Hunter pulled her hair back in a ponytail as she sat across from Cain in the library. They were working on homework and enjoying coffees, but she definitely needed a break from the work. She glanced up from her computer screen, that had amazon opened in a new window. “Online shopping is the best.” She said with a grin, “It literally gives me a reason to live another three to five business days.” She laughed, sipping from her coffee. 
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rxsevte-blog · 7 years
Returning Home - JAIN
it had been a couple months since jackson had returned back to chicago after the murder of the girl in the bathroom. he dreaded coming back to the town after everything that had happened but once his sister and her friends cleared his name, he could finally return without worrying about going to jail. jackson didn’t know what was bringing him back. eurig had moved back home without a goodbye and he felt like returning was just going to lead to him getting into fights with those that dared to say the wrong thing to him and if it wasn’t murder he was going to jail for, it was going to be knocking someone out in broad daylight.
still, there was one reason for him to come back. cain. the one person he felt like actually needed him around, and at this point, jackson needed him as well. he felt weaker than he had every felt. After spending night after night in random hotels and motels, and the occasional forced hook up just so he had a bed for the night, it was leading to a decline in his mental and physical health. he looked paler than he had a month ago and his once muscular build was leaner. jackson needed someone, and that was the reason he found himself walking into the place cain worked.
covered in black from head to toe, he walked into the bar and headed straight to the bar without glancing up and around him. he kept his hood up as he sat down, only looking up once he was facing the bar. he spotted the boy and his heart sped up. with eurig out of the picture, those feelings he had learned to suppress started to bubble up to the surface, but his heart sank as he noticed a few signs that things had gotten worse for cain. they were small things that any normal person wouldn’t have noticed, but he focused on the long sleeves in the middle of the summer and his face was slimmer.
“pint of PBR,” he spoke loud enough to get cain’s attention and his hues focused on the other’s face, not being able to hide the hint of a smile that pulled the corners of his mouth upwards. “maybe this one can be on the house. i don’t have any money.” he messed with his hood, pulling it over his face a bit to conceal it, but his light hues still shone under the florescent lights in the bar. “i can repay you with a meal once you get off and a place to stay for the night though.”
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( @cainharper-1x1 )
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anwen-larksawyer · 8 years
Top five cute guys
@eurigowens (I know that sounds weird but if I didn’t think he was cute I wouldn’t have dated him), @flynnkotak , @triple---a , @cainharper and @basilvxna
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Who are your favorite people?
I have a lot of people that I enjoy a lot around here. Probably Maxxie, because he is adorable and he always has my back. Kasey because we like getting into trouble, Flynn, because he’s Flynn, and Cain, because he’s such a sweetie.
@mcxxie @kasey-tyler @flynnkkotak @cainharper
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who do you think highly of? who do you think could use a couple of brain cells?
I definitely think highly of quite a few people so far. @isaner is definitely a really hard working type of guy, makes me feel like he’s challenging me to do better (even if that’s not his intention). I also think highly of @cainharper because of the things I’ve heard. He’s just a really tough cookie and I mean, that face though, asdfhgjkl. But as for people who could use some brain cells? I mean, I think @eurigowens and I really haven’t been seeing eye to eye just yet.
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druxyhq-blog1 · 7 years
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these accounts have 24hrs to post IC/stop bubbling behavior before they are unfollowed and their apps are removed from the masterlist !!
@omgaklein​ (for not posting IC within 24hrs)
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