#can u tell i’m up late thinking about mythic quest again
motherfuckingbrad · 10 months
me when poppy li grew up feeling like she had to impress people in order for them to love her so now she chases success but at the same time her success is actively making the most important person in her life hate her because ian only values her as a tool to him and not as her own creator …..
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kinda-iconic · 4 years
Lockdown ask thingamabobs
After trying to find something to keep me entertained today... I came up with nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️ and there’s only so many hours I can spend staring at a blank word document before I develop the urge to cry into my keyboard. 
So I have decided to come up with a list of 26 questions, surprisingly all relating back to the letters of the alphabet - I’m fairly impressed with myself right now!  
This is what I have so far; if any of these strike an interest, then please feel free to reblog and answer a few - I think a lot of us are struggling to find something to do at the moment, so I thought I would make something that may help. 
A is for Aesthetic: How would you describe yours?
B is for Books: Do you have a favourite book or series?
C is for Career: What do you do for a living? if you are not currently employed, be it because of age or that you haven’t found the right job for you, what would you like to do?
D is for Dream: Have you had any weird dreams lately? If so, could you tell us what happened?
E is for Experience: What is the best thing that you have ever done?
F is for Friendship: How long has your longest friendship lasted? 
G is for Goal: What do you aspire to achieve in your life? 
H is for Holiday: If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to go?
I is for Ice Cream: Do you have a favourite flavour?
J is for Journal: Have you ever kept a diary? If so, do you still keep one?
K is for Kindness: What is the nicest thing that you have done for someone else?
L is for Legend: Are there any myths or legends that originate in your country that you find interesting?
M is for Memories: Do you have a memory that you treasure above the rest? If so, what is it?
N is for Nostalgia: Name five songs that make you feel nostalgic
O is for Opinion: Is there any opinion that you have that may be considered unpopular? 
P is for Past: If you had the chance to rewrite your past, would you? 
Q is for Quest: If you could go on any mythical or fictional adventure from literature or television, which would you choose to go on?
R is for Relationships: Who would you say that you are closest to? 
S is for Sanctuary: Where do you feel the happiest?
T is for Truth: Would you consider yourself to be an honest person? 
U is for Unique: List three things that are unique about you
V is for Vendetta: Have you ever got your own back on someone that wronged you? If so, what did you do?
W is for Wisdom: If you could give your past self a piece of advice, what would it be?
X is for Xylophone: Do you play a musical instrument? If not, is there any that you would like to learn how to play?
Y is for Youth: Can you think of three things that you did as a child but would NOT attempt to do again?
Z is for Zero: Is there any experience that you would like to have, but have been unable to do so?
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