Ok I know I’m asking way to much but I can’t pokebank any of my pokemon and I had a Male Luxray that knew swift and so I was wondering if someone here was to get me another Male Shinx or Luxio that knows the move (I don’t really care about ability or nature or ivs) I’d happily hand over a pokemon of their choosing (shiny or perfect Iv) I do have Protean Froakies if you’d like untouched since I got them just message me and I’ll happily trade you you’d be a big help to me
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teenwolf-style · 10 years
Hello love the blog :) great job I was wondering do you have any of Danny's clothes and stuff aswell as the main cast ?
Whatever I've found for Danny is in the Danny Mahealani tag (not a lot unfortunately). I'm assuming by the main cast you mean what they wear when they're not on the show? You can find all of that in their respective tags, click on the 'Cast' button on the navbar 
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cosplay-crossing · 10 years
Hello! I have literally just got the Animal Crossing new leaf game and I've seen the Attack On Titan outfit on your page but I don't know how to get it i see that there is a qr code but I don't know how you use them could you by any chance help me out ?? Thanks :)
Absolutely! You'll need to unlock the QR machine at the Able Sisters store. To do this, talk to Sable, the one at the sewing machine, at least once per day. After you do this ten days in a row, she'll introduce you to the new machine. You'll use this to scan (and, if you'd like, create) QR codes. 
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teenwolf-style · 11 years
Hey this might have already been answered but do you know what issacs blue top jumper thing is in the last episode of season 2 when Jackson becomes a werewolf ?
I'm afraid not, sorry.
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