#can someone please vote MSR
baronessblixen · 11 months
This ship bracket is stressing me out more than it should be 😅
Me too! The first few rounds I was like, hm, yeah, nice. And now it's like, VOTE! WE NEED TO WIN! It's a fine line 😂
6 minutes to go. The waiting is the worst. Why is no one voting MSR anymore?
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cultspaced · 5 years
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anon   said :      mason   was   royalty   right ??   were   they   like   their   species   equivalent   of   a   prince ?      im   inch   rested   in   the   alien   hierarchy .   what   was   that   like ?      please   give   ur   adoring   fans   the   Lore .      unless   u   don’t   want   2   like   it’s   secret   then   that’s   ok   too   I   love   u   
oh   anon,      first   of   all,      i   still   don’t   have   fans   and   secondly,      thanks   for   being   invested   uwu
just   a   fair   warning,      since   this   is   v   important   to   my   blog   this   is   gonna   get   long   and   won’t   go   under   a   cut   and   i’m   sorry   if   it’s   all   a   mess   and   not   sorted   but   it’s   late   and   i   keep   remembering   shit   that   needs   to   go   into   this   okay .
to   get   into   the   lore   let’s   explore   mason’s      (      maisaaint’s      )      species   for   a   short   moment .      mason   is   a   so-called   AORLUT,      a   semi-corporal   non-gendered   species   known   for   hiding   their   weakest   points   on   a   different   plane   of   existence .      they   are,      in   the   easiest   to   explain   sense,      all   eldritch   horrors   with   shifting      ❛     bodies     ❜      that   change   when   necessary   and   can   easily   survive   as   a   parasite .      however,      since   everybody   hides   their   weakest   parts   on   a   different   plane   of   existence   it   means   these   multi-dimensional   fuckers   all   see   each   other   how   they   actually   look   all   the   time,      while   other   creatures   only   see   certain   limbs .      (      see   here   for   a   very   vague   description   of   what   mason   actually   looks   like   and   then   know   their   offsprings   look   like   very   round   squids   and   this   is   100%   a   baby   picture   of   mason   okay      )
aorluts      are   also   known   for   having   one   of   the   most   complex,      impossible   to   learn   and   yet   efficient   languages .      it   is   a   mix   of   clicking,      whistling,      something   that   sounds   like   high   pitched   screeching   and   underwords      (      which   i   have   explained   here   but   is   basically   up   to   three   words   spoken   at   the   very   same   time .      )      this   language   is   absolute   bullshit   to   anyone   hearing   it   but   makes   communication   extremely   quick   and   leaves   no   room   for   wrong   interpretations . (      something   mason   can’t   keep   up   in   english   but   since   they   already   have   to   talk   slowed   down,      they   find   joy   in   deliberately   talking   around   the   truth   esp   concerning   their   own   heritage .      )
lastly,      about   the   species,      not   all   of   them   are   touch   telepathic       &      empathic .      mason   in   that   regard   is   an   absolute   outliner   since   their   ability   is   not   just   rare   but   also   stronger   than   with   most   of   those   blessed      /      cursed   with   it .      most   aorluts   with   touch   empathy   are   usually   just   able   to   skim   surface   emotions   using   parts   of   their   bodies   where   the   nerves   are   concentrated   the   most,      whereas   mason      (      royalty      )      doesn’t   just   rely   on   their   most   sensitive   body   parts   but   can   literally   feel   what   other   aorluts   would   feel   with   every   inch   of   their   being .      as   a   human   that   translated   to   their   most   sensitive   bits   of   skin   and   not   skin   allowing   them   to   jump   right   into   someone’s   mind .      (      they   could   do   a   lot   of   damage   in   there   if   they   really   wanted ;      see   william   for   example   even   tho   that   was   just   a   stress-related   accident .      )
next   up :      the   home   planet .      it   technically   doesn’t   have   a   name   like   earth   is   earth   but   instead   has   a   category   and   every   aorlut   will   just   call   it   by   that   category      (      or   alternatively :      home      ) .       MSR,      pronounced   every   letter   on   its   own   and   best   said   as   underwords,      is   a   hugely   nebulous      &      mostly   water-covered   planet   with   flat   buildings   that   stretch   across   the   land   and   then   go   far      &      deep   into   the   sea .      since   aorluts   are   multi-dimensional,      breathing   underwater   or   in   any   non-ideal   environment   is   really   not   an   issue   and   therefore   their   architecture   is   mostly   focused   on   building   structurally   sound   houses   instead   of   checking   that   life   can   exist   in   these   sometimes   extreme   circumstances .      in   a   way,      this   is   a   defence   mechanism   towards   strangers   but   also   is   just   to   some   degree   based   on   their   long   history   of   isolation   and   not   having   connected   to   other   species   even   though   they   could   have   made   contact   a   long   time   ago .
moving   on :      mason   is   in   fact   space   royalty   and   was   supposed   to   be   the   next   in   line   for   the   throne .       msr   is   governed   by   a   monarchy   with   democratic   influences .      the   royals   cannot   be   voted   and   are   either   born   into   the   bloodline   or   adopted   if   their   abilities   are   seen   to   be   amongst   royal   levels   but   their   decision   can   be   overthrown   if   the   majority   of   the   population   is   for   or   against   something .       that   being   said,      the   monarchy   wasn’t   just   responsible   for   their      ❛    country    ❜      but   had   a   hand   in   all   the   planets   businesses   and   the   parts   of   the   quadrant   they   owned .      in   case   anyone   is   wondering,      no,      they   didn’t   go   around   willy   nilly   fighting   and   claiming   parts   of   space   but   in   fact   mostly   just   protected   themselves   when   under   fire,      bought      ❛    property    ❜     off   of   poorer   civilisations   and   on   one   memorable   occasion,      won   a   big   chunk   of   their   quadrant   in   a   game   of   poker .      (      it   is   somewhat   unfair   to   play   poker   when   your   opponent   can   only   see   your   tentacles   but   really   that’s   on   them   for   even   trying .      )
so   yes,      in   every   sense   of   aorlut   tradition,      mason   is   royalty .      they’re   both   born   into   the   bloodline   and   would've   been   taken   up   anyways   for   their   strong   telepathic   &   empathic   abilities   since   in   aorlut   culture   knowledge   about   others   is   considered   one   of   the   most   valuable   things .      (      spoilers   here :      mason   isn’t   too   keen   on   invading   other   people’s   mind’s   but   can’t   imagine   living   without   the   constant   buzzing   of   being   able   to   feel   someone   else’s   surface   emotions   in   their   head .      )
anyways,      yes   mason   is   the   space   equivalent   of   a   prince/ ss   with   a   shit   ton   of   power   and   was   raised   as   such   but   found   there   to   be   no   adjustment   period   at   all   upon   landing   on   earth .      after   all,      they   had   other   things   they   needed   to   prioritise   above   being   treated   like   a   monarch   and   by   the   time   that   was   sorted   they   had   learned   the   word   dude   and   knew   about   the   comfort   of   old   hoodies   and   they   haven’t   looked   back   at   their   royal   comforts   ever   since .
since   the   lifespan   of   an   aorlut   is   rather   vague   even   for   themselves,      nobody   ever   really   knows   when   exactly   an   aorlut   will   stop   existing   safe   for   starting   to   anticipate   it   around   a   certain   age .      (      as   it’s   customary   for   the   eldest   to   just   wake   up   one   day   and   know   it’s   time   if   they   want   to   go .      )      however,      since   the   species   is   multi-dimensional   ageing   is   a   weird   thing   and   once   an   aorlut   is   no   longer   considered   a   child   they’ll   start   to   look   like   something   weirdly   between   a   young   adult   or   a   middle-aged   dad   until   the   day   they   die .      death   for   an   aorlut   btw   isn’t   bad,      it’s   simply   them   pulling   themselves   fully   onto   a   plane   of   existence      ❛   living    ❜     aorluts   can’t   follow       (      according   to   the   belief      )      and   it’s,      therefore,      more   socially   acceptable   to   just   vanish   than   die   amongst   loved   ones   or   on   the   battlefield .
anyways   back   to   the   drama  :      mason   knew   they   were   about   to   inherit   the   throne   but   couldn’t   pinpoint   when   exactly   it   was   supposed   to   happen   and   as   the   one   directly   in   line   for   it,      there   was   no   doubt   with   anyone   that       maisaaint   rl'flem      would   soon   be   the   next   monarch .      yet,      greed   and   envy   are   concepts   older   than   humanity   and   can   be   found   in   many   many   other   species,      such   as   mason’s   for   example .      this   is   btw   where   the   google   doc   picks   up,      a   coup   was   staged      (      mostly   against   mason      )      and   injured,      with   a   broken   ship   and   their   pets,      they   just   about   managed   to   escape . this   proved   for   those   against   the   monarchy   that   mason,      although   extremely   powerful   in   their   telepathy      (      to   unknown   levels       ),      wasn’t   fit   to   be   a   leader   since   they   didn’t   see   this   coming .      in   a   way,      however,      mason   knew   this   would   happen   which   is   the   only   reason   they   actually   managed   to   get   out   alive .
hurt   and   betrayed,      mason   crash   landed   their   broken   ship   on   earth   and   just   knew   that   their   family   had   been   eradicated .      they   were   in   pure   agony   physically   and   mentally   when   encountering   william   and   trying   to   read   his   mind,      which   is   then   also   the   first   time   they   realised   the   full   extent   of   their   powers   and   understood   they   could’ve   defended   themselves   with   but   a   few   touches .
back   home   on   msr,      the   news   of   the   vanished   heir   spread   extremely   quickly   and   most   people   just   assumed   mason,      like   their   family,      had   retreated   to   the   other   plane   of   existence,      leaving   the   monarchy   fallen   and,      surprisingly,      allowing   for   the   rise   of   a   purely   democratic   new   government .
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