#can i talk to you about our lord and saviour mitsuhide akechi?
lady-moonbroch · 5 years
Mitsuhide x MC: “Captured in red threat”
Fandom: Ikémen Sengoku Kinktober: Day 17 || Bondage Genre: NSFW +18 Word Count: 1,293 Author’s note: Hello, it’s me, with a VERY cheesy title..please kill me. I am a little late yet again but I do hope you like this one too. My Mitsuhide bias is becoming more and more apparent, heh *hides* but I cannot help it, he’s a walking sin and I love him.  Now, I owe the 16th day fanart (which I will deliver soon I hope), but I will surely meet you with another fic of my favorite CEO on the 20th. Hope you enjoy! 🎃
[The challenge] ~ @alloveroliver​
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It all began the day you decided to visit Azuchi’s kitsune in the castle dungeons. You were always interested to know how he…”encouraged” people to talk and the veil of mystery around the man himself only added fuel to your curiosity.
You bribed the guard and snuck as stealthily as you could manage in the chamber of the cells. You could hear Mitsuhide’s quite laughter filling the air and prisoners behind the bars cowering to a corner at the sound. You moved in further and carefully gazed inside an open cell, your eyes widening with surprise at the sight that greeted you.
Mitsuhide stood over the spy of a local damyo that was recently discovered to be plotting against Nobunaga. He was tied up with intricate knots and hung from the ceiling, upside down, discomfort and fear painting his features. And then…the crack of a whip and a muffed cry.
Mitsuhide struck the prisoner once more before removing the gag from his mouth. You were too lost in a daze to register the questioning taking place, eyes glued on the tall lean man with the dangerous gleam in his golden eyes, leather whip in hand. Your core clenched at the reminiscence of what you just saw and a quivering sigh escaped your lips before you could halt it. The kitsune’s attention was immediately drawn to your hiding spot and you raced to the exit to avoid being caught red-handed. Or so you hoped.
. . .
Later in the evening a maid came calling at your door, announcing lord Akechi’s invitation to his mansion. You swallowed hard. You knew a storm was brewing and prepared yourself for the consequences of your failure.
You heart was already thundering in your ribcage as you made your way to his manor and the closer you got the more painfully aware you were of the trouble in store for you.
You swear Kyubei could practically hear your heartbeat from standing right beside you. He gave you a reassuring and almost knowing smile before announcing your arrival and letting you in his lord’s room. You must have looked delightfully frightened for him because the moment his eyes began to observe you a throaty chuckle resounded in the room.
“Good grief, little mouse. You look positively startled. Am I really that daunting to behold? Or is it that you are abashed from your disastrous espionage this morning?”, he teased, a fox-like smile tugging at his lips.
You could only turn your face away in embarrassment as your cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. You turned your eyes upwards to avoid his mocking gaze and noticed a large hook on the middle of the ceiling. You gulped.
“M-Mi-tsuhide…why is there…a hook on the ceiling?”, you stuttered. As you turned your head back to face him you found him standing right in front of you, a long red rope clutched in his hands. He bend down slightly, his breath mingling yours as he looked at you through thick, white lashes.
“You seemed fascinated by my work this morning, I thought you’d might like a…taste. And punishment is much needed for this naughty little mouse, for spying and sticking it’s nose where it ought not to” he cooed as he grazed his fingertips on your trembling bottom lip. Your eyes closed shut and a sigh left your mouth at the wake of his touch, the embers of desire turning into a raging fire that scorched you from the inside. You looked up and smiled sweetly at him.
“I deserve punishment, my lord. Please, do whatever..is necessary” you sighed.
He chuckled softly, relishing the heavy fluctuation of your plush bosom that betrayed your excitement. His eyes remained trained on you, drinking at the sight of your half-lidded eyes glistening with lust and fervour, your cheeks blushing adorably in a light shade of pink and the reveal of the lush curves of your body as he pealed off the layers of your kimono.
He hummed with satisfaction as he marvelled at your delicate figure, making your heartbeat accelerate and your blush deepen. He knelt down and began to work the rope around your legs, complex knots gracing your supple flesh. You could only watch his beautiful face entranced, his eyes focused as his hands captured your body in red thread.
You gaped at his elaborate rope-work, you knew what shibari was but you have never had the chance to experience it yourself. But before you take pleasure in the pressure the rope applied on your most sensitive parts, your feet were suddenly lifted from the tatami floor. You were now hanging from the ceiling, your left leg stretched up and your right tightly bond with your thigh, your hands tied behind your back leaving you helpless at the mercy of his hands.
“What a sight to behold” he uttered, entranced and proud of his handwork.
He traced circular patterns on your skin, his skilful hands brushing erotically over every part of your skin, sending waves of electricity down your spine. He then began to leave teasing kisses down the length of your thigh, drawing closer to your pulsing core only to give his attention to your other thigh instead, straying from were you needed him to be. Frustration kept building up in sync with the growing need for friction and release, you couldn’t take it much longer.
“Mitsu-hide..please. I-“
His snickering cut your plead short. He kept caressing your curves, taking pleasure in the way you shivered for him.
“What a needy little girl you are. You are so wet already and I have barely touched you” he chuckled, changing your position to an upright one. You felt him pressing your body on his, his hands fondling your breasts and teasing your hardened nipples with his fingertips while he tugged and kissed your earlobe. Your breathy mewls filled the room, you longed to touch him yet your hands were bound and the feeling of his bulge pressing on your rear made you yearn for it all the more.
“My lord…I-I want more..than just this…I’m begging..y-you..”, you whimpered whilst trying to rub yourself on him and arouse him further. He clutched your hips, forcing you to cease your attempts.
“What is it that you beg for, my dear? Enlighten me…confide your desires to me...And I shall make them true” he whispered in your ear making your breath quiver at your throat.
“I..I want you to..touch me…and let me give you pleasure...I want you...so much, that I-I’d do..anything..” “Anything…at what price, princess?” he muttered as he came to face you, leaning down to take your nipple between his lips, sucking roughly to coax more of your delicious moans.
“Please…don’t torture me..fuck me, please…I need inside of me..I beg y-“ your words were swallowed by his feverish kiss, his tongue delving in your mouth, twisting and demanding dominance over yours. It was over too quickly you thought, yet you both panted heavily in need for air.
“More” you plead.
“Who am I to deny you, little mouse?” he whispered as he shrugged his own clothes off, capturing your lips in gentle kiss. When you opened your eyes there was a devilish glint swimming in his pools of gold.
“Might I suggest...we use employ this..as well?” he inquired while dragging the whip’s popper down your abdomen and halting right on your glistening clit, pressing it just enough to stimulate. You bit your bottom lip and chuckled at the hitching of his breath before you purred against his lips.
“Whatever gives you pleasure, my lord” 
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