foxholemonster · 7 years
School this year has turned me into a completely curled up ball of resignation and stress but at least I have a couple amazing friends who keep me grounded in reality at least a little
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Episode Four: “Older Elf”
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Part One: The Rebirth of Krampus 
The Phantasmic Four hit the nog early to discuss Michael Dougherty’s Krampus (2015), and the great old tradition of Christmas demons. Asides are made and tall tales are told of Krampus parades, Santacons, and children who need punishment.   
Part Two: “Get out of here! Santa’s on the loose!” 
Not to let the Big Guy be upstaged, the Four go on a merry romp through the 21st century’s sack of Chris Cringle carnage. From Santa’s Slay, through Rare Exports and Sint, with pit stops in Kim Manners’ world and the dark sleighrides of their youth. 
Special Features: Ninja nuns, Actual cackling, Mike’s demented free-association about Beau Bridges, during which not one true thing is said.  
Part 3: Outside the Fire 
As the evening chills, the Four discuss why we as a people are so eager to see monsters at Christmas. Doubt about civilization. How joy at the hearth is bound up with the terror of being cast away. 
Sadly, they never get around to why Kirk Cameron is the most truly frightening creature in this genre. But there’s always next year. 
Be good. 
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h4nnapanda · 4 years
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sjwsunny · 8 years
hey yall should block cacklingjackal they’re 23 and drew nsfw klance, idk if they’ve posted it yet but i used to follow them and they said they were drawing it in an art stream
also do not interact with them. dont send them hate, just block and move on.
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lickmykeyblade · 8 years
-I was tagged by @captainraye​ , thanks boo <3 <3
If I were a month, I’d be December If I were a day of the week, I’d be Sunday If I were a god or a goddess, I’d be Dionysus  If I were a verb, I’d be Knit If I were a sea animal, I’d be an octopus If I were an object in a living room, I’d be the crocheted blanket your grandma made If I were a gemstone, I’d be Topaz If I were a flower, I’d be a Stargazer lily   If I were a kind of weather, I’d be that cold wind which cuts through you but is oddly satisfying  If I were a colour, I’d be copper If I were an adjective, I’d be adorable  If I were a fruit, I’d be a kiwi fruit  If I were a sound, I’d be a cat purring If I were a Hogwarts house, I’d be Ravenclaw   If I were an element, I’d be silver If I were a taste, I’d be umami If I were a scent, I’d be fig and papaya  If I were an object, I’d be an arrow If I were a body part, I’d be the tongue If I were a song, I’d be Am I pretty? - The Maine 
Tag you’re it! @rapling @pvnkyoongi @cacklingjackal @kitandthevoices @sammyscougar
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foxholemonster · 6 years
tagged by @ispybluesky
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to know better!
Age: 23
Birthplace: Seattle
Current time: 9:21 pm
Drink you last had: bepis
Easiest person to talk to: currently no one is, closest to it though is Sara
Favorite song: No fuckin clue my dude
Grossest memory: That old guy from the hobbit movie marathon night that latched onto me conversationally the ENTIRE time and made my one time out to an in-theater movie marathon hell and then continued to find me on random bus rides for a month afterwards
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw
In love: don’t think any of my affections qualify as love so much as crushes
Jealous of people: of their abilities to have more than one person they regularly talk to and hang out with
Killed someone: not yet
Love at first sight or walk by again: walk by again
Middle name: so many people out there with fancy middle names and I’ve got Breann
Number of siblings: 1
One wish: A break
Person you called last: mom
Question you are asked most: man I don’t know, interactions vary too much
Song you last sung: no idea, probably something by Saar and Terrance tho
Time you woke: 8-ish
Underwear color: striped
Vacation destination: Anywhere new that has a coast
Worst habit: I’m bad at initiating communication even when I want to
X-rays: Several that revealed various cases of pneumonia, one as a baby when I broke my leg by trying to stunt my way off the bed
Your favorite food: I’d kill for a steak man
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
tagging: @cacklingjackal and idk who else would even want me to initiate something like this to them man, say I tagged u if u wana do it
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ruins-of-rin · 9 years
Omg, I forgot I was tagged in this thing by @nillyvoid​ ages ago, but I’m finally gonna do it. 
Challange: Post 9 characters who share personality traits with you. 
Jean Kirschtein: Comes off as spoiled and snobbish, but is actually pretty insecure. 
Kurosaki Ichigo: Would die (ha) to protect his family (and friends). Fights for what he thinks is right, even if it looks hopeless. Restive bitch-face.
Kururugi Suzaku: Righteous to a fault. Loves cats, but isn’t loved BY cats.
Howl: A clutterbug and a packrat used to living in a smattering of junk and filth. Also extremely vain. Dramatic flair.
Misty: Huge competitive drive and holds onto grudges with a vengeance. Very proud and also extremely salty, but still cares deeply for friends. Has weakness for all things cute and loves water. Hot tempered.
Ash Ketchum: Dense as shit. 
Suzuki Sonoko: Not the sharpest tool in the shed (and maybe a little shallow), but believes strongly in self and is extremely strong-willed.
Kageyama Tobio: Uncomfortable with asking for help, especially when it comes to academics. Would rather power through alone than rely on others.
Nico di Angelo: Low-key bitter. Trust issues. Gaaaaay.
Leorio: Talks big for someone with mediocre skills. Physical exertion = whyyyyyyykjfdg
Tagging: @mewties, @innercove, and @cacklingjackal if y’all wanna. 
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h4nnapanda · 4 years
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lickmykeyblade · 9 years
I got tagged by @pvnkyoongi​​ THANK YOU  Im not even going to try bts so Im gonna do FOB ;D
Rules: Using only the song titles from one artist, cleverly answer these questions. Tag ten people at the end!
Artist: Fall Out Boy What is your gender?  Demigods   Describe yourself: What a catch, Donnie How do you feel?  Growing Up If you could go anywhere, where would it be?  Eternal Summer Mode of Transportation?  Reinventing the Wheel to Run Myself Over   Your best friend? Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends Favorite Time of the Day? Saturday If your life was a TV show, what would it be called? The Pros and Cons of Breathing What is life to you?  Start Today Relationship Status? It's Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine, I Am Thinking It Must Be Love Your Fear?  Honorable Mention
Hells yea!!@@!11 TAgging @kitandthevoices @kateuhh @cacklingjackal
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witcharmin-blog · 10 years
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I really like cacklingjackal's egyptian au so I drew a thing eheh
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foxholemonster · 7 years
Tagged by the fantastic @deeeandooong 1. What poems/songs/scripts do you know by heart? Oof, this varies day by day depending on my mood and what I happen to remember at any time, but some pretty steady ones are music by The Cranberries, a lot of songs/movies that are made by Terrance Zdunich, and Monty Python's search for the Holy Grail 2. Name one song that feels like it's about you? Idk if it's actually got any connection to me in any way but the first song that popped into my head is the opening song from Malice in Wonderland so *shrugs* that I guess 3. What's your favorite insect? There are so many cool bugs tho like I don't like bugs on me but I love and respect their odd designs so much and I'd like to just say I like them all really, it's hard to pick a favorite when so many have such cool fuckin designs and purposes! 4. (No question 4 I guess?) 5. Which household chores do you hate the most? I'm pretty meh about all household chores and hold them all in the same regard of 'has to get done I guess' 6. Is there 'gross' food that you actually like? Haggis when made correctly is amazing especially with yams or mashed potatoes 7. How well can you see the stars from your back porch? At mom's house, it's ok. At my other house, it's gr8, at apartments on campus we can see them pretty damn perfectly on a clear night 8. Name an interest or hobby you've acquired from fandom, and tell something about it. The only fandom-gained hobby I can think of that I have is cosplay lol, and it's pretty rad to have a hobby that's essentially like any-time Halloween 9. If you could choose to be an animal what would it be? I'd love to be a goblin shark. Half the world forgets about us, the other half isn't sure if we're cryptids or real depending on how much you know, and we get to just mind our own business in peaceful quiet in the deep ocean 10. Name the first movie that comes to mind when I say space. Treasure island or Jupiter rises 11. What did/do you want to be when you grow up? Wanted to be a veterinarian, now I'd love to be a photographer but more realistically I'd love to be a chemist I tag @cacklingjackal and @thedreamsofgods and @the-fairest-pear and anyone else who wants to do it!
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ruins-of-rin · 9 years
I used to be so nervous to talk to any of the artists I follow on tumblr. But then the almighty Jackal ascended from the underworld and offered me free art, and I was like “heck yeah conversation starter”--it was the best thing ever.
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joker-rin · 9 years
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For all your Jackal needs. Bottom one is transparent.
cacklingjackal you don’t even know how many copies of this I’ve scrapped LMAO
Anyway, another banner down.
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h4nnapanda · 4 years
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isabella-jameston · 10 years
Repost this, do not reblog. Then tag ten people you want to get to know better…or tag however many peeps you want. I don’t care. I was tagged by hoer-mal-zu Name: Jamie Nickname: James, Jim, Jimmy, Jimothy, Levi, Heichou, nerd

Birthday: March 30, 1994 Gender: Female Sexual orientation: Straight 
Height: 5’3” (160 cm, just like Levi) Favorite color: Purple/Blue Time and date at current moment: December 31st, 2014 @ 4:23pm Average hours of sleep: 6ish? Last thing I googled: "yeah I did not say no Keiji Maeda" (Google speech turned on when I didn't want it to and I just kept talking and tried to make it google J. Michael Tatum and it refused to cooperate with me.) 
One place that makes me happy: Tayler's and Kat's apartment
Tag, you’re it!  nokiddingkaneki thetallesthobbit twilight-purrincess cacklingjackal balancedwithshadow 13darkapprentices kellybob itcamebynight shotaflower saxophoneassassin
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lickmykeyblade · 9 years
11 Questions Tag
1. What do you do to get yourself pumped up? Uhh i just think about the thing im going to do? Pumping myself up to do stuff is something I always do cause Im p introverted? So I’ll be like “this afternoon im hanging out with _______” and then im sort of prepared to talk and not completely space out so much Im pretty good with spontaneous chills but if chills are cancelled i get a bit bummed cause I’ve pumped myself up to hang   2. What’s your homepage? http://theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/clickToGive/ars/home so every time I get on the internet I donate food to an animal shelter 3. What is your favourite depiction of magic and how it works. Freecasting is super cool and practical but kinda op harry potter I guess - limiting to wand use - only kids who are already op can freecast 4. Favourite beverage (alcoholic or not) fffffffffffffffff non-alcoholic - lemon ice tea -3- alcoholic - basically anything sweet that doesn't have coconut or milk-based alcohol. wet pussy shots are good, and fruity cocktails -3-   If im aiming to get drunk i usually hit up long islands and shots 5. If you could speak one other language fluently, what would it be? Japanese~ 私は少し日本語を話すことができます I can speak a bit but nowhere near fluent TT_TT 6. Do you have any clothing that you keep despite the fact that you never wear it? Memorabilia from when I was a scene kid cause its hilarious A harry potter and the goblet of fire shirt I got from hot topic but i dont wear cause its fits me really bad - IM NOT THROWING OUT HARRY POTTER STUFF Probs some other stuff im too scared to wear cause its so pretty or im not confident to wear it   7. what is your favourite piece of artwork? There are too many artworks of other people i like v_v stuff of mine that I like is this dicky poster I did for an assignment last year and I show everyone cause im so proud of it Also, this massive kingdom hearts painting I did in highschool of heartless using red and blacks and yellows. Its pretty, I like it.  8. What is your favourite headcanon for any universe? Roxas isn’t dead, he got married to Axel. Demyx and Sora were their flowergirls. 9. Iphone or Android? I literally dont fkn care - not really into people who are crazy about the superiority of one over the other though. Its a phone - chill out. 10. Do you have a pet? what sort? can i pet them? 4 cats - its more a matter of them not wanting anyone touching them except for the people they see regularly - i.e. the people who live in my house. 11. Put the first five songs on your music player that come up on shuffle I- I dont have itunes or anything ._. I usually go on youtube or have cds in my car - i dont have a lot of use for an ipod anymore cause I only really used it on public transport  Atm im listening to a FOB/P!aTD playlist? My questions - idefk  1. Do you trust anyone with your life? 2. Describe your perfect pizza 3. Did you eat anything weird when you were little? (glue, dirt, etc.) 4. What do you feel most proud of? 5.  What is a skill you’d like to learn and why? 6.  What was your dream job growing up? 7.  If you could fight anyone, who would it be? 8.  What’s the best concert/convention you’ve ever been to? 9.  What is a joke/inside joke that makes/made you laugh a lot? 10. WOULD YOU RATHER BE A WIDOW OR A DIVORCEE? tagging: cacklingjackal, goldnmaknae, pvnkyoongi, dexdaface
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