#call her bella! shes beautiful and deserves it 😭
hannikin-grahamkin · 2 years
Jack referring to Bella as Phyllis in the book feels wrong, I know that's her name but god damn it, it's Bella. đŸ„ș
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lqfiles · 19 days
yooo yangyang is a sluttt 😭😭 “you’re beautiful
 dm me” like same, Karina is đŸ˜©đŸ˜©, but this mf is really out here being something lmaooo especially with his jaehyun tweet and that old man actually apologizing? 😭 i love your brain
(also im playing love and deep space and i paused mid conversation with one of the guys to read 😋)
he’s really saying “I can’t stand her đŸ™‚â€â†”ïžâ€ then texts her first, kicks her seat to yeah, be annoying, but he still wants to catch her attention, keeps calling her his gf, then says “don’t do that” when y/n wants to stop texting him, calls her sweetheart, AND THEN ‘BABE’ in front of her friends? yeah, yeah, he’s gone
DUDE TELL ME WHY MY HEART FLUTTERED SO BAD AT READING HIS MESSAGE OMGGG when he said “don’t do that to me sweetheart” I was gone too đŸ˜”âœŠđŸŒ
YOU DID IT SO WELLL i went to scroll but then remembered it’s a story and not my text messages 😭 you outdo every update omg your brain deserves a massage and some snacks
so good!! (and the pacing too đŸ˜©đŸ˜©)
- đŸ«§
(bella’s finally napping after she tried biting my toes
 and she keeps talking back to meeee and yes, she’s a teenager so i feel like such a mom 😭 hope you liked her pics btw 😋)
you could almost say it’s homie hopping but yangyang doesn’t know about hc and kr’s past so it doesn’t count! yangyang LOVES engagement and he knows how gullible jaehyun is and how defensive his fans get too hsjdhsk like the vals don’t play!!!
omg i’ve heard of that game one of my mutuals on here likes it too 😭😭 is this some mystic messenger type of game or am i wrong..
LIKE LOWKEYYY HES DOWN BAD WHEN YOU THINK OF IT HE JUST DOESNT JNOW IT YET haechan doesn’t like her attitude towards him but also LOVES her attitude because he loves to get reactions out of her but trust that’s gonna bite him back in the ass one day
 lets just say that he has no idea that his words have consequences and that it will cost him y/n.. YES WE ARE GONNA GET ANGSTY!
and you already know y/n is weak for he nicknames but she would never let HIM know.. she will confess to it soon tho.. not to him of course. YOU SCROLLING IS SENDING MESHDJDJK OMGG thank you tho very glad to know you liked this chapter :D i’d love a nice little snack đŸ€“
not her entering her rebellious teenage era no wonder she’s been such a devil lately omggg.. I HOPE YOUR TOES ARE OKAY 😭😭😭 i loved the pics yesss they were so cute she’s such a cute little pup đŸ„čđŸ„č
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Was reminded by a discord friend that First Kill premiered today so I spent the day dropping my reactions and junk in our #gay channel
spoilers ahead
Okay started watching rn because thank you for reminding me and good good the fucking? Theme song? Has a line “our love is deeper than Edward and Bella’s”. First of all that’s a pretty low bar right. Second. Stop. We have no need for a twilight reference within literally the first minute of your show in the year of our lord 2022. Inevitable twilight reference in vampire media is acceptable but do not kick it off IMMEDIATELY with that
So blood pills?
Idk I have been curious since the trailer how vampires work here. Because Juliette seemed to be implied to be born a vampire. How does that work.
If I was Juliette I would have started killing people to drink their blood long before my birthday because I cannot swallow a pill. Gimme the liquid blood
It’s acting all mysterious about her being a vampire lol
Juliette: is burned by silver and has fangs for a moment, Narration: “Oh yeah. That.” Omg guys she’s a vampire I did not see it coming
Juliette: “What was it like? Your first?” Aunt: “Freddy. He was beautiful. Eyelashes for days” gears whirring in asexual brain :squint:
[yes I know now that that is her sister, not her aunt, but I didn’t know at the time that I originally made that message]
Something something eroticism of vampires. Apparently a trend here (based on a sample size of two lmao) to choose someone attractive as your first? Emphasis on this whole first thing. Is this whole thing supposed to be some kind of loss of virginity metaphor
Still no clarity on how one grows up as a vampire, Ig they’re not undead?
Oooh nice nice we get Calliope narration too
Lmao the CGI is not super great. It’s supposed to be a little creepy, oh no how did this Gross Monster get here but then it’s just funny watching its head roll away
“She passed out? She didn’t disintegrate? Then that wasn’t a vampire Cal” 😭 Is the mum just disappointed that Cal doesn’t know her monsters and not, like, freaking out that Cal (seemingly) stabbed a human? ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED THAT YOUR DAUGHTER POSSIBLY KILLED A HUMAN
The kiss scenes are. Hgmm. They really just start. Convulsing
“You ate my mother” PLS WHY IS THAT SO FUNNY. Man just stood still and unhinged his jaw and CHOMPED HER WHOLE BODY DOWN jfgdksud when your mother in law’s a bitch amiright
“A few people were acting sus” AMOGUS I saw Juliette vent!!!!
“I can’t eat, sleep or think straight unless we’re together” i don’t think you’re exactly thinking straight when you’re with her either are you
Whoa is it fitting to feel another tooth coming in while watching a vampire show? My wisdom teeth are apparently coming in left bottom, right bottom, now right top and how DARE they. I don’t put on my shoes and socks in different orders, I don’t expect my teeth to defy this ruleÂ đŸ˜€
Those restraints did NOTHING
Pls the camera pointed up at Theo’s face while he’s running just looks so funny
 why did I get it in my head that Talia and Jack were Theo’s aunt and uncle? Calliope clearly called him and Apollo her brothers and yet when it was revealed that Theo’s mother was dead my brain was like oh BOTH of his parents are gone and he lives with his aunt and uncle. My sister and I are half-sisters, half siblings should have been my first assumption
lmaooo these werewolves
 again with this bad CGI
Carmen deserved to actually be more involved but as it is she kinda just exists to look dramatic
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