#c. khaalida leandra
yourgirlsarchived · 2 years
@gxdsandmonstxrs​ liked for Hawke
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To say she’d had a shitty year would be a gross understatement. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. She’d gone to a god for help, and she’d come away with nothing all the same. Siblings, gone, parents, gone. 
Khaalida supposes in a numb sort of way, that it makes this much easier for her. She won’t be abandoning anyone when she goes to fill her bargain with Theresa. Her friends would walk on, they didn’t need her to continue to be great. Her hands run through her hair as she heads for the spot she first met the other woman at.
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“I’m here.” She hopes that’s all she has to do, because she really, frankly, isn’t going to do more to giftwrap herself.
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yourgirlsarchived · 2 years
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