#campaign tag: genestealing in the big city
nemossubmarine · 5 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #21
Playing all conversations sessions? Great, love it! Doing write-ups of said sessions? Ugh. Anyway, let’s do this! Last session of adventure number four is a go! 
We pick up from the the medbay where we left Gimlet and Gorm off in the last session. 
As Andrew Andrés is being prepped for Konstantine’s mind invasion psyker thing, someone comes to talk with Tabasco. 
Tabasco tells Gorm that apparently they have been allotted a tech priest already, so Gorm can go ahead and get himself new legs. 
Gorm wants to be wheeled there with a wheelchair, so Tabasco provides one for him and takes him to Eden. 
Eden’s new place is just across the hallway. 
A room for patients has been transformed into his new prison. 
There’s again some kind of force field, but this time Gorm can pass through it. 
Eden looks well enough, having received most of his arms and clothes back. 
There’s some kind of thing lodged into his chest, but that’s neither here nor there. 
So, a new leg? 
Gorm has a picture of the design for his new leg courtesy of Layla.
It’s a paw, because of course it is. 
Eden says he sees what he can do. 
They talk a bit about Jennifer’s need of legs as well, and Gorm says he should probably get paws as well, because those are cool. 
Eden is a bit doubtful, because Jennifer would need less heavy legs than Gorm, plus she would have to be properly wired anyway. 
He’ll bring it up, when discussing it with Jennifer.
Saef goes to visit Inpax. 
Before he can reach her room, he notices her talking with someone outside of it. 
That someone turns out to be Inquisitior Corrida, and a stranger, also in Inquisitor clothing. 
They finish their conversation, and the two leave arm-in-arm. 
The stranger gives Saef a long look. 
Inpax invites Saef to her room. 
Saef asks if he would be able to see one of the people Inpax has arrested, named Ahram. 
Inpax asks Saef to elaborate, and when he does, she notes she wasn’t quite aware that Saef was this connected to the situation. 
She then shows Saef a picture of a man, asking if he’s ever seen him. 
Saef says yes, that’s the Inquisitor dude that caught him and his friends when they were kids, and who seemed to know Ahram.
Inpax tells him that the man in the picture is Inquisitor Tanner, the man that raised Inpax, and who Inpax had executed. 
Well that’s that, Inpax says she’s personally leaving with Bullard and co, so if there’s nothing else Saef should probably talk with Ahram now. 
Well, there is something, and that is a severed head. 
Would Inpax like it, since she appears to have another chunk of body meat in a tank. 
Inpax is a bit grossed out, but takes the head. 
Then off they go to meet with Ahram!
But first, Gimlet, Konstantine and Tabasco have taken Andrew Andrés to a separate room for some good ol’ mind probing. 
Konstantine warns that doing too much of it will cause Andrew to die, and it’s not a pleasant death, so Gimlet will have to tell Konstantine when to spot. 
Gimlet says he understands, and he seems determined to give Andrew at least a semi-pleasant death. 
Konstantine turns off his mechanical eye and dips inside Andrew’s head, looking for Cara and Tanner. 
First trip yields very little, as Andrew was not physically present when Cara was killed. 
But there are connections that Konstantine can follow, and so he does. 
Second trip finds a memory of a conversation between Andrew and his husband Otto, where Andrew was very bitter that he couldn’t go with Otto, who, among with rest of Cara’s group had to go into hiding because for some reason Tanner was after them. 
Anything more? Konstantine goes for a third time, and gets back with one word. 
Navigators. Altered humans with a gene that allows them to see into the Warp, and thus help with navigating ships. 
Navigator families mostly preside on Terra, and are generally above the law, being the ruling class. 
But sometimes Navigator families have gotten into trouble with the Inquisition, and that appears to be the case with Cara’s group. 
Konstantine can offer no more without going back in, and Gimlet doesn’t want to risk Andrew’s death, so he thanks Konstantine for his help. 
Konstantine says he can see if he could be able to locate what the original crime was that caused Tanner to go after this particular family.
Gorm wakes up from his leg surgery, and notices that Eden has a visitor, namely Jennifer. 
Eden is explaining the procedure for getting new legs for her. 
Gorm gets up, and asks whether Jennifer will be getting some cool-ass paws as well. 
When Jennifer waffles, saying that obviously she’d want to take her daughter’s input into account, but her son needs to have say as well, Gorm asks what she would like. 
What does she like to do anyway? 
Jennifer seems genuinely taken aback by the question, but finally admits that she used to do some pottery back when. 
When Gorm says maybe something from that can be put into the legs, Jennifer seems not too keen about the idea, since it was merely a hobby. 
Anyway, Eden says Gorm could take Jennifer back to the medbay, as he needs to prep for her surgery still. 
So Gorm takes Jennifer out, but not to medbay but to look for her kids, who are eating at the mesh hall. 
Gorm says he has a surpise for all of them, but Jennifer stops him before they can get to the kids and asks Gorm to elaborate. 
Gorm tells that he has been called back to Fenris, and as they had discussed with Jennifer, Layla as well as Jennifer and Laurel would be coming with. 
Jennifer wants to know what will happen to Layla once there, and Gorm gives few options; she’ll be taken in immediately, she’ll be taken in after she has trained with Gorm a bit more or she will be rejected. 
Jennifer says it’s best they not give her false hope, by telling her she’ll get in of course, and they’ll see to it when they get there. 
Gorm says that even if Layla is not taken in, he’ll continue to train her, and Jennifer seems genuinely grateful for that.
Jennifer also wants to thank Gorm for saving her life, as well as apologize for the way she had treated Gorm. 
She admits that she thought that she was going to die, and there was some comfort in knowing that Gorm would look after Layla if that happened. 
Gorm takes the thanks, but says Jennifer has no need to apologize, as he understands that he had not considered things outside his own point of view a lot when it came to Layla. 
Having said her piece, Jennifer and Gorm go to Layla and Laurel and break the news of the trip. 
Layla is of course overjoyed, and once mom has told her that they can go, she takes Laurel to get some winter clothes and pack their stuff.
Saef and Inpax go to the shuttle bay hangar where Inpax’s people are packing up the people who have been arrested. 
Inpax has Ahram brought to a separate room so Saef can talk with him in private.
Ahram is not impressed with this Inquisition interrogation tactic. 
He looks exactly like Saef’s Ahram, but there’s no recognition in his eyes. 
Saef questions him about the gangs of Civitas A, but Ahram gives vague answers and refuses to acknowledge anything about Cat Pack. 
Saef asks to see Ahram’s back, as there was a cut down it when Saef found Ahram’s body. 
Ahram has had enough at that and turns to knock on the door to get him away from there. 
Saef attempts to take a look himself, and gets a slap across the face for that. 
Ahram is taken away, and Saef is none the wiser.
Inpax says she should be receiving background info on the people arrested soon, and she’ll text them to Saef.
Gimlet goes visit Molly at her place. 
She’s there, the birds are there, she’s glad to see Gimlet is alright, since last she saw him he was in bad shape.
 She admits she wouldn’t have wanted to let Gimlet go back down on the ground, but she’s afraid to say no to the Wolf, because, and I quote, ”he’d punt me into the sun”. 
She has chatted with the birds a bit. 
She tries to give the birds to Gimlet, but Gimlet doesn’t really want the birds? 
Molly says she doesn’t know how to take care of the birds, but she guesses she could ask around if any of the engineers can help her. Gimlet seems cool with that.
After dropping Jennifer off at Eden’s for some new legs, Gorm goes to look for Olga. He finds her and her daughter Frita helping with clearing the Arboretum. 
They gonk heads as greetings (also Gorm and Frita, which aww). Gorm says he is glad that Olga is alive. 
Olga shows him the notches on her harpoon for all the cultists she’s killed (27). 
She also boasts how her White Scar related partner Erdene killed more than her with their bike. 
Gorm asks where Olga and her family are heading next. 
Olga says she’s not sure yet.
 Even though Gorm says they’ll have a place at the ship for as long as they need, the thought doesn’t really endear Olga. 
Not many places for driving. 
Gorm asks whether Erdene is good with driving other stuff. 
Olga says they used to drive their fishing boat, so yeah. 
Gorm is in need of a driver, as he is going to Fenris, and would like to invite Olga, Erdene and Frita on board. 
Olga says she’ll discuss it with her partner. 
Later she texts Gorm that yeah, they’re coming.
Saef goes to find his family at the mesh hall. 
He wants to see if everything is alright, and his mother says that yeah. 
Saef says they can stay here as long as they want, as he knows the captain so it’ll be no trouble. 
Analyn says they’d wish to be useful, to earn their keep, but are not sure if there’s anything on the ship they can really help with. 
Saef says he’ll bring that up, maybe he can work something out with the captain. 
He also mentions that he’ll be going to a surgery, you know the one he needed his parents’ blood for? 
But it’s going to be alright, so no biggie. 
Saef bids his family farewell and leaves.
Gimlet goes to visit Eden in his room. 
He notices Layla’s drawing on the wall and comments on how he didn’t know Eden could draw. 
Eden says he doesn’t. 
Gimlet asks if Eden has ever worked with memories. 
Eden says that well, all upgrading people into Mechanicum soldiers entails some memory dabbling, and obviously he took Kuru’s memories into a disk. 
Gimlet asks specifically about taking memories out, and Eden says, yeah he is theoretically capable of that. 
Gimlet then asks if he has ever met Tanner, even shows him a picture. 
Eden does recognize Tanner, as far as Tanner being a public figure, but says he’s never met him. 
Gimlet finds that hard to believe, because he remembers hearing Tanner’s voice and Eden’s voice speaking to each other. 
Eden thinks about it a bit, and then notes that just because he doesn’t remember, doesn’t mean he didn’t do it. 
His mentor never meant to make him quite as self-aware as he became, so a lot of his early memories have been removed for space purposes and to make space for when his mentor was planning on moving into his body. 
Gimlet appears to find this quite frustrating, as Eden can’t really help him.
 Eden does say that if Gimlet remembers some things, that means all of the memories were not removed completely, just locked away, and there may be some signs of that in his brain. 
That of course would require Gimlet to trust Eden enough to let him tamper with his brain. 
Gimlet says he’ll think about it.
Gorm receives a text from Carl of Sable Swords saying that they’re honoring the memories of our fallen comrades today on Dew Mountain, and would like Gorm to join. Gorm of course does so. 
Carl has been promoted to sergeant, as Gorm had predicted. 
Gorm congratulates Carl on the promotion, and tells him that Tabasco complimented his chopping-off-limbs skills. 
Gorm has a favor to ask of Carl, and Carl is all ears. 
Gorm explains that his situation with his pack is complicated, and he is now called back to Fenris, and would like if Carl could give some documentation on how Gorm did on battle field. 
Carl is more than happy to provide. 
As he says, Stuart would have died if it weren’t for Gorm. (Stuart only lost an arm) (he’s alright you guys) (everyone’s fave NPC) 
Plus Carl really enjoyed co-operation with a Wolf, it’s something they should do more often, he thinks. 
Gorm then asks how the honoring will proceed. 
Carl says there will be some prayer and then reminiscence about fallen comrades. 
Carl has a real fun story about sergeant Revan, who was apparently was very liked with children. 
But that’s off-screen so now you just have to imagine that yourself.
Saef goes to Eden for his surgery. 
With him is Felis Catus, who immediately clings to Eden. 
Eden thanks Saef for taking care of Felis Catus, and bringing her to him. 
Saef wants to ask about something before the surgery, namely Eden’s involvement with Kane Bullard. 
Eden says that his mentor had some dealings with Kane Bullard, and after his death Eden continued with helping Bullard. 
Saef asks what exactly. Eden says reviewing blue prints for power stations / grids for the metro. 
This will probably be enough for Inpax. 
Eden says he finds it curious that Saef talks with Inpax. 
Saef says he just tries to get along with her, as it will be easier to get stuff out of her that way. 
Eden says he would have told the same exact thing to Inpax if she had asked, but he suspects she finds it hard to talk with him, because she doesn’t consider him a person. 
Saef says he has no trouble thinking Eden as a person, as far as he is considered all things with feelings and thoughts and stuff are people. 
Eden wonders if he feels. 
Saef says he is doing good enough, for Saef at least. 
Then it’s time for a surgery.
While Saef is in surgery, Gimlet invites Gorm to go to a bar with him. 
Gorm asks the bartender if there’s any mead from Fenris. 
Bartender says they did receive a shipment but some of it broke during the genestealer attack, but there was enough for at least a drink. 
Gimlet has something sweet (Long Island Ice Tea, is that sweet, who even knows). 
They go to a booth, and Gimlet says he has something for Gorm. 
This something turns out to be a book, a book of Gorm’s saga so far, that Gimlet is gifting to Gorm. 
Gorm is incredibly touched. 
Gimlet wants to thank Gorm for not killing Inpax on sight. 
Gorm says it was not easy, but he knew Gimlet wouldn’t like it. 
Gimlet says he’s apologizing for not explaining anything when they went down to Civitas A. 
Gorm says he’s used to it from Gimlet at this point. 
And Gorm considers Gimlet a friend, perhaps among the first friends he’s ever had, since all the Wolves are his brothers. 
The thing about Inpax is, Gimlet ratted Saef out to her, so while she is alright, Saef is alright. But don’t tell Saef that! Gorm says, he won’t.
Gimlet explains that Lu Yan wanted Gimlet to go find Inpax. 
Gorm asks why it was so.
Gimlet says he can’t say, which Gorm counters by saying he knows Gimlet is a nosy bastard. 
Gimlet corrects himself, saying he does know, but it’s not his place to say. 
Gimlet and Gorm decide to go visit Saef as he should be waking up from the surgery and he’s be happy to see his pals.
There’s someone else already in the room, aside from Eden and sleeping Saef. 
That is a strange girl dressed in clothing that covers most of her. 
She seems quite jumpy, and tries to hide upon seeing Gimlet and Gorm. 
Gimlet wonders if he’s seen her before, and the girl vehemently denies it. 
Gorm introduces himself to the girl, who says she is Rat. 
The duo finds the name a bit odd, but Rat says it’s her name, so her name it is.
Saef starts waking up, and does recognize Rat. 
Gimlet asks Saef if Rat was with them in the bomb shelter. 
Rat says no. 
Saef says if Rat says no, no it is. 
Rat excuses herself, telling Saef she is needed with the tall dude. 
Eden tells Saef that the surgery was a success, or at least hopefully, they’ll have to re-check after a week or so. 
Gorm says Saef should stick to chocolate from now on, no more fruits for him. 
Saef agrees. 
Gimlet weakly protests. 
Gorm tells Saef that he is going to be going on Fenris, and when Saef asks for ever or for a bit, Gorm admits he doesn’t know. But if he can, he’ll be back.
While Saef was out, he received a text from Inpax saying that Ahram’s full name is Ahram Demirci, and he’s originally from Triplex Phall. 
When Gimlet and Gorm are gone, Saef asks Eden about the name, and Eden says someone by the name of Ramazan Demirci works under him. 
That is Demir of course, so Saef texts him and asks if Ahram Demirci is someone who Demir knows.
Apparently Ahram was Demir’s dad. 
Keyword being was, as he died some years ago. 
Well that’s just great, so there has been at least three Ahrams, two of whom are dead? 
Saef says he’ll continue to look into it, and will text Demir if anything interesting happens.
At some point where Gorm wasn’t doing anything special, he called Vivek and told him to hand the phone over to Uffe. 
As Uffe doesn’t have a phone of his own, it’s up to Gorm to inform him about the call back to Fenris. 
Gorm asks when they can meet up, and Uffe says half a day. 
Would Uffe’s ship be good enough to take them to Fenris? Yes. 
That’s good, because Gorm has a pilot planned. 
Uffe asks how many people Gorm is planning to take with, and Gorm says not to worry, even if Uffe protests they only have two beds on the ship. 
Is Vivek coming with btw? Uffe consults Vivek, and says no. 
So they agree to meet up at Dew Mtn. 
Gimlet and Saef come to see Gorm off, even though Gimlet is not wanting to see either Uffe or Vivek (mostly Vivek). Saef pushes him into the teleporter anyway. 
The three go in first, and the remaining two families will teleport in after. 
Uffe comes to greet Gorm immediately and questions about his new leg. 
Vivek walks up to Saef and hugs him. 
He also greets Gimlet, but calls him Gimli. 
At some point Uffe notices the six extra people teleporting in. 
As he tries to protest, Gorms just tells him to introduce himself, which he does, grumbling only a bit. 
Vivek says he’d like a teleport to Dew Mtn, but soon learns that’s not maybe a great idea. (re: whole Genestealer attack)
Saef suggests that Vivek come on board Santa Maria, now that the Inquisitor is gone too. 
Vivek says sure. 
And oh right, before he leaves he hands over a data chip to Uffe for safe-keeping. 
There’s a bit of doubt whether Vivek and Gimlet can get along. 
Vivek apologizes for calling Gimlet Gimli and says he can work with him, if need be. 
Gimlet just says ”let’s go”. 
Gorm says he’ll beat up Gimlet when he gets back if he misbehaves. 
But now it’s time for parting. 
Saef and Gimlet say goodbye to Gorm and tell him that they’ll miss them. 
Gorm shares the sentiment. 
And then pokes Uffe and tells him to say the same to Vivek. 
Vivek laughs and says Uffe doesn’t need to if he doesn’t mean it. 
Uffe tells Vivek to ”keep safe” and Vivek tells him he’ll miss him too.
And that’s that for that! Next campaign Gorm will be replaced with Vivek and Gorm’s player will do a little bit of GM’ing, so I can get an off-week or two. Looking forward to that!
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nemossubmarine · 5 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #20
Here’s the exciting second to last session of our Dew Mtn adventuring!
We start with Saef’s adventures on Civitas A, as that happens approximately simultaneously to Gorm’s and Gimlet’s adventures. 
Saef is not doing great, he’s starting to tap into the hivemind, and can’t be sure how long before he loses himself. 
So quick acting is in order. 
He rushes into his home, where his mom hits him with a frying pan. Not wounding luckily. 
Analyn tells that Hao, Saef’s dad, went to get Saef’s sister Mai and Mai’s husband Wasim from the factory. 
Saef tells Analyn and the kids to pack up, and he beams them up before continuing to the factory. 
The factory is surrounded by cultists, but Saef has no trouble sneaking past. 
He finds about 12 factory workers, including his family members, being caught by cultists, who Saef kills. 
Saef tries to get the people to calm down and follow orders but some of the workers are panicking, until Hao tells them to listen to Saef. 
Saef leads them to roof for teleporting. 
Before they can all get beamed up, there’s an explosion close-by and a shout that sounds a lot like Gimlet. 
So, Saef stays behind and goes to check that out.
Meanwhile, Gimlet is remembering. 
He remembers playing hide-and-seek with his friend Jonathan, and his mother coming to get the boys. 
The summer’s over and it’s time for them to go. 
But in the middle of the memory, some strange, others memories bleed through, and Gimlet hears two voices talking. 
Other sounds like Inquisitor Tanner, and the other like Eden?
Gimlet is shaken awake by Olga Eriksen, who together with her motorbike riding partner and their daughter Frita have stumbled upon the scene of the explosion. 
Olga helps Gimlet to his feet and he goes over to check Apple Blossom’s unmoving body. 
Unfortunately Gimlet’s first aid is too good and Apple Blossom stirs and attacks Gimlet. 
Olga provides assistance by sitting on Apple Blossom, while Gimlet retreats to do first aid on himself. 
This is when Saef gets to the scene. 
Olga asks what to do with Apple, and Gimlet asks her to knock her out, which Olga does, by gonking their heads together. 
Saef and Gimlet and Apple are going to head up, Olga and her partner refuse to be beamed up, as they need to go find their son, but Gimlet gives her his phone number, so they can get to safety once that’s done. 
There’s some trouble with reaching Molly. 
Gimlet uses his contacts and gets Lu Yan to teleport them up with the passenger teleporter. 
Gimlet apparently still has some stuff he needs to do surface-side, but Saef secretly sabotages the passenger teleporter, so he doesn’t get himself killed.
Lu Yan and Gimlet have to start making their way to the cargo teleporter. 
Saef takes Apple to the med bay, but not before calling Molly and telling her not to let Gimlet teleport on the surface. 
Saef can’t go to the surface anymore, so he and Tabasco agree to lock him up with Apple so he won’t cause any trouble. 
Before that Saef takes his people / cat / severed head to Molly’s place. 
Molly requests a new necklace for her services.
Gorm wakes up in the snows of Fenris, in the middle of a snow storm, next to a canyon. 
Next to him sits his pack leader Rolf, who talks, mostly to himself, about the duties of a Space Marine and ordinary people giving hope, and something like that, and then he asks Gorm where they went wrong. 
Gorm notes that Rolf probably shouldn’t feel that bad as on the totem pole of people to blame for the pack going bad, he’s nowhere near the top. 
Gorm then questions where he is, and Rolf replies that his implants are trying to restart themselves, which is why Gorm is hallucinating. 
The hallucination ends with the arrival of the rest of Gorm’s pack; all the dead and chaos infected members, and Uffe at the front with wolf eyes. 
Gorm is about to get to fighting, when Rolf steps in between and says that ”once again I must send you away for your own good”. 
He then pushes Gorm into the canyon. 
The last thing Gorm sees is Uffe attacking Rolf.
Gorm wakes up on the floor, and all he can see is a blue light and hear the emergency sirens, moments before the hull cracks and they are in space. 
In that moment, Gorm is teleported back to the ship by Molly. Gorm gets up. 
He’s not in great shape, a piece of his power armor is lodging itself into his back. 
Gorm asks Molly about the tech priest, and Molly says she only got the people who had any life signs. 
Gorm begins helping the people off the teleporter pad so Molly can get more people in. 
That’s when Lu Yan and Gimlet get to the scene. 
Molly refuses to teleport Gimlet down, but Gorm hears it, and says he’ll be teleporting down, and Gimlet can come with. 
Gimlet weakly protests, but down they (and Mimir) go. 
They teleport in front of a BBS building in the middle of the city. 
Gimlet gets into the building and notices a bunch of dead cultists and a broken cell phone, which he pockets.
Gorm asks if they’re here to loot phones. 
Gimlet refuses to answer, and follows a trail of blood out of the back door. 
There they pick up on a fight happening. 
Some cultists and genestealer have a person surrounded in a half-way broken building. 
Gorm and Mimir rush into the fray. 
Mimir basically tears a genestealer to bits. 
Gimlet gives supportive fire. 
Gorm soon catches glimpse of the person they are saving. 
It’s Inquisitor Inpax, who’s in rather poor shape, and not doing any better as she suddenly gets swarmed. 
But Gorm, Gimlet and Mimir manage to get the cultists down. 
Gimlet is immediately checking up on Inpax, who demands to use a phone. 
She calls her men (presumably) to tell them to not let Kane Bullard out of their sight, and to check up on Eden. 
Inpax has several usb-sticks and a tank with a piece of flesh with her. 
Gorm says he has no time to stay and chit-chat, as there’s still stuff to be done. 
He calls sergeant Revan and asks if he could join his troops for the battle. Revan is glad to have assistance.
And so off Gorm goes to do some battling. 
Gimlet and Inpax teleport back up to the  ship.
We move onto a little bit of a time skip. 
Santa Maria evacuates civilians from Dew Mtn to other planets. 
Saef is locked up. 
Gimlet goes to the medbay. 
Gorm fights the good fight. 
He loses a leg, Sergeant Revan loses his life. 
But the Genestealers and the Psykers are defeated, and the day is saved.
Saef finally gets out of his exile now that he’s not in danger of turning on other people. 
He goes to visit Inpax, who is still a bit weary looking from her trip to Civitas A. 
She asks what’s up with Saef’s nose and Saef says he got hit by a 16-year-old. 
Speaking of which… Saef explains Rat’s situation to Inpax. 
Inpax says that she has gotten a teacher for Saef who could look over Rat as well. 
Then Inpax asks for a favor from Saef. 
Inpax has arrested Kane Bullard and his men, and they’ll be soon transported to an Inquisition base for interrogation. 
There’s one thing Inpax is curious about, and that is the nature of Eden’s co-operation with Kane Bullard’s schemes. 
Perhaps Saef could ask about that? 
Saef says he can, and he will. 
Oh, and Theo is ok to be reversed as clearly Kane Bullard was not working within the law.
Tabasco sends out a text to Gimlet saying he wants to talk about the naked dude Gimlet dropped off into his medbay. 
They meet up during Tabasco’s lunch break. 
Tabasco has some bad news, the dude (dude being Andrew Andrés) is basically dead. 
There’s nothing Tabasco can think of to wake him up. 
But he checked his brain scans, and there was something odd, something maybe psykic-related. 
And hey, there’s apparently an actually sanctioned psyker on board, so Tabasco has heard, perhaps Gimlet could ask him for help. That’s all. Gimlet says he’ll do so.
Gorm has checked himself into the medbay, and Tabasco comes to talk with him about his leg situation. 
Tabasco doesn’t do prosthetics, but they have a tech-priest on board. 
He’ll just have to hope the Inquisition will allow the tech-priest to be borrowed long enough to make all the legs Tabasco’s patients need. 
This number is three, as apparently Jennifer’s legs couldn’t be saved. 
Gorm says not to worry, the Inquisitor owes him one.
Layla comes to visit Gorm at the medbay, because of course she does. 
Well, she was originally visiting her mom, but upon seeing Gorm comes to check on him. 
Gorm tells of his heroic accomplishments and even suggests that the Sable Swords wanted to make Gorm their sergeant after Revan died (but a field medic by the name of Carl is probably going to be promoted). 
Layla is very taken with the stories, as always. 
Gorm tells her that a good wolf always aims to save as many people as they can. 
Layla comments on how Gorm and her mom are going to be the same as they’ll both be getting new legs. 
Gorm mentions that he is planning on going back to Fenris soon, as apparently he has been called upon, and wonders if Layla would like to come with. 
Layla says of course, but Gorm says he’ll talk with Jennifer first and forbids Layla from mentioning it to her mother before that. 
Layla agrees, hugs Gorm and goes to see her mother.
Saef receives a text message from Inpax that his and Rat’s teacher has arrived, and to go meet him. 
So Saef goes by Molly’s place to pick his people / cat / severed head up. 
Molly is fast asleep, so Saef leaves her a gift card for the necklace. 
He drops Theo, Felis Catus and Kuru’s head at his place before heading to meet his new mentor.
Gimlet happens to find this mentor first. 
He turns out to be an older gentleman by the name of Konstantine Holzer, tall and thin, sporting one mechanical eye and one seemingly blind one. 
Upon hearing Gimlet’s requests, Konstantine agrees to see to the patient, though he says he is not a healer. 
Just then Saef and Rat get there, and Konstantine says he’ll meet Gimlet in the medbay. 
Konstantine questions Saef about his knowledge of the warp, which seems to be a bit lacking to say the least. 
Well, he’s going to be taught, but Konstantine feels Rat might be a bit bigger of a concern first. 
Before Saef leaves Rat with Konstantine, Konstantine asks Saef to speak with him in private. 
Upon doing so, Konstantine asks whether Saef is aware that Rat is not human. 
Saef says well he is now. 
Konstantine suspects Eldar and asks Saef to tell about Rat’s background. 
It seems most likely Rat has been raised among humans, but surely she is aware of her, well, difference. 
That’s a problem for them once Rat becomes visible. 
Mostly Inpax’ problem.
Gimlet has meanwhile come to the medbay and stops to check up on Gorm. 
Gorm asks what happened to Inpax after he left. 
Gimlet says he took her here and she was taken care of. 
Gorm says he would have appreciated Gimlet’s help back on the planet, but he gets it, Gimlet needed rest and relaxation. 
Gimlet wants to talk about the awkwardness between them ever since the whole wolf-incident. 
Gimlet says he’s sorry that he didn’t take it well, but he wants to make sure Gorm knows Gimlet respects his culture. 
Gorm suggests another hunt. 
Gimlet says maybe they could go to the bar to hunt for drinks. 
Gorm seems agreeable to this. 
Gorm says it’s good that Gimlet and Jennifer got a bit angry at him, since Gorm has his own perspective and sometimes it’s hard to see outside it. 
Gimlet explains why he took it so badly, as Tanner did the same to him, taking him in as a child. 
At least he got an education. 
Gorm asks if Gimlet would have chosen this path had he been given the choice, and Gimlet admits that, well, there wasn’t much of a choice, namely because his mother apparently had just been slain, thus confirming that Cara is indeed his mother. 
Gorm says he’s sorry.  
Gorm then mentions being called back to Fenris and he wishes Gimlet to help with how to ask Layla about actually becoming a Space Wolf, as she is starting to be around the age where she will be taken in, if she is to become one. 
Gimlet suggests maybe talking with Jennifer. 
Gorm also isn’t quite sure how to bring up the fact that the process of becoming a Space Marine does take away people’s memories.
Well there’s no clear answers to that, especially because Konstantine appears to check over Andrew Andrés. 
Gorm is still hostile, but perhaps a bit more respectful towards this new psyker. 
Konstantine checks Andrew over and says he has to agree with Tabasco, he is gone. 
But not all gone, as Konstantine can use psykic means to get into his head and get some information, if that is something that could be of use. 
To do that he would need some kinds of anchors to hold onto, names and places. 
Gimlet suggests Cara and Tanner. 
Konstantine seems a bit unsure on whether to ask Inpax for permission, but finally agrees that Tabasco’s permission should be enough. 
He needs a bit of time to prepare, so we’ll leave that for next time.
And that’s all. Next session, Saef talks with approximately seventeen people and I guess Gorm and Gimlet are there too (well no, they got stuff to do too) (lots of discussions) (all the plot) (next time!).
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nemossubmarine · 5 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #19
An actually short session with little to no dialogue? A short writeup for once! As this session basically only encompassed two scenes, I’ll report them whole one at a time even though we did a bit of jumping around in game.
Gorm has made his way to the command deck of Cherry Tree, the ship of Peach Blossom. It is in full chaos, the electricity is out and a giant Tyranid hive ship has grappled onto the front of the ship. 
Gorm orders wounded people to retreat and then charges the first set of xenos cornering a small group of soldiers attempting to protect a tech-priest working on the electric equipment.With him, is of course, Mimir, the wolf. 
Together they almost manage to wipe the whole mob. 
Gorm leaves the one remaining to the soldiers, and rushes to help people in more trouble. 
He pulls a woman out of the way of an attack, cue slow-motion, Gorm telling the woman the Emperor still has plans for her and the electricity is back up just in time to give Gorm a nice halo effect.
Since the electricity is back, Gorm gives a rousing speech where he asks people who are able and willing to join him in the front room, so they can stop the invasion once and for all. 
Several people join him, and they lock themselves into the room. 
There’s a big as fuck xenos in there, but Gorm one-shots it with a well-placed crit so, that’s that. 
Gorm and the tech-priest get to work in sawing the teeth of the Tyranid ship off, so they can hopefully blast it away from the ship. 
The others and Mimir give backup. 
Soon the teeth are sawn off, and the people start retreating into a side room (as blasting the ship away will leave a hole in the hull of the ship). 
Unfortunately as Gorm attempts a retreat, he receives a nasty blow from the invading forces (aka 5 mortal wounds), and darkness overtakes him.
Gimlet meanwhile has teleported down on Civitas A where Saef had teleported, right next to Saef’s house.
Saef is nowhere in sight, as obviously he has some lead. 
Before Gimlet can follow, he hears approaching footsteps and ducks behind a trashcan. 
A group of seven genestealer cultists walk past and among them Gimlet recognizes Apple Blossom, Cayenne’s mother. 
Gimlet starts following the group. It’s apparent that this part of the city is currently in cultists’ control, as Gimlet sees groups of cultists wandering around.
 When the group and Gimlet are in a relatively quiet area, Gimlet picks up a rock and tosses it at one of the cultists. 
This causes the cultists to turn and start towards Gimlet, at which point Gimlet takes out his flamer and kills all but three of them. 
As the cultists are approaching melee range, Gimlet changes his flamer to a sword and in a stunning display of swordsmanship decapitates two of the cultists. 
Only Apple remains and she attacks Gimlet with shears. Gimlet attempts to knock her out with the hilt of his sword, but unfortunately for everyone involved, Apple ducks and Gimlet hits something in her armor, something that goes crunch, something that’s volatile. 
There’s an explosion, and then there’s nothing as Gimlet loses consciousness.
And that’s that for that itty-bitty session. This was the most crit-heavy of sessions ever. I think there was like 5 or 6 crits. Woof. Next time, we maybe finish stuff up as far as this invasion goes. Or maybe, who knows. We’ll see.
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nemossubmarine · 5 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #18
Things start getting spicy in Civitas A on this session of Wrath and Glory RP!
Our heroes head into the metro tunnels by hitching a ride on the back of a metro (standard practice by Saef’s account) and dropping off near the spot where Gorm heard the wail. 
They have about 4 minutes to search around before the next metro comes and flattens them. 
Gorm listens for another wail, and hears one right after the metro leaves the next station. 
Following that leads them to a stairway, that drops them off at a lower-level metro tunnel, where they find a door with a ”Keep out” -sign. 
Everyone tries to open the door, but the lock proves to be tougher than regular.
Gimlet manages to crack it. 
They get to a small room with two doors and an air-vent. 
One of the doors has a sign requesting protective gear, before entering. 
Gorm sniffs the air and catches three scents, Andrew Andrés, his birds and, for some reason, the AdMech sergeant they left behind on the Necron planet. 
As the birds are closest (in the vents), our heroes check on them first. 
Saef uses crumbs from the korvapuusti to lure the parakeets into the cage Gorm has been carrying around. 
One of the birds talks, mostly saying ”hello” and ”blessings of the Emperor”. 
Gorm tries to teach it to say ”fuck”, but it only says ”shit”. 
As a talkative lil’ birdie is not great for their stealth mission, they leave the cage outside the door. 
So then there’s two doors and two smells remaining. 
As neither Saef nor Gorm have any stakes in finding Andrew Andrés, it is decided to check the AdMech sergeant’s smell first. 
They open the door and get into a small room that appears to be filled with computers controlling the metro system. 
A servitor is manning the computers, they pay no mind to the intruders.
There’s also a tank, attached to the wall with a pipe, and filled with some strange liquid, and the sergeant’s severed, somewhat de-composing head (yikes). 
There’s no real reason our heroes can think of why the head would be there.
They leave it for the moment, in case grabbing it will cause alarm.
Then it’s the last door. Our heroes are somewhat lacking in protective equipment (well, Gorm isn’t). 
Saef gives Gimlet the Skitarius Vanguard helmet he picked up in the Necron planet, and Gimlet puts it on. 
Saef will stay behind while Gimlet and Gorm investigate the room. 
The second room is much larger than the first one, and it’s filled with tubes that are filled with goop and with people. 
Few of the tubes light up, and they can hear people screaming and then another voice saying that ”Number 12 has failed, extraction required”. 
That spurs something to life in the room as two servitors suddenly appear and make their way among the tanks to a certain one. 
Gorm and Gimlet go check it out and see the servitors extracting a man in horrible condition from the tube. 
Gorm smells that this is Andrew Andrés. 
The Servitors take Andrew to a side room filled with bodies, and Gorm follows in. 
He notices that Andrew is actively dying, so he gives him some first aid. 
Gimlet looks around and surmises that what’s going on here is that they are gathering energy from the people to power up the metros. 
Then he goes to let Gorm out and they debate on what to do with freeing these people. 
Saef is waiting at the door and suddenly starts hearing singing. 
He waves at Gimlet and Gorm, who hide in the room with the bodies. 
Saef goes to the control room and hides in the closet only to realize that the singing was coming from inside his head. 
Before he can really do anything about it, the earth around them moves as if an explosion has happened somewhere above them, and the glass tanks crack and break, letting out the people, some who collapse to the floor, but some who are very much alive, very much angry and very much psykers. 
Gimlet texts Saef to grab the head of the sergeant and hide until there’s a chance for him to escape. 
Saef does so, barely missing a psyker who blasts the control room’s computer and the servitor to bits. 
Gimlet orders Saef to go to the surface and teleport back to the ship, while he and Gorm see if they can clear the way for themselves. 
Most of the psykers have escaped, but there’s two still remaining in the room. 
Gorm sneaks out of the room towards one, only to realize there’s a third being in the room, a demon of sort. 
Gorm switches targets. 
Gimlet pulls out his extra-special anti-psyker arrows and shoots two of the psykers, killing one and severely hurting the other.
He does receive some smites as a response. 
Gorm has a hard time hitting the slippery demon. 
So he goes after the remaining psyker, so that Gimlet use his flamer to position the demon a bit better. 
It ends up with all three of them at the door to the room with the bodies.
Gorm tries to taunt the demon into the room, which sorta works? 
Except now the demon has its grip on Gorm. 
Gimlet shoots his flamer, forcing the demon and Gorm apart, and setting the corpses on fire. 
Gorm grabs Andrew and Gimlet closes the door. 
And off they run before the demon can come after them. 
Gimlet does grab the bird cage with him, while they run past.
Meanwhile Saef has waited for a good moment before rushing out of the room with the sergeant’s head under his arm. 
He tries to text Cayenne to get hold of Inpax, but Cayenne only replies that there’s a ”situation”. 
He gets to a metro station, but drops the tank when climbing onto the platform so he wraps the severed head into a piece of cloth and continues to run. 
On the surface it quickly becomes apparent what the aforementioned situation is, as the Tyranid invasion on Dew Mountain has begun. 
There are Sable Swords battling cultists and Santa Maria seems to be in battle with a Tyranid vessel in the skies. 
Saef calls Molly and gets himself a teleport up. 
When he is about to leave the teleporter room he hears a familiar voice and turns to see Kane Bullard, of BBS fame, and his cronies, with them his mentor Ahram, just like Rat said. 
Saef flees the scene, and gets to his room, where he stuffs Kuru’s head into the fridge.
Gimlet and Gorm on the surface also request a teleport from Saef, which Saef arranges, as well as getting a teleport for Rat. 
Waiting for the teleport, Gorm takes a chainsword from a dead Sable Sword. 
He also leaves Andrew on the ground, and Gimlet protests, but Gorm doesn’t seem to care. 
So Gimlet grabs Andrew’s hand and up they teleport. 
Immediately on the platform Gorm rushes off towards the infirmary. 
Gimlet leaves the birds on top of a crate and starts dragging Andrew through the ship. 
Saef gets to teleporter, where Molly complains about not getting the second person Saef asked. 
Saef feels a hand on his arm and says it’s alright. 
He goes to his room, grabs Theo, head and cat and as many fridge magnets Theo’s body can hold and starts towards a bomb shelter. 
Gorm gets to the infirmary where he finds Layla safe, helping a doctor. 
Layla asks for her mother, and Gorm promises to find her. 
As Jennifer works the arboretum, and as that was in the part of the ship that was badly damaged, Gorm heads there. 
The arboretum is in bad shape. Gorm calls out for Jennifer and gets a faint answer. 
He finds her, still alive, but her legs are crushed by a fallen tree. 
Gorm cuts the tree, picks up Jennifer and starts heading towards the medbay. 
Jennifer asks after Layla, and after learning she is alright, seems to lose consciousness. 
In the infirmary, Gorm inquires from Tabasco the state of the ship. Tabasco says there’s no xenos on board, only bombing, but same can’t be said of Peach Blossom’s neighboring ship. 
So Gorm starts for the teleporter. 
Gimlet finally gets Andrew to Tabasco, and Tabasco helps him put Andrew on a bed. 
Tabasco asks if Gimlet is okay, and Gimlet says he can self-medicate. 
Tabasco says he doesn’t recommend it, but Gimlet says he means just basic first-aid. 
Tabasco then gently pushes him out of the medbay, as they’re swamped with patients. 
Gimlet goes to Saef in the bomb shelter. 
Saef says he needs to go get his parents, and by the way does Gimlet have Inpax’ number. 
Gimlet nervously asks why Saef needs it. 
Saef says he needs to put Theo somewhere where he’ll be safe, and the only place he can think of is Inpax’ room. 
Gimlet reaches out for his contacts, and gets Saef the number, but unfortunately the message doesn’t get delivered.
Saef decides to get Theo & co there anyway, so he breaks in. 
Gimlet follows and if he notices Rat, he says nothing. 
Only the room is not empty, but has Lu Yan from the casino there. 
She says she can explain. 
Saef just drops his wards there (placing the head onto Theo’s lap so to not get into trouble) and off he goes. 
Gimlet stays behind to talk with Lu Yan. Lu Yan says she had been working on a BBS office for a bit, after the casino thing went bust and Inpax came to pick her up. Except there was something she needed to grab and then she never followed Lu Yan. Lu Yan is supposedly a prisoner of Inquisition, so she can’t really go after Inpax, so she orders Gimlet to do so, as that is her girlfriend and she’d like her back alive, thx. (wasn’t she your wife? Gimlet asks. We didn’t have the time, Lu Yan replies.) Gimlet says he’ll do so.
Saef and Gorm and Gorm’s wolf he had picked up from Alex meet at the teleporter. 
Gorm says he’ll be going to Peach Blossom’s ship. 
Saef says he’s gonna go get his folks. 
And off they teleport. 
Gimlet arrives soon after and asks Molly where the others went. 
He decides to follow Saef and teleports back down to Civitas A.
And that’s that for this session. Next time some actual war in this Warhammer 40k game I’ve been running for the past 5 months. Who would’ve thought.
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nemossubmarine · 5 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #17
Our heroes have finally reached Dew Mountain and things get awkward, sad and joyful for Saef, Gimlet and Gorm, in that order.
We pick up from our heroes taking the metro from Saef’s gang hideout to the area where Saef’s folks and two of Gimlet’s possible contacts live. 
When the metro leaves Gorm hears what sounds like a wail coming from the metro-tunnel. 
People in the metro are in awe of Gorm, who poses for pictures. 
Saef texts with Vivek. 
Gimlet stares out into the darkness of the metro tunnel.
Upon reaching the station (Atria Corner) near Saef’s old home, Saef turns to Gimlet and insists they go check out his stuff first.
Gorm notes that Saef doesn’t seem to be eager to reunite with his family.  
Saef merely states that it’s going to be awkward, so he rather push it as far back as he can. 
Gorm says it’s good for things to be awkward occasionally.
But off to Gimlet’s contacts it is. First one is someone by the name of A. Andrés. 
Saef points out the door and Gimlet goes to knock.
A young woman answers the door and upon being asked if she is possibly A. Andrés or knows A. Andrés, she says that Andrés disappeared mysteriously eight months ago. 
The general consensus seems to be that he was involved in some kind of criminal activity and got arrested. 
Gimlet bids her goodbye and leaves, defeated. Gorm asks him if he got anything with Andrés’ smell. 
Gimlet says no, so Gorm says he’ll go ask. 
Gimlet protests, weakly, but Gorm says they’re all here to help and is already knocking on the door. 
Upon being asked for Andrés’ belongings, the woman produces an empty bird cage. Gorm thanks the woman kindly and gives her the blessings of the Emperor, which seems to brighten the woman’s day considerably. 
Gorm takes a sniff of the bird cage and deduces that Andrés is a man in his fifties, who owned two parakeets and took good care of them. 
So now, if Gorm catches that scent again, maybe they can find the missing Mr. Andrés.
Saef asks if they should go check the next address before going to his folks’ place. 
Gimlet says sure. 
Before they go, he mentions that his mom texted him and told him there’s something strange going on in this planet. 
So if mom texts again and orders them to get off the planet, they should. 
Gorm questions whether Gimlet always follows his mommy’s orders and Gimlet says yes. 
Isn’t he a bit old for that? 
Gimlet thinks no.
Next up is the apartment of one O. Eriksen. 
Gorm comments that the name is rather Fenrisian sounding. 
The door is opened by a cheerful, plump woman in her 40’s, who speaks with a rather thick accents, and introduces herself as Olga Eriksen. 
And yes, she did use to work in Limestow and yes, she is of Fenrisian descent! 
She invites our heroes in for some traditional Fenrisian fika, and, to Gorm’s eternal delight, surströmming.
There’s two conversations happening side by side in this scene, so I’ll report them one by one. 
Gimlet asks Olga about Limestow, and namely when did she start working there. 
She says she used to work there for nearly 20 years, before stopping after the burning four years ago. 
She apparently was saved from the burning, because she was expecting her second child, and had to return to Dew Mountain because of that. 
Gimlet asks if she remembers another incident some 20 years ago. 
Olga says, of course. 
She explains that aside from migrant workers coming in from Dew Mountain, there was another group, who came she knows not where. 
That year they had a newcomer in that group, a man, who’s name she can’t quite remember, but she thinks it was something like Raman. 
A word came in that an Inquisitor was visiting Pomegranate Blossom on the Pomegranate Estate, and for some reason this caused an argument within the group, and it escalated to the point where Raman killed a woman in the group, with psykic skills. 
The Inquisitor was called in and dealt with Raman, as well as several other of the group’s people, apparently. 
Olga didn’t stay back to watch. 
Gimlet asks about the Inquisitor taking a child, and Olga notes that the woman who was killed had a boy that the Inquisitor took with. 
She can’t remember his name though. 
Gimlet asks more about the woman. 
Olga says her name was Cara and she was the  most beautiful woman Olga had ever seen. 
It was like the spring herself had come into the valley when Cara came, she says. 
Olga admits to having a little harmless crush on Cara as a young woman. 
Actually, she might have a picture of Cara in her photo album, so she goes off to get it. 
When left alone Gorm comments that Gimlet is in one of his ”mysterious moods again”. 
Gimlet seems a tad bit overwhelmed by the whole situation. 
Gorm is having fun (more on that later) and would like Gimlet not to ruin it for him. 
Olga comes back and shows a picture of a woman standing amidst fruit trees in Limestow, her back turned to the camera, and her face only in half profile. 
When Gimlet looks at the picture, he gets a massive headache. 
He asks if he could have the picture, but Olga seems unwilling to part with it, as it’s her only copy, so Gimlet takes a picture of it with his phone. 
He asks if Olga remembers anyone by the name of Marian or Jonathan. 
Olga remembers Marian being perhaps one of the kids that was with Cara’s group, but can’t say much more, it’s been way too long. 
Upon being asked where to get more information on Cara’s people, Olga says Pomegranate Blossom is of course the first way to go, since she invited them to Orchard Mtn. 
Well, Pomegranate Blossom is dead, very dead. 
Olga suggests her niece Apple Blossom (Cayenne’s mom!) next, she apparently was in some way involved with her aunt’s business. 
She does take a look at the list of names Gimlet offers, and picks out Andrew Andrés as someone who might know stuff, because of course she does. 
She does also wonder why Andrew’s husband’s name is not on the list. 
Gorm comments on Gimlet’s headache, saying he’d offer some mead, but he doesn’t have any. 
That usually helps with his headaches. 
Of course, they also cause it.
But that’s it for Gimlet’s and Olga’s conversation, now time to turn to Gorm’s and Olga’s conversation, which happened simultaneously. 
Gorm asks if Olga is by any chance from Fenris, on account of her accent. 
She apparently is a Civitas A native, but her grandpa was from Fenris. 
She is very happy to see a real Space Wolf, as she has never met one before, but apparently her great-great-great uncle was a Space Wolf, named Hjalmar. 
Hey! Gorm knows a Hjalmar, who is very old! Maybe that’s the same guy? 
Gorm texts Hjalmar, if he ever was an Eriksen. 
A younger wolf named Agnar helps Hjalmar reply, so it takes a while, but the answer is yes, maybe. 
He had a sister named Ava, perhaps? 
Gorm asks for a picture of Hjalmar, while Olga goes to find a picture of his grandpa Kalle. 
There is definitely a certain similarity in the two of them. 
Gorm offers to take a picture of Olga for Hjalmar, so Olga goes and dresses up in her fishing gear, including a big-ass harpoon, so she looks proper. 
We learn that after quitting her job at Dew Mtn, she became a fisher / fish mongrel together with her partner. 
They have a son that’s 18 and a daughter, Frita, who is 4. 
While Olga is dressing up, Gorm asks others how much pay should he give if he would like to hire Olga and her partner as his personal chefs? 
The others aren’t quite sure, but they’re ”sure the captain won’t mind” (sarcasm?). 
Gorm makes the offer to Olga, who says she has to consult her partner, but she does seem excited about the prospect. 
After this it’s time for our heroes to leave. 
Gorm and Olga gonk heads together in a traditional Fenrisian greeting. 
Gorm takes some surströmming with him, Saef takes korvapuusti.
So now, finally time to go visit Saef’s parents. 
Saef is still not excited about this. 
He asks the others if they wanna come with and they say yes, but also if Saef doesn’t want them to come, they can not come. 
So off they go, together, to the derelict apartment that is Saef’s parents’. 
Saef knocks on the door and hears his mother asking who it is. 
When Saef says it’s Saef, he can hear something being dropped inside. 
The door is opened by a woman in her forties, who has Saef’s eyes and nose. 
She can’t seem to take her eyes off Saef as she invites our heroes in to the barely furnished apartment. 
Saef’s father joins them, and he is carrying a baby child in his arms. 
Gorm and Gimlet introduce themselves, and so does Saef’s family; Analyn Zavala, Saef’s mother; Hao Zavala, Saef’s father and little Yen Zavala, Saef’s niece. 
Analyn admits that the family had thought that Saef had joined the gangs and died with the rest of them. 
Saef says that’s what happened for a bit, but now he is working for a rogue trader. 
He then explains what he is here for, namely his parents’ blood. 
Of course, says Analyn, Hao still hasn’t said a thing. 
Gimlet gets to work on Analyn, who comments that Saef has seemed to find a respectable position for himself, working with a Space Marine and a doctor. 
Gimlet comments on Saef being a good boy, which seems to visibly upset both of the parents. 
When it’s Hao’s turn, baby Yen is handed over to Saef. 
The little girl seems to like him. 
Saef’s littlest sister Asih comes home. 
She was only 5 when Saef left, so Analyn has to re-introduce the two. 
Gorm seems to catch Asih’s eyes, so Gorm offers to pose for a picture. 
To which Asih says she hasn’t a camera, before slinking off. 
Gimlet has taken blood from both of them, so it’s time to leave. Saef gives his phone number to Analyn on a piece of paper (and slips some money in there), also the korvapuustis. 
Apparently only Saef’s older sister Mai has a phone they could use. 
Saef says to call if they ever need anything. 
Analyn apologizes to Saef for not being a good enough family, and Saef apologizes in turn, and then off they go. 
Analyn and Hao stay to watch them go and Analyn even waves.
Saef checks his phone and sees that he has received a message from an unknown number, asking him to prove who he is. 
Saef sends a selfie, which both Gorm and Gimlet find a bit odd given the situation, but they don’t ask. 
The person, signing as ”Rat” asks Saef to come to the former Lion’s Club hideout alone. 
Saef says alright.
Our heroes take the metro back towards where they came from. Gorm would like to check the wailing he heard from the metro tunnels. 
Saef says he would like to go visit his old base to reminiscence for a bit, and Gorm and Gimlet say that’s alright, so Saef leaves them at the metro tunnel and makes his way to the old school, where the gang Lion’s Club used to reside. 
Now it’s empty, but Saef notices some freshly spray painted arrows leading him inside and up the stairs to an old class room. 
Where immediately Saef proceed to get his nose punched in by an unknown, and unseen assailant. 
Saef defends himself and asks the assailant to speak with him, upon which the assailant, a young woman, says it’s all Saef’s gang’s fault. 
Saef manages to persuade her to calm down, saying he knows far less than the woman and also he needs her to help Theo. 
So the woman, Rat, stops attacking Saef. 
Saef still can’t see her, but when he reaches into his psyker powers, he can sort of make out where the shadows wrap around Rat. 
Rat says she is unable to become visible. 
She apparently got her psyker powers when her gang got rounded up and made servitors. 
She managed to slip loose, being invisible and all, and has been hunted ever since. 
She also claims to have seen Ahram at the BBS building where her gang had been taken. 
Saef doesn’t know what to think of that, because he has seen Ahram’s body. 
So what gives? 
Rat doesn’t know. 
She knows that on this side of the city, there’s crying and screaming coming from the metro tunnels, and on the other side there is singing, and stuff’s fucked up. 
Saef explains Theo’s situation, and how he needs Rat to help with him, and then mentions that he is somewhat of a sanctioned psyker himself, and offers to introduce Rat to Inpax. 
Rat says he should talk with Inpax first, so if she isn’t willing to help, Rat can stay hidden in the city, instead of being trapped on the ship. 
Saef agrees and tells Rat to hold tight.
Saef gets back to Gimlet and Gorm and tells them he got into a bit of a scuffle, hence the broken nose. Saef says he is alright though.
So next maybe some exiting tunnel adventures? Can the sources of the scream be found? So, is Ahram the gang leader dead or is he not? And where has that sneaky Andrew Andrés and his lovely parakeets gone off to?
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nemossubmarine · 5 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #16
Our heroes have finally made it to Dew Mountain. Eventually. Not for like the first 2/3rds of this session, but there will be Dew Mountain stuff, yay?
First we start with a little bit of a blast from the past, Saef’s past specifically. Dew Mountain’s biggest city, Civitas A, has seen an election of a new government official, Kane Bullard, who has promised to rid the city of crime with the help of his fancy-pants Bureau for a Better Society (BBS for short). 
Baby Saef (only 14!) and two of his friends, Nnenna and Levi have decided to go vandalize a near-by office building that is to be turned into a BBS building. 
Levi is super into this, and the others have to steady him a bit. 
The building appears to be abandoned when our little criminals-to-be get there. 
Levi does find an open door so our heroes sneak in through that. 
There are tarps and all kinds of other construction stuff. 
Levi decides he wants to make a little oil prank, while Saef gets onto spray-painting the walls with ”fukc BBS” -slogans (more like Bureau of Bullshit, amirite?).
Nnenna, being the oldest (at 16), keeps watch. 
Unfortunately she doesn’t notice the trouble brewing before the trouble grabs her by the collar and has her held at gunpoint. 
Saef and Levi turn to look when Nnenna screams and find an Inquisitor holding the poor girl. 
Behind the Inquisitor stalks a shadow of a spider-like feature with seven glowing blue eyes. 
Saef asks the Inquisitor to let Nnenna go, even volunteering to go with the Inquisitor in her place. 
Levi begs Saef to flee with him. 
Fortunately the confrontation is interrupted by the voice of Saef’s gang-leader Ahram, who has come to look for the kids. 
The Inquisitor agrees to let Nnenna go and Ahram orders the kids go home while he stays behind to talk with the Inquisitor. 
The kids go. 
Saef tries to return back but Levi catches him. 
Levi is super-worried about the kind of trouble they’ll be in, but when Ahram returns, he isn’t mad, just disappointed. 
He asks the kids to stay out of the way of Kane Bullard and BBS, especially now that they know he’s working with Inquisition (and strange spiders). 
Then it’s hugs for everyone (except Levi, who claims to be too old for hugs).
Back to the ship, not so baby Saef (already 22!) is checking out the chocolates at the tax free, when he is approached by the engineer, Molly, who helped Uffe and Vivek escape the ship.
So Necrons, huh? Molly asks. 
A-yup, says Saef. 
Molly shows Saef the earrings she had bought with Saef’s money. 
She wanted to speak with Saef because she wanted to let him know she won’t be of trouble. 
She knows Saef is high-ranking, she’s seen the people he travels with (mostly the captain of the entire ship, and her personal Wolf), and she doesn’t want trouble. 
And maybe don’t tell the captain she employs a person who takes bribes? 
Saef says it’s alright. 
Molly says if she can ever be of any help, Saef just needs to ask. 
Saef then asks her to recommend him some chocolate. 
Molly picks her favorite (super-fancy dark chocolate).
Gimlet finds Saef. He says that he has visited Eden and explains that Inpax has taken Eden’s memory banks, so he's in a rough state. 
Gimlet suggests maybe Saef could take Felis Catus and together they could go pay Eden a visit. 
This is what they do. 
Eden, obviously, doesn’t recognize Felis Catus and seems to be somewhat confused by Saef’s explanation that the cat likes him. 
Gimlet says he should hold onto that thought. 
Eden says he shall, for the next 12 hours. 
Saef asks if they should come visit him again after that, that perhaps it would be of use. 
Eden surmises it might be comforting for Gimlet and Saef than to him, but if it pleases them…
Saef and Gimlet talk a bit after visiting Eden. 
Gimlet wants to talk about Gorm. 
He tells Saef what Gorm had talked about last time, that there’s a chance Saef might go bad, since he is ”a very bad boy with that leather jacket you’re not actually wearing right now...” 
Saef feels that has already been implied by all the ”hello warlock” -talk Gorm does. 
Gimlet tells Saef to be careful and reassures him that since he’s never turned on Gimlet, Gimlet knows he’s a good boy. 
And if Gorm ever starts acting up, Saef should come talk to Gimlet. 
Saef says that the big puppy talks big game, but in the end it’s mostly talk and Saef trusts him. 
They also talk about the possibility that Gorm himself might go ”big bad wolf”. 
In that conversation Saef notes that Gimlet seems to be the only one of them that’s not on the cards to go bad, being the harmless fellow he is. 
Gimlet mentions wanting to get chocolate for Layla in the hospital. 
Gimlet then explains that he is not in the best of terms with Gorm right now, because Gorm took Gimlet and Layla into the wilds to poke wolves with sticks in some kind of weird ritual and Layla got hurt.
So this would not be all Saef all the time, we follow Gimlet to the Tax Free where he is approached by Inquisitor Corrida. 
Corrida has realized why Gimlet’s name was familiar; he was one of Tanner’s kids. 
Gimlet looks like a deer at the headlights. 
Corrida clarifies it’s not an accusation, they simply weren’t aware other people had been fired and not killed as well. 
Apparently Alex who they employ, is also one of Tanner’s former ones.
If they had known there was another former Tanner-person without a place to go, they might have offered a job to Gimlet too. 
Gimlet says no thanks. 
Corrida wonders why Gimlet is so afraid of them. 
Shouldn’t it be quite obvious? 
Corrida says they only deal with xenos, so technically, if Gimlet is going to get into trouble with Inquisition, it would be with likes of Inpax. 
But they won’t push the conversation if Gimlet doesn’t want to. 
Gimlet asks them to say hi to Alex and flees the scene with his purchases.
Saef goes to visit Gorm. 
He is a bit surprised there’s a live wolf there, but alright. 
When Saef says he wants to talk with Gorm about what happened at Orchard Mountain, Gorm shuts down immediately. 
He’s learned his lesson, he’s going to keep his stuff to himself. 
He’s already been shouted at twice today so if Saef’s here to shout, he can go straight back out the door. 
Saef says he’s not here to shout, just wants to hear what happened. 
Gorm says he thought it went great. 
And anyway it was Gimlet’s fault for getting noticed by 15 wolves. 
Surprise Gimlet made it out alive. 
If things had gone bad, Gorm says he would have just joined the wolves. At least then he’d have a pack. :( 
Saef wonders if Gorm consulted Layla’s parent. 
Gorm admits it didn’t occur to him, he’s not used to parents, he doesn’t remember his own parents. 
Saef says if he was a kid and went to fight 15 wolves it would have been just about the coolest thing ever, but also, maybe it’s not great to take kids from the parents to trips like these. 
Gorm says he’ll go talk with Jennifer. 
Gorm says Saef should be careful about Inpax as she knows about Saef’s powers. 
Gorm then continues that he’s not saying it’s Gimlet, but he’s not saying it’s not Gimlet, that has leaked such information to Inpax. 
Saef says he’s going to be careful. 
Gorm also shows Saef the rest of Vivek’s eye he stole. 
He needs to figure out a place to put it in while our heroes are at Dew Mountain, because Inpax will surely go through his stuff. 
Saef says he has a friend he can give it to hold. 
Before leaving Saef asks if Gorm and Gimlet are okay to go together to Dew Mountain. 
Gorm says he’ll take it like a big man. 
He only tried to befriend him. :(
Saef goes and drops Vivek’s eye to Molly, who is busy pretending to work. 
Molly takes the bits and says she won’t ask questions, which is probably for the better.
And then, Saef goes to knock on Inpax’s door. 
Inpax lets him in and Saef wastes no time, asking Inpax about knowing of his… talents. 
Inpax shows a profile of Saef on her computer. 
Apparently Inpax has sanctioned Saef, a rather unorthodox move, she admits. 
She apparently has some interests in Dew Mountain, that caused her to run into Saef. 
Also obviously she’s keeping tabs on Gimlet (don’t tell Gimlet that though). 
But, for the moment, Inpax says Saef is alright in her books.
Saef calls her much kinder than people give her credit, which she laughs off. 
Saef then asks Inpax for a favor, regarding both his situation with the Tyranid stuff and with Theo, namely needing Eden. 
Inpax says Theo was obviously made servitor because of a criminal background, but if there’s a reason to re-examine the case (which she seems to think there may be), she can allow his un-servitoring. 
Saef thanks Inpax and leaves.
Saef, Gimlet and Gorm meet up to talk what their plans on Dew Mountain are. 
Well, they need to find Saef’s parents, and Cayenne’s mom and Gimlet needs to find Limestow survivors. 
Saef also says he wants to find Theo’s gangmates, which everyone is cool with. 
Gorm says they can get access to the planet via Inquisitor Corrida, so they’ll head there first (with Gorm’s wolf bits).
Outside Corrida’s room they hear a piece of a conversation between Corrida and Inpax. 
Something about Inpax wanting Corrida to check into something the AdMechs are doing on the planet. 
Anyway, Inpax leaves and our heroes go see Corrida. 
Corrida is very pleased with the stuff Gorm has brought. 
Gorm asks them to check over his new (live) wolf. 
Corrida does so, and says they can’t see any sign of Tyranid mutation, but to their eye at least the wolf doesn’t look the healthiest. 
Gorm wonders who will take the wolf while he’s at Dew Mountain, since Saef seems pretty insistent that the city won’t be great for an animal. 
Corrida suggests leaving the wolf with Alex. This is agreed to.
Our heroes are ready to teleport to Civitas A. They teleport near the place where Saef used to live. 
Civitas A is a city of quite different scale than any our heroes have ever been before, hosting 70 million people and a subway system spanning several 100 stations throughout the city. 
Our heroes decide to check the local store near Saef’s place. 
Gimlet points out the alleyway where he run into Saef originally to Gorm. 
Inside the store, the store clerk, a quite silent woman by the name of Effu recognizes Saef. 
Apparently the business hasn’t been great and there’s monsters in the subway system, as people keep disappearing. 
The army is apparently doing something at the other end of the city. 
Saef thanks for the information. 
The Rat Pack’s, Theo’s gang’s base, is not far from where our heroes are, so they go check that out first. It’s positioned at an abandoned sewer pipe and quite empty. 
Gimlet and Gorm manage to find a hidden room with a path to the subway tunnels that clearly has been lived in not so long time ago. 
Saef leaves a note to contact him in the hidden room. 
No more clues are here, so next they might head to the area where Saef’s folks live and where at least few of the names on Gimlet’s list also live.
And at some point (subway ride to the other side of the city?) Saef texts Vivek, telling that it was Gimlet who got him arrested to buy more time to Eden. 
Vivek replies that it might not have been smartest move, although obviously Gimlet didn’t know that (he’s still an ass, tho). 
Vivek was apparently holding three things for Eden, two keys (one to Eden’s memories, one to his program files) in his eye and one presumably intangibly in his mind. 
Saef managed to scoop one of the keys, but another is missing. 
Saef says Gorm saved the rest of Vivek’s eye, but obviously they hadn’t checked whether it had a key.
Saef’s still an angel. (Also Gorm is too.)
Two angels and an ass, what a lovely party. (Gimlet’s a dear, just not to Vivek :P) Next week, we get to some Civitas A adventuring proper!
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