#calum hood5sossubmissioncalinthewatermelonshirt5sos imaginecalum imaginecalum hood imagineau5sos aucalum aucalum hood aucollegecollege aucol
Shoot Your Shot [Soccer!Cal AU]
part 3! (find the first to on my blog! I would have them linked but Tumblr is being screwy)
a/n: this one is a bit shorter than the other 2 parts but I need a little filler before I could progress the story (spoiler: its real real sad)
The trip to the mall ended up being a complete disaster, right from the start. As soon as they got there, while Cal was trying to get out of the car, one of his crutches broke. Cal, of course, insisted that it would be fine, not to take him home, that they could just borrow a wheel chair or something. So they went out and tried to find one, taking almost half an hour to do so. When they finally did, the wheels squeaked and were rusty so Cal had to be pushed by someone at all time. He of course, preferred Bia, but she was partial to just walk beside Kit instead, often wondering into random stores. Cal had a bit of trouble keeping up with her. He even got a manicure just to be able to sit next her for an extended period of time. It was stupid and pathetic, he knew, but it was his best friend on the line. She barely spoke to him the entire evening, and as soon as they got back to her apartment, she went right back into her office. Cal just sighed and went to his room. What on earth was in that damn office? He got too bored and stressed just sitting in his room so he called Ash.||
Ash picked up Cal at Bia’s house and together they went to a small cafe downtown.
“Ok so, this might sound crazy, but… I think Bia is mad at me. She hasn’t spoken to me in a couple days. Any ideas as to why?” Cal nervously twisted his favorite ring around on his finger. There was some soft music filtering through the speakers, low and beautiful.
Ash almost choked on his sip of coffee. Yeah he knew, but he couldn’t tell Cal. Right? Bia hadn’t said he couldn’t, but it felt wrong. In Ash’s opinion, those two were being completely stupid. To everyone except Cal and Bia (and Cassidy), they were meant to be together. Ash knew that Bia and Cal had been ring shopping, but it was a front so Cal could get her a present for her birthday. Still, their relationship? None of his business.
“Yeah, uh, no idea.” Ash chose to keep his mouth shut and figured a change of subject would help him stop anything from slipping. “So what’s the plan for her birthday? It’s coming up soon, right?”
“After what’s been going on lately, this party will have to be perfect. I mean, I think I already got her the best gift she’ll ever receive.” Cal usually wasn’t great at giving gifts, but he really thought that he had nailed this one. “I’m even planning on taking over the party planning from Sophie. I mean, we both know how big birthdays are for her.”
“Yeah. I just got her that pair of boots she wanted. Your gonna show everyone up, Cal.” Ash shook his head. “What’re you thinking for the party?”
“You know her. Elegant as always. I’m thinking we’ll have it in the art museum downtown. I’m glad you told me about the boots, though. Cassidy was kind of thinking of getting her those.” Cal was off in his own world, barely picking at the muffin in front of him. Cal figured that Sophie, Cassidy and Bia would all go dress shopping together, as a way for them to all bond. The party would be a surprise for Bia, but Cal knew his best friend was always down for shopping, no matter the reason.
“You can’t be serious.” Cal shot Ashton a confused look. Ash sighed and continued to explain, “Those two don’t like each other, and there’s no way that Bia would want her anywhere near her birthday party.”
“Please. They’re super close. How can they not like each other?” Cal knit his eyebrows together and took a sip of his drink. “My best friend and my girlfriend. They’re destined to be close, right?”
Ashton snorted. Clearly, Calum still had a lot to learn about their female counterparts.||
“Hey Bia, I was just about to text- wait, why are you crying? You never cry?” Sophie ushered Bia into her apartment and onto her couch. She was super worried. Sophie loved crying and was never afraid to let her emotion show, but Bia? She almost never let her emotion show, especially not in front of other people. In Sophie’s opinion, it was dumb, but she felt honored that Bia was willing to share them with her.
“I jus-I can-I jus-,” Bia was sobbing so hard, she couldn’t catch her breath. It wasn’t just sobbing either, it was painful. Each tear wrenched deeper and deeper inside her.  All Sophie was doing was watching and it still broke her heart. Seeing her best friend weeping, her best friend that doesn’t do emotions, nonetheless? Something was very wrong. Now she just had to figure what.
“Woah, hey, calm down. Take a deep breath.” Sophie sat next to Bia on the couch and put her arms around the crying girl. “You have to tell me what’s wrong before I can help.”
“I-It-It’s c-Calum.” Bia wiped her eyes on her sleeve, barely able to see through her tears.
“What about him? Surely living with him can’t be THAT bad.”  Sophie knew that Cal was messy and Bia was uptight, but she didn’t see a reason to cry about it.
“No.” Bia practically wailed. “It that stupid Cassidy bitch. She’s making him choose. Her or me.”
“Cassidy’s out of the state for two more days. What do you mean she’s making him choose?” Sophie wasn’t quite following. What on Earth was she rambling about?
“Ash told me. Cassidy is jealous of me and Calum’s relationship. She doesn’t think he can have both of us, so she’s breaking it off with him if he doesn’t break it off with me first. I mean, Cassidy is his future. I can’t take a lifetime of happiness from him. I can’t be that selfish. I can’t, I can’t, I-” Bia could barely breathe. Telling all of the to Sophie, it just drug up all the feelings she thought she was done with.
“Just breathe. Just focus on breathing. I’ll get wine.” Sophie was blown away. She was also going to kill that Cassidy bitch.
“Oh fuck.” Bia breathed. Her head was sunk into her hands, the tears still flowing. “You can’t tell him. You can’t tell anyone. Sophie, promise me. Promise me.”
“Okay. I promise.” Sophie said the words and felt their weight as the came off her tongue. This felt… wrong. Bia and Cal had always been the closest in their friends group, and sure, they had fought. But this? It was a new extreme, a new height they had never been to before. And Sophie wasn’t sure they could come back down from it.
“I can’t make Cal choose. I mean, he took me ring shopping for fuck’s sake. For Cassidy. This, this would break him.” Bia downed her entire glass of wine in one gulp.
“Yeah but… What else can you do?” Sophie refilled Bia’s glass with a small frown. She had never seen Bia drink this much, even when they went out. Still, Sophie figured it would be better if she did it here instead of anywhere else. “It’s pretty much Cal’s decision, right?”
“You don’t understand.” Bia sniffled and took another sip of wine. It was times like these she cursed her ability to hold her alcohol so well. Times when she was just so damn tired of feeling. “I can’t, won’t let Cal go through that. So, I’m making it easy for him. By kicking him out of my life first.”
“Oh, HELL no.” Sophie immediately went into protective friends mode. “Have you lost you damn mind? I mean, you two have been best friends for, like, ever and you want to shut him out over some girl he’s been dating for what, a year and a half? I think the fuck not.”
“Sophie please.” Bia was so, so tired. She couldn’t do this now. “You think this has been easy for me? I don’t even know what a peaceful night’s sleep is like anymore.”
“I just- I think this is bad.” Sophie disagreed with Bia choice, but one look at e the silent tears still streaming down her face, Bia’s eyes rimmed with red, and she knew it wasn’t up the her. “But, I’ll support you. And I won’t tell. Do you want to sleep here tonight?”
Bia shook her head, instead laying her head softly into Sophie’s lap. Maybe she didn’t want to face Calum, but it was her apartment. She couldn’t avoid the inevitable.
@daniellesimagines @marshmallowtraver (I believe xxx-calumexcess-xxx also wanted to be tagged but I couldn’t find them :( sorry)
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Shoot Your Shot [Soccer!Cal AU]
Part 8
a/n: sorry its taken a bit of time for an update. I've just been feeling a little discouraged lately. but, there should be another update sometime soon
Bia didn’t answer Cassidy. Instead, she just slammed the door in her face, not having the energy to put up with the bitch who had made her life Hell. Or, well, tried to slam the door in her face. Cassidy caught the door with her hand before it could shut all the way.
“Look, I just came here to talk, ok? Not fight.” Cassidy sighed and adjusted her purse on her shoulder. Sure, she and Bia had never gotten along well. Or at all. But girl code was strong in Cassidy’s opinion, and Cassidy blamed Bia for breaking her and Calum up. She figured Bia owed her this, at least.
“What do you want?” Bia turned and crossed her arms over her chest, her stance hostile. Bia had to study and drown her sorrows, so she really didn’t have time to deal with Cassidy’s mind games and bullshit. Besides, if this was about what, or who, she thought it was about, then she really didn’t want to have this conversation.
“I hear you’ve been having a little heartache over the same man who wronged me.” Cassidy smirked at her once adversary. Cassidy was nothing if not an opportunist, and moreover, always up for revenge. So when she heard from a mutual friend that Bia was just as...upset with Calum as she was, well that seemed to good of an offer to pass up.
“Your fucking point?” Once again, Bia gave no fucks as to what came out of Cassidy’s mouth. This was getting old fast and since Cassidy was the reason Bia was like this in the first place, she was inclined to care even less.
“How would you feel about getting a little revenge? Might make you feel better?” Cassidy’s words were like purrs, soft and sultry. She knew how to make herself sound more alluring. So, while she knew she couldn’t seduce Bia, she could try to make this sound more like a fun prank than cold revenge.
Bia sighed. She knew this could go downhill and fast, knew that it was about to. Calum had been her best friend for, well, forever. It was difficult to even think about pranking him, even though he had been the only person to hurt her this bad. Hell, she figured he was the only one capable of hurting her this bad. And, yet. She couldn’t get the damn idea out of her mind.  
“What did you have in mind?” ||
Calum had been hanging out with Mali nonstop for the past two days, except when he had to go to class. At one point, Mali went to get her nails done and to lunch with Bia, but she said it had been uneventful. Calum was sure that they had talked about him at one point or another, but he chose not to ask Mali about it. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure he actually wanted to know what was said.
But, he was actually thinking of going and talking to Bia at one point or another. Maybe they wouldn’t get together and maybe Bia wouldn’t confess her love for him and jump into his arms, but at the very least, they could be friends. He had seen her around campus every once in a while. Last time, she had been at the coffee shop with Sophie and, God, did she look gorgeous. She was wearing Cal’s favorite outfit on her, black skinny jeans, black heeled leather boots, a tight white t-shirt tucked in, and the leather jacket he had got her for Christmas all those years ago. She was holding a iced coffee of some sorts, and Calum almost groaned when she laughed. Bia looked so happy, and Calum was glad. She deserved happiness after everything that happened. Everything he did. So Calum just limped off to class, but not before sending a text to Sophie.
Tell Bia she looks beautiful today for me, yeah? xx Cal
A little desperate, Cal knew, but so was love.
And so was he.  ||
Bia and Cassidy had been planing their so called prank for about week when they finally decided on a time to go through with it. There were a few creative differences between the two of them, Bia thinking that some of Cassidy’s ideas were too extreme, while Cassidy felt that Bia needed to live on the wild side a little more.
In the end, they decided on prank that would embarrass Calum pretty badly, but wouldn't scar him for life.
“We need a cover. For the prank. If we do it when no one is around, then what’s the fucking point of doing it at all?” Cassidy was sitting across from Bia at a table in the Quad. After getting to know her for the past couple of days, Cassidy had to admit, Bia was pretty fun. Especially when she pulled the stick out of her ass.
“Fine. But not at a soccer game. I think we can both admit that would be to far.” Bia was really trying to keep this as low key as possible. After all, Cal wasn’t completely to Balme. Bia had also said some things she had regretted, but she had to admit. She had been thinking of pulling something like this ever since Cal had done that bullshit prank to her in high school.
“Fine.” Cassidy pursed her lips. Looks like she was dealing with stuck up Bia today. “How about a party? Friday, at my sorority house?”
Bia nodded in agreement. That was actually a pretty good idea. There would be enough people there to satisfy Cassidy, but not very many people that Cal typically talked to or hung out with. It was a perfect balance.
“Perfect. I’ll see you then.” And with that, Cassidy stood and left Bia at the table by herself. Bia sighed and gathered her things, sipping her coffee as she walked to her next class. She was honestly kind of considering backing out of the prank. This just felt like too much for her.
tags: @marshmallowtraver @daniellesimagines @xx-cuddlemecalum-xx @c-dizzle-swizzlex
if you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know! 
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