kervl-klear · 5 months
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Current design for the new OC.
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sadviko-off · 11 months
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@kervl-klear drew his characters in summer in beach clothes…. and I thought that Gunner’s drawing was missing there…. and I decided to draw him!) True, the art is already a month old… - -" I hope you like his summer look!)
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throwaway-1056a · 7 months
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made back in january.
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kervl-klear · 2 months
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LongShort story below! ✨
22 years ago, after the unauthorized hostage return from Northland. West coast announced the plan to raise their oil price which led to an international conflict that span several years.
8 years later, Bingsan was deployed for the first time. He was 17 and was just a seaman recruit instructed to guard the truce. The instruction was simple, don’t let Southwood airborne unit invade the land behind him.
Southwood army dropped their airborne unit near the shore as they don’t want to risk triggering any West coast’s anti-aircraft weapons. The operation was done as discreetly as possible. Unfortunately, being the nation with the best Navy in this world. It does not take West coast long to spot them.
West Coast considered exterminated the entire camp at first. However, they don’t want to risk having Southwood call for reinforcements or reveal the piece they have at hand, so they only set up a patrol and defense where it is necessary.
The patrol went normally until one day, during one of Bingsan's patrols. A swift fox dressed in enemy uniform approached him.
Bingsan was about to shoot but then realized that the fox is completely unarmed.
Bingsan: “State your business”
He spoke sternly. The fox doesn’t reply, he is getting pale and broke out in cold sweat. Suddenly, his expression steeled up and he slowly reach out offering Bingsan a bar of chocolate.
Although confused, Bingsan is steadfast and still like a statue. He doesn’t lower his gun but also doesn’t shoot either which greatly impressed the fox, could this serval really be refusing to shoot just because he is unarmed?
The fox pulls back then slowly unwrapping the chocolate without breaking eyes contact, he took one bite out of it then offer it back to Bingsan again. Swallowing the chocolate in front of him.
In response, Bingsan lower his gun and took the chocolate. The fox then slowly back away, vanishing into the direction of his camp.
After his patrol shift is over, Bingsan's commanding officer approaches him with another soldier. That soldier took over the patrol while Lt. commander escorts Bingsan back to the truce.
Lt. commander: “Anything abnormal during today patrol?”
Bingsan wasn’t sure how he can explain the situation.
Bingsan: “I…received a chocolate”
Lt. commander: “A chocolate?”
Bingsan handed the chocolate he got from the fox to Lt. commander, Lt. commander inspected the chocolate closely. 75% dark chocolate with paprika and roasted orange peels made in Southwood.
Bingsan: “The enemy offered this to me, sir”
At Southwood camp near the shore, the rest of airborne division are eagerly waiting for the return of their coworker.
Major: “Welcome back Private Jijin, did you complete my instruction?”
Jijin paused for a bit but before he could reply. Major spot a small trace of chocolate on Jijin’s check, he quickly grabbed Jijin’s shoulder and call for medic.
A couple of days ago, major submitted the idea of infected food to the armament. The food will be infused with virus from the Southern part of nation and only Southwood’s medicine can cure the illness.
Major had been watching each seaman recruit on patrol in which he finds a specific serval that show many signs of beneficial mindset from warning with speech before shooting to giving flower to the body of all soldiers regardless of nations he came across. Major believes this serval will be naive enough to accept a negotiation gift from unarmed enemy, so Jijin’s was instructed to offer the chocolate to that seaman recruit.
Jijin: “No sir, I didn’t ingest the infected chocolate!”
Jijin show a bar of new and cleanly packed chocolate to his Major.
Major: “Oh, okay. Thanks god- wait, you didn’t give the chocolate to the seaman recruit?”
Jijin: “I….couldn’t do it”
Major raises his eyebrows.
Jijin: “I go out there and it's no longer just an area with flashing light. I see other individual....... I couldn’t give him something so cruel, so I offer him another bar that I planned to eat”
Major sighed.
Major: “It’s good to be able to show sympathy but do be aware that if West Coast manage to set the price they aim for, life cost for many nations will became so high that the economic will corrupt. Not just us but also many smaller and less develop nations. This is an international widespread poverty threat. The amount of possible move we have is extremely limited, I know this is a violation of international convention but please do follow my instructions strictly next time”
Jijin: “….Yes sir”
On the next day from the West Coast truce direction, Jijin saw Bingsan approaches the camp with a small box of candies completely unarmed.
Jijin immediately realize what Bingsan is here for.
Jijin: “Hold fire, he’s unarmed!”
Jijin told his coworker. Unfortunately, no one lower their gun. With suffocating expression, Jijin put his gun down then anxiously approach Bingsan. Only then that some soldiers lower their barrel a little.
Slowly, Bingsan handed him a box of candies with a shaking hand. Clearly terrified that at least over a hundred barrels are pointing at him from behind Jijin and there is nothing he can do to defense himself.
Jijin reaches out to take the box and immediately open it. There’s nothing but candies inside, he turns around. Make sure that the rest of his troop can see him then eat one candy in front of them.
The other soldiers gasped in horror.
Nothing significant seem to happen to Jijin, Major who has received report from other soldiers rushed to the front to check the situation. He looks at Jijin, Bingsan and the item in Jijin's hands.
He then gives Bingsan an unfriendly look, Bingsan got chill down his spine expecting either shot on sight command or taking him in as a prisoner.
Major: "Please return to your post, seaman recruit"
Major said sternly, this greatly surprised Bingsan. He looks at the commanding officer with dumbfounded expression.
Major: "NOW"
Quickly, Bingsan give major a bow then ran back to his truce.
Major: "Private Jijin, I need to talk to you"
Jijin’s commanding officer scolded him for the lack of self-preservation. Major reminded Jijin that it could have been a trap and even if the serval was sincere, it will be unlikely that Jijin would have a heart to open fire at the truce knowing the chance of hitting someone he now personally knows. Jijin had made things unnecessary harder for himself.
At the truce, Lt. commander approach Bingsan who just came back.
Lt. commander: “Where were you, seaman recruit?”
Bingsan: “I decided to return the enemy a gift, sir"
Lt. commander smacks the nearby desk so loud that every seaman in the truce turn their attention toward him and Bingsan.
Bingsan: "He accepted my candies, and their commanding officer ordered the other soldier to let me go, sir. Maybe we can still negotitat-"
Bingsan instinctively take a step back which cause the commanding officer to take a deep breath.
Lt. commander: "My bad for the unprofessional tone....you see, if we don't raise the export oil price. West coast will suffer even more severe poverty problem. The national debt is piling up every minute as we speak and most of our citizens start to suffer trouble where they cannot effort education or proper healthcare not to mention the 15% taxes but once we success, many logistic costs around the world will also suffer immense raise that in the case of a small nation far away from mainland like Southwood, isolated by a very big body of water all around. It will cost twice as much to produce something as simple as a bottle of water and a loaf of bread could cost more than 8 hours of their minimum wage"
Bingsan understand that raising the oil price is necessary, the current price had everyone in the nation working underpaid and other country like Northland and Bay Hill had been taking advantage of the situation by investing for their underpaid labor and cheap resource.
And the offered price goal is the lowest West Coast could effort if they want to get out of their predicament. There is no way to compromise.
Later in the morning of next day, Bingsan decided to sneak out again. Since they already suffering from financial problems, wouldn't it be dumber to wasted citizens taxes on bullets and guns?
Walking on the field, he's surprised to see that Jijin might have the similar idea.
Bingsan: “You…”
Jijin: “…It’s you..”
Slowly they walk toward each other until they are in the middle of field, it’s…surreal.
They stand still, staring at each other for almost a full minute. They are unsure if the universe will really allow them to hold a conversation, it’s seems to good to be true.
Jijin: “…I…my name is Jijin”
Jijin spoke awkwardly.
Bingsan: “Jijin….as in ‘Earthquake’?”
Jijin: “Yep, that kind of Jijin. What’s your name?”
Despite the awkwardness, it was proven that their conversation will not cause the end of the world. To relieve the nervousness, they decided to take a stroll while talking.
Bingsan: “It’s Bingsan”
Jijin: “Bingsan…..an ‘Iceberg’ huh, that name describes you well”
Bingsan: “Are you implying that I would sunk most ship I steer?”
Jijin laughed.
Jijin: “Are you projecting?”
Bingsan: “Well, I’m just a seaman right now. You’ll have to let me live so I can become commander, only then will you get the answer”
Bingsan gives Jijin’s a little sly smile and Jijin reply with another laugh.
Jijin: “I’ll see what I can do. Unfortunately, I don't think I have particular quality to convince you to do the same with me”
Bingsan: “No need, just existing is enough for me to protect you. If it's not for your chocolate I wouldn't start thinking about the situation we are in”
Both pause their stroll; Jijin expression went blank and Bingsan became worried if he was being too straightforward, especially that Jijin's expression slowly turns darker.
Jijin: "The trust you've given to me is unearned. I was instructed to gifted you an infected chocolate, but I chickened out, so I ended up giving you the other bar"
Jijin looks down in shame.
Jijin: "I'm a hypocrite like that, I have no problem shooting a building or destroy a vehicle as long as I don't know if there are people inside but face to face, I don't have the courage to get my own hand dirty"
Bingsan: "Your cowardness is what saved my regiment though, so you proved my statement even more valid. But about the command you received, isn't that a war crime?"
Jijin: "Yes, it is and major is completely aware of it. Which is a little funny because out of 32 airborne divisions, that man is the most mild manner officer you'll ever met"
Bingsan: "Ah, I can see that from yesterday. Both of you are soft but brash, my arrival could have been a trap to lure him out you know?"
Jijin: "A seaman that refused to shoot an unarmed enemy wouldn't have a heart to do that, what about you commander? What are they like?"
Bingsan sighed, it's not that he doesn't like his commander. It's just that Lt. commander always appear to be out of placed.
Bingsan: "He's distance and aloof, he's always there for us but there's an ice around him no one knows how to break"
Jijin: "He sounded opposite from you. You look serious and stoic, but you always let people approach you or at least you let me approach you and consider the circumstance that is an incredible feat"
Bingsan: "I just like to find excuses; I tend to procrastinate pulling triggered until it's too late. One time I followed one of the intruders to take them down but instead of shooting. I wasted the entire day watching that intruder freeze to death"
Jijin knows that Bingsan use the word intruders for a reason and he’s not sure if it’s a bad idea to continue or a bad idea to change the subject.
Bingsan: “We both lack a quality of a good soldier it appears, I only come here because submarine engineering major at West coast is only available for petty officers and up. What makes you join the regiment?”
Jijin: “I want scholarship for flight school, it’s easier to stack up the required flight hours as a fighter pilot”
Bingsan: “Interesting, why not join the Air force then?”
Jijin: “Yeah I….misunderstood that the airborne regiment is part of Air Force-“
As the two soldiers continued laughing and enjoying each other company. Their commanding officers noticed their soldiers going missing.
The other privates that sleep in the same tent as Jijin report his absence to major. This sends the major to a bit of panic, he would order the other privates to do a search. But he doesn't want to potentially weaken the defense by having his privates pause their routine.
He should have captured that seaman, major thought. Maybe he can indoctrinate him into becoming a double agent. If West Coast kill that seaman, major can use his death to raise the moral in the camp and encourage Jijin to kill more. If that seaman manages to stay alive until the war end and they need to exterminate him, he can just tell Jijin that the seaman went home.
Now his decision risk both intel leakage and being suspected of treason.
With clenched fists, major set out to find his private.
Lt. commander: "Lieutenant, I have to be somewhere else for a while. Do take care of the truce in my place"
Lt. commander then set off, resulting in confused reaction from his second in command.
Lt. commander traces the patrol path his seaman recruit use during his shift, hoping to find the escaped Bingsan. However, he soon spots other officer in enemy uniform seemingly in the rank of Major.
Lt. commander draws out his gun, which Major immediately respond by turning around and draw out his own firearm.
Right there, their eyes meet.
Seeing familiar face, both officers do what they can to conceal their reaction.
‘So that is where Seoltang’s was deployed to’ Lt. commander thought to himself.
‘Ah, I guess it would make sense for Northland to send Noeu here considering his race’ Major thought to himself.
8 years ago, Noeu was responsible for the conflict so being dispatch here out of all places and meet his classmate from the same spy training ground on the opposite side is like a joke on him.
Both officers lower their gun.
Major Seoltang: "I see that you still look as good as always"
Lt. commander turns around to hide his flushes, he would reply with another compliment but is too shy to do so and Major know it all too well.
Lt. commander Noeu: "But it does make too much sense. The first two nations that know about the hostage situation are West coast and Northland so I can see what Northland is trying to achieve, still it is quite unsettling to know how much control Northland is seeking over the situation"
Major Seoltang: "Indeed....."
Major thinks about his fellow espionage coworker in Southwood arm force, a Tulip lsland soldier who were blackmailed into becoming one of Northland spies.
He'll have to report this to Berry Mountain.
Both Jijin and Bingsan are cornered by Lt. commander, two young soldiers had found an area secluded from the patrol of both sides however, Bingsan's Lt. commander had always been oddly talented at finding things and people. Bingsan is a little pale, he knows that his superior is strict and will definitely not let them off.
Bingsan: "S-sir, I can explain-"
Lt. commander Noeu: "Save yourself the embarrassment, seaman recruit"
Major Seoltang: "It is quite shameful indeed to run off on your duty like that, both of you"
Jijin is startled by the voice behind Lt. commander. This is the first time he sees his Major in stealthing action, and it is no wonder how he can stalk the patrolling seamen day and night without any of them noticing.
But more importantly, both enlisted are in awed to see their commanding officers standing together calmly and peacefully.
Lt. commander Noeu: "We had an agreement, if you no shoot then we also no shoot"
Major then nodded politely.
Major Seoltang: "But please note that this will only last until one of us receive further order form the generals of our respective nation. We formed this agreement on mutual belief that this is a war no one want"
Jijin: "Sir, but isn't that a secret treaty?"
Major smile in return.
Major Seoltang: "If we win the war, we won't have to prosecute ourselves. So, you better kill like no tomorrow once the next order arrives"
Jijin jolts a bit.
Lt. commander Noeu: "You are horrible"
Major only laughs softly.
Lt. commander Noeu: "But seriously seaman recruit, you better fill at least one full bucket with enemy blood once we got the order"
Months passed; the agreement broke once Bingsan regiment were ordered to take offensive stance after West coast's national bank went bankrupt.
Jijin and Bingsan are allowed to meet each other one last time by their commanding officer however was strictly instructed to not share their contact to each other as the espionage accusation may become legally valid if they both have a way to contact each other.
Jijin take Bingsan's hand.
They squeezed each other hand tightly, there is no way around this it seems. But out of the sudden, Bingsan leap into an informal hug which Jijin return with no hesitation.
In the end they didn't manage to change anything about the war but if war can be stop with such simple method, then they would not be here.
After letting go from the hug they trade their insignia, they salute at each other and fire a blank shot into the air.
Curiously enough, mid conflict both Bingsan and Jijin received new deployment and were moved away from their original base. It almost as if someone know about their relationship and is worried about them committing treason together but at the same time find the information they potentially have on each other to be too valuable to outright get rid of them.
Upon being deploy to the new territory however, they found that neither of their commanding officers were with them. It seems as if they just faded out of existence.
After Strawberry Mountain genocide. The conflict mellows down a little as both nations turn their attention toward the more horrifying threat, Northland. However, the war never actually ends.
Both of them had become officers with secret side jobs and while they cannot stop thinking about each other, they must pretend to not know each other as the conflict continues.
2 years later, CCT purge happened.
Another 2 years later, the attack at Area 21st happened.
After their rank move up, they do get to see each other in many international conferences but they cannot talk to each other.
Still, they do notice each other's little gesture. Like defensing each other's presentation or called out on rude guest. What they can do to support each other is very minimum but it does not stop them to try and help each other out whenever they can.
Today is a rare occurrence, Jijin and Bingsan's name were located right next to each other on the seat chart. However, considering that the location of this conference is West Coast, it is very likely that the generals still have their suspect.
Bingsan can feel butterfly in his stomach, and although very subtle. Jijin couldn't quite breath properly.
This should be their happy moment but.....
After the conference end, Bingsan left his bag on his seat and went to toilet. He then went back to his seat and start preparing to leave the room in which he finds that in his bag there's one thing that doesn't belongs to him.
75% dark chocolate with paprika and roasted orange peels made in Southwood.
A sight of a city light sparkle in the distance surrounded by the field of snow, Jijin quietly enjoys the scenery after the conference end. He wonders if the town that Bingsan came from is anything quite like what in front of him.
Suddenly, Jijin can hear other person walk toward his direction. Bingsan stand right next to Jijin, curious as to what Jijin is looking at. Unfortunately, he had to keep some distance due to the fact that there are soldiers of other nations walking around the area, some chatting some strolling around.
In comforting silent, they are standing next to each other. They might not be able to wear the insignia they trade that day but....
Bingsan's coworker: "Hey man, what are you doing out here?"
Bingsan unwarp the chocolate he got from the conference then bite it. The crunchy sound of chocolate in cold weather peek Jijin's attention and his ears twitch a little. After he is sure that he got Jijin's attention, Bingsan then speak to his coworker.
Bingsan: "I'm admiring the sight of what make me want to wake up each day"
Bingsan’s coworker: "Now that's a level of patriotism I don't expect coming from you"
Bignsan then left with his coworker.
Jijin put on his hood, pretending that he's getting cold to hide his embarrassment. Knowing full well that the sight of what Bingsan was talking about was not the view of West coast.
The end
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kervl-klear · 5 months
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Height chart, C2ISTAR are around Jijin and Bingsan’s shoulders. 🤔 But both are pretty young so the C2ISTAR sees them as puppy and kitty. 😂
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kervl-klear · 7 months
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Airac and Semaphore, Angels that people in the world of C2ISTAR worship.
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kervl-klear · 8 months
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Some warm up before doing full illustrations.
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kervl-klear · 7 months
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I’ve found a fun way to censor my WIP-
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kervl-klear · 8 months
C2ISTAR introduction part 2
North Capital
North Capital is Northland defense force’s head quarters where generals and admirals who perform non-command work report to whether they develop weapons or advising the higher up about war and espionage strategy.
The head quarter is so flooded with generals that major generals and rear admirals are simply glorified coffee makers and it is well known for being a place with suffocating work environment.
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Area 21
Area 21 is a highly classified remotely detached facility administrated by Sandpear navy base on the seaside and Rosemary army base on the land side.
Sandpear is a navy base where fleet of battleships and aircraft carriers from the unit of the same name reside, they are established to safeguard Rosemary army base. The fleet is run by soldiers at the rank of lieutenant and above with their main function being to sailed out and mitigate intel leakage, Sandpear will temporarily take over residential units while hiding their true intentions through join command protocol.
Rosemary army base is an ISR office tasked to safeguard and analyze classified intels, most of the base located underground. There are 4 levels, B1 is the main office, B2-B4 are intel safes. The intel are categorized base on the classification level, blue files(confidential) are kept in B2, red files(secret) are kept in B3 and yellow flies(top secret) are kept in B4.
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Aster research institution
Defense force research institution established as a result from clandestine collaboration between the pacifists of Northland and South wood to heal the victim of war under the guised of competing against West coast and Bay hill‘s technology.
The institution was burned to the ground, and the unit is disbanded. However, the soldiers seem to still be alive and are trying to reach out to someone with encrypted code.
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kervl-klear · 8 months
C2ISTAR introduction part 1
C2ISTAR is a small private combat auxiliary service mainly specialized in supporting role but is also capable of carrying mission on their own, there are 7 operators. Each has specific set of skills and are an expert in their respective field of study.
You can contact C2ISTAR through any of the operators, the easiest way is through the mercenary alliance but they are not very active on the system. The mission will only be confirmed once the payment is done. The clients is allowed to pay to secure the queue and submitted the details later. If the mission is not accepted, full refund will be provided.
Freelance paramilitary service provider who have contract with C2ISTAR, they are the main coordinator between C2ISTAR, clients, the other subcontractors and the mercenary alliance.
They received incentive for bringing in missions and must be hired separately, regardless they work under the name of C2ISTAR and take responsibility as a team.
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Lubi clinic
Underground private medical service provider in partnership with C2ISTAR, the company is well known for mobile trauma care and organ bank.
Mobile trauma care service is a boat clinic going from shore to shore and performs operation on site while Organ bank is a service established to maximize value from immobilized patients. Instead of putting them out of misery, they are gathered in storage as innards and blood bags. Since the patients cannot consent to the donation of their organs, the clinic is considered an underground service.
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kervl-klear · 7 months
🦊 for Seoltang
🦊 - Would people be rooting for or wishing death for your OC online because of the war?
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Noeu is looking at Seoltang who is making Coffee. As Seoltang’s Aide, he has something to report but for now….Why is Seoltang suddenly decided to make over 20 cup of coffees in the span of 50 minutes in the middle of a war???
Noeu tightly hug Seoltang, then kneel down in front of him.
Noeu: “Sir, I can have surgeon colonel verify for you that it’s impossible to die from coffee overdose. Do rethink your decision and stay with me”
Seoltang: “Aide what- That’s not what I’m trying to-“
Noeu: “I know people say weird things about you ever since you forgot to zip your pants on national television but you have to brave through it”
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Seoltang’s smile crooked a bit, he almost managed to forget about that event. He makes a square shape hand signal with his thumbs and his index fingers then draw a smile on the air with his left index finger, this had Noeu immediately stood up in response.
Seoltang: “Thank you for your kind concern but I would prefer if you addressed your report to me first”
Noeu is still worry but decided to go along.
Noeu: “Very well sir, my report today concern the minute of Area 21 meeting with the intelligence bareau”
Noeu tapped on his laptop to deactivated the power saving mode, showing a presentation slide.
Noeu: “Since you have no social media account, which is a very wise choice considering your work practice. Everyone will definitely wait to celebrate your death. Regardless, allow me to fill you in”
Noeu: “This morning the other generals received an overwhelming amount of online death threats due to the fake leak of North Capital’s documents relating to the recently emerged war between nation A and nation B”
Noeu changed the slide.
Noeu: “The publisher of these fake documents claimed that Northland had been stealing ship from nation A to pirated the cargo ships from nation B, oddly alighted with a statement from one of nation A navy who claim to be a survivor from the piracy before he’s found death in his residence”
Noeu: “The online account that published these fake documents had completely vanished, we concluded that these documents are very specific kind only 3 stars generals and up would knows how to utilized as it is a document designed specifically to be submitted through enclaves in Northland-Bay Hill CENTRIX but none of these documents are found in our or Bay Hill’s system”
Noeu: “Nation B is one of our important imports and exports business partners for many type of essential goods when it’s come to waterway shipments. Our main export is aircraft part which we produce by importing titanium alloyed from nation B. So the defense forces, specifically North Capital are blamed by the civilian for the current Northland’s economic failure”
Noeu: “The other generals had sent their troops to gather more information from the war-side which should rendered the actual instigator motionless for the time being but it does not change the fact that both nation are wary of us and will not cooperate with any troops let alone allow any Northland soldiers on their land”
Noeu: “Clearly this is an attempt to stir riot by an espionage agent who are already deep inside the defense service of our country. The intelligence bureau also report that the results from OSINT and DIGINT alluded to the same directions and so they seek insight from you concerning-”
Noeu stop once he heard a clicked sound, Seoltang is taking photo of the 25 cup of coffees he made.
Noeu: “Sir, are you listening?”
Seoltang: “My apologies Aide, I have to get my profile up in timely fashion so I can put this in the resume I will use to apply for a job at Starducks. I have a good reason to personally investigate there”
Noeu went quiet for moments.
Seoltang is the designer of Northland espionage network and CENTRIX shared between Northland and the other nations, of course his lead is ahead of every other generals when it’s come to intelligence and information. Starducks must have something to do with the-
Seoltang: “You see Aide, last time I attended the conference at North capital. The executives asked me the numeric difference between the IBU of the coffee served in the meeting room and each type of coffee served in Starducks. But I don’t even know what IBU stand for so they tickled me with duck feathers as a warning. They said if I don’t have everything figured next time they will tickle me with heated needles and filmed the entire process”
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What in the horizon are they doing at North Capital?? Do they have that much free time??? Noeu thought to himself, now he feels bad for the civilians knowing how their taxes are spent.
Suddenly, Seoltang phone’s buzzed.
Seoltang: “Perfect, I just got a like from an online coffee reviewer”
Noeu: “Hold on sir….you HAVE a social media account? Your existence is supposed to be SECRET! There’s a file about your identity in the B3 here in THIS BASE!“
Seoltang’s ears goes down a little after being scolded.
Seoltang: “I have multiple accounts depending on the industry but I’ve never disclosed anything about myself-”
Noeu: “You literally just published a photo taken inside a highly classified remotely detached facility!!”
Noeu took the phone from Seoltang and started reading some of his posts. It appeared that he did do some activities that supported the hate toward the North Capital officers, a very odd move especially for an account that is supposed to be for things like applying a job.
Then it all clicked.
Noeu: “Wait-did you conjured these online hate because you are bitter that the other generals tickled you with duck feathers over a stupid coffee question?”
Seoltang let out a soft laugh.
Seoltang: “Not quite, I personally don’t care about taking petty revenge on these generals but I care about your safety”
Seoltang: “Conflict can be use in many way from weakening people for threat migration to separating the human resources into group for more manageable organizational systems but surely you are a lot more well versed in this topic than me”
Seoltang approached Noeu and adjust Noeu’s hat.
Seoltang: “Since instigating conflicts is your specialty not mine, right Aide? May be you should rest more, it was careless of you to leave a survivor”
Noeu’s eyes twitched, now finally pieced together what had actually been going on. It’s the reason Seoltang didn’t attend the meeting between Area 21 and the intelligence bureau.
Seoltang: “You’re welcome Noeu”
In response Noeu laugh out loud.
Thank you for tuning into my frequency. CVL1, RWY CLR. 🛫✨
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kervl-klear · 5 months
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The executive ask him the average amount of sprinkles use on handmade strawberry donuts of each household.
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sadviko-off · 11 months
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It's like a mini comic again XD ✨
Until SV pesters everyone, I won’t calm down)
Now Jukyeom and Huchu fell into my clutches :3
Let's say a SV came for an examination after being wounded, but he suddenly wanted to pester someone. Well, the examination is with Huchu, it’s logical that we’ll go to him, but Jukyeom accidentally comes to hand after the surgeon sent the SV to hell)
Moral of the story: don't get involved with other people's husbands, lest you be killed by a surgeon with a well-aimed blow to the head. If you want to pester one of them, you will have to pester both at the same time! XD ❤
It seems to me that @kervl-klearl will soon strangle me for such jokes! >XD ✨
Damn, I love drawing them in the form of bugs, they are so funny) 😳
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sadviko-off · 11 months
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I came up with this joke a long time ago, but I couldn’t bring it to life, now I have such an opportunity) 😊✨
Let Baegcha, Orenji and Hyeonmi forgive me for this post… - -" ❤
And yes, when SV doesn’t cut the fur on his chest for a long time, he turns into such fluffy boobs XD✨
@kervl-klear I hope it turned out funny >:3
By the way, I haven’t shown SV’s face without a mask yet, you’re seeing it for the first time) She has a lot of scars from battles with enemies… But I think this makes his face sexier~)
I'll call this drawing this: the first rule of how to steal your friend's husband right from under his nose XD
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kervl-klear · 7 months
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kervl-klear · 7 months
🐈 for Baegcha
🐈 - If your OC was an animal what animal would that be? (If already animalistic, what kinda human would they be?)
Beagcha woke up as he feel his feet in the air, he try to move up so that his feet would be in his bed. But to his surprise, his head already hit the frame. He decided to get up from his bed and find that the view in his room had changed.
Either his furnitures shrunk or he grew big over night. He then realized that most of his body has no fur, worried about fur loss out of all things he stumbled to the nearest mirror he could find.
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Baegcha: “Yo what-“
Shock at the revelation, he stared dumbfounded at the mirror.
He look like the angel everyone here worshiped, only wingless, not having white marble skin and lack glowing pupils. Is this the point that he had gone completely insane or is that weird cult had been right all along and he’s witnessing a successful attempt to birth an angel?
Suddenly he feels someone slap him hard across his face which make his eyes snapped open again.
Huchu: “Beagcha, Baegcha!”
Beagcha: “…Docs? Wait-what’s going on? I-“
He check his hands and he found that it’s completely back to the fluffy paws he’s used to. He tried to stand up but fail which lead him to notice the chair he had been sitting on.
…A certain kind of handmade electric chair.
Huchu: “Stay still, I’ll help you”
Huchu then try to help Beagcha up which Beagcha doesn’t corporate at all.
Beagcha: “Keep your hand to yourself! Where the heck are you touching me?!”
Huchu: “Your goddam shoulder of course!! Are you blind?!!”
Seoltang walk into the room and casually knock Beagcha out cold with his pistol, Huchu doesn’t reacted well to this random action.
Huchu: “Pardon! I literally just woke him up!”
Seoltang didn’t respond, he just walk away from the room. Huchu look at him in confusion.
Huchu carried Beagcha on his back to the car, he place Baegcha on the back seat and warp him in a blanket. He then sigh and took a plush toy Beagcha made for him out from his backpack. Huchu put the plush toy into the blanket which Beagcha reach out to hug it despite being unconscious as an automatic response.
Successfully put Beacgcha in a comfortable position, Huchu decided to check on Seoltang who had been staring blankly at the car. Normally Seoltang would not missed a chance to be suspiciously over attentive especially to an injured individual and not responding when he not talk to is quite odd as well since Seoltang is usually so polite that it’s a bit sickening.
Huchu: “Are you alright, consultant?”
Seoltang turn his face towards Huchu, his smile is a bit weary.
Seoltang: “Oh, I apologize for my sudden impoliteness……It’s just…….did you see the same thing as me?”
Huchu raised one of his eyebrows.
Huchu: “You mean when the cult shock Beagcha with electricity?”
Seoltang: “No, it’s in the car right now and I don’t know what that thing is”
Huchu recheck the car, and there are only unconscious Beagcha rolled in blanket with a plush toy.
Huchu: “I don’t know what you are talking about, may be you have some disjointed electrical synapses from continuous sleep deprivation. That’s why your perception is inaccurate. I’ll do CT scan on you at the clinic”
Huchu started the car, unknown to him that for a couple of rare seconds Seoltang’s smile dropped.
Thank you for tuning into my frequency. LTS1, RWY CLR. 🛫✨
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