#can u believe this entire starter was inspired from this gif
leepackett · 2 years
When: Saturday 28th January 2023 Where: Howl at The Moon Who: @priscillaflores​
It was easy to say that Lee Packet was a player, a charmer. A man looking for one thing. Sure, his attention was easily taken by girls at the diner. He was a natural flirty, and he wasn’t bad to look at (and he knew it). But mostly, he enjoyed their company. 
But as easy as it was to say he was a player, it was just as easy to say that if something, or someone, wasn’t immediately in front of him to take up all his attention then, well, it was likely to be lost. Because he was easily distracted. If it wasn’t by some other beautiful girl this time maybe at the gym, or some club, or literally walking down the street (he found himself telling Ro he was in love with someone different on a weekly basis, remember when he carved messages into a tree for that one girl?), then it was by one of his idiotic ideas, or some adventure he found himself on, or some conspiracy rabbit hole he’d fallen down. 
Which is what lead to Lee being at work one day, minding his own business at a booth in the corner, when suddenly an angry, familiar, and hot, blonde was in front of him. A blonde who only the week before he had spent the night with, followed by what he considered one of his better first dates, and stayed on his mind, only to then have the next three days chewed up because him and his mates in the mines found a whole new tunnel (to disappointing results, by the way). But now she was in front of him, a scowl on her face, already going on about how he’d used her, how he made her feel like an idiot, made her believe his lies. And Lee was sinking deeper into his chair, because in that moment he remembered when he’d pulled out his phone to reply to her, only to get dragged away and forget. Fuck. But an apology had barely even left his mouth when a slap crossed his cheek. 
“Hey, no, don’t be like that. I'm --” 
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But she was already out the door with one last look of disdain at him. Okay, so maybe not replying wasn’t the worst thing he’d done, no matter how good their night together had been. He glanced around, hoping no one else had seen that entire display, when when his eyes locked eyes with the person at the opposite booth. “You saw that, huh?”
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