#can u believe i crawled out of my cave just to make this observation
seventeensecs · 3 years
jonny looked zooted as hell in that video
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An Interlude — Me, ‘Yourself,’ I
Two Masters pick up another ‘them.’
Many other ‘them’ — of times and Masters long gone, each filling each other’s roles in stories meant to be the same.
Like a play filled with understudies, where the choice in lead actor changed everything —
...Then, what to do about that?
<Pt. 1/???>
featuring story from @hasbbdoneanythingwrong + @hasquetzdoneanythingwrong
"...It's you."
A being from his dreams, a being beyond rational description.
A Singularity had appeared, hadn't it? One only recently, showing its face, a remnant of what should've been destroyed.
The coward believed such a thing was the only cause of a being haunting his dreams. A shapeless, formless, yet all-encompassing, formed being, that threatened to vanish from his sight and take him over, simultaneously.
And its words, too-
Made no sense.
No, nothing the being said would mean a thing to the cowardly Master, and yet it made sense all the same. Two opposite extremes, filling him not with the words it spoke, but the emotion those unspeakable tongues filled in his mind.
"...I don't understand. I... I don't get it at all."
No, so much 'strange' had occurred, in a matter of mere days. A Servant had spoken of a world not unlike his own, another Chaldea, and another Master. Then, replaced soon after, by a Quetz who spoke of it only as a faint dream, barely recalled, but fondly looked back on.
And mere days afterwards, this thing -- that which now sought to fill him with unending fear, and discomfort, as it held itself within him, seeking to spread itself within his mind like a comforting, but foreign virus to the human conscious.
...His heart, suffocating under the mass of the 'it,' that threatened to encompass his entire being, envelop it into itself--
...Yet, its words made its way to his mind, before the cowardly Master forced himself to wake with a bite to his finger.
Y o u a r e n o t a l o n e . S e e k T H E M .
...The being, so foreign, spoke now as if the Master himself were speaking to 'him' in a mirror.
...The seeping, crawling feeling faded in an instant, as the familiar 'My lord!' awoke him from his slumber.
With Da Vinci fussing over something in the other room, surely preparing to announce the time of their Rayshift, the cowardly Master made a beeline for somewhere -- someone -- he knew would help.
"Oh, hell no."
Ritsuka had spent a solid five or six seconds just laughing incredulously, before their eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth to speak.
"--I'd heard it from... something. Ritsuka, we already know they exist, and... We need to know what they're up to. If they're allies, we need to get their aid, and..."
"It's not that."
Ritsuka interrupted my speech by placing a finger over my mouth. Breathing out, they placed their index finger on their temple, as if trying to formulate what they were to say next.
"Thing is, Cadence, we have a serious problem with time stuff right now. We already have a sudden Singularity that's just happened, despite our best efforts, and your first idea is to go check other timelines? And off the advice of a weird thing that appeared in your dreams after the Singularity was formed, no less!"
Ritsuka breathed a long, drawn out sigh out, as I took the opportunity to get a word in.
"This time stuff is something we can take advantage of, especially because we've just achieved a sort of contact with it. Remember Quetzacoatl? She was acting as if she were in a different Chaldea entirely, for the day we summoned her, until her Spirit Origin 'shifted.' All things considered, we need to check up on that."
Placing a finger to my neck to calm myself, lightly scratching its side, Ritsuka waited a moment before responding.
"...Listen, if you're right, we can't do this willy-nilly. You know full well how dangerous this is. But..."
...Ritsuka shook their head, raising their hand in what I could only assume was the brief consideration of punching themselves in the face.
"...You're not the type to take stupid risks. The fact you're not avoiding this like the plague says to me that you've got something in mind. After all these things we've seen up to now... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I guess we'll have to look at even more time shit."
...The Master laughed, in disbelief, before turning on their heel and beginning to move south.
"...I think, if anyone's going to know about this, it's going to be a certain Moon Cancer."
"--You're not seriously thinking of going to her for advice, right?!"
"Less advice, Cadence, more a way to figure out what the hell has been happening outside our little bubble. I doubt we'll be able to see everything, but even just a little bit will do. It'll tell us who our allies might be if we end up forced to one of their worlds."
Ritsuka raised their hands over their head, stretching themselves out and yawning loudly to get out the slight ache of sleeping on a Chaldea bed.
"...Or, if a Singularity forces us into contact with them," he continued with an awkward laugh, "we need to figure out who won't kill us on sight."
...Turning a corner of Chaldea's hallways, he'd knock upon a very certain door -- greeted by a purple-haired lady, smiling wide, with a gaze best described as a mixture between intimidating, venomous, yet also fairly innocent for the moment. "Why, if it isn't my favourite senpais. What brings you here so soon? Ritsuka, you usually at least wait 'til noon to try out some BB slots."
The lady took her seat on her bed, resting her chin on her right hand and raising an eyebrow -- turning an ear to the two of us.
"No slots today, sadly. BB -- I'd like you to help us understand other people."
"...Other people? Senpai, you're not exactly lacking in the social department. Although, C--"
"--Not like that," I quickly clarified, if only to save my own pride. "We're looking to understand people from... different Chaldeas, if that makes any sense."
...At that, BB's eyes widened, if only for a moment -- then smiled, with a sort of distinct softness, before it returned to its usual mischievous aura.
"Is that so..? You're sure about this, right, Senpai~? Surely you wouldn't wish to be jealous of Masters better off than you two."
Before I could respond -- frozen just for a moment at hearing that -- Ritsuka piped up in my place.
"Yeah, we're alright with that. At day's end, we want to see other people like us. What they've done, and... If they'd be allies for us, should we somehow meet."
...The mischievous lady only nodded, before placing a floating screen just in front of them.
"If that's the case, I have no choice but to show you all the other Senpais out there! ♥"
...And, mere moments after -- our first sight showed its face.
"--You vermin should know that I am the only one who can hurt my centipede!"
An annoying voice, marked with an angered 'sigh' that would've made most anyone's hairs raise on end.
Yet, to the Master they now saw, such a voice could bring only the brightest of smiles. Two beings of seeming opposites, giving each other a knowing glance before a wave of confidence enveloped them both.
With the casual smile only a devil could muster, the Moon-Cancer made short, easy work of the mere beasts in their way. The icy wasteland, seeping away at the Master's bones, did little to harm the sense of warmth that seemed to envelop them both.
"Now, now, Quin," the lady spoke with a chuckle, "don't get too happy yet~! There's a cave to hang out in not too far away -- we can talk there!"
Quin -- That was the Master's name. A spare glance at their BB's face told them all they reckoned they had to know -- in place of her devilish grin, remained a mischievous -- yet warm, glowing smile.
The moment they fled into an otherwise dark, empty cave, Quin collapsed to tears -- perhaps in part of fears that could only come from traversing a Lostbelt alone, but seemingly mostly of relief.
"How... H-How did you get here..?!"
Through sobs, the Master spoke, as the Moon-Cancer only smiled, and laughed, crouching down beside her Master.
"Quinny, I'm hurt~! You should know by now that I can pretty much do whatever I want."
Neither Master observing the event could truly understand the pain she went through just to reappear at the side of her Master -- but Ritsuka, sparing a glance to look at the BB that manifested there, saw teary eyes, and a soft smile.
...The face of someone who had almost certainly been through hell.
Cadence focused upon the Master themselves, finding himself awed. A Master who, despite all that remained against her, found herself with allies that wouldn't so easily give up and leave her. A Master who, though almost assuredly afraid, still stood up and kept pushing forward. And a Master who stayed with the Moon-Cancer who seemed as if she was her exact opposite, as both impacted each other permanently.
"...That was Quin, senpais~!"
Spending a moment holding a hand to her eyes, BB soon returned to her usual self -- Ritsuka only smiled, but didn't elaborate on it any further.
"...That was..."
...She seemed to be a good person. A 'hero' -- even allied with someone considered evil, she...
...She was a hero. In her own right, she was a hero -- even if she were afraid, she still pushed forward, and fought with the bravery of a hero.
"...Well, we probably have one ally, Cadence.”
Ritsuka smiled a bit, as if to ease me of something I'd not realized I had, before returning to the Moon-Cancer.
"What's our next sight, then?"
To that, the Servant only winked, before another screen enveloped their sights.
A black-haired man, narrowed eyes at two writers not far in front of him.
No time for grief, for there was still something to do. The eyes of a man who had a plan -- even if far out, one he would place his faith in.
Those eyes -- sharpened, fire sprouting within that pupil of his -- were eyes of sheer determination.
"If you can turn fantasy into reality, how about we pull a Moriarty on me?"
A sentence truly outside the realm of 'reality' -- one that caused Cadence to recoil in shock. Yet, the cowardly Master still found himself leaned in to listen, as the other Master beside him smiled and nodded to themselves.
Mash, turning to face the black-haired Master, raised her eyebrows in some form of confusion.
"--Huh..? Senpai, what are you talking about?"
"Moriarty has that gun from that one German story. If the authors here can do something similar to help me, then..."
...The Master spent a moment in thought, but it certainly wasn't one spent in hesitation. No -- both observing Masters knew the look well.
It was one of focus, and of finalizing their plan. It brought back memories of Reines, of Chen Gong, and of El-Melloi.
"...That doesn't sound outside the realm of possibility."
The taller author -- Murasaki, at a closer glance -- spent a few seconds staring upwards in thought before replying. The smaller author, surely Hans, stared at his colleague and Master with a mixture of incredulity -- and, just as much, curiosity.
"What did you have in mind?"
"Let me see if I can find what I'm looking for."
To this, the Master flicked his fingers delicately from a row of comic books situated carefully on a shelf, up until he pulled a certain issue out, as if it were made for this very moment.
"--This! This, here."
Opening the comic to a specific page, as if he'd done this a thousand times before, he placed his finger upon one panel in specific -- a planet made of dark ooze, its inhabitants slimy parasitic creatures.
A middle-of-the-road author, almost assuredly Shakespeare, took a close look, and smirked, as the Master elaborated.
"Symbiotes. From Marvel."
As the determined Master watched the author's expressions, Shakespeare decided -- as usual -- to be among the first to speak.
...Hans, meanwhile, twisted his face into a frown.
"...I'm not sure how I feel, adapting a modern work like this."
"Just do it. I'll be able to save her with those powers."
The Master only furrowed his brow, his voice taking on a slight firmness to it. Andersen picked up on that tone of voice -- one of someone who had already weighed their options, and one that had already decided their fate. The author silenced himself for the time -- at times like this, even he recognized that he had to put his author's code to rest.
"Senpai... Is this really a good idea?"
Mash spoke carefully, placing her words best to try and ensure her friend had thought it through. She had faith in his idea, the observing Masters could tell, but it was certainly best to avoid acting rashly.
"...I need to save her, Mash."
The Master, certainly, had already made his decision. As he elaborated, Mash's concerned expression shifted to a soft smile -- assured that, at least, he was sure of this action. If he held faith it’d work, then she felt she could as well.
"I hate being without her. And I want to skewer the fools who took her away."
...Murasaki, at that, only nodded.
"I can see the pain he's feeling. We... should help."
...At his fellow authors' words, Hans raised his hands up, and grinned awkwardly.
"Fine, we'll turn you into an alien monster. But it likely won't stick when this Singularity's fixed."
"So long as I get my wife back, I'm fine with it."
The gaze of the Master said it all -- he would stop at nothing to find, and save, someone he loved.
Suddenly, to the two observing Masters -- the sheer determination of this Master, even as he requested a possibly dangerous procedure, now only made sense.
...He, too, had something to protect.
The Moon-Cancer smiled, for a moment, before closing her screen.
"That, Senpai, was Rex. A Master who managed to tame even a lady like Quetzacoatl~!" Ritsuka gazed back at me, the look in his eye saying it all.
"...That was his Quetzacoatl?!"
Of course, his incredulous statement immediately after solidified things -- as, giving it some thought, I'd realized myself what had happened.
"...Well, now I feel a bit bad, summoning Quetzacoatl like that. Probably should've used a catalyst that wasn't a T. Rex plushie."
As Ritsuka casually said something that made even BB perform a double take, my mind fell a little bit -- as I tried to make heads or tails of that Master.
'...That man... Despite a situation so grim that he had to alter his own body, and add a Phantasmal Spirit to its structure... He didn't look fearful at all.'
No -- it wasn't fearlessness. That was sheer grit, made only stronger by what was on the line. His sharp tone, the fire in his eyes, wasn't from foolish aggression or rashness -- it was from a man whose life and love were all on the line. A man who knew how bad the situation could get, and one that could swallow their fear and fight for the sake of someone they loved.
'...No wonder she was so insistent on finding him.'
The horrible taste of jealousy caught in my throat -- my eyes closed, seeing only that fiery gaze.
...That was bravery.
...My eyes flipped between screen after screen -- Rex' fiery gaze, and his risky yet high-reward plan just to save his lover. Quin's emotional strength in the heat of the moment, holding out and fighting long enough to find safety, being such a kind Master that even one like BB would cherish her.
'...Compared to them...'
...That jealousy, that surrounded my neck, tightening it and stealing my breath away. Envy at their strength, where I had lacked it.
Those -- were heroes. Those were the people that would surely save their 'Chaldea.'
...Certainly, I knew my own weaknesses -- but it only became clearer, where I stood.
"...Cadence, I think he's an ally. Whaddya think?"
But the jealousy cleared itself from my neck as Ritsuka shouldered me lightly, and as a hand formed itself upon my shoulder. Silent though it was, I knew that grip as well as the back of my hand.
"...He's no Genji."
...An approving voice -- Ushiwakamaru, doffing her mask and blindfold and sitting just beside me.
"...He fights our fight. An enemy of the Genji is a friend of mine."
...That jealousy wouldn't so easily leave me -- but I only allowed my mind, for a moment, to recognize my own strengths.
Even if I paled in comparison to these two heroes, I still had something.
"...I think he's an ally, too, Ritsuka. Maybe a little blunt, but... I've only ever seen a gaze like that in you."
The Master beside me scoffed.
"Are you kiddin' me, chief? I don't think I've seen anyone so determined to help someone. And seeing as how you're showing us that, BB, I assume he succeeded."
"Correct~! Both of these two are just as alive as you are. And, y'know, this isn't the end of our marathon."
...Ritsuka raised an eyebrow.
"Jeez, just how many saviours of humanity are there? I find it hard to believe so many Earths got the crap end of the stick."
"You'd know if you counted to infinity, senpai~! I'm only showing you the ones you'll probably meet. I snuck a little charm into that Quetz' pocket, you see, and now you're linked~!"
Ritsuka took approximately five seconds before responding.
"It was just a bit of stomach medication. A little baggie I gave her. I don't even think she knows it's there."
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding~! Maybe."
...As me, and Ritsuka, found ourselves completely sidetracked by what was best described as 'the worst thing we've heard in centuries,' BB clapped her hands together and began pulling up a few more screens.
"I call a little intermission~! All three of you, get some treats and come back later. I promise you'll love the next ones."
An ever-shining light, bypassing such simple screens, watched 'them' in their many, many seats.
Them who threatened to suffocate and take over 'them,' 'him,' but who satisfied themselves watching the production of Life.
The rakugo theatre intrigued them all -- as a lone 'it,' playing the parts of them all, laughed and dropped another punchline to the tale. Surely, a dramatic, comical, saddening, heartmelting, uplifting 'rakugo' --
...As the actors raised their hands to follow suit, and drive the coward into the next act of his performance, 'it' held up its fan and its cloth, waving the acting Masters to their next story -- to the next ochi.
The ever-shining light laughs, and cries, and screams, and smiles gently.
The performance has only just begun.
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celtics534 · 5 years
Here 'Til the Morning Breaks Us
It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, yet it’s still the doom days! 
Also read on: FF.net or AO3
Harry watched from a distance as Ginny said goodbye to her father. He had already said his goodbyes, his parting with Molly more emotional than he’d like to admit, especially seeing as he was unable to even hug her due to her illness. And his farewell with Arthur hadn’t been any less heartfelt. Now he was witnessing the final tearful hug between father and daughter.
  He knew they needed to get moving in order to beat the early morning patrol, but he hated the idea of rushing them. There was no telling the next time they would get to see each other, if at all... 
  Don’t think like that!
  Harry rolled his shoulders, hiking his rucksack up his back. Arthur and Ginny separated, their faces flushed and sad.. Then, without another word, Ginny picked up her bag and walked over to the front door where Harry waited. 
  “You good?” Harry asked. He needed her in the right mindset, ready for anything. 
  Ginny’s jaw clenched, but she gave him a quick nod. “Yeah.” 
  Harry knew she wasn’t really good . How could she be? She was leaving the only home she’d ever known, mix that with her mother’s impending death hanging over her head… There was no way she was good. Luckily, Ginny was one of the strongest people he knew. She would be good if the situation required..  
  “All right.” And with that, Harry opened the front door for Ginny, turned his back on the man he considered a father, and stepped outside after her. The moon was still higher than the sun when they took their first step onto the cobbled street. 
They moved in silence, both tired from little sleep. Harry’s thoughts kept drifting to the patrol schedules he’d observed. No one would notice them slipping by Westminster Hall at this time in the morning. If, for some reason, there was a change in the guard schedule, they could use the hidden passage that was on the second level of the Westminster tube station. That would lead them to -- 
  “Harry?” Ginny’s voice tore Harry from his mind map.
  “Do you think there really is a plant that can help Mum?”
  Harry stopped dead in his tracks. Ginny walked past him before stopping and turning to meet his eyes. Her brown eyes were brighter than normal, but her jaw was set. He thought back to their discussion from the previous night. 
  He closed the space between them and grabbed her hand in both of his. It was warm despite the cool morning air. “I’ve never heard of anyone surviving Morsmordre, Gin. As much as I want to believe…”
  “Right.” Ginny swallowed hard. “I know you’re right, but…” 
  Harry didn’t have a clue what possessed him to do it, but he pulled her hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it. “I know.” 
  They remained stationary for a few moments. Harry losing himself in deep pools of chocolate brown before his sense came back to him. Fuck. He’d only made it a kilometer before acting like a complete numpty. 
  He cleared his throat. “We best get going if we want to make it to Wembley before it gets too late.”
  Ginny closed her eyes for five seconds before nodding and releasing Harry’s hand. 
  It didn’t take long for them to reach the famous Elizabeth’s Tower. After their...well, what Harry dubbed ‘ Their Moment’ , they moved quickly. Neither seemed willing to address what had transpired. 
  Harry looked up at the old clock face. The clock that used to tell time for millions of Londoners had been frozen for years now. Without any engineers to wind the cables properly, the hands had stopped at eleven and fifteen. No matter how many times Harry looked at the stopped clock, he could never get over it. It was a testament to the world they lived in: Nothing was safe, no matter how sacred. 
  “So, why are you worried about the guards around here?” Ginny kept her voice low as they walked across Westminster Bridge. 
  “They don’t like traffic moving this early. Even though the curfew lifted five minutes ago, they think it’s suspicious to be about so early.” Harry checked the corners he knew patrolmen would stand in. “Also, I may have a few things in my bag I’d rather not explain.”
  Ginny made a noise of understanding. “I see.”
   “Yeah, it’s just better to dodge meeting our local constables.” Harry looked around the old tourist shop before he let them round the corner. No one in sight. They moved swiftly up Parliament Street, eyes ever watchful.
Harry knew they would be fine once they reached St James Park. No one ever questioned a couple walking through the green spaces of the city (even in the early hours). It was one of the few joys the people of London had left. Harry breathed out a sigh of relief as they moved down the stairs that sat next to the old Winston Churchill War Room. The park was just a quick walk across the street. 
  “You know,” Ginny’s spoke over the sound of birds chatting in the trees. “This was always one of my favorite parks.” 
  “I remember.” Harry thought about the times he, Ron, and Ginny had wandered around the city, and how they always seemed to end up at St James’. “You love the duck cottage.”
  Ginny beamed at him. “It’s just such a cute little building. I always imagined myself in an adorable bungalow.”
  “You and your ten cats?”
  Ginny gave his shoulder a light shove. “How dare you.”
  “Have you met me? Of course I dare!” 
  Snorting, Ginny turned her attention back to the path, but a small smile tilted her lips. Harry couldn’t stop a grin from spreading across his face as well. Even though everything was a complete shit show, they were still able to joke around as easily as they used to.
  Harry wished everything was like when they were kids. It felt like he was living someone else's life back then. Back then he had no real worries. He could go out with his friends, not feeling as if he needed to keep looking over his shoulder every two minutes. Hell, his only problem back then had been his overwhelming attraction to -- 
  He snuck a side glance at Ginny. She was still some sort of kryptonite for him. Somehow, even though the world had gone wild, Ginny made his heart race more than anything else could. Harry couldn’t help but wonder if the world had never collapsed into anarchy and chaos if he would have told Ginny how he felt. He had been working up to it -- he really had been -- but then Parliament fell, and so did his chance to be with her.
  If things had been different (if her mother weren’t dying, if they weren’t trying to escape the city), Harry might have tried to reach for her slightly swinging hand as they walked. But instead, he kept his eyes peeled in front of him and his own hand in a fixed fist. As the sun rose higher in the sky, they saw more and more people going about their everyday routines (taking a morning jog or going to spend their ration cards on breakfast materials). Which was exactly what he wanted; the more people that were out and about, the less suspicious he and Ginny looked. 
  They were able to reach Wembley Stadium without any confrontation, which made Harry’s chest loosen. But to be fair, he kept in mind that this was the easy part of their journey. There was so much that could go wrong outside of the walls of London. 
  “All right.” Harry nodded towards the shattered glass walls that had once protected the stadium. “We need to head to the home team locker room.” 
  Ginny closed her eyes for a second, taking in a deep breath, before nodding. “Okay.”
  Harry led the way through the open corridors that had once teemed with fans. Today, though, the path to the locker room was an obstacle course from fallen debris. Harry jumped down off a ledge (where stairs might have once been) and turned to catch Ginny, but she was already landing smoothly beside him. When their eyes met, Ginny only quirked a brow at him in challenge.  
  Smiling to himself, Harry opened his rucksack and pulled out his torch. The natural light that had been their guide previously was removed farther down the passage. As far as he could tell, there was nothing but darkness fifty feet from their drop point. 
  “It’s gonna be a tight squeeze through here.” Harry pointed his light beam towards a small opening where the ceiling had fallen down, creating a passage that was nearly blocked. The gap between the floor and rubble was so narrow that Harry was forced to get onto his hands and knees. 
  He started to crawl through the opening, making it ten meters before looking over his shoulder; there was nothing behind him, but Ginny’s  torch should have been blinding his vision... “Ginny?” When she didn’t respond he made a tight U-turn, his back scratching the ceiling. She was standing by the entrance of the near-cave in with a look that Harry couldn’t quite place. If he had to put a label on it he might say… fear . 
  Harry removed himself completely from the tunnel and stood to face her. “Ginny, are you all right?” 
  He could see her throat work as she swallowed. “I -- uh -- I have an issue with tight spaces.”
  “Really? I didn’t know that.” Harry gently placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up into his face, making reluctant eye contact. 
  “I don’t really go taking out adverts about it.” Ginny’s lips turned  up in a self-deprecating smile. 
  Harry didn’t think, he just acted. Seeing Ginny, of all people, looking weak and vulnerable twisted his stomach. He pulled her to his body and held her close. Her head rested perfectly under his chin as she pressed her nose into his shirt. They didn't speak, the unnatural silence making the pounding of Harry’s own heart prominent in his ears.  
  He felt Ginny sigh before backing out of his embrace. “Thanks. I’m ready now.” Harry knew she was capable, but he also knew that what it was like to face a fear. And he knew what it was like to force yourself to face the deepest, darkest horrors of your mind. 
  “I’m gonna talk to you the whole way, alright?” He met her eyes, and even in the poor lighting of their torches, he could see the panic. Again, he acted without forethought:He leaned in and kissed her forehead. 
  Harry pulled back and turned back to the tunnel. “Just stay close and we’ll get through no problem.” He went down onto his knees and started to go down the dark passage again. 
  This time, he could sense Ginny’s presence as she followed him. The sound of her heavy breathing surrounded them. 
  “So Ginny, how often have you left the safety of London’s walls?” It was the first thing Harry thought of; any topic was better than nothing. 
  “What do you mean?” Ginny’s voice was labored, but at least she was able to answer. 
  “I saw the way you looked when your father mentioned the idea of you traveling outside the walls. You looked way too guilty.” 
  “I --” She let out a quick breath. “Yeah, I’ve been helping Luna.”
  “Helping Luna do what?” Luna Lovegood was always an intriguing character, so Harry could only imagine what they had been doing. 
  Another deep breath. "She was worried about the pigeon population." 
  Harry really wanted to turn and stare at her, because there was no way his ears were hearing her right. He needed to read her lips to make sure he was hearing properly (not that staring at her soft lips had ever been a hardship for him). “ Pigeons ?”
  He heard her puff out an amused breath. “Luna said their breeding habits had been taking a strange turn --”
  “How often is Luna watching pigeons breed?”
  “I -- I didn't ask that, but she insisted that being outside of the walls would help.”
  Harry let out a low laugh. “She does remember when people called them rats with wings, right? I don’t think people really care about their population level.”
  Ginny chuckled. “That doesn’t matter. They are still a creature that Luna wants to save. So, we try to save them.”
  “And did it help? Has their productivity gone up?”
  “To be honest, I think I saw the same flock a day later in St James, so I don’t think they cared for the life we offered.” 
  Harry could see the space opening up in the next ten meters. Ginny seemed to be doing fine. If he could keep her distracted for just another minute... 
  “I’m surprised Luna didn’t name them.”
  “Who said she hadn’t? There was Hades who was darker than the rest, then Athena and Zeus. She figured Zeus would sire the most children. And then there was my favorite --” Ginny cut herself off as Harry helped her rise off her knees. They had reached the old locker room and the ceiling had leveled out enough for them to stand. 
  “Which one was your favorite?” Harry smiled at her. In the meager light of their torches, Harry could see the different emotions flicker across Ginny’s face: Shock, relief, and then finally happiness. 
  “Holy shit.” Ginny looked up at him. “We did it.” 
  “That’s right. You did it.”
  Ginny released a freeing laugh. Then her arms were around his neck, propelling herself into his chest. “Thank you!” She let him go as quickly as she had grabbed him, her face bright red. “Where to next?”
  Ginny watched her torch beam bounce off Harry’s back as they walked down the narrow corridor. She couldn't get over how Harry had helped her through that tunnel. She had been afraid of small enclosed spaces since she was a child. 
  It had started one summer when she’d been exploring a cave with Ron while they were visiting their aunt in the country. Out of nowhere the ceiling had fallen in, cutting her off from her brother and the outside world. There hadn't been much room in her little pocket of the cave. Ginny could still remember the feeling of suffocating darkness. There had been a faint light from a part of the ceiling that had landed at an odd angle, allowing her to glimpse a fraction of the cave entrance.   
  Really, she hadn't been in that cave for a long time. Ron had instantly gotten free and found their dad, but when you’re seven years old, a few minutes is the same as a few years.  Since then, Ginny had made a point of avoiding confined spaces. 
  When she had started crawling through that tunnel, fuck , she’d forgotten how to breathe. But Harry, sweet and adorable Harry, had made her forget where she was. And focusing on his voice and his words had made everything that much better. 
  When Harry’d looked over his shoulder, she’d seen his lips curve into a smile. When he smiled, truly smiled, his lips slightly parted and the left side of his mouth went just that much higher than the right. Ginny had always loved that smile, and right now, it was the most beautiful thing.
  “So, my friend Hannah should be meeting us at the other end of this.” Harry stopped in order to move a fallen beam up so she could pass under it. 
  “Where does it end?” Ginny used her shoulder to holster the beam as he took his turn. 
  “It leads right to a place called The Tunnel Lounge.” The path was large enough for them to walk side by side. 
  “That pretty ironic.” 
  “In the best way.” Harry gave her that lovely smile again. “Hannah used to waitress at one of the local pubs. When everything went to shite, she decided to use her connections for good.”
  “And is that how you know her?” 
  Harry laughed. “My pub days were much more local to my flat. No, I met her through one of her... connections . Actually, it’s a mutual connection of ours, Neville. You remember him from school, right? Here we are!” He laid his hands flat against a solid wood wall. With a firm push, the wall swung wide to reveal a small but quaint room. Oil lamps lined the walls, bathing the room in a serene light. In the corner sat two figures, their silhouettes acting like shadow puppets as they talked animatedly. One woman and one man, if Ginny had to guess.
  “Hannah, how are you?” Harry waved towards the duo. When the woman turned to look at them, Ginny saw a sweet smile spread across her face. Just Neville’s type , Ginny thought to herself. 
  “Harry!” Hannah strode across the room and pulled him into a tight hug. Ginny never considered herself the jealous type, and she had no right to be jealous, but her stomach twisted into impossibly tight knots when the pretty girl held Harry in her arms. 
  “How are things here, Hannah?” Harry smiled down at his friend as they separated. 
  “Good. Ced and I have been running a smooth ship.” She looked back at the man. Cedric had one of those pretty boy faces. The only thing that ruined the image was a long scar that ran down his jaw. 
  Ced moved over and shook both their hands. “Hannah speaks highly of you. She says you need some help getting to Abingdon.”
  Harry nodded. “Yeah, I’m meeting a friend there.”
  “Shouldn’t be too bad.” Cedric rubbed at his scar. “The only problem spot is High Wycombe. I’ve been taking reports of raiders in the area.”
  “What kind of raiders?” 
  Cedric gave them a somber smile. “Are there different kinds? No matter what, they’ll happily shoot you on sight.”
  Harry shook his head. “They’ll shoot us on sight, but some will aim for the head and others will…” He grimaced. “Just aim to maim.”
  “Ah.” Cedric nodded in understanding. “Right, these are the kill-shot kind of blokes. They don’t like to… play with their food.”
  Ginny suppressed a shudder. Being eaten by cannibals was not on her bucket list.
  Harry scratched the back of his neck. “Okay, so what's the best way around our lovely neighbors?”
  “That’s the problem,” Hannah spoke up. “They’ve created roadblocks all around the city.”
  “What about back roads?” 
  Hannah walked over to a table where a map was sprawled out, Harry and Ginny following her. The map was covered in red x’s all the way up to the Scottish border. “Every mark is a blockade of some sort.” Hannah moved her finger along the motorway that led to Abingdon. “This has a large car pile that is used to ambush travelers.” She made a trail to a side road with her finger. “ Here is where a group of wild mutts has taken to calling home.”
  “And it just gets worse from there.” Cedric shook his head. “I’d say our best bet might be over here.” He pointed to Marlow. “It adds some time, but we haven’t heard anything too drastic about the area.”
  Harry scratched at his jaw, the two-day stubble creating an entirely too sexy noise. Now’s not the time, Ginny!
  “What have you heard about the area?” Ginny looked over at Cedric; for some reason, it was easier to look at his boy band facial features than Harry’s darkened jaw. 
  “There are some… unfavorable people hanging around, but..” Cedric shrugged. “It’s better than the other options.”
  “Ced is willing to take you guys to Lower Assendon. We have a partner who will lend you a bunk for the night.” Hannah pointed to the little village. 
  “That sounds like a good plan.” Harry nodded his appreciation at Hannah then Cedric. “I’ll owe you one for this, Hannah.”
  “We’ll be even at best, Harry.” Hannah gave him another hug. “Now, let's get you lot equipped.”   
  “So, what's going on with you two?” Hannah asked Ginny as they filled up multiple canteens with water from the makeshift rain collector. 
  Ginny glared at the all-too-amused brunette. She could feel her face heating, and just hoped that the lighting was dim enough that Hannah couldn’t see it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
  Hannah snorted. “Please, girl. I’m not blind. The way you two look at each other.” She used her hand like a fan. “ Fuck , love… and that’s an order!”
  “What looks?” Ginny knew she probably had the look of a lovesick teenager every time she glanced at Harry, but Hannah made it sound as if it was a mutual infatuation…
  “Ginny.” Hannah plucked the bottle Ginny had been filling out of her hand and placed it on a nearby table. She then cupped Ginny’s jaw and gave her a serious stare. “You and Harry have what Cedric likes to call bedroom eyes . He likes to tease me about --” Hannah cut herself off with a throat clearing. “About someone .”
  “Neville?” Ginny asked too innocently. When Hannah blushed, Ginny felt a petty satisfaction at turning the tables on Hannah. 
  “So you know about Nev.” Hannah cleared her throat once more. “I’ve had a thing for Neville for a while now. But, we hardly see each other so it’s a moot point. Now you and Harry?” She shrugged. “You’re gonna be traveling for days together. Camping with each other. Things can happen late at night around a fire.” 
  Ginny scrubbed at her face with the palms of her hands. Clearly, Hannah wasn’t going to be deterred. “All right, I’ve had a thing for Harry since… forever. But.” She put up her index finger. “Now isn’t the time or place -- ”
  “Now’s a perfect time!” Hannah interrupted, her hand coming up to rest Ginny’s shoulder. “Ginny, trust me when I say you don’t want your chance to slide by. You two are perfect for each other, and honestly, we need more love in this Godforsaken world.”
  When Ginny looked into Hannah’s brown eyes, she could see the truth behind the misery. Swallowing hard, Ginny nodded. “Okay, but you need to do the same. Why not go give Neville a hand at the hospital?”
  Hannah’s lips twisted into a cynical smile as she let out a deep sigh. “If only it were that easy. I'm needed here and there isn’t any --”
  Right then, the door to the old kitchen swung open. Harry walked in, Cedric on his heels. They were both equipped with shoulder gun holsters. Cedric also had an assault rifle strapped over his shoulder. Ginny couldn’t take her eyes away from Harry, because he looked fucking fine . 
  “Hey, so we’re ready whenever you are.” Harry brought over a side holster and pistol for Ginny. “You got the canteens filled?”
  “Uh --” Ginny cleared her throat. Stop being such a git, Weasley! She gestured to the one Hannah had taken out of her hands. “This is the last one.” 
  “All right.” Harry handed her the holster and started filling the bottle. While Ginny donned her newly acquired weapon, Harry spoke to Hannah. “While we’re gone, would you mind checking in on Neville?” 
  Ginny had to force down her laughter as Hannah flushed. “Uh, does he need something for the clinic?”
  “Not as of yesterday, but I don’t know how long I’ll be away.” Harry closed the cap to the water canteen and opened up Ginny’s rucksack (that she’d just hoisted onto her back), placing it inside. “I would hate for something to happen to him or the patients, wouldn’t you?”
  “Of course I would.”
  “Great, so it’s settled.” Harry’s smirk was all too telling. He was clearly proud of himself for his match-making abilities. “Thanks for everything, Hannah. Lead the way, Cedric!”    
  Ginny gave Hannah a quick hug before following Cedric out of the room. “Good luck.”
  Hannah gave her back a quick pat. “You too.”
  “I’d meant to tell you, that was rather smooth, Potter.” Cedric let out a little laugh as they moved around an abandoned car. They had been walking for what Ginny estimated to be at least five hours. The sun was still high in the sky, but that didn’t mean anything. It was close to the summer solstice, so the hours of daylight were longer than ever. 
  “What was?” Harry frowned at their guide. 
  “Asking Hannah to check in on Neville.”
  “You've noticed the looks too?” 
  “Oh, it’s bad.” Cedric used his foot to push aside an abandoned helmet. “You even mention his name and she becomes a tomato. They just need to get over themselves.”
  “Right?” Harry chuckled. “The tension whenever they're in the same room is pretty unbearable for the rest of us.”
  “I know a few people like that.” Cedric sent a smug look to his two companions. Ginny would have loved to wipe that superior expression off his face, but without him, they very well could get lost. She would wait until they reached Lower Assendon. 
  Harry cleared his throat; Ginny could see the redness on his neck spreading. “How are you and Cho?”
  Cedric beamed. “It’s great.” He lowered his voice. “I think she might be pregnant.”
  Ginny felt her mouth drop. Why would anyone bring a child into this world? People killing one another for no reason. Disease finding anyone and everyone.  Nowhere that truly felt safe. 
  Harry seemed to be having similar thoughts based on his expression. “Really?”
  Cedric nodded. “I know what you’re thinking. We are crazy, but --” He stopped suddenly, swinging his rifle off his body and pressing the butt into his shoulder. With his left hand, he gestured for them to crouch. 
  Harry and Ginny did as they were told, both pulling their firearms out of their holsters. Harry nodded towards an upturned car. They moved slowly, keeping their heads low as they used the vehicle for cover. Cedric and Ginny took position either side of Harry. 
  “What did you see?” Harry murmured once they had protection. 
  “In the building on the left, there is a sniper nest on the roof.” Cedric reached into his bag and pulled out a mirror that someone might have once used on a bicycle. The bend in the stand allowed him to angle the reflection at the potential nest. “Yeah, and there’s a bloke up there, but it looks like he’s distracted.”
  “Distracted by what?” Ginny asked. 
  “A book, which makes sense seeing as he’s atop a book shop.”
  “Okay, so we just need to find a way around,” Harry suggested. 
  “There is no other road through this part of town.” Cedric leaned away from the side of the car. “And they’ve cleared everything away from the storefront. We’ll be sitting ducks if we just walk up the street.” 
  “What about sticking close to the buildings?” Ginny pointed to the store in line with the bookshop. The street was lined with shops that sat right next to one another. “It would be hard for him to see us if we keep close to the wall.”
  Cedric worried his lower lip. “We don’t know if he has buddies inside any of the buildings.” 
  “But it’s the least risky option.” Harry nodded at Ginny. 
  “All right, all right,” Cedric relented. “We’re gonna have to move quickly to get close to the wall. So stay right on my arse.” 
  “No problem there,” Ginny muttered. Harry twisted to look at her, his jaw hitting the floor. “What?” Ginny gave him a little shrug. “There is no way you haven’t noticed how nice of a bum he has. I mean yours is just as nice, if not better.” Fucking stop talking, Ginny! 
  Cedric let out a little huff of air. “Can you flirt later? We’ve got bigger issues than --” 
  “Who the fuck left this here?” a voice somewhere off to their right boomed. The sound of metal hitting metal came after. 
  Cedric put a finger to his lips and angled his mirror from behind the car. He put up four fingers. 
  Harry nodded, readying his pistol. He moved his lips right next to Ginny’s ear. “We’re gonna have to take them out. I want you to go for the guy on the roof. Your angle should make it hard for him to see you.”
  Ginny took in a shaky breath but nodded. He then moved over to Cedric's side and relayed the plan. Harry held up three fingers. He lowered his ring finger, then the middle. When his index fell, they sprang into action. Ginny leaned away from the old Volvo and aimed towards the roof. The sniper was now in a sentry position, his attention focused on the opposite side of the street. 
  Breathing deeply, she aimed for his head. There wasn’t an option for them; it was a kill or be-killed world, and after all she’d risked to get this far, she was not going to be killed. Her index finger squeezed the cold metal and then the recoil hit her. She watched the man’s body collapse like a rag doll. In her youth, the concept of watching a man die was an improbable and horrifying notion, but now… Now it was one of the few things that made sense.    
  Ginny let her body run on instinct. Her sights fell on a tall man in front of an old Tescos. His gun was trained on Cedric’s side of the car. Without hesitation, she pulled the trigger again. This time her target fell backward, a scream sounding over the ringing in her ears. 
  An abnormal quiet always followed gunfire. Abnormal yet comforting. It signified an end to the violence, or at least for a while.  
  Even though Ginny could hear the man she’d shot screaming at the top of his lungs for his mother, it still seemed muted. She let her other senses take precedent. 
  She swallowed and a little bit of her hearing came back. The dying man was now easily heard, but so was Harry. Ginny turned in what felt like slow motion to see Harry holding his hands over Cedric's chest. Red stained everywhere. Ginny rushed over on autopilot to see if there was anything she could do, but the moment she looked into Cedric’s grey lifeless eyes, she knew there was nothing.
  “Harry.” She placed a hand on his shoulder; he flinched violently. She looked closer at his shoulder blade and saw the hole in his shirt. “Fuck, Harry!” 
  “I’m fine.” Harry fell away from Cedric, turning his face away from the dead man. 
  “I’ll be the judge of that.” Ginny threw her rucksack off her back. “Take off your shirt.”
  “What?” Harry was in a state of shock, so Ginny did it for him. 
  This was not the way she had imagined taking Harry’s shirt off for the first time. He winced as the fabric ran over his shoulder, but said nothing. With his shoulder free, she could see that the bullet had passed straight through. 
  “Okay, it looks like you’ll be fine.” She stretched for her rucksack and pulled out some basic medical supplies. Twisting the cap for the disinfectant, Ginny poured the liquid on Harry’s wound. While Harry protested, Ginny took out the cloth they had brought as a bandage and wrapped his shoulder with shaking fingers. “That will have to do.” 
  She looked back over to Cedric. Fuck he was having a baby and -- no Ginny, don’t think about it right now. They needed to get out of there. Anyone in the vicinity could have heard those shots, and there was no telling if it would scare them away or draw them in. 
  Ginny’s body worked in auto-pilot as she turned took Cedric’s bag and pulled out the extra supplies he’d packed. “Harry, we should do something with his body.” 
  It took a moment for Harry to get a grip on reality. Ginny watched him blink rapidly for at least thirty seconds before he nodded. He stood on shaky limbs and opened the boot to the car. She watched him rummage for a second before pulling out an emergency blanket, the kind people kept for blizzards. He handed the cover to Ginny before lifting Cedric up in his arms. Slowly, they walked together over into the tea shop that sat beside the bookstore. 
  Harry lay Cedric in the center of the floor and Ginny spread the blanket over him, covering him from head to foot. 
  “I’m sorry, mate,” Harry whispered into the silence, his face downturned. “I’m so sorry.” When his voice cracked, it was the final straw for Ginny. She grabbed Harry’s hand, giving it a sharp squeeze. He turned to look at her, his eyes over-bright. 
  There was nothing for it. Ginny pulled him to her, his nose pressing into her shoulder. She could feel her own tears forming for the man she barely knew. She let herself find comfort in Harry’s arms, hoping he was getting the same from her.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
I’ll protect you; Legolas x angel! child reader
Now this Legolas request I got is EXTREMELY sensitive. It contains child abuse so if you don’t like reading that kind of stuff then just leave, I’m giving you fair warning right now. I do NOT take child abuse lightly so I ask u if you see or know anyone at ANY point in your life who has dealt with child abuse or any kind of abuse at all, PLEASE SPEAK OUT! Your voice can really save or destroy a life.
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I ran. That's all I could do at this point. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me as I tried to escape from the wildmen who were chasing after me. The wildmen who were chasing after me had killed my mom and dad, burned my home to the ground and took me as their little pet.
They would hit me, torture me, and force me to reveal my biggest secret just so they could use it for their own purpose. So in the early morning when they were still asleep, 
I managed to find a weak point in my cage and use my left over strength to break a few bars of my cage and escape but it wasn't until their dogs began barking signaling my escape and well here we are now.I managed to find a great big forest just ahead but the entrance just looked haunting and terrifying. I could hear the wildmen crying out and their dogs barking getting closer and closer. I took a deep breath and quickly ran into the forest hoping to find a good hiding spot from the wildmen or hoping by some miracle they would get too scared of the forest and just forget about finding me.
As I ran through the forest, everywhere just seemed to look exactly the same, it wasn't until I managed to find a good sized log to hide in. I quickly got inside it and crawled towards the middle of it but still managed to stay hidden from the small hole at the center of the log.
I didn't know how long it had been but it was then I suddenly heard the sound of people speaking softly and in Elvish. I remember my mother once telling me that Elves have the keenest sense of hearing and sight so I held my hand over my mouth hoping that they wouldn't hear my breathing and I tried to keep my whimpers from even coming out.
Suddenly one of the elves actually hopped on top of the log I was hiding in. My heart was beating faster than it had ever done before. I didn't want to be caught and taken into another life like I've been living for the past year and a half. As I tried to keep silent while the elf was still slowly walking on top of the log, my foot suddenly slipped on a loose part of the log making it creak.
My eyes shot open and I looked up hoping that they didn't hear it. Suddenly I felt something grab my foot and I was swiftly pulled out. I screamed and thrashed trying to escape from their grasp. Soon it proved useless once they forced me down on my knees and I soon caught the light of their daggers which sent me into a frantic struggle when a voice suddenly decreed.
"Dartho!" The struggling stopped and I slowly looked up to see one of the elves coming right up to me. He had long silvery blonde hair and the bluest eyes. He stood in front of me then knelt down to get a better look at him and he just observed me. I looked down frightenedly from his intimidating gaze and it was then he stated. "She comes with us!" It was then the two elves that had me, forced me to stand up but the Elf stated again this time in a firmer voice, "I don't want her harmed!" I was then made to walk with them.
We walked across a long bridge built over a waterfall and we entered inside a cave-like castle. As we entered inside, I took notice that the inside looked like a tree within a cave with long and narrow pathways winding around the entire castle, small bits of light was allowed to shine through, and sap-like lamps hung from the ceiling on vines.
Soon I was brought before a throne where an Elf-king sat proudly and just glared down at me with judgement.
"What is this that you bring to me?"
"My Lord Thranduil, the wildmen that we had seen wandering our homeland, we believe that this is whom they were looking for" one of the elves stated. Oh gods, I remember my father once speaking of the Elf-King Thranduil a few times before and some of the stories I've heard have not ended well with travelers who come uninvited to his realm.
"Explain to me why you have entered my kingdom child?" I remained silent. His intimidating appearance scared me, reminding me of some of the wildmen who would stand over me before breaking out the horsewhip. "Child my patience runs thin on silence now I ask again. Why and what is your purpose for entering my dominion?" His voice roared out echoing through the throne room making him twice as intimidating. "If she will not talk, then she shall be locked away until she talks".
"Wait!" It was then the elf who had approached me back in the woods stood up. I took notice of the similar appearance between the Elf king and the younger elf. "Father, locking her up may only fuel more fear into her rather than answers".
"And what would you suggest my son?"
"Allow me to watch over her".
"I will not risk the safety of my kingdom for allowing a threat to walk freely in my halls".
"She's but a child father!" The elf yelled out his voice echoing louder than his father's throughout the whole palace. "What threat does a child possess to us? I will keep a close watch on her but I will not sit by and watch as you put this poor, frightened child in a cell to rot until she answers your questions!" The Elf King stared down his son and his son stared back both of them not wanting to give an inch as their subjects just stood there in freight shock at the Prince's sudden outburst.
"She will be your responsibility. But one slip-up and it's into the dungeons for her". The Elf-king stated he then dismissed us and I was soon escorted into the Prince's room.
As I sat on the prince's bed, I couldn't help but feel even more afraid here than I would be had I been thrown in another cell. The bed was soft, I haven't slept in a bed in a long time. I wanted to curl up in a ball and just sleep but I had to remember this wasn't mine and if I'm out of line even once, I'll be thrown into the dungeons just like the Elf-king said and for all I know the prince could be tricking me like the wildmen did sometimes.
Sometimes they would allow me some comfort only then to be beaten and kicked for a whole hour while each of them tagged one another to switch so the other could have their hour at beating me. He soon returned with a large tray of food. He sat it down in front of me then took his spot in front of the tray and began picking out a few pieces of food that he wanted onto a plate as well as pouring himself a glass of wine when he then took notice of me.
"You have questions I can tell," I looked down solemnly then back at him and opened my mouth but he interrupted softly, "but first, you're going to eat. Then once you're done I'll have some maids come up and get you cleaned up, once that's all taken care of, then we will get to questions, sound okay?" I nodded softly and looked at the food tray and saw all sorts of fruits and delicious greens and sweets but I went ahead and picked one grape from the whole fruit and ate it slowly.
Once I had finished my single grape I looked to the elf-prince and saw him continue eating his meal. I heard my stomach growl for more food but my fear was stopping me from reaching out to grab another piece of food. If I had even tried to reach for a second helping, the wildmen would instantly grab my arm, drag me outside and give me a few good whippings for being such a greedy little angel.
But my hunger was driving me to do the unthinkable, so I slowly reached out to grab an apple when suddenly the Elf prince's eyes turned directly at me. My heart raced and I crawled backwards until I suddenly ended up falling off the bed and onto the floor hitting my head on the hard cold floor. I whimpered in pain as the elf prince immediately came to my side and went to reach out towards me but I tensed up and curled up as tight as I could whimpering 'I'm sorry' repeatedly.
"What are you sorry for young one?" I sniffled softly and looked up at him and stated shyly.
"I—I went to grab an apple when I already had a grape".
"But dear one, the purpose was to let you eat as much as you want. You look like you haven't eaten in days".
"So I'm not in trouble?"
"Of course not, dear one why would you say something like that?"
"Because that's what they always did whenever I tried to get a second helping".
"You mean the wildmen?" I nodded. "What all have they done to you?" I cringed thinking back on all the terrible abuse the wildmen had put me through. "Dear one, do you have a name?"
"(Y/n) at least I think that's what my mother and father called me before they were—"
"You don't have to stay anything else. I can already tell what happened, I also know what you are". I tensed up and looked up at him in shock.
"You do?"
"Yes, your eyes give it away. You angels are said to have the brightest eyes, almost as bright as the stars themselves. Don't worry, we elves actually appreciate the work of the angels, we even see you as our equals, but I must say you are the first angel I have ever met". I looked down shyly but I felt butterflies tickle my tummy from his praises.
"Papa says that you Elves are said to be the best warriors and wisest creatures down on Earth".
"Indeed we are. But unlike our other kin, we Woodland elves are more dangerous and less wise, but still wise none the less". I felt the corner of my lips twitch in a soft smile for the first time in forever. "Now please, I insist that you eat as much as you want, and should you need anymore don't be afraid to ask". I nodded then I proceeded to eat as much as I wanted knowing that the Prince wasn't going to hurt me.
After eating two trays worth of food, Legolas had me cleaned up but as he bathed me, he had taken notice of all the scars and bruises that the wildmen had done to me. After being cleaned up and dressed in a clean elvish gown, the Prince said to me.
"Did those wildmen do this to you?" I nodded sadly.
"They kidnapped me after killing my parents. They took every chance to beat me whenever they could, for their fun or just to reveal my wings".
"You already have your wings? I had read that angels don't get their wings till they reach the physical age of 13, you look barely 5 years old".
"I am five years old actually. Mother made my wings come out, that's when I pulled this from her head". I then revealed from my secret satchel three pieces of my mother's hair. I held her three long strands of black in my hand as tears formed in my eyes. The Prince looked at me sympathetically and reached out his hand which caused me to tense up and protectively close up my hand which had the only thing I had left of my mother.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to keep it". I looked down at my hand and handed him my mother's hair strands and said solemnly.
"I didn't mean to do it".
"From what I've read you angels are very powerful being, both here on Earth and in the Heavens, it's no wonder why the wildmen must've wanted you. Your mother must've forced your wings out with whatever power she had left to fly you away and escape death." The prince spoke as he began braiding the three strands of hair, once it was done he held it out and continued, "this bracelet, her hair, it's a memory. And memories are powerful things (y/n), never lose it". He had braided my mother's hair strands into a small bracelet and he took my left hand and tied the bracelet around my wrist.I gently stroked it then I looked up at him and I asked.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
"First, what is your name?" The Elf prince smiled and said.
"Legolas, my name is Legolas". He and I both looked at each other and smiled at each other but quickly my smile was replaced by a frown. "I can tell there's something else bothering you, what is it (y/n)?"
"What will—will your father do to me now?"
"You needn't worry about my father, even as cold hearted as he is towards outsiders, he knows to respect the ones he knows are his equals. Once he finds out what has happened to you, he won't hurt you. We'll work together to make sure those wildmen are found and are punished for their crimes, I promise".
I then took the biggest step and ran into Legolas' chest and hugged him as tight as I could. I then felt his arms wrap around me and for the first time I felt what I haven't felt in a long time.Protected. War. Safe. Loved.I smiled a big smile as I nuzzled myself deeper into the Elf prince's chest. I knew from then on I would be protected and I would never be hurt ever again.
*Extended ending*
A month after staying here in the Woodland land this time as a daughter to the Elf Prince, yes after telling my story to his father, King Thranduil saw to it that I be put under his son's care and be treated like family. Then came the day I thought would never come.
The scouts soon heard tell of the same wildmen coming back into Mirkwood, they were brought before the throne room and I immediately became terrified because these were the same wildmen who had held me captive. When I gave my grandfather Thranduil a positive identity on the men, he unleashed his wrath upon them.
Instead of being thrown into the dungeons or being sent to death, both my father and grandfather thought it'd be fair for them to experience every ounce of pain they had given to me.  So in the same of King Thranduil of the Woodland realm, he had sentenced the wildmen to slavery in his kingdom and be allowed to work hard labor until death.
They would be put to the most grueling of tasks, whipped if they failed or talk back to any of the elves. I felt like that was the best punishment that grandfather could give them besides putting them to death or being thrown into the dungeons. And with that, I remained here in the Woodland realm happy and safe with my new family and new home.
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