scitties · 2 years
the prophecy has been fulfilled o7. can I humbly ask for scar tits /j
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chosec · 1 year
How dare your art be so good? Just chefs kiss!
And how dare you slowly tope me into the chosec ship/lh
AW jshgfhsf omg thank you so much
i'm pspspspspsp'ing you closer. join meeeeeeeeee. become allured by soulmates chosec
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kalomena · 9 months
a lot of people put the water filter over screenshots of posts so people can tell that its a screenshot instead of just another post on their dash!
OH ok that makes a lot more sense LMFAO i didn't really think about it since i'm using the themed posts extension ToT
thank you anon <3
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ehh-is-the-name · 1 year
I’m not usually one to hc a character’s sexuality while watching a show, but god damn I just got through Object Mayhem and here’s my take.
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he’s gay and I’ll die on this hill I don’t care. Calculator’s gay too, I’ve seen it with my third eye. Calbox real. 
My evidence to back up my dumbass claim? Well, glad you asked :)
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Ep 10, the first appearance of Mailbox, we get this whole interaction with him and calculator. I know it’s just a gif but you can go look at the ep if you want to hear it. Calculator’s obviously preferring him here, c’mon. He says Mailbox can join and he actually does, it’s not like some one off bit or something. He’s in it for the rest of the show! Plus, there playful banter as complete strangers just screams gay. 
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In EP 11, they have even more banter but it’s just so- Idk- Just look at the way they’re looking at each other. Why is Mailbox standing like that??? It has to be to rizz him up. This interaction is badly disguised flirting for all I care. The gif doesn’t bring it across enough, so please listen to the voice acting. 
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NOW EP 15 has the parts that really cemented this whole Calbox thing in my head. Calculator’s mail getting shoved in him- the heart coming out of nowhere, not letting the mail go? 🤨 It’s all kinda... But ok maybe I’m reaching. That is until: 
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LATER IN THE EP HE’S RIDING SHOTGUN!! Now, idk about you but actively letting him be in the front seat shows favouritism. On top of that, agreeing with his music choice?!? Oh yeah, Calbox is a thing. I’m convinced. 
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And if that wasn’t enough, EP 16 has Calculator siding with him again! I don’t care if it’s supposed to be a one off joke, I’m staring 👀
Not only those scenes, but both of them have moments of vulnerability. Calculator with the three to tree monologue and Mailbox with his “I’m lazy because nobody appreciates me” speech later in the ep. There is no way that both of them have one of those on accident. Coincidence doesn’t exist! THEY! ARE! GAY! I rest my case. 
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rdtendencias · 4 years
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El ministerio de Salud Pública informó que los casos positivos de coronavirus COVID-19 son 11,320, con la suma de 124 nuevos en las últimas horas. De acuerdo con el boletín 56, los muertos llegan a 422, lo que significa que murieron 13 personas en un día. Mientras que la cifra de recuperados arriba a 3,551. La mayor parte de los casos confirmados se encuentran en el gran Santo Domingo, Santiago, San Francisco de Macorís y La Vega. #COVID19 #CoronavirusRD #QuedateEnCasaRD #seguidores #follow https://www.instagram.com/p/CALBox-gNjA/?igshid=esjeouhwlpam
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Los Angeles — Callbox today announced that its call management infrastructure now includes SMS capability making it possible for Callbox mobile clients in North America to receive instant notifications of campaign events without access to the internet.
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scitties · 2 years
Your disgusting fetishization of c!scar is horrific and entirely disrespectful /srs. You foster an inappropriate environment on mcytblr which was entirely not present on twt. Work harder to make this a safe space for content creators to take refuge in. People with big tits can and will migrate to this app and it’s your responsibility to make us feel safe here. Do better.
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scitties · 6 days
LMAO literally worry about your own health, how mentally ill do you have to be to post that preachy shit? easily the most self righteous thing ive read this week. drama over a minecraft competition will never be enough for me to think any of these people are bad people in their cores, and frankly it's extremely weird to me that anyone else does think that way, or think they really know any of these people from their streams well enough to make that kind of call. some of your faves have acted in ways that personally offended me, and tbh so have some of my own faves. fucking up and disappointing people is unfortunately the nature of being human. all these streamers are very young and very passionate about what they do. they won't always handle things correctly but i do see growth in sapnap AND the others who don't like him! (bc yes it is possible to like both, if you have any common sense at all and realize you don't know these people and there is no need to pick a side) and you talk about watching a sapnap stream as if it's snorting coke lmao like it's actively harming the viewers to watch a sapnap stream, and i would argue that is only true in cases like yours where someone is clearly only paying attention because they want another reason to be angry at someone they already dislike. so, yeah, you should quit hurting yourself by ever giving him the time of day. you aren't required to and even if you do you definitely have no right to dictate how others feel about watching him, or anyone else. grow up and stop giving sermons on what people are allowed to enjoy
drama over a minecraft competition will never be enough for me to think any of these people are bad people in their cores, and frankly it's extremely weird to me that anyone else does think that way, or think they really know any of these people from their streams well enough to make that kind of call
bro i didn't even know twitch rivals was happening until yesterday when the guy i mod for talked about all the shit happening LOL. for someone who claims i'm assuming to know a lot about complete strangers, you've essentially done the same but with me yknow
some of your faves have acted in ways that personally offended me, and tbh so have some of my own faves
i haven't been into mcyt for over two years—i pretty much only reblog fanart i like and the occassional shitpost that makes me laugh. i am not nearly into any of this as you make yourself out to be
fucking up and disappointing people is unfortunately the nature of being human
i think where i failed in my wording was using "mistakes" instead of "acting like a manchild", because that's what i was shaking my head about. mistakes happen, and i wholeheartedly agree with you that it's in our nature. but sapnap still acts immature
(bc yes it is possible to like both, if you have any common sense at all and realize you don't know these people and there is no need to pick a side)
oh i don't know him one bit, and i won't pretend to. but i still have the right to voice my opinion on the way he chooses to act in front of a camera, just like you have the right to ignore what i'm saying and continue watching him. at the end of the day i really dont care. if you feel like he's improving in a way that aligns with your own integrity, good for you man
and you talk about watching a sapnap stream as if it's snorting coke lmao like it's actively harming the viewers to watch a sapnap stream, and i would argue that is only true in cases like yours where someone is clearly only paying attention because they want another reason to be angry at someone they already dislike
are ya sure you're not projecting a little with this one
so, yeah, you should quit hurting yourself by ever giving him the time of day. you aren't required to and even if you do you definitely have no right to dictate how others feel about watching him, or anyone else. grow up and stop giving sermons on what people are allowed to enjoy
man i saw how sapnap acted, went "damn, that's unsexy", wrote about it, and moved on. woe me, i forgot that tumblr is a hornets nest of angry people. either way, this was me expressing genuine confusion in my own (misinterpreted) humor. the internet is a tough crowd these days
LMAO literally worry about your own health, how mentally ill do you have to be to post that preachy shit? easily the most self righteous thing ive read this week. grow up and stop giving sermons on what people are allowed to enjoy
i don't even have anything funny to say. my eyes rolled over halfway through reading this. it is just a minecraft competition which is why i find your ask hilarious because am i really the one who cares too much here. like really
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scitties · 2 years
cal why
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scitties · 2 years
Who did you have to kill to get that URL
you're not the first one to ask me this smh you people don't know your lore
back in october last year, i drew this piece of art, and the first instance of the word comes from the art i linked, albeit spelled as "skittys". my mutual, Skitty, started coming into my inbox to take the joke further, establishing the word "scitty" as part of my blog experience, and then it just sorta turned into "scitties" at some point.
scitties was coined on my blog. that's why i have the url. i'm one of the damn founding fathers of this whole thing. i have the "gritties" url too for that reason LOL
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chosec · 1 year
Hey so, if this is what the anon referred in regards to their claim that Chosen and Second are family, i'm gonna have to go "I respect your interpretation of it, but please also respect mine"
DJ points out that "they're related," to which Alan hums in agreement. DJ pauses, and goes "...in a way?" and Alan hums again, not elaborating further than that. The video is timestamped if you want to watch it yourself.
The word "related" has more than one definition:
Belonging to the same family, group, or type; connected. Associated with the specified item or process, especially causally.
The way I hear this is that they're not necessarily related, but correlated.
Sure, it could mean they're family. But it could also mean that their relation is simply through the fact that they have similar names and nothing else. Their relation could be through the same person drawing them into existence. Their relation could be that they're soulmates, or that they function like Avatars do in ATLA.
Maybe you could argue that, because they're made of the same code (which I personally don't think they are anyway), they're...biologically related to each other. Except the three hollowheads are man-made in a computer. They're not born like the average stickman assumedly is—we don't even know if they procreate like humans. It's so abstract, dude. Not every type of relationship nor worldbuilding (especially that of a virtual world) functions around the hiearchy of a core family.
...What about a ship like Chodark, too? They were made by the same person, were they not? Chosen and Dark share what could potentially be seen as a father. Like, I see them as brothers (though not for the same reason I just mentioned), but I respect that others don't. Second just appeared on his own despite his name being tied to Chosen. Alan agreeing to them being related could refer to so, so much; it doesn't necessarily mean familial relation. Being soulmates doesn't necessarily mean the relationship has to be romantic either, you know?
"Related" is not a word that explicitly means "blood-related."
The "source" for this claim that they're related in a familial way is... incredibly vague and, more likely than not, left up for interpretation like many other things that Alan does with AvA/AvM. King and Purple are pretty much the only ones whose dynamic is fully confirmed by the shorts themselves that it's clearly meant to be a father-son thing.
Them being family is, from what I can see, a fact extrapolated through word of mouth. None of the people claiming this type of relation had anything to back up their claim with.
I get that there might be a certain hidebound fanon you (or more) have established, but when someone challenges it with a vastly different version, please remember that it's just that—fanon. Alan has more than once gone "that's how I see it" when addressing things such as the ages of Second+RGBY. In other words, he does have his own interpretation of things, but he clearly also wants fans to come up with their own.
If Alan clearly, explicitly states that they're related in a familial way, then of course I'll stop shipping them.
...But until then, just block and move on. It's better than actively complaining about it, or heading into my dm's and attacking me/accussing me of shipping incest when the reasoning for your claim is flimsy at best.
All in all, it's not that deep. They're stickmen. Please close your browser and take a breather before engaging in discussions about why some people like to draw them kissing. I'm just here to have fun, and so are you. Let's not attack each other because our interpretations don't align.
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scitties · 6 days
Saw your post about Sapnap and I think the us vs them mentality has a lot to do with that. Once they start blaming "antis" then they can just brush off anything their faves do as made up or exagerated, even when they admit to it. Ultimately, just facing the criticisms and doing the right thing would get in the way of their own enjoyment
(Sorry, just had a few thoughts)
ay no need to apologize, i always appreciate insight and thoughts from others
and honestly, i think you're somewhat right about the "us vs them" mentality. mcyt in particular has hit the size and force where you'll see so much shit happening always, and with that comes a much larger demographic of people who've spent a lot of time defending/looking up to/believing in someone who may be going down a path they wouldn't otherwise agree with, but because this person might've been a comfort and/or entertainment to them for so long, they suddenly have to challenge their own beliefs and perspective on why they're even watching them, leading to people who jump really damn high to justify watching someone because it's easier than reflecting and losing a potential comfort
although, saying that, this isn't even why i made that post (though I do see what you mean and i'm nodding along). like i thought sapnap was cool once, but the more i do get to see of him whether over stream, twitter, in-person etc. the more it becomes apparent (to me, at least) just how immature he is as a person. like i genuinely do not understand the appeal anymore. if others can, that's fine, genuinely. but i would be embarrassed as hell if the guy i mod for also did the stuff sapnap does
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chosec · 1 year
is that scarring on chosen's leg?
yeah!!! from when he was shackled during his time on Alan's pc
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scitties · 11 months
ur url is LEGENDARY
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chosec · 1 year
Hai cal dropping in to say ur based muah ok byeeeee
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scitties · 2 years
I could never forget the history of skitties. Literally yesterday someone asked if my name was skitty “like the singular of skitties” and it broke me
this is literally the funniest fucking thing that could happen to you Skitty I'm so sorry HSNSBDBDBS
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