#cadash/dorian was actually my original ORIGINAL plan before nina
vigilskeep · 1 year
Would love to hear your early draft dorianmance oc thoughts. Intrigued by the vint violence post....
the thoughts r not super complex
mostly i don’t think i’ll be continuing nina cadash at all especially now i have a different seramancer. but there were a lot of elements of her character i really loved—a slightly haphazard approach to decision-making, a very kind character who also just thinks murder is basically okay, and a cadash who truly believes they’re andraste’s herald, first and foremost—so i was considering scrapping those elements for parts for maybe a male cadash and i believe in cadash/dorian supremacy. also i think a tempest rogue dwarf would be fun maybe?
idk i’m not rushing to play inquisition a bunch of times and to be honest i don’t really see myself playing it for more than helena and juno’s playthroughs. but you all know me, i love to be throwing concepts together
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