yojinbukai · 10 years
Sousuke | First Date | Syo
     ...He should not be nervous - not one bit. This was Syo, after all, a feisty bundle of blond idol who he first started bonding with over sports. There was no reason to be nervous - certainly hadn't been this nervous upon asking the blond out. 
With a smirk and an almost cocky tilt of his head, Sousuke looked up at Syo from where he had been sitting next to the other. "If that's the case, then, why don't we go on a date?"
He had been confident at that time, perhaps overly so, but to think Syo had so readily accepted might have been what had thrown Sousuke for a loop. He hadn't expected the blond to so easily agree, especially with an equal amount of confidence as Sousuke. Which, perhaps, was why he found himself nervously waiting for his (pocket sized) blond date in front of the theater - Guardians of the Galaxy had just come out, and it seemed like a movie that Syo would enjoy, and luckily enough, Sousuke had been wanting to see the film as well.
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uwasanohebi · 10 years
daze; || kuroha & ene
Kuroha wasn't sure why he had brought her here. The endlessly-repeating cycle that never changed, the one that he encouraged and guided, making sure that it always repeated itself. That never changed. It was always the same. Death always made sure that the cycle continued, urged on by a crooked smile and the tears of a queen. So why he had decided to change it, to alter its structure even for a moment, was beyond him. Maybe he was lonely. Though he had the scarf-wearing girl to keep him company, the one that proclaimed herself a hero that would protect those she loved, their conversations were always the same. The same question, the same answer, the same accepting smile.
Maybe he had wanted something different.
Whatever the reason was that he had decided to bring the cyber girl into the daze, it had changed everything. There was no guarantee that the cycle would continue now, now that there was a key piece missing. And maybe the snake that had urged it on for so long was okay with that. Even if it meant he could no longer exist, maybe he was okay with that. It had been so long, hundreds of times over. Maybe it was time to rest.
And that was perhaps the train of thought that had brought this moment into being, the one where Kuroha stood silently at the entrance of the classroom, piercing yellow eyes looking farther in. The hero was not here, as she usually was. He had sent her somewhere else, not giving her an explanation when she had quietly asked for one. In her place, however, in the seat near the window, was a shock of blue in the otherwise neutrally-colored room. He couldn't quite gauge her expression, but it seemed one of confusion, if any. He had expected something like it, as he had just left her in the classroom and gone off by himself, and was only just returning.
He could only guess that she had questions for him.
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"You can ask," came the soft words, devoid of their usual cruelty. He could give her that, at least.
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