p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 years
23 matches for Ryf
It is a pleasure to burn. Cathartic, isn't it? To watch the wanton destruction, to feel the heat, to smell the heavy heavy chemical scent of it, to be soaked in it, to wear that ash on your skin like a cologne. Good, god, yes is it a pleasure to burn. It's something that you can control... something you have in your hands... something you can do, a way to overcome your feelings of weakness, of inferiority... a way to stick it to the man, to put up a signal fire, a beacon to tell the world I AM RIGHT FUCKING HERE... and to be known by no one at all at the same time. Burn, burn, burn, take your mind off the world collapsing around you. Burn, burn, burn, and your loneliness means nothing, your inadequacy means nothing, push the darkness away with the burning light of day, you know? Gasoline, matches. Lighter, lighter fluid. Kindling, a spark, and oh... the whole world goes up in flame... Get back at it, take out your frustrations on it, and maybe, just maybe, there's a hope inside of you that you will burn down with it, isn't there? You stand there, watching it burn, smile on your face, flames dancing in your too green eyes. Words from a song come to you as you snap the burned match in your hand in half. I never was a part of you. Burn. I never was a part of you. Burn. I never was a part of you. BURN. I'm gonna' burn this WHOLE. WORLD. DOWN. Your smile widens. Someday, the world will FUCKING PAY.
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 years
sunlight quinn
i got GRABBED this one worked (the others might also work too but we’ll see)
puts it under the cut warning for mentions of abuse (child and drug) + gun violence and gore. also theses r human serial killers that lago and i have been scheming over
It's another one of those damn sleepless nights where the nightmares are real and they don't END. Quinn tosses, turns, his face contorting. His childhood was a good childhood, but man were there a lot of issues. A lot of beatings. His father yelling at him. The buck of the gun in his hand. Missing days and days of school having to stay at home and make sure his mother was okay. Missing days and days of school because his father would beat him if he left the house. And then those dark dark days at his uncle's house, towards the end, where he watched his only hero succumb to drugs and alcohol, warping his mind, taking his edge off, making his kills sloppy, his violence animalistic instead of controlled. Quinn scowls, curling up, his mind haunted and filled with nightmares, and Vini wakes slowly, noticing. Vini pulls him into a hug, not asking anything, just grabbing him, and Quinn folds into him, taking in the heavy blood-soaked manly smell of him, his heartbeats slowing, his breathing slowing, his eyes slipping shut. Vini, in his sleep, mutters, "I'm sure you'll be okay." And Quinn goes to sleep. ~~~ They wake long long before dawn, get in the car, head out. Another one of Vini's crazy crazy ideas... gun down one of those late night bars and steal as much alcohol as possible before the cops come. To Quinn, still rattled and broken and riddled with nightmares, the violence is cathartic, biting, burning. He likes to see the pain on their victims' faces. The suffering. It takes it out of him as he puts it in them. And the entire time, he and Vini are laughing, joking, bonding, and as the height of the gunfire slows, as the last people are killed, as the blood cools, Vini pulls Quinn into a kiss, spinning him around, grabbing him, pulling him down to his level, slowly pushing the gun into Quinn's chest, and Quinn smiles against Vini's lips. The dawn comes. The sun rises, glinting off the fresh blood and the ruined interior of the bar, glinting off the gun pushed into Quinn's chest. Quinn grabs Vini's head in his two big hands and stares into his golden eyes and he says, "You don't know how much you fucking fix me." And Vini just laughs and says, "All I can give you is duct tape and superglue." Quinn grabs him, squeezing him, ruffling his hair, and now the dawn light is golden, bright, so very warm and Quinn thinks maybe... maybe he'll be okay after all.
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