#c.laude r.iegen
dangantums · 5 months
Your Majesty
anon requested: If you’re still taking requests. Might I ask for C.laude Von R.iegan weight gain? Like him becoming a big king after taking the throne and eating too many feasts? Thank you!
so sorry for accidentally deleting this ask! I also hope you don't mind c.laude x d.imitri! :]
this fic contains: burps, hiccups, bloating, stuffed belly, SFW content.
ship: d.imiclaude
TLDR: c.laude experiences 'a meal fit for a king.'
The weight of the Leicester Alliance wasn't the only thing pressing down on Claude. Since taking the throne, a delightful, doughy burden had settled comfortably around his middle. Every celebratory feast with Dimitri by his side – a near nightly occurrence – added another layer of love handles.
Tonight was no different. A feast featuring a whole roasted boar, a mountain of buttery mashed potatoes, roasted capons, glazed hams, flagons of ale, rich custard and almond cakes riddled the dining hall table. Every noble house, every grateful town, seemed to shower them with the heartiest, most decadent feasts Claude had ever seen.
Dimitri, his lover, bless his bottomless pit of a stomach, was handling it like a champ. But for Claude, a man who thrived on cunning and wit, not endless buffets, a different kind of battle was brewing. A battle deep in his stomach – even this meal was too much for him. It started subtly, a polite burp after a particularly rich boar roast. Claude, ever the gentleman, excused himself with a charming wink. Dimitri, ever the oblivious sweetheart, just patted his shoulder with a smile. But the plates kept coming – Claude sampled them all, a diplomat's duty, he'd tell himself. But soon, the polite burps turned into biting back full-fledged eruptions. Claude felt ill. He excused himself, a sheepish grin on his face, and retreated to the balcony. Every breath felt like a monumental effort, and the slightest jiggle sent a wave of nausea washing over him. The cool night air did little to soothe the rumble emanating from his stomach.
"Ugh," Claude groaned, leaning against the railing. A loud, resounding burp escaped him, echoing through the silent night. He blushed, hoping no one had heard.
Dimitri appeared on the balcony. "Claude? Are you alright? I heard…" His frown softened into a playful smirk and a playful glint appeared in his eye, followed by a chuckle that broke the stillness. "Sounds like someone overindulged, Your Majesty."
Claude, cheeks flushed with both embarrassment and indigestion, managed a weak groan. "I believe," Claude began, voice strained, "I may have overindulged a tad."
"Perhaps it's time to lay off the feasts, my love," Dimitri said as he approached Claude and wrapped an arm around his waist, the soft flesh overflowing his grasp. Dimitri’s hand gently brushed against Claude's protruding belly, then gingerly massaged the taut skin.
Claude sighed, "I know, I know. But those almond cakes with the whipped cream..." Another, wetter burp punctuated his sentence. Claude winced, his face contorted in discomfort. His stomach, now a distended globe beneath his fine tunic, protested vehemently.
"Are you sure you’re alright, Claude? You look a little flushed,” Dimitri commented, face now riddled with concern.
Claude blushed further. "Just a bellyache... Happens when you eat your weight in roasted boar…”
Dimitri lifted his arm from around Claude’s, his hand hovering over Claude's midsection.
Claude swatted his hand away, but not unkindly. "Don't even think about it, Dimitri. I may be stuffed, but I'm still King."
Dimitri raised his hands in mock surrender. "Of course. Though… a king deserves a little comfort, wouldn't you say?"
Claude couldn't resist Dimitri for long, especially not with that hopeful look in his eyes. "Fine," he conceded. "But a short cuddle. My belly feels like it's about to – Hic! – burst."
Dimitri grinned. He pulled Claude close, his strong arms wrapping around the king's slightly thickened torso. Claude nestled into Dimitri's warmth, a contented sigh escaping his lips. As they stood there, bathed in the soft moonlight, another, slightly more sheepish burp rumbled from the depths of Claude's belly.
Dimitri reached over cupped Claude's face, his thumb gently wiping away a stray bit of sauce that stained the corners of his lips. “While I am concerned about how this is taking such a toll on you,” Dimitri murmured, barely above a whisper. "I do find your new… ‘figure’ rather… becoming."
Claude's face flushed crimson. "Dimitri," he gasped.
Dimitri’s grin widened, nuzzling Claude's hair. "Just stating a fact, Your Majesty." He planted a soft kiss on Claude's temple. "Now, come inside and get some rest.”
Maybe a few too many dishes at dinner weren't so bad, especially if they meant cozy nights with Dimitri.
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dangantums · 7 months
Stuffing Masterpost
some of these are old... be forewarned.
|| b.yakuya t.ogami: "happy birthday, my love" // "flavors (N.SFW)" // "handle his liquor" // "m.akoto forgets to do his laundry..." // "better? better." // "...cuddles after a bad day at work" // "m.akoto can't eat it all..." // "n.aegamigiri HC's" // "b.yakuya confessing..." // "overstuffed m.akoto" // "a feast for the eyes" // "love, byakuya" // "it's okay to be human"
|| m.akoto naegi: "happy birthday, my love" // "flavors (N.SFW)" // "handle his liquor" // "m.akoto forgets to do his laundry..." // "better? better." // "...cuddles after a bad day at work" // "m.akoto can't eat it all..." // "n.aegamigiri HC's" // "b.yakuya confessing..." // "m.akoto HC's" // "m.akoyo pops a button eating halloween candy" // "overstuffed makoto" // "a feast for the eyes" // "love, byakuya" // "it's okay to be human"
|| k.aito m.omota: "middle of the night" // "k.aito stress eats..."
|| s.huichi s.aihara: "middle of the night" // "k.okichi feeds s.huichi ice-cream" // "k.aito stress eats..." // "...school cafeteria" // "s.huichi feedee HC's"
|| m.ondo o.wada: "spiked eggnog" // "most perfect person for me" // "night class" // "m.ondo feedee HC's" // "...studying for exams" // "stress relief"
|| k.iyotaka I.shimaru: "spiked eggnog" // "most perfect person for me" // "night class" // "...studying for exams" // "k.iyotaka HC's" // "stress relief"
|| k.yoko k.irigiri: "handle his liquor" // "n.aegamigiri HC's"
|| k.azuichi s.ouda: "rejection" // "...breakfast before work"
|| k.okichi o.uma: "k.okichi feeds s.huichi ice-cream" // "k.okichi's birthday party"
|| n.agito k.omaeda: "n.agito WG HC's" // "... b-day n.agito stuffing -> part two" // "chubby n.agito HC's" // "i'm so lucky"
|| h.ajime h.inata: "...b-day n.agito stuffing -> part two" // "i'm so lucky"
|| k.orekiyo s.hinguji: "k.orekiyo HC's"
|| ult. impostor: "impostor HC's"
|| l.eon k.uwata: "l.eon HC's"
|| g.undham t.anaka: "...breakfast before work"
a.ce a.ttorney:
|| p.hoenix w.right: "fly on the wall" // "weight of the truth" // "respectable attorney" // "sweet tooth"
|| m.iles e.dgeworth: "fly on the wall" // "weight of the truth" // "respectable attorney" // "sweet tooth"
|| l.evi a.ckerman: "humanities strongest soldier" // "dinner in trost" // "no casualties"
|| e.rwin s.mith: "humanities strongest soldier" // "dinner in trost" // "no casualties"
f.ire e.mblem:
|| d.imitri a. b.laiddyd: “taste of victory” // "your majesty"
|| d.edue m.olinaro: “taste of victory”
|| c.laude v.on r.iegen: "your majesty"
N/A ... yet.
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