#cackling at checo's answers though lmaooo
arturleclerc-archive · 5 months
very insightful old interview of daniel. really good questions were asked.
Steve: F1 drivers are generally super intense, introverted, and morose on occasion; you, however, are a different animal. Happy-go-lucky, extroverted, laid back. My question is, how do you manage to keep your chin up being part of the world’s most cutthroat sport? What’s your secret?
Daniel: uhmmm….[laughs]. That probably– laughing. I guess part of it is probably just the way I was brought up. I don’t know, I think it's—the way I always see it as well as it's—as kid, you know, like I dreamed of this. I dreamed to be a Formula 1 driver, so now that I’m actually able to live my dream job, I feel like it's—even if it’s a bad day, all I need to tell myself is that, and it kinda makes it all easier, you know. If I’m not happy now, then I’ll never be happy. And it’s fun, you know. I think people also make it more serious than it needs to be. In the car, I take it very seriously, but outside, it's—we're all here having a good time. We’re like a travelling circus, so we’re all competitors, but we’ve all got a common interest.
Steve: A lot of what you’ve just mentioned is why people love you so much. bBecause you seem like a people person, how do you manage this extraordinary work, friends, family you know with such an unusual life? Because it’s pretty unreliable to us norms. How do you find people who get you in this craziness?
Daniel: I think, yeah. It’s important you know to definitely—I mean, you’re gonna meet people along the way who you know, know you and like you just because you’re the f1 driver or that. Fortunately, I’ve still kept and still have a lot of my friends I went to school with, grew up with. So that kinda core is important, and they’re also– You need people to kind of push back or tell you, “No" sometimes. If you’re out of line or you’re being a primadonna or something, then you neec people to say “Mate, just step back a little bit." I still got my friends who helped me with that, and you know, I've met some cool people along the way, and I think you just got to recognize that you know people like you for you as opposed to you as the object.
Steve: How does an Aussie boy from Perth cope with living in Monaco? Because I feel like Monaco is the opposite of who you are.
Daniel: A little bit. Again, perspective, like I know right now that’s the best place for me. The best place because, logistically, it means less travel. So I can get more sleep than I would if I was living in Australia, for example. My body would last longer doing this sport, but uhm– but sure, you know, I miss having a backyard. I miss space. You know Monaco is all apartment living. I don’t wanna say it’s a sacrifice because you know, it’s not a bad place at all, but it’s where I need to be right now.
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he'll always be that little kid from Perth 🥹
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