the life he’s had, all things considered. “I’m very well aware, thanks, but – that’s where it all started for me. With those guys on that ice and to be able to go back to it... even for a little bit – it’s like – getting the closure I never got before. Finally saying good bye and thank you on my terms...”
 He’s given it a lot of thought, over the years, and has even talked about it in therapy. Sure, he’d made peace with his career in the NHL being cut short, but there had always been something missing – some old grievance that had never properly healed. It had all clicked when he’d accepted the invitation. As if finally, he was being offered the chance to write his grand finale his own way. Not necessarily redemption, but something akin to it.
 Calvin sighs again, “But you had Sledge, after. This feels like you’re saying that Sledge wasn’t enough.”
 Étienne sits up and looks at him, frowning. “Sledge saved me. Don’t kid yourself. Without Sledge I wouldn’t be here. Fuck, I owe my life to Sledge and I’ll never be able to thank them enough for what they did or what they mean to me.” He means it, every word of it. He’s sure he’s mentioned it to Calvin before, but if he’s alive today it’s because of sledge hockey.
 After the accident, he’d been in a bad place mentally. There’d been one too many times, during his initial recovery, where he’d contemplated killing himself, the miasma in his head too loud for him to trudge through.
 At the time, he was convinced that he would never get a chance to play again and that there was nothing left for him to do. He was stuck wallowing at home, while he tried to learn to walk again, wondering what the point of it was. It was during an especially difficult time when Mark, who was on the Sledge team at the time, came knocking on his door.
 Étienne had turned him down at least four times, but Mark was a persistent fellow who kept coming to see him, even when Étienne wanted nothing to do with him and eventually, he’d agreed to come and watch a game.
 He was hooked from that day on and he never took for granted the lifeline he’d been handed on that day. He’d clung to sledge hockey with every last shred of sanity and willpower and he’d clawed his way back to life.
 “But this group of guys... they were the first to accept me. They were the ones who let a queer guy play on their team and stood up for that same queer guy when others insulted him... I know it’s hard to understand, but for the first time – for that young twenty year old me – I felt welcomed and wanted. I had friends and people who had my back. It meant the world – it still means the world and suiting up again with them... I guess I just wanted to relive it all for a moment, just one more time... I’m sorry if I worried you,” He concludes with a sigh, still swimming in memories of before, overlapped with the game from yesterday. He doesn’t regret it, no, and he just hopes that Calvin will come to understand.
 Calvin sighs again, but he does pull him closer and presses a kiss to his forehead. “Of course I’m worried. I saw the way you skated off at the end of the game and I had to put up with you all of last night. You’ve suffered enough. I don’t want you to keep suffering when you don’t have to.” He’d suffered through worse, even before the accident, but Calvin worries easily. Especially when he does reckless things. Then again, Calvin had been worried about him even before they’d started seeing each other, when he’d been but a coach and Calvin the volunteer assigned to his locker room.
 His words warm up some dead part of his heart again and Étienne still doesn’t believe that for some odd reason, despite all the odds in the world, they’re still both here together.
 “It’s just a little twinge. It already hurts less, promise. And I know that I’m in good hands with you.” Calvin doesn’t look completely convinced, but he does relax a little. “If you want, I’m sure you can try and kiss it better. I’m pretty sure that’ll work as well.” He grins, a little more hopeful than playful, but it has its desired effect, when Calvin rolls his eyes, fond, and then wraps him in his arms before he presses a series of noisy kisses to his cheek.
 Étienne can’t help but laugh as he holds on to Calvin’s arms, feeling already much better.
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randomoranges · 2 years
sometimes you don’t need a wagerino for an updaterino
prince au part 113
 Calvin sighed as he looked up to the castle looming ever closer. He’d been gone now for nearly four weeks and for as much as he longed to be back home, he was also afraid as to what he would find when he got there.
 He had never meant for things to get quite so out of hand or to be gone for so long, really. Yes, he’d been angry – at Étienne. At Edward. At this whole damned situation, but he’d never meant to leave his beloved prince’s side for so long. The snowstorm, which had delayed his return, had been uncalled for, yet unsurprising and he would have been back sooner, had it not delayed their patrol. Yet, despite that, he realised that stepping away from the castle for a bit had done some good to help clear his mind. Could he have found some other way to go about sorting through his complicated feelings? Yes, he could have and it probably would have made his return easier, but at least he was back.
 And really, from the moment he had left he’d regretted. The patrol had been an excuse more than anything else had and he knew for a fact that Étienne would have worried every day. Or, at least, he normally did, but maybe this time had been the proverbial one time too many. For all he knew, Étienne could have replaced him and written him off, which, he realised shortly after he’d left, that it could have been Edward’s master plan all along.
 The castle was now only a few paces away and Calvin slowed down, as if afraid. Outside, he was safe from his responsibilities and whatever fallouts awaited him. Inside, a whole world of retribution, apologies, and uncertainty waited.
 Calvin glanced up the night sky and swore there was an illuminated window in the castle, despite the late hour. He wondered, briefly, if it wasn’t Étienne, looking out, waiting for him, before he chased the thought away. The prince had no reason to wait for him, not when he’d been gone for so long and he’d left him all alone with that blasted no good prince from nowhere fiancé.
 Resigned to his fate, Calvin put his horse to motion and hoped for the best.
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randomoranges · 2 years
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New names just dropped.
@allbeendonebefore is going to disown me, but also she's like 19% responsible
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randomoranges · 2 years
and so you’re back from outerspace
prince au part 115
After wishing his men a good night, Calvin headed towards the castle. There was no way he was going off to find Étienne, this late in the evening, and even if there was a high chance that the prince would still be awake, Calvin did not want to confront him just yet. Therefore, he would head to his own room and leave these problems for the morning. Plus, he was exhausted, cold, a little hungry, and not in the best mood or headspace to have what could be a very heated conversation. There was also the fact that he was very afraid that Étienne would tell him that they were over – that he’d crossed a line one too many times and that he was now madly in love with Edward.
 No, it was best to get some rest, or at the very least, lie in his bed where it would be warm, and find the prince in the morning, after eating some real food.
 He was about to finally make his way towards the door, when he heard his name being shouted.
 Surprised and shocked, he turned in time to see Étienne running towards him.
 At first, it was hard to tell whether the prince was upset or not, but before he could tell, he found himself with an armful of the other man, as Étienne threw himself at him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.
 “Calvin...” He heard him murmur, sounding relieved.
 It took Calvin a moment to grasp what it was that was happening and for his arms to respond and hold Étienne back. He was home. He’d made it back, somehow. Étienne was hugging him and – by the Gods he had missed him. So much.
 The realisation landed on him like a bag of bricks and Calvin held Étienne tighter, furrowing his face in the crook of his neck, realising that he could have lost all of this by his own doing.
 “I’m sorry,” He blurted out, suppressing a sob of his own.
 “Shh, it’s okay, you have nothing to be sorry about,” Étienne was quick to tell him, leaning back to cup his face between his hands and look him in the eyes, “I’m just so happy that you’re home. You’re home and you’re safe. We’ll figure this out together, but you came back – you came back to me,” He added, pressing warm kisses to his cold cheeks, now covered with a layer of blond bristles.
 Calvin looked at Étienne, took in his tear stained cheeks and where he thought he’d find anger and hurt, he instead found relief and love. He didn’t deserve this man. He’d never deserved him, really, but at the moment – right now, he was immensely grateful that he had him.
 Étienne shivered then and Calvin realised for the first time – or at least, his brain registered for the first time, that his lover was out in nothing but his sleep clothes and that if he didn’t get him inside soon, he would freeze to death, or at the very least, get sick. Calvin couldn’t have that happen. Not on his watch.
 “Here, take this,” He said, removing his own outer layer, before he draped it over Étienne’s shoulders.
 The prince furrowed himself in the garment, smiling despite the obvious cold. “We should go back inside. I’ll have them draw you a bath.”
 Calvin was about to protest that they didn’t have to – that Étienne didn’t have to go through all that trouble, but the prince insisted and Calvin didn’t have the heart in him to argue. However, he could still manage to lift Étienne in his arms and make his way back inside the castle – back inside his home.
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randomoranges · 2 years
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yeah this is inspired by that video 
the joke is that 100000 yrs ago i had seen the video and went “gary and ét!!!”, saved a screencap for later and then - didnt do anything with it.
then just a while back i was on tumblr and the video appeared on my dash so I Had To.
the real question is: is this reality, a fever dream, a wet dream, a fantasy, cal’s deepest desire, or a gag joke bcs they’re riding a mechanical bull lamao
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randomoranges · 11 months
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10000 yrs ago i found an image of this exact pose on tumblr and thought haha prince au. i shared it with allbeendonebefore.
i saved the image. i meant to draw it. i never did.
my antiquarian post it reminds me every year when it's calvins birthday. therefore, i do my One Token Calvin Art (sometimes there's more, but, lol.)
liberties were taken with étienne's clothes. he remains étienne regardless of time period and au :)
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randomoranges · 1 year
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It's still m3 week
2 for 1 day
I was going to use this pose with another idea but other idea didn't work. Guess I'll have to do More lol
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randomoranges · 1 year
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not an official photo announcement, but i felt like it. 
copy-pastaing @allbeendonebefore​ ‘s post from last year because Everything is There.
“Monmongary Week(end) returns!
Windex was abroad experiencing life the universe and everything last month so we delayed it until August this year, but once again we are celebrating the bizarre relationships we construct between our OCs.
What is Monmongary Week
It’s like a ship week where we draw art and write stuff about our three city personifications Montreal, Edmonton, and Calgary. You’re welcome to join in too if you like! It can be platonic or romantic so long as it includes at least two or all three of the characters. It’s also called M3 Week because their last names all start with M (until I finally go rogue and change one)
WHY on earth is this a ship
Because we are friends and have ocs so it’s our legal obligation to put them in Scenarios for their own development, hope that helps.
Where are the character refs
My refs:
Ed: Masterpost | 2020 Ref Sheet
Cal: Masterpost | 2020 Ref Sheet
@randomoranges‘ refs:
Étienne: Bio | Tattoos
How do I do the Thing
tag art and writing as #monmongaryweek or us at @allbeendonebefore and @randomoranges so we can find it. You can check out previous examples here. If you need any help with French, @randomoranges has your back.
There’s no prompt list or deadline this year, you’re free to use previous years prompts or give us a shout if you need some inspo.
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5
We’re aiming to do stuff this coming weekend but if stuff gets posted a little later, that’s a-okay.”
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randomoranges · 1 year
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Extra rude.
7/7 i win!
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randomoranges · 1 year
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This is how they greet each other, don't question it lol
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randomoranges · 1 year
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Another event based on a thing I saw In Real Life
Enjoy the rare Mongary art lol
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randomoranges · 10 months
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three for the price of one! the first is the last of the silly little dumb series, ed's turn. the second, a friend sent me this graffiti spray painted on a Montreal street and so, i had to. and finally, the exciting conclusion to the series no one ever asked. ed is licking his spoon. the colours on the photo don't do it justice, lol.
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randomoranges · 10 months
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sometimes u stumble upon a thing on tumblr and ur brain feeds u silly ideas and then u act upon them.
cal has No Shame in his shirt.
the two menaces on the right are menaces
the c on his belt buckle can mean so many things lol
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