#can u tell i'm rusty w animations
ahogettena · 4 months
nuh-uh ☝️
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kaedeharakaori · 4 years
awieee this is for a special friend of mine irl ^^ i hope u like it eonnie <3 you're (everyone) the traveler in this fic btw :DD
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Keep me warm || Kaeya
The Traveler and their floating emergency food friend were taking a stroll through the icy mountains of Dragonspine for some things that Albedo asked you to get on your way back from Liyue.
Moments before you stepped into Dragonspine, it was kind of enjoyable for the both of you since you and Paimon were accompanied by Zhongli to the boarder of Liyue and Mondstadt.
"I know you can hear me Barbatos, how have you been? Well, I guess, telling by the winds. May I ask you to guide this Traveler and their companion safely back into the walls of your kingdom." greeted Zhongli to the god of the winds, a moment of silence before he faced the Traveler.
"I belive this is as far as I can go for I cannot leave Liyue just yet, maybe in a few or so years until I am sure that my kingdom can handle it all without Rex Lapis. Take care Traveler and Paimon, 'till we meet again in a new adventure, a new page in our lives."
Said the Lord of Geo as he retreated further back into Liyue, leaving the Traveler just on the edge of Mingyun Village, on their way to gather up the materials that Albedo patiently asked for when he heard the news of the pair that will soon return to Mondstadt.
You were then left alone, Paimon went off to find a torch on the cold paths of Dragonspine, having collected most of the materials Albedo asked for, meanwhile in Mondstadt, people were now preparing for the Ludi Harpastum that will happen in the next few months, its never too late to prepare early right?
Sitting in his massive office waiting for you to return home was the Cavalry Captain of the Knights de Favonius and who was also your lover, Captain Kaeya Alberich who was really impatient and bored beyond belief.
"When are you getting back my sweet little Traveler? I miss you… but I also don't get why we're already preparing for Ludi Harpastum when its months away?" asked Kaeya to no one in particular.
Soft footsteps were heard in the hallway of the Headquarters of the Knights de Favonia. Those footsteps were getting louder until they slammed open the Cavalry Captain's door open. The very good looking Chief Alchemist, Albedo, who was now stood inside after slamming Kaeya's door open (leaving it ajar) looked panicked.
"What's the matter, Kreideprinz? This must be a serious situation because you've rarely ever come here." Kaeya teased, with a barely visible smirk painted onto his face.
"Forgive me for barging in Captain, but I've recieved a signal from one of my experiments in Dragonspine and it doesnt look like its a good one." Albedo's face was filled with terror, hands were shaking, and his normally relaxed body was stiff. Kaeya made mental notes of this as Albedo's situation is really a serious one, considering that the alchemist usually was proper and composed, seeing him streased like this was new to Kaeya, might even make him scared.
"Albedo, prepare your stuff and we're going to go to Dragonspine in a bit."
It's been almost an hour since Paimon had left you, you've already collected some of the last bits that Albedo had asked for, the only thing missing is a shard from the floating pillar on the peak of Dragonspine, and so you went off.
Going without Paimon felt weird to you, even if you were kind of annymoyed of her, you still appreciated the company that she gave you. Trudging up the path to the peak, you were getting extremely cold as some of the torches weren't alive, a sign that you were getting close to the top.
Legs trembling, knees unstable, nose clogged, you've crashed to the ground, the cold was too much to handle. The torches further up were not activated to keep anyone warm, from the looks of it, no one has touched the torches for years.
Your body was giving up on you now, the cold too much for you to handle, rethinking your life as you knew this was somehow going to be your last breath, you sighed, wishing someone a happy ending.
"Kaeya, my love, I hope you keep me warm."
Kaeya and a very panicked Albedo has entered Dragonspine and made their way to Albedo's camp, poor Kaeya was worried sick about the alchemist who was next to him, trembling in fear, hands shaking, not from the cold, but from his thoughts running through his head.
"W-what if someone messed with my experiments?! I'm not finished with those yet and those are highly dangerous items that if messed with, and will lead to unknown circumstances."
"Calm down Albedo, we're going to reach the summit in about 45 minutes. Maybe if you stop worrying we could get there a little faster." Kaeya told the little alchemist to hold himself together.
A while of walking has passed, about 8 minutes away from the camp, snow thick, and the torches were extinguised, something odd stood out to Kaeya.
"Hey Al? When was the last time you were up here?" asked Kaeya curiously, "about a week ago" was all Albedo said as he continued.
"Well if you were here a week ago, shouldn't there be no footprints up here? these almost look like fresh footprints from not too long ago." Kaeya kneeled to the ground, examined the footprints left in the snow, they look new as if someone was here hours ago.
"I guess you follow the footprints, I'll check for any intruders in the camp." Ordered the Kreideprinz to his companion.
A while of more walking while closely examining the footprints, they seem to get closer to each other, as if someone was struggling to walk and so the captain ventured further into Dragonspine, almost near the Peak of Vindagnyr.
Kaeya, peacefully walkong and somewhat enjoying the cold felt a little spike of a traumatizing aura, like as if he was about to see something that would break him, brushing that feeling off he kept walking.
A crunch was heard underneath his footsteps causing him to break his train of thought and turn back, sprinting to where a patch of red had tainted the snow.
Covered a little by the snow was a small body, looked like of a creature but it didn't look like an animal, the body almost looked human-like. Kaeya dug through with an old and rusty shovel that he found on the ground, dug up the body and gasped at what he saw.
Paimon was dead, burried in the snow dried blood smeered all around, he frantically scanned the area for more footprints on the ground and luckily he found more.
"So if Paimon is here… that means the Traveler is also somewhere in this mountain." Kaeya's eyes widen in horror.
He carefully placed Paimon's remains as if she was just relaxing on the rock and ran for the trail of footprints, the farther he went up the summit, the newer the footprints looked, the more frightened Kaeya felt, what if these were the footprints of his beloved? He shook his head to those kind of thoughts.
Kaeya arrived at the summit of the mountain, footprints nowhere to be seen, he used his elemental sight only to find a sight so cruel.
Just how he found Paimon, the Traveler is sprawled out on the ground, body parts spread in weird places that seem very uncomfortable. Kaeya ran towards the Traveler in fear of their heart not breathing.
"My beloved! Please tell me that you're alright" Kaeya sobbed, "just give me a sign, please, anything that might tell me that you're alive" the Cavalry Captain cried harder.
Far off in the distance stood a man, blond hair as bright as the sun, his posture primmed and composed, his hands elegantly gliding accross the sketchbook at the scene infront of him, cereulean blue eyes shimmering with a sinister glare, the Kredeprinz smirked.
"I'm so sorry, Captain. It appears that your Traveler froze to death because of the materials I have asked of them to gather for my experiments. Sadly, I had more intentions than you thought. The traveler does not belong in this world I tell you, how can just a supposedly other-worldian just waltz into our world without the intention of destroying it? Not when I've already found out what they are, their whole being. I'm sorry but I had to do the job that the eleventh couldn't do."
Albedo sighed happily, finishing his sketch and finally ending his experiment here.
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euterp3 · 4 years
🌺Leorio Fluff ABC🌺
Some soft Leorio Headcanons because the tag is EMPTY. 🌺 Enjoy the Leorio Fluff ABC! More under the cut ✨
A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)
FOREHEAD KISSES. I take Leorio as a person, who likes to keep his affection private, but whenever you’re out in public he’ll hold your hand, give you short forehead kisses or just stays close to you. But at home, he’s way more affectionate. He’ll hug you from behind, cuddle with you while watching TV or give you a lot of soft kisses.
B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)
His favorite memory is going on a spontaneous car trip with you in the middle of the night. The two of you screaming your favorite songs while he drives, stopping in the middle of nowhere to look at the stars.
C = cat or dog person
Both. Leorio probably loves both animals to pieces, don’t make him choose 😭
D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)
Well, aside from finally becoming a doctor, I’d assume that Leorio would want to live with his s/o in a pretty house, maybe a family, if his partner would agree.
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?)
Since Leorio has to learn a TON for his exams and studies, he’ll probably learn a lot at home but still tries to leave spend his evenings with you. Either at home or he takes you out occasionally. If you stay at home, prepare for cuddly movie evenings with popcorn and ice cream.
F = first date (what was it like?)
Gosh, he is N E R V O U S. You guys talked about how bad his cooking skills are, so you invite him over to cook something with you. After finishing the meal, you two sit on your couch and start watching the show Leorio has been talking about for the last weeks. He slowly comes closer and asks you, if you would comfortable with him putting an arm around your shoulders. You agree and lean closer to him. Leorio is absolutely tensed up, until you turn around and laugh at him. He slowly realises, that there is no need to be this tense and opens up.
(after that you guys decided to go on a few more dates until he finally asks you out <3)
G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?)
A warm, hearty laugh! Leorio is such an open person, so I think he would genuinely enjoy bad dad jokes, terrible puns or funny moments with his friends.
H = hugs (do they like hug? What kind of hugs do the give?)
Give this poor man a hug, he’s stressed out 😭 he is probably pretty touch starved and loves hugs so much, since he rarely gets some.
I = instrument (do they play an instrument?)
If Leorio could play an instrument, I’d take him for an acoustic guitar or even ukulele player.
J = joy (what brings them joy in life?)
His friends, his partner, M o n e y. And spending quality time with his favorite people.
K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
Leorio likes to pamper his partner with kisses and as soon as he knows that they’re comfortable with it, he will do it as often as he can. His kisses are either soft and loving or very heated and passionate.
L = love (how do they act when they have a crush)
What a dork. He’s so helpless and tries to impress you so much but he’s actually embarrassing himself. Expect a lot of secondhand embarrassment until his friends (probably Kurapika) can’t take it anymore and talk to him. He’ll deny it at first but admit it after a while. After that talk, Leorio will try to act more normal around you, but still flustered.
M = memory (what’s their favourite memory?)
That one time you two decided to go on a roadtrip in the middle of the night after Leorio finally finished his exams for the semester. The semester has been extremely stressful, so he was happy to take a breather. After driving for hours in the middle of nowhere while listening to your playlist with your favorite songs, you take a short walk to watch the stars.
N = no (what is their pet peeve?)
Leorio is a very insecure about the dark under-eye rings he got due to his terribly exhausting shifts. Please don’t make fun of this handsome Himbo.
O = occupation (what’s their dream job?)
Emergency Doctor 🌺
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
The best dad with the worst jokes. A very loving parent but still strict enough to raise his children right.
Q = questions (do they believe in the super natural? Aliens? Anything along those lines)
After meeting so many different people in his life, I bet he’s ready for everything and everyone else.
R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?)
What a sap. He loves to spoil you with little thoughtful gifts. I imagines Leorio’s love language to be gifts and quality time since he’s sometimes at a loss of words.
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail)
Literally everything. But most likely his partner, friends, loving memories and looking back at all the achievements he’s made in his life.
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
Since our man is always busy or needs to learn, he tries to spend at least a few hours with you, even if it means just sitting next to you while he’s learning for his exams.
U = unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable)
Leorio leaves his dirty socks all over your shared flat for you to find them, which drives you INSANE sometimes. On the other hand, he hates it when you forget to open the window after showering and often complains about you sitting too close to your phone since it’s bad for your posture and eyes.
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
He takes a decent amount of cute selfies of you two, with either funny moments or adorable filter.
W = wedding (what was the wedding like?)
Your wedding was a very lovely and smaller feast with all of your loved ones. Leorio prefers quality over quantity and wanted you to enjoy your special day to the fullest. (also, imagine this beautiful man in a wedding suit, my heart-)
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?)
After your first cooking date, he decided that he’d need to learn how to cook properly in order to impress you. He learned pretty quickly and was so proud of himself when he surprised you with a pretty good meal (for Leorio Standard)
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, scent, word anything)
Late night shifts at work. They exhaust him the most and he often forgets to count how many cups of coffee he already had.
Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons)
Shifts in hospitals are absolutely terrible and exhausting, so Leorio probably suffers from insomnia and is always tired. It often happens that he planned something with you for the evening, but falls asleep next so you instead because he is just so tired. He also loves to cuddle with you to fall asleep or makes you read him stories until he falls asleep. He also likes to sleep in on his days off. 🌺
Ah, that was fun to write!! I know, that I'm definitely rusty asf but I hope you like it nonetheless 💕
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