#c.r. wiley
my-commonplace · 1 year
We are born the receivers of gifts: we are in debt from the start. Every breath we take is lent to us, and gratitude, pious gratitude, is the creature’s share in the free abundance of the Creator.
Anthony Esolen, preface to C.R. Wiley's The Household and the War for the Cosmos
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I think Tolkien would agree with Aristotle that a household is a pre-political thing – in other words, it’s natural. The thing about Tom Bombadil is he’s so natural he’s preternatural. He made a home with his wife in a perilous place, situated between a forest with intruder-eating trees (little distinction is made between men and hobbits) and a haunted graveyard. And it’s just the two of them, Tom and Goldberry. But the two work in a harmonious and complementary way, enjoying light and love and the guests that find their ways into their home. Goldberry calls Tom “the master,” but Tom doesn’t look like a master – he looks ridiculous in his yellow boots and bright blue jacket. But you also know that he may be the most powerful creature in Middle Earth, at least among the good guys. What is the secret of his power? It is this: Tom knows the songs. He knows what things are made for; he knows the songs of creation. If we’re going to go home again, we’ll need to learn that music. Our ancestors knew it. We can relearn it.
C.R. Wiley, “Households Are Back”
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pacbullmoose · 5 years
Why Are Young People Turning to Socialism?
Why Are Young People Turning to Socialism?
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This brings me back to fear. The last time the Left had this much pull was during the Great Depression. There are parallels between that time and ours. In some ways the Depression was worse than anything we know now. But in at lest in one way, it seems like things are far worse today.
Source: Why Are Young People Turning to Socialism?
C.R. Wiley over at Paterfamilias makes some superb points…
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visitwebsiteus · 4 years
The Legislation of Expectancy
The development of federal statutes and the main reasons that led to the criminalization of psycho-active substances in National culture began at the turn of the twentieth century. Society reacted to the detriment that occurred from unchecked promotion and utilization of heroin and cocaine by fans, paving ethe means for the us government to begin drug regulation. The issue had developed all through the conclusion of the nineteenth century due to the new types of ingestion and the isolation of productive compounds. In responding to these developments some strong Americans would understand in early stages that beneath the guise of tackling the dangers and crippling aftereffects of habit they might promote corporate monopolies, just one earth obtain, and pacification of liberty. Addiction's effect on culture was a small component in comparison with those things of a robust several who saw the masses as just pawns.  buy morphine online
A few developments in the latter the main nineteenth century served raise the rise of drug use in America. Albert Niemann first remote the highly addictive ingredient of the coca place'cocaine'in 1859 (Cocaine Timeline). The very first synthesis of heroin happened during this time and is paid to C.R. Wright in 1874, who taken heroin from the filtered opiate'morphine ', first separated from opium in 1803 by F. W. A. Sertürner (Syndistar), (Musto 183). This coincided with the 1853 progress of the hypodermic syringe alone produced by the Scottish physician, Alexander Timber, and German doctor, Charles Gabriel Pravaz (Heroin Timeline). The hypodermic syringe exposed a primary path to the brain for the now pure types of cocaine and polished opiates. This effective new mixture of purified drugs combined with the new approach to intravenous injection with the needle received a foothold and led to a form of drug use and dependency which was formerly unseen. Whilst it felt regulation of these new strong mixtures was going to be needed, the general public never dreamed people will be helping living phrases for circulation of these substances in the near future.
The first federal drug law in the United States was the Food and Drugs Act of 1906. The main element person behind the behave was Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, who labored as chief chemist at the Division of Agriculture (Pure). The act's principal emphasis was on appropriate marking and for services and products to keep unadulterated. Most infractions of the act needed $500 fines and 12 months of prison (Wiley).
Racial oppression, a pushing factor in several early anti-drug laws was evident by the context and phrasing of anti medicine fevered news and campaigns. The Anti Opium Behave of 1909 served to "cheaply depreciate" Chinese who competed for limited jobs (Parker 29). Not unlike today's disparity between break versus powder cocaine regarding criminality, the Asian method of applying opium, smoking, was outlawed, but tinctures of opiates, including heroin, more typically utilized by whites, were permissible in little, defined quantities (Parker 30).
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my-commonplace · 1 year
For people in the first century the world was a cosmos, a sacred order; and it was filled with other beings, some of whom were people, while others were gods. And you owed them. Piety paid its debts.
C.R. Wiley, The Household and the War for the Cosmos
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my-commonplace · 1 year
Eliminate a word and you eliminate an idea, and, by implication, a way of living that the idea suggests.
C.R. Wiley, The Household and the War for the Cosmos
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my-commonplace · 1 year
As we lose the very concept of the household, we are losing the “school” that trains us how to function with love and responsibility beyond the household.
Nancy Pearcey, foreword to C.R. Wiley's The Household and the War for the Cosmos
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my-commonplace · 1 year
That made me wonder, Why do the paths for men and women diverge so sharply when they have children? As I researched the subject, I discovered that it was not always so. Before the industrial revolution, when economic work was performed within the household, both men and women spent most of their time in the home and its outbuildings. Fathers were able to be far more involved in childrearing than today. And mothers were able to be involved in economically productive work without putting the kids in day care.
- Nancy Pearcey, foreword to C.R. Wiley's The Household and the War for the Cosmos
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