lizardphobia · 4 years
1) Everytime Lidia screams "You're despicable" to Carlos (man of my heart) I hate her a little bit more. Because come on, woman. YOU left him. YOU took your baby girl and left him via a fucking LETTER and then refused to tell him where you were and you expect him to be okay??? For 7 years?! You were his entire world!
2) Everyone should stop saying "It's your fault" to Carlos because there is nothing I hate more than people who blame other people for the shittiness in their shitty lives. (Francisco you spineless little shit I'm looking at you)
3) Carlos is La Única Persona in the whole fucking series who gets fucking slapped all the time and yet stands there and takes it and ALSO accepts blame and admits faults (even where it wasn't his fault) without even trying to shift blame anywhere.
4) When Lidia cut off the phone line before Carlos could even say ONE FUCKING WORD to his daughter I just about lost all respect I had for her.
5) I'm so upset and bloody pissed with this whole shitfest of a fucking fuck season I feel like I've wasted years of my life that I will never get back and this is UNFORGIVABLE.
6) Did they have to stamp Carlos into the dirt anymore? Set him up to be the Villain to Rule All Villains, a turncoat spy for the Fascists, a rubbish father, and then the piece de resistance they fucking blew his brains out in the MOST inhumane way -- literally I cannot. I just jeezus fucking christ, cannot condone what they did to the sweetest, the kindest; one of the best written characters on the show who had such a complex well-developed arc and basically DUMPED his body in the most disrespectful way possible like a piece of meat for Carlos haters and Francisco stans to laugh at.
The Disrespect. I cannot.
I'm so done with this show and to think I was so hyped to watch it after the season aired is just laughable. And they released it on Valentine's Day???? What part of it is romantic?! Fuck you very much.
8) The aesthetics this season were my favourite and figures they had to go ruin everything by killing off the ONE thing they were supposed to protect goddamit all to hell
9) What they did to Oscar was heartbreaking and completely unnecessary
10) kudos to Marga and Pablo's storyline. See now THAT'S an example of good writing and reminded me of better times in S1 and S2 where everything was written to further plots and developed characters in a well thought out arc!
Whatever. Screw you you bastards. You took a good thing and made it shit. I won't be continuing with the stupid final part of the season and a pox on you for making me lose a night's beauty sleep angsting over Carlos's vicious, violent, cruel and unnecessary death.
Screw you for killing him in the most clumsy, dishonourable, ignoble way possible. And screw you for mucking up what was the best ship I've had in a really long time.
N.B. Special mention to Francisco's Charlie Chaplin moustache, like no hombre, that's not working for you lmao, but if you wanna go ahead and make Carlos look gorgeous in comparison then who am I to stop you.
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fairydust006 · 4 years
Francisco:”What matters is that we are together!My life right now is full of uncertainties.But there is one thing I am certain of,the love I have for you”.
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He loves her so much!!
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theakaning · 5 years
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So a while back I was bingeing on this tv show, Cable Girls, and aaahhh help I’m so gay...
ANYWAYZ.... I doodled an Overwatch AU of this ages ago with Widowtracer so yea.... enjoy?
Also on a more serious note, due to the recent events with Blizzard I’ll be cutting out of this fandom for a while so I’m sad to say that my next piece will most likely be my last Overwatch ship art til further notice. HOWEVER I will still be arting. I just need a new ship to hop on.. >w>;;
Any suggestions?
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iviland · 4 years
So, Carlos is dead and Lydia too, the only consolation that remains is that at least in heaven they were still together..
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Cita de Alberto Méndez del libro “Los girasoles ciegos”
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chuublends · 4 years
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almasgeeks · 4 years
#LasChicasDelCable. Trailer de los episodios finales. MAÑANA 🚨 @NetflixLat . . . . #cablegirls #laschicasdelcable5 #netflix #netflixus #netflixlat #netflixes #spain #españa🇪🇸 #españa #BlancaSuárez #MaggieCivantos #NadiaDeSantiago #AnaFernándezGarcía #AnaPolvorosa #MaggieCivantos #RamónCampos #showtv #tvshow #series #serie #serietv #drama #panama #pty #panamacity #panama507 #panamá #panamaquedateencasa #quedateencasapanama (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBOyBHlnus7/?igshid=1xqht0zgpw7sh
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moviesbooksandstuff · 4 years
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absolutely loved this show, can't wait for the final season ✨
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sallyvalencia · 5 years
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Don Carlos and Lidia Auguilar
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Cable girls really takes the phrase ‘be gay do crime’ to a whole new level huh
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forsenonseisola · 5 years
El destino rara vez nos concede aquello que deseamos sin obligarnos a sacrificar algo muy querido. El destino nos une a determinadas personas y pensamos que siempre formarán parte de nuestra vida. Sin darnos cuenta de que en cualquier momento el destino puede volver a separarnos...
Las chicas del cable @forsenonseisola
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lizardphobia · 4 years
Omg this is hilarious. Damn Martiño is fineeee.
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fairydust006 · 4 years
Francisco “I will walk through the ends of the earth with You”
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Alba:And with Eva?
Francisco:Yesss!!!The three of Us!
Me:My heart just melting!Awww Francisco ❤️
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ofgardenandsea · 6 years
Season transitions in Cable Girls
Can we talk about the changes they’ve thrown at us between Cable Girls seasons??? [SPOILER WARNING]
They’re wild, to say the least, and too fast, in my opinion. Though I’ve kept watching, numerous people have told me they left the show following the transition into S2. They justifiably couldn’t handle it.
A breakdown of the S1-S2 & S2-S3 transitions:
The Season 2-3 transition will have the most details, since it’s freshest on my mind.
During the Season 1-2 transition they failed to show us how it went down after Lidia sold the blueprints to the machine. We come back to a phone company owned by an Argentinian we’ve never met & Magda has become bitey and confident overnight (sure, characters and people develop but usually we get to see them do so... this was a jarring difference and somewhat saddening for those of us who found she changed too much/had fallen in love with her little quirks & mannerisms from before).
Somehow Lidia didn’t get booted from the company throughout all of this (they may have explained this but, again, so many things happened quickly/weren’t shown).
During the Season 2-3 transition We didn’t get to see Carlos and Lidia fall back together, which would’ve been satisfying for viewers to see. (How did she break it to Francisco??) Francisco, who’s been pining for this girl since pubescence, is now walking Lidia down the aisle to another man. Okay. (At least he slides out for a smoke during their vows.) For some reason, Carlos does not immediately become outraged at his mother’s presence at their wedding. They try to justify this by saying that many months have passed since The Attempted Forced-Abortion Incident but, again, the audience hasn’t gotten to see these months. Besides, even if he can now stand being in the same room as them, doesn’t mean his wife is. She tried to kill Lidia’s unborn baby, for goodness sake!
Lidia has already given birth, and one is supposed to become attached to baby Eva immediately. We don’t really get to do that, since she gets kidnapped before the first episode even hits the halfway-mark.
Carlota’s dad crashes the wedding to apologize to her. She doesn’t question why his heart has suddenly changed, or why he’s doing this now. She just hugs him and rolls with it. Ignoring that this is a complete 180 for his character, shouldn’t this have merited (any) build-up and a proper scene? He promptly dies a hero during the wedding fire.
Marga sees her shy husband flirting with a woman on the street, and doesn’t recognize this as completely out of character for him?? More realistically, she would’ve had questions. Marga would’ve taken it as a personal affront and asked Pablo how he could ever do such a thing to her. Instead, she gives him a standard-level reprimand and says she “won’t stand for it.” Then we find out the flirty man was actually Pablo’s twin brother.
EDIT: Also, was anyone else thrown off by Carlos’s willingness to give up looking for his baby?? If her body hasn’t been found AND there is no explanation as to where she went, how can you just give up?!????? Why is Lidia doing this alone?!
Carlos’s mom has somehow bought him back the blueprints Lidia sold (what), so we know a lot more change is to come. Hopefully it slows down because episode 1 alone was a tizzy...
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cablegirls-quotes · 6 years
Time is an unjust partner that never remembers what you've gone through. It forgets everything as soon as it happens. And all you're left with are memories... There's no going back. The time to give in has come to face one's mistakes and pay for them.
Cable Girls
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sweethoneycloud · 6 years
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