#cale: the headache inducer
Alberu: So what do you want? A gold medal? A higher title? Your own faction in the capital?
Cale: Money.
Alberu: For alcohol?
Cale: How did you know?
Alberu, buried in paperwork: *receives a check for 1200 gold coins*
Alberu: What kind of fucking booze-!?
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zorlovinghue · 2 months
If God of Death decided to confront God of Balance by saying, "Cale breaking balance? I can fix it!"
Then proceed to break that exact balance themselves. Mid fight all villains cursed to de-age and God of Death happily announced, "Now the world's at peace."
Whether the said villains got their memories or not, it is chaos all the same. And can we ignore these vulnerable little punks to fend for themselves? We can't. Adoption ran rampant and everyone got to have their own children.
I'd like to entertain the idea of who will be responsible for de-aged Clopeh... God I'm such a kid fic maniac. Dorph, Sayeru and White Star becoming headache-inducing rascals.... world's peace attainable but... lmao.
I need this istg, I need more fluff, I need more found family, I need more comfort, I need everything soft and heartwarming to counter all tragedy and gut-wrenching heavy angst and major character deaths I've been finding myself drowned into.
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Trash Boss's Chapter 131
TLDR; Trash subordinates wanted to go with their boss, but was not allowed by Brain Demon. Heavenly Demon met Cale and figured out that Cale was not a martial artist.
Soos? LSH = ❌ CJS = ❌
Cale's Headache-Inducing Trash Subordinates This part started off as funny, but soon became tense and serious.
Sima Jung: I'm going too! Ha Mun: Me too! Cale: ... Cale: *glances at the other Sima siblings* Sima Dan: *has flushed cheeks* Cale: Are you drunk? Sima Gong: She's been drinking for 17 hours now. Cale: Sigh... Sima Gong: *licks his lips in excitement as he thought of making a bet again* Raon: Human! Sima Gong looks strange! Cale: Sigh...
Hahaha.... Sorry, Cale, but your "subordinates" are just too funny 🤣🤣🤣
The serious and tense part began when Brain Demon said no and pushed Sima Jung and Ha Mun to the ground, declaring that unauthorized visitors to the Demon Cult were viewed as attackers.
Sima Jung and his father, the Evil Alliance Leader This part was sad yet heartwarming. So the reason why the Good and Evil Factions did not recklessly touch Sima Jung despite him being trash was because of his father. Everyone saw his father's shadow in him.
But Toonka and Cale were different. They saw him as just "him" and not "the son of the Evil Alliance Leader," so he liked the two. Awww....🥰
Now, why was Sima Jung's father brought up? Because Brain Demon said that he did not care about offending Sima Jung's father. In the end, Sima Jung swallowed his pride and bowed, politely asking for permission to enter the Demon Cult's place.
The "Messenger" The last part was exciting. We finally meet Heavenly Demon! 🎉
And it doesn't stop there. Heavenly Demon also busted Cale (via Chi Hidden Voice) for not being a martial arts master! 😂
What about the "messenger" part? Heavenly Demon had actually disguised himself as a messenger from the Demon Cult when he met Cale, and only Cale figured it out (because Raon told him that the messenger was the strongest person he ever met in this world).
If anyone asked what Heavenly Demon looked like, he was described as dressed in a black "ninja"-like outfit and had black eyes.
The chapter ended with Cale being asked if he could be trusted, and Cale replying yes.
Ending Remarks Overall, this chapter was good. I thought the author was going to spend a chapter describing their journey to the Demon Cult like how she did when Cale visited the Murim Alliance Leader. But lo and behold, we meet Heavenly Demon this fast!
I guess she wanted to speed up a bit because the murim arc is taking too long. We have not even met the Blood Cult, the Blue Blood family, or figured out what Karin Orsena was doing with them. Heck, Zed is still missing. And our Cale misses the Roan Kingdom already (and his slacker life)...
Anyway, that is all for today. See you all on Friday!
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hajidumps · 2 years
Cale and Choi Han traumatizing Alberu with memes
Alberu: where's this dog I keep hearing about
Cale: oh he's right here [points to Choi Han]
Alberu: that's a grown ass man
Cale: yeah he's a little old [Choi Han who's a hundred years old at most] but who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?
Alberu: that's a grown ass man!
Cale: watch this Choi Han attack!
Choi Han: [releases murder intent and sliced a rock like nothing]
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seanfalco · 4 years
A New Beginning | 02. Bad at Dating
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Sean Falco x f!Reader
Word count: 4k Requested by: @midnightseance 💛
Summary: A year has passed since Sean stumbled into the mess with Cale Erendreich, changing everything, and now he's trying to get his life back together and focusing on his art. When he meets the cute owner of the gallery that has recently started showing his photos, he falls for her, though after everything he's been through he's afraid to get too close. Taking a chance on her, his life starts to change for the better, until news reaches him that will change his life all over again.
[ Masterlist ]
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It had been a week since the show’s opening, since your confession. Bolstered by Sean’s admittance of feelings as well and that kiss, oh God that kiss, well, and all the ones that came after, tucked away in your office, you were finally getting a proper date.
You got to the coffee shop early, ordering your usual and waiting for Sean. When he walked through the door and caught sight of you his face brightened and he came to join you, wrapping you in a slightly awkward hug.
“How are yeh?” he asked, a touch breathlessly and you swore you could hear your heart racing as he embraced you.
“Never better,” you replied, flashing him a reassuring smile.
After everything he’d told you about what he’d been through in the past year, you could understand his hesitance and you would go as slow as it took to make sure he was comfortable.
“Hope y’weren’t waitin’ long?” Sean asked as you joined him at the bar to order.
“No, I just got here,” you assured him.
When his drink was ready, you found a secluded little nook away from the other patrons and made yourself comfortable, catching Sean staring more than once as you made small talk, asking him about his day and telling him about yours, a shy grin playing at your lips. He seemed to be relaxing, an ease slipping into your conversation just as your phone rang.
Frowning, your brows drawing down, you picked it up to see who was calling and cringed. If it were anyone other than your father, you would’ve let it go to voicemail.
“I’m so sorry,” you murmured with a heavy sigh, your eyes flicking up to Sean’s, “it’s my dad, I have to take this.”
“No, no, it’s alright, I understand,” Sean assured you, bringing his mug to his lips as you answered, bringing your phone to your ear.
“Hey dad,” you said, grimacing as he began going off about some sort of mix up with a piece being sent to the wrong buyer and getting damaged in the process, his voice no doubt loud enough even for Sean to hear.
“I realize it’s a bit of a crisis, but I’m kind of in the middle of something, surely it can wait a little -- fine,” you relented, not in the mood to argue. “Yes, fine, I’ll be right there,” you grumbled, disappointment filling you, reflected in Sean’s expression as well.
“A crisis, huh?” he asked and you nodded, shoving your phone in your pocket.
“Yeah, a mix up that ‘we can’t afford to have’,” you replied, mimicking your father’s deep voice and Sean huffed a laugh.
“Anyway, I’m so sorry,” you murmured, half wondering how pissed your dad would be if you said fuck it and stayed at least to finish your coffee anyway.
“It’s alright, really,” Sean assured you however, ever the gentleman and you gave him a tremulous smile.
“Maybe we could reschedule?” he offered. “Drinks, tonight? D’you think you’ll have your crisis sorted by then?”
Glancing down at your watch you nodded, your smile returning.
“Definitely. It’s a date.”
The moment you left the coffee shop you were already looking forward to the moment you could set foot out of your office once more and pick up where you’d left off. Getting to that point however was proving more tedious than you’d anticipated, the entire ordeal headache inducing, and by the time you were finally free, texting Sean that you were on your way, you were ready for a drink, or three.
“Hey! [y/n]!”
Sean’s cheerful greeting banished your shitty mood and you joined him at the booth, your breath once again catching as he stood to hug you, his cheeks flushing slightly as he took his seat.
“I took the liberty of orderin’ your usual, hope that’s alright,” he said, gesturing to the tumbler in front of you and you took it, bringing it to your lips gratefully.
“Oh my God, thank you. You’re a literal angel,” you sighed, setting the glass back down, already half empty.
“That bad, huh?” Sean chuckled, leaning back, his gaze lingering on you before he seemed to realize you’d noticed him staring and he quickly cleared his throat, grabbing his own glass.
“Oh, you have no idea,” you replied, smiling to yourself at how cute the man across from you was when he blushed. “I had to talk my dad down from firing the poor guy who’d made the mistake in the first place.”
“No offence, but from everything I’ve heard your dad sounds like a bit of a hard ass,” Sean observed and you snorted.
“That’s entirely accurate,” you agreed, finishing off your drink and gesturing to the bartender for another.
“What’s your mum like?” Sean asked next and you considered for a moment before answering.
“Hmm… she can be a little… detached,” you explained carefully, “though that’s when she’s in therapist mode. For the most part she’s not too bad.”
“I didn’t know your mum was a therapist.”
“Yeah, which is why I don’t normally share my problems with her, especially when I want my mom’s opinion and not a mental health professional’s,” you grumbled, realizing you might’ve just made things awkward.
Quickly taking a sip of your fresh drink, you changed the subject. “What about you? What’s your family like?” you asked instead and Sean grinned.
“Oh, well, my mum’s an absolute sweetheart, got a sense of humour on her too -- you’d love her,” he said offhandedly, and the thought that he was already thinking about how you’d get on with his family made your stomach flutter.
“My step brother, Rowan, well, he’s like any youngster, a good kid, into video games more than anythin’. And then there’s Don,” he paused shaking his head with a fond snort, “he gets onto me about stuff, but he means well.”
You nodded, circling the rim of your glass with your finger. “Wants the best for you, but in an overbearing way?” you guessed and Sean huffed a laugh, his eyes crinkling with mirth.
“Exactly. Sure y’haven’t met him before?” he joked, dazzling you with another of his stunning smiles.
Talking about your families however brought a rather uncomfortable thought to mind. While you were excited to eventually meet the Falco’s, who sounded like genuinely lovely people -- they had to be to raise a man like Sean -- the thought of bringing him round to meet your family on the other hand, made your stomach clench. You could practically picture the shit fit your dad would throw if he knew you were dating a ‘starving artist’.
Noticing the crease between your brows and your slight frown, concern flashed in Sean’s green eyes. “[y/n], you alright?” he asked, his question pulling you from your thoughts and you quickly flashed him a reassuring smile.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s nothing, sorry.”
Sean looked doubtful, watching you carefully, but before he could press however, a voice across the pub interrupted him.
“Sean? Hey, Sean! Oh man, I didn’t know you were here!”
Turning to see who had called out to him, Sean looked torn. “Derek, hey -- oh!” he cut off as his friend slid into the booth next to him.
“Oh!” Derek exclaimed when he realized Sean wasn’t alone, “ah shit, man, I didn’t mean to interrupt. You must be sexy gallery owner,” he said, reaching across the table to shake your hand, his words slurring slightly.
“[y/n],” you offered, taking his hand, a small amused grin flitting across your face as your eyes sought Sean, wondering if he’d described you that way to his rather inebriated friend.
“You must be the best friend,” you guessed, your gaze sliding discreetly over the scar at his temple and you wondered if he should even be drinking.
Derek however beamed at you, nudging Sean in the ribs. “I see why you like her so much, dog--” he said as a rather panicked look crossed Sean’s face, his eyes flicking to you for a moment before turning back to his friend.
“Derek, man, h-how many drinks have you had?” he asked softly and Derek instantly stiffened, his grin slipping.
“Just a couple, I ain’t even drunk,” he protested and you could feel the awkward discomfort fill the booth.
“You know you shouldn’t be drinking at all,” Sean continued, his voice still hushed and you looked down at your hands, fidgeting with your glass.
“Oh c’mon, man --” Derek’s protest fizzled out with a stern look from Sean before he nodded.
“Hey, I’m so sorry, but I gotta make sure he gets home okay--” Sean said, frowning.
“No, no, that’s totally fine!” you exclaimed quickly, fighting to keep the disappointment from your face, not wanting Sean’s friend to feel bad. He seemed like a nice guy and it was kinda touching how quick Sean had been to take care of him and how worried he was.
“Okay, I’ll uhm, I’ll call you later,” Sean said as he ushered Derek from the booth, “we can reschedule, yeah?” he asked, a hopeful note to his lilting voice.
“Yeah, of course,” you insisted, “please be careful,” you added, catching Sean’s eye and he smiled hesitantly.
“Of course,” he murmured.
“Hey, it was nice to meet you,” Derek cut in, looking apologetic, “I didn’t mean to crash your date...”
“It was nice to meet you too,” you replied, waving to them as Sean waved back, escorting Derek out of the bar.
Sighing, you tossed back the rest of your drink and paid your tab before heading out. By the time you got back to your apartment and ready for bed Sean had already texted you to let you know he’d gotten Derek home safely and was home himself before your phone began to ring. Grinning to yourself as you saw his name on the screen you answered as you slipped under your covers.
“Hey you.”
“Hey, I’m so sorry about that. Apparently I must have the worst luck ever. What must you think, two failed dates in one day?” Sean asked with a sigh, and you wondered if he was in bed too.
“I wouldn’t say failed,” you countered, snuggling down further into your pillows “I still got to see you.”
“Well, aren’t you cute?” he chuckled and the sound warmed you. “I still feel bad, though. Can we try again, pretty please?” he pleaded.
“Of course. I’m not giving up on you yet, Sean Falco,” you replied, grinning like an idiot.
“Good, what are you doing Friday?” he asked, his voice hopeful, “How does dinner and a movie sound?”
“Oh, are you upping the ante? I’m game.”
Sean chuckled again, “Perfect, I’ll pick you up at 7?”
“I look forward to it,” you murmured.
“Me too,” he replied. “You probably need to sleep, huh?”
“No, don’t go,” you whined playfully, not ready to hang up yet, but one glace at your clock made you sigh. “Yeah, I probably do. Chat later?”
“Course,” he replied softly. “Sweet dreams, [y/n].”
“You too, Sean.”
Friday couldn’t come fast enough and you put extra effort into your outfit, hoping to fluster your date, and the effort didn’t disappoint, Sean’s eyes widening in speechlessness as you climbed into his beat up car.
“Y-you look… wow,” was all he could get out in a breathless rush, your cheeks heating at the compliment and the way his eyes roamed over you. “You’re absolutely beautiful, [y/n],” he said, clearing his throat before putting the car in gear and pulling away from the curb.
“You look pretty good yourself,” you teased, taking in his dark button up shirt and dress jacket, enjoying the smile that lit up his handsome face. “So where are you taking me?”
“You’ll have t’wait and see. It’s a surprise,” he murmured with a cheeky grin.
Playing along, you asked no further questions, but as Sean pulled up to the restaurant, you gaped at the sign, wondering for a moment if he could afford it, it was one of the classier places in downtown Portland.
Noticing the look on your face he lifted his eyebrows. “You surprised?”
“Don’t you need a reservation to eat here?” you asked, definitely surprised.
“Yup,” he answered, a smug note of pride in his voice as he turned his grin on you.
“Wow, colour me impressed,” you murmured, admiring him before he clicked his tongue and got out of the car, circling round to open your door for you, helping you out and offering you his arm as you walked to the door.
“What d’you mean, you can’t find my reservation?” Sean exclaimed dejectedly as you stood at the hostess’s podium, your heart dropping for him. It was less about feeling disappointed about dinner, and more about feeling bad for Sean, his embarrassment clear in his entire posture.
“I’m so sorry, sir, I just don’t see it anywhere, and we’re booked up,” the hostess replied apologetically and you took Sean’s hand, catching his attention.
“Hey, it’s okay, we can go somewhere else, I don’t mind.”
“I know, I just… I wanted tonight t’be special, after our last couple of dates, and it seems my bad luck is followin’ me. Maybe I should jus’ take it as a sign that I’m not supposed to be datin’,” he groaned, running his hand down his face.
“Hey, no,” you exclaimed, pulling his hand away. “Don’t say that now, it’s just a rough start, the important thing is that we’re spending time together, right?”
Sean looked doubtful, but he brightened slightly as you smiled up at him, running your thumb over the back of his hand.
“How are you so good at that?” he asked and you tilted your head.
“At what?”
“At makin’ me feel better.”
Deciding to dine someplace a little less lavish, the food may have been subpar, but at least the conversation was good and by the time you picked up your tickets at the movie theater you were starting to feel like that night was back on track.
In the dark auditorium as the previews began you settled into your seat, leaning against Sean, your breath catching as he hesitantly draped his arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer and as you glanced up at him your eyes met, Sean quickly glancing back to the screen. Smiling softly, warmth suffusing you, you followed suit.
However as the movie began and you tried to focus on the film, rather than Sean’s every subtle movement beside you, the urge to kiss him filling you, you realized that this movie was not very good and as it continued it was getting harder and harder to take it seriously.
“Is this movie really shitty or is it just me?” Sean whispered in your ear and you snorted softly.
“No, it’s really bad,” you whispered back, grinning at him, hoping he wouldn’t take this to heart along with the hitch in dinner plans.
By the time you ambled out of the theater afterwards, your hand hesitantly sought Sean’s, giving it a squeeze, and though he didn’t say anything you could tell he was disappointed.
“So, uhh, I guess it’s time I took you home, huh?” he murmured as you got back into the car and your stomach dropped at the dejected tone in his voice.
“Sean, we don’t have to go home yet, the night’s still young, we could do something else,” you offered. “Besides, the movie wasn’t that bad, all things considered. I mean, it may not have worked as a romance, but it was certainly entertaining.”
He grinned halfheartedly. “That’s th’truth,” he agreed.
“C’mon, let’s go for a drive,” you suggested and Sean seemed to brighten at this idea. “Alright, I know a nice scenic route.”
Slipping your hand in his he began to drive and you fell into comfortable silence, the radio playing softly in the background. After driving several miles you felt the car give a stutter and Sean frowned, opening his mouth to ask if you’d felt that when the stutter turned to a lurch, accompanied by a loud grinding and clanking before the old junker finally rolled to a stop, Sean pulling off to the edge of the road.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he cried, pounding his palm against the steering wheel in frustration.
As if anything else could go wrong. Oh, Sean.
Shaking his head he popped the hood and got out to take a look. “Well, I’ve never been much of a car guy,” he muttered as you joined him, turning on your phone’s flashlight and holding it so he could see. “I have no idea what I’m even lookin’ for.”
“I know a good mechanic, I can call in the morning and see about getting your car towed there,” you offered and he nodded reluctantly.
“Yeah, that’s… that sounds good. Shit,” he muttered under his breath as he let the hood slam. “Luckily we’re not far from my place, if y’don’t mind walking.”
“I’m always down for a nice night stroll,” you exclaimed, pulling a halfhearted chuckle from him.
This time as you began to stroll side by side you felt his hand brush yours hesitantly, his fingers reaching for yours and your lips twitched as you threaded your fingers with his, chancing a glance over to see if he was looking at you, catching his grin before he quickly looked away.
Opening your mouth to gently tease him, instead a gasp left your lips as you felt the first fat raindrop hit your forehead.
“Uhm, Sean, was it supposed to rain tonight?” you asked, another drop hitting the top of your head.
“Really. Really?” Sean cried to the heavens, throwing his head back with a frustrated growl as the skies opened up to loose a deluge upon you both. “This is not happening,” he whined, his curls quickly plastering to his face and you couldn’t help but laugh, pulling his incredulous gaze.
“What’re y’laughin’ at?”
“I’m sorry,” you gasped, wiping rain out of your eyes, “it’s just the situation. If you think about it, it’s kinda romantic.”
“How is gettin’ caught in the rain -- ohhhh,” Sean said suddenly, realizing the answer to his own question before he even got it all out, turning toward you, a hesitant smile tugging at his lips as he leaned closer, his hand gently cupping your cheek as your breath caught.
Before he could kiss you a flash of lightning filled the sky followed immediately by a deafening clap of thunder and you jumped with a shriek, clutching his arms, but at least you got him to laugh and before you knew it you with both running through the rain soaked street, Sean ushering you up the steps to his upstairs one room apartment and throwing open the door.
“Jesus, that’s cold!” Sean exclaimed as you stepped into his dark apartment. “Hold on, I’ll get th’lights,” he murmured, striding across the small room to switch on a lamp.
As warm light filled the space, you let your gaze wander, taking in his tiny apartment. Though criminally small, it was rather cozy; eclectic and rustic, and very Sean, and you loved it.
Moments later Sean returned with a towel, throwing it around your shoulders and rubbing your arms in an attempt to warm and dry you, stepping closer.
“So, umm, where were we…?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper as his eyes flicked to yours before wandering to your lips.
“I believe you were going to kiss me,” you murmured with a grin as you felt yourself inexplicably pulled to him, your breath catching with anticipation. Letting your eyes flutter shut, you felt Sean’s lips brush yours, like the barest caress, lingering longingly before pressing fully to yours, strengthening into something more, and you kissed him back.
A soft sigh left his lips before he kissed you again, firmer still this time as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you to him, uncaring of the puddle growing beneath you on the floor from your sopping clothes and you reached up to cup his cheeks as your kiss deepened, Sean’s tongue hesitantly probing, seeking yours and you opened your mouth to him, moaning softly as his hands began to wander, gripping you tighter, a hunger filling his movements.
Suddenly he stopped, pulling away and your stomach dropped, your first instinct being you’d pushed too far too fast, but it was Sean who looked at you with concern.
“[y/n], you’re tremblin’, are you alright?” he asked and you laughed with relief, confusing him for a moment.
“Yes, yes I’m fine. More than fine,” you added with a giddy grin. “I’m just… cold,” you admitted.
“Oh!” Sean exclaimed, relief instantly washing over his expression. “Of course. Duh,” he breathed with a chuckle. “Here, lemme get the shower running’ and you can warm up,” he offered, quickly stepping into the even tinier bathroom to open the tap, letting the water heat. “I’ll get yeh some dry clothes t’change into. That is, if y’don’t mind wearin’ my clothes.”
“I don’t mind,” you replied, swaying as you smiled at him and as he brought over a fresh t-shirt and shorts he pressed another quick kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“I like kissin’ you,” he murmured and your eyes flicked up to his.
“I like kissin’ you too,” you said before taking the clothes from his hands and stepping backwards into the bathroom, holding his gaze as you slowly shut the door, and grinning like an idiot, you pressed your back to it once it latched.
The shower helped warm you, though you already felt rather warm inside and when you opened the door to trade places with Sean, letting him use the shower next, you couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes lingered.
“Like it when I wear your clothes?” you teased as you passed him and he grinned.
“They look better on you than they do on me,” he replied cheekily, leaning against the door.
“Nonsense,” you countered and Sean gave a little shake as he realized he was still staring.
Clearing his throat, he gestured to the freshly made bed, which he’d clearly hastily neatened up while you were in the bathroom; the sheets and comforter pulled back invitingly.
“Make yourself comfortable, I’ll be right out.”
Flashing him one last smile before he closed the door, you slowly wandered the room, looking over his posters and knickknacks, and the books filling his bookshelf. Plucking his beige cardigan from the back of his computer chair you slipped it over your shoulders, winding it around yours as you crawled under the covers, picking up the book left open facedown on his bedside table to flip through while you waited, careful not to lose his place.
Soon the water shut off and Sean emerged, toweling off his wet curls before plopping down on the edge of the bed to join you.
“I hope this is okay…” he murmured. “If you’d rather I call a cab to take you home, I can—“
Turning to him you silenced him with a finger laid atop his lips and his eyes widened almost comically.
“I don’t mind staying the night if you don’t,” you assured him, putting the book down, your finger dragging down his lips before he reached up to take your hand, holding it gently, wonderingly.
“I want you to stay,” he murmured, bringing a soft smile to your lips and you both settled down under the blankets, face to face, Sean watching you as he gently stroked your cheek.
“You know, I had fun tonight,” you said, reaching up to place your hand over his.
“Y’did?” he asked, a hint of incredulity in his voice. “But everythin’ went wrong,” he protested.
Snorting softly, you scooted closer.
“Perhaps, but that’s not how I see it,” you continued, holding his gaze,” because everything feels so right.”
For a long moment Sean didn’t speak, his eyes merely searched your face as a slow smile dragged across his lips.
“You’re right. It feels… perfect.”
Before you could agree, he’d pressed his lips once more to yours and you didn’t complain, kissing him back before turning in his embrace and letting him draw you into his arms to spoon, talking and laughing about the terrible movie you’d watched earlier as the gentle patter of the rain eventually lulled you to sleep.
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builder051 · 7 years
100 Followers, 100 Prompts
We made it to 100 followers! As a thank-you, I’ve created 100 prompts for you to go wild with. Pick one you like and send it to me in an ask. If you pick one from MCU and there are multiple ‘verses listed, please choose one (or I will choose for you). Obviously if you pick ‘create your own,’ you’ll have to tell me the deets you’re looking for. Some of these lend themselves to being much longer than others, so be prepared for anything from a drabble to a 5K word fic.  If you choose something Thanksgiving-related, I’ll wait till after 01 November to post.  Aaaaand….GO! 
1. After a night out, Mel’s had a bit too much. 
2. Mel gets a sugar high and nauseated at the cinema. 
3. Mel’s nervous about talking at a conference at work. 
4. Mel gets overheated and passes out in a crowded place. 
5. On the drive to Todd’s parents’ house for Thanksgiving, we learn feverish Mel is not a fun road trip companion. 
6. Create your own (please specify). 
7. Mel and Todd go on a cruise, and Todd gets seasick. 
8. Todd’s getting over a stomach bug and damnit, he does not want to cook. 
9. Todd neglects sunscreen because it’s winter, and he comes in with a nice sunburn and a fever after doing some deck maintenance. 
10. Todd has an especially snotty cold, and post nasal-drip is his nemesis. 
11. Todd leaves work early because he feels sick, only to find that Mel’s already home sick. 
12. Create your own (please specify). 
13. Mike tries smoking, and it knocks her on her ass. 
14. Mike has a lingering cough. She coughs till she pukes. 
15. While home for Thanksgiving, heavy foods aren’t kind to Mike’s stomach. 
16. Mike faints as she’s about to leave for school. The boys make sure she’s taken care of. 
17. The whole household attempts to go to a party. Mike gets sick and no one has a good time. 
18. Create your own (please specify).
19. You have to do something with leftover candy corn, even if it’s eating it until it makes you sick. 
20. Jason pushes himself too hard at the gym and ends up feeling ill. 
21. Lots of coffee and lots of studying isn’t the way to spend Friday night when Jason’s stomach is already unsettled. 
22. Jason catches a bug during finals week and shivers his way through tests with a high fever. 
23. Create your own (please specify). 
24. Colby has a crisis of morality that makes him feel physically sick after eating meat. 
25. Colby and Jason talk family issues (and the emotion makes Colby feel ill). 
26. Sometimes the idea of green juice is a lot more appealing than actually drinking it. 
27. Colby’s down with a cold, the sink’s full of dirty mugs, and the living room is an explosion of Kleenex. 
28. No one’s around to give Colby a ride, so he takes the bus and ends up very uncomfortable. 
29. Colby with appendicitis.
 30. Create your own (please specify). 
31. Hildur has a disappearing episode the first time she and Pierce go on a date in public. 
32. Hildur’s at home working through a fever. Pierce surprises her after work. 
33. Pierce makes dinner. Suffice to say Hildur’s not about to let him do that again. 
34. Per university policy, Pierce’s painting class has a presentation as the final exam. Hildur still has anxiety about it. 
35. Hildur and Pierce go to the aquarium, and looking at the creatures through water and glass is vertigo-inducing. 
36. Create your own (please specify). 
37. Pierce doesn’t eat because he isn’t feeling well, then ends up shaky and nauseous because all he’s had is coffee. 
38. Pierce has a fever and is miserably huddled in his office, trying to find the strength to teach his next class. 
39. Pierce has a migraine while teaching the class Hildur’s taking. She helps him out, and their relationship goes public. 
40. Pierce thinks about taking Hildur to his family’s Thanksgiving festivities. Luckily, he’s not feeling well and they get to stay home.
 41. Attempt number 2 at having a romantic moment with Hildur, but this time it’s a migraine that interrupts. 
42. Create your own (please specify). 
 Bucky (Winter Soldier) 
43. Bucky wakes sick from a nightmare and has difficulty explaining what he’s feeling to Steve (powers/no powers). 
44. Bucky has a panic attack while driving (powers/no powers). 
45. Bucky gets a migraine while he and Steve are out and about (powers/no powers). 
46. Bucky catches the flu and it downs him hard (powers/no powers). 
47. Something on the Thanksgiving table gives Bucky a bad association with something he was given to eat while held captive. He gets ill, and Steve jumps in to help (powers/no powers). 
48. Bucky and Nat are Christmas shopping for Steve, and Nat has to calm Bucky down when he panics at the mall (powers/no powers). 
49. Steve comes home to find Bucky passed out in the bathroom (powers/no powers). 
50. Bucky has a breakdown on a mission (heroverse). 
51. Pre-serum Steve takes care of sick Bucky (heroverse/pre-serum). 
52. Bucky’s depressed and not feeling well and decides to call Laura Barton (powers/no powers). 
53. Create your own (please specify). 
 Steve (Captain America) 
54. Steve is seasick after having to go on a boat for a mission (heroverse). 
55. Steve needs a day off to fight the flu. Bucky takes the day to take care of him (powers/no powers). 
56. A run-in with mind control tech leaves Steve with a hell of a headache (heroverse). 
57. Steve runs himself ragged taking care of Bucky on a bad day, and low blood sugar hits him hard (powers/ no powers or heroverse). 
58. Steve’s poisoned with a bio-weapon while on a mission (heroverse). 
59. Back before the war, Steve was a total lightweight (heroverse/pre-serum). 
60. Steve wakes ill from nightmares of things past and closer to present (heroverse). 
61. Create your own (please specify). 
 Natasha (Black Widow) 
62. Nat gets motion sick while riding in a Humvee with Steve (Nat on fire or heroverse). 
63. Bouts of dizziness and heart palpitations make Nat wonder if the damage she’s done to her body is finally catching up with her (Nat on fire). 
64. Nat’s on a solo mission and tries to administer concussion protocol to herself (Nat on fire or heroverse). 
65. Nat’s not feeling great; Jess offers liquor as medicine (Jonestown). 
66. Nat has a fever while on a mission with Steve (Nat on fire or heroverse). 
67. Create your own (please specify). 
 Jessica Jones 
68. Jess is hungover and trying to get into gear for a mission (Jonestown). 
69. A severe nosebleed makes Jess feel faint (Jonestown). 
70. Drinking up the liquor cabinet in Avengers Tower is not a great way to make friends (Jonestown). 
71. After a mission where she’s hit in the stomach, Jess develops appendicitis (Jonestown). 
72. Jess wakes with nightmares, and Nat’s there to provide comfort (Jonestown). 
73. Create your own (please specify).
 Peter (Spiderman) 
74. Peter has a possible concussion after a mission; Tony scrambles to make sure he’s ok before sending him home to May. 
75. Peter has the flu and leaves school early. May thinks he’s ditching, but comes home to find him unwell. 
76. Peter wakes up sick on Thanksgiving, which throws a wrench into his and May’s plans. 
77. In an attempt to be the cool father figure, Tony lets Peter have a drink and a cigar. Peter gets sick. 
78. Peter works too hard and ends up with a migraine. Not wanting to frighten May when he thinks he’s having a stroke, Peter calls Tony. 
79. Peter has a panic attack on a mission, and Tony has to remind both of them that Peter’s just a kid. 
80. Peter’s pretty keyed up after finishing a mission with Tony, and going out for ice cream turns out to be a pretty bad idea. 
81. Note to self: Don’t go patrol the neighborhood with an aching stomach. 
82. Peter goes on a mission with Tony, and doesn’t do so hot because he’s not feeling so hot. Tony’s about to give him a talking-to, but you can’t do that to a sick kid. 
83. Peter barfs in the car while Happy’s driving him somewhere. 
84. Peter’s sick while staying at the Avengers place upstate. Tony doesn’t really know what to do, but Pepper sure does. 
85. Peter’s sick, and May does her best to convince Peter he doesn’t need to go to his Stark internship today. 
86. Create your own (please specify). 
 Criminal Minds 
87. Spencer’s injured on a case, and he feels ill from the pain. 
88. Even when ill with the flu, Spencer can’t keep himself away from work. 
89. A migraine keeps Spencer from going for a night out with the other agents. 
90. When Spencer’s sick at work, Garcia goes a little crazy trying to take care of him. Spencer’s annoyed, but grateful. 
91. Create your own (please specify) 
 Titan A.E. 
92. After waking up on the Valkyrie, Cale’s a little more beat up than he’s willing to admit. Though Akima heals his wounds, he’s still in pain and therefore nauseous. 
93. Cale picks up a bug on the drifter colony, and he’s fighting a fever while also fighting for the Titan. 
94. Cale wanders into Akima’s room. She thinks he wants to get down, but he’s actually been puking his guts up and just doesn’t know what to do about it. 
95. Alternate Cale/Korso meeting: Cale’s being sick in a trash can because he can’t stomach the alien food, and Korso offers comfort. 
96. Cale gets sick from drinking the green (possibly alcoholic) beverage Korso gives him. 
97. Create your own (please specify). 
98. When Cale’s flying the Valkyrie, Akima gets motion sick. Now we know why she prefers to pilot. 
99. After the Titan is saved and New Earth is created, Cale and Akima share a tender moment. That’s when Cale notices Akima’s burning up. 
100.Create your own (please specify).
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hajidumps · 2 years
og!Cale: I'm a very mature person, I apologize when I'm wrong
og!Alberu: I never heard you apologize
og!Cale: I'm never wrong
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