#cage con would bang tbh I would be there every year
yxnswife · 6 months
I don't think we talk enough about Cage Con as a concept bc holy shit?? The potential??
(this kinda got away from me so more under the cut)
Like, imagine CC after the Kombat movies. Cosplay, art, merch, panels, the whole shebang. Johnny begs Kenshi to go with him ("Just once, Ken, please") and Kenshi finally relents because what the hell, why not? He'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious anyway. Johnny even manages to convince him to dress up (though is it really dressing up if they're your normal clothes?). They show up bright and early, and the beginning of the con is what you'd expect. Lots of setup, talking to panelists and journalists, etc etc, but then people start showing up. Lots of people. Half of them are dressed like Johnny’s characters (duh) some even as Johnny himself, but then comes the explosion of Kombat "characters" . There are a few Kung Laos with Raidens trailing behind them, a few Liu Kangs and even Barakas.
Then come the Kenshis. Kenshi can't see them, but Johnny excitedly points one out every time he sees one, nudging Kenshi's shoulder and describing their outfits.
"Ken look, that one's pretty accurate!"
"Oh, looks like they're going for the Wu Shi Academy vibe."
"Kenshi! There's an us who swapped outfits. They look pretty good. Wait, that's actually a great idea..."
As Johnny and Kenshi are walking around, taking pictures and stopping to talk to fans, one hesitantly comes up to Kenshi and asks for a picture. Kenshi is beyond confused, because this isn't really his thing and Johnny Cage is right there, but agrees. He asks them where to look and the whole thing goes by pretty fast. They thank him for the photo and rush off to what sounds like their friends, gushing about how they got a photo with their favorite character.
This happens a couple more times. People come up to Johnny and Kenshi, asking for photos. The day goes by and Kenshi has never taken so many photos in his life. Many a Johnny had come up to him, but there were also a few also dressed as Kenshi.
They leave the con with arms stuffed full with prints and plushes and other assorted merchandise, tired and ready to pass out the moment they get home. Despite that though, Kenshi leaves with a small smile on his face. Overall, not so bad an experience.
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