#can pull a fic out of this for the mythological side of hakuouki
hiraethum · 10 months
To botany experts and hakuouki enthusiasts out there, any idea what these are?
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from the loading screen of the Toki no Kizuna
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Suzumori Yukina's status board
I'm getting around to learning the language, but I keep getting sidetracked. This is present in the game Toki no Kizuna, which is the prequel of Hakuouki in the terms of the demon clans. The titular ten demon clans, Jukkishuu, have this as their insignia - as present in their clothing, banners, and in Suzumori Yukina's status board(?). Does anyone know the significance and symbolism in the culture of this flora?
Other than that, I'm wondering what happened to the council during Edo Era as it seems that after the formation of the group, it eventually sundered? Based on what I've understood when I went into the game blindly, the clans seems to be relatively close then - especially that of Yukimura, Kazama, and Amagiri , they essentially view Amagiri Kazutake as their aniki. Of the central clan, Yase Clan, the clans revered it as a powerful figure considering they do have prophetic visions and ties to the imperial family. For families with such close relationship, its pretty tragic that they ended up separating due to the effects of the Battle of Sekigahara.
In the game, there were also other clans such as the Tsukishima, Shiomi, Kotoura, and Hatsushimo which were part of the council. The clans Nagumo and Oboro were long ostracized by the council due to their affront centuries earlier and thus were considered as a solitary oni. What does this signify when Amagiri Kyujuu decides that if Kazama Chikage were to go to Ezo, he'd be considered as such? Are his actions so grave that he would be relegated to be alike to the families that his ancestors once fought?
In the Chuugoku Region(which would be considered as Choshuu Domain) where the Shiranui Clan resides, they revered them as deities - pretty ironic, though Shiranui Shin does look very pretty to be stated otherwise. There are many more of others that I can mention, but I'll do it on another day.
There's tons of information that can be extracted in TnK for the supernatural side of Hakuouki, it would be good discussion on Chizuru's family. :3
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