#can I just use 'könig' as the regular trigger warning
kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
one of my favorite things about Kö is how differently he would treat his Darlings male friends vs female friends. like a male friend is constantly walking on a wire and every move is hyper analyzed "what do you mean GOOD morning?? are you implying she wasn't having one before? that I could not make her mornings good enough?? Liebe I told you he's got his eye on you let me beat him up"
meanwhile a female friend could straight up walk in and honk her titty and he would probably be like 🤷‍♂️ "women are such affectionate creatures, who am I to get in the way of a beautiful feminine friendship I wonder if they kissed before"
I know he's vaguely aware that he's being a bit of a hypocrite, that he's probably more jealous than the average man (god save him from being counted among any kind of "average" ever) and holds a few double standards, but that still doesn't mean he should get therapy. It's not that bad, right?
Besides, every guy is trying to flirt with you. That's how dudes are! He of all people should know...
But let's not dig into that too much. Besides, you shouldn't be giving these men any attention because that only gets their hopes up. 'Friendzone' is a place he's more than familiar with himself, so let's not pretend that any of those little charmers are actually trying to be your 'friends'. And, uh, do you see him having any female friends? No? That's for a reason, Liebe <3 (um, yeah we have a theory what the real reason is König)
But to be honest, König doesn't even see other women when he started dating you. He's becoming almost impolite, muttering "Ja, ja," to some girl at the mess when she's only trying to wipe the table. He's too busy stalking if you're online because why haven't you responded to his message? :( He sent it like five minutes ago.
Sees you give your female friend a kiss on the cheek, she tries to do the same, you somehow end up colliding so that you nearly peck each other on the mouth and start to giggle because of that. His heart just warms from seeing how sweet you two are... He even lets out a little heh, heh when he sees the friend smack you on the butt in the kitchen, leaving a floury handprint all over your ass. You two look so adorable when trying to make sourdough bread together. Doesn't the world just become thousand times better place with women in it?
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How would konig react if reader left? like maybe without a trace n just disappeared cause she couldn’t anymore?
Hehehe... No one escapes König.
TW/CW: Can we just all agree that toxic!König is a trigger warning on its own from now on? I mean, it's the regular: stalking, harassing, sexism, potential killing(s)... also light angst (featherlight if you compare to the "cheating on König" answer.)
I mean, sure, he would be upset if he found out reader is trying to get away from him. He's not stupid. König knows he's built different (in more ways than one) and knows he will never be the man reader deserves. Still, he is fixed on the idea that they belong together. They are carved from the same tree. She is the moon to his sun, the light to his darkness. Wherever she goes, he goes. It should be the other way around, but if the woman of his dreams plays hard to get... Sure, he'll entertain her.
If someone approaches reader, König gets very territorial. Those poor souls get threats, maybe even some stabbing – this really depends on the situation. But if reader tries to detach or leave the relationship, he would observe this change in behavior with curious anxiety.
If drastic measures are taken and she tries to escape or make a disappearing act, König would simply do everything he can to find her. And let me tell you: this man can and will outwit anyone who doesn't share his background and training. So unless reader gets some actual, skilled, professional help from outside, she doesn't have much of a chance.
And when König eventually finds her, he would try to talk her back. Just persuade, persuade, persuade. Apologize if and when he has done something wrong. Shower her with attention and compliments and gifts. Beg, even – on his knees like a lovelorn knight. If reader says it's over and she doesn't want to continue the relationship, it would break his heart. But that would only last for a day or two. He knows who he belongs to and most of all, who belongs to him, so he would form a plan. König wouldn't get too discouraged.
He would simply draw his shoulders back and stay around. For years, if need be. After all, he already won her heart – he will do so again. He promised he would never let her go.
He would check up on her, be very suave and gentlemanly about it. Reader can always talk to him if she needs someone to turn to. They can at least remain friends, right?
If she answers his calls, he would at some point come over. Uninvited, yes, but just to pay a brief visit... See if she needs something. He is always willing to help should reader need something. A bookshelf needs to be assembled? He's on it! Reader needs a ride somewhere? He's already on his way. Whatever it is, he can do it. (He will show her how useful he is, verdammt noch mal.)
If reader tries to see others... uh-oh. König would start by threatening the possible candidates. No one would stay around for long to oppose this man. If they did, well, death sentence for them! Or at least a new hole somewhere. While he sort of knows that what he's doing is wrong, he also can't stand the idea of someone laying eyes, let alone a finger on her. He can't stand the thought of spending the rest of his life without her, because if she were to find someone new, someone better, he would watch that shit from afar and slowly break to pieces. And that's just not an option.
One slip of a comfort fuck, and she wouldn't get him out of her house. He would view it as a sign that you're back together again no matter what you tell him. Also, did I say comfort fuck? I meant mad, pent-up pounding that lasts the whole night. The sheets would be in shreds, reader would be covered in sweat and cum and tears and bite marks made in the heat of passion and frustration. The cuddles that follow nearly leave her bruised. König has missed her SO much 💞
So, the cocktail would be: hunting her down, harassing, stalking and "helping" her, bullying her dates... Our king would even resort to simping 🥺.
But König would only say he's in love. He will simply never find another you ❤️. (And you're not allowed to find anyone else either.)
He would view it romantic in a way: reader forces him to woo her all over again! As we already know, hunter/prey dynamics only give him a thrill. She must like the setting too. Why else would she do something like this? "Women and their games…" That would be his thought, accompanied with a shrug.
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