#can y’all pray for her please. i’m devastated and i’m worried all the time and i don’t know what to do
evermoredeancas · 2 years
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finderskeepersff · 6 years
7. Part 3
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I winced at the sight of the sun gleaming through the room, pulling up the covers over my head. I drank way too much, oh this is terrible. Let me pray I can go back to sleep. I don’t need to be awake right now, my head is pounding. Feeling the bed move behind me and my eyes shot back open, staring ahead of me. There is someone in my bed, oh my word. Did I have sex, pushing the covers back but I am fully clothed so no I didn’t or maybe it was a quick one and I don’t remember. Oh god, he’s really in my bed. Placing my hand over my mouth, what the fuck have I been doing with myself. I am not drinking, not doing it again. How can I have sex and not know, turning onto my back slowly. I need to sneak out of bed and fix myself because I must be a mess “stop moving!” I gasped, pulling the covers back “oh shit” it’s only Olivia “you move around too much” her voice is so husky right now “well I thought you was, you know. Him” placing my arm over my eyes, this is a mess “I wish he did, you are awful. I got you into bed, me!” Oh she is shouting “then you woke up, wanted to be sick. Dragged you to the bathroom to be that, then I was worried you may be sick while asleep so I stayed here, Lloyd was worried” I am a mess “sorry” I mumbled “so no Sofia, it’s not Cassius, he is relaxing on the couch” Olivia is not happy with me, I didn’t think I was that bad. I need some food but then that means I have to see people, I do remember being so confident enough to grab his face and be like what about me, look at me. That is the alcoholic talking, I am not that rude. Maybe I am, I don’t know. I have to see his face in the morning too, why me.
“Wakey, wakey Sofia! I made you breakfast” fluttering my eyes open again “I’m asleep still?” I said confused “yes ma,am. We waiting on you sick face” Mia called me sick face “mind you Cassius is still asleep on the couch, I feel bad. He used a towel as a blanket and really got no pillows” this is a mess, I’m a mess anyways “come on, get some clothes on. Get fixed up, we’re making breakfast” I do actually need some food “was I really bad last night?” I need to know everything “mhmm, you will have to get out of bed to find out” Mia said with the biggest smirk ever, I groaned out. This is not good because that does mean I have been a mess with everything, I have shamed myself in front of Cassius “did he look ashamed of me?” Mia chuckled, as she walked out of the bedroom slowly. I do not want to go downstairs now, what if he thinks I am some hoe. I mean then again I did fuck him, I know for a fact I did kiss him or maybe he kissed me, oh shit. He did kiss me, he tried to kiss my lips but I moved my face, I was just playing with him but god. I sighed out, I do like him but I am scared. I am so scared to get hurt, he hasn’t gave me any vibes that he would but I don’t think I like what he does at all, I don’t want that life.
I feel like I am doing the walk of shame right now, everyone saw the mess I was in but who cares. I mean it was my birthday, so I am on my birthday behaviour but I could be scaring him away. I am never like this, I won’t be drinking like that again anyways. I want to have those cute talks with Cassius like we did in the car, I remember that conversation. It’s nice to hear what he says and feels, he’s so I don’t know. Very calm about things, he can be deadly though so I am like let me step back. I huffed out reaching the last step on the stairs, I am so ashamed because like what if I did do something stupid. I gasped, I wasn’t expecting Cassius to jog by me. Did he even notice me, he just flew by me. He was holding his dick anyways so only god knows what is wrong or maybe he has a boner, looking behind me watching him run up. Someone wolf whistled “here she is, the birthday girl” Kenton shouted, holding my forehead “please don’t, I did nothing but just have fun” I don’t need to hear the nonsense “I told y’all, let her eat and then we can remind her” side eyeing Mia, she ain’t shit on this because I don’t think I did anything that stupid.
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“Who cooked this?” wiping my mouth “us three, I mean minus Sofia of course” Ivy said pointing at her, I chuckled “thank you, breakfast was very nice. Compliments to you three” they all cooed out “least someone is nice enough to say thank you but honestly it’s ok, I know some of us woke up with sore heads, some more than others. Sofia of course” Sofia is being awfully quiet, I don’t know why either. She did nothing wrong but she must feel like she has, she was just turning up “hate you all” Sofia mumbled, rubbing the side of my face “you know last night, I don’t know if you remember Mia or Sofia. You went to the bar?” I am not sure if they do “I do yes” Mia said “I followed you both, you know people can’t be trusted. I don’t trust many people, remember you took a drink from some guy?” I pointed at Sofia “erm, I may have” I laughed “well you did, he was feeling you. Then you started speaking to Mia, he then spiked your drink” everyone’ face dropped “this is why you don’t take drinks from anyone and you have worked in a club before, you wasn’t watching. It’s dealt with, I couldn’t hurt him because then the nigga with a criminal record would be locked up but I got you both away out of that, I just want you ladies to be more vigilant” Sofia looks so devastated “you should have told me!” Mitch spat, my phone in my pocket started ringing, that is my burner phone so this is great “it’s fine, just please next time. Be safe” getting my phone out from my pocket, unknown number too “you really did do the best thing, damn. Niggas can’t be trusted” answering the call “hello?” I have no idea who this could be “well if it isn’t Cass, it’s me Zed” furrowing my eyebrows “Zed?” I spat, getting up from my seat “I’ll be back” I announced.
Walking outside to the back yard “how you get my number?” I am shook he has “B, he gave it me. I can’t wait to get out but I don’t have much time. Jordan, he was in the block. You didn’t tell me shit did you? But I erm, look I am scared of you” is Zed on crack, the hell is wrong with him “he’s my brother, point blank. He’s just a dickhead, hopefully he is scared” Zed sighed out “he’s been moved into a secure cell, so like they moved him from my block. I tried to keep him here but it didn’t happen. Niggas know he snitched on you, his own brother. Your brother got beat up in the showers and raped” I abruptly stopped walking around “raped? Sorry what?” that has to be a joke “Zed, you playing me. Someone did what?” the phone line went silent “I don’t know who did it, you know there is some gay niggas. From what I have heard, he wants to be a little bitch. They made him that, I feel sick even thinking on it” I am gagging at the thought “don’t call me until you find out who, he is my brother!” disconnecting the call, placing my hand over my mouth. I feel sick to my stomach, I didn’t want anyone to do that to him. I didn’t want anyone to kill him or harm him in there. I gagged again, placing my hand over my mouth wanting to be sick but I can feel it coming.
Flushing the toilet, I am sick to my stomach. Someone did that to him, he’s a dickhead and I know that but no, I can’t rest. I need to know who the fuck did that, dialling Kyle’ number. I am going to get them, I can get to them. Maybe I should have told Zed, maybe I should have helped knowing he was going in there but he fucking killed my baby “bro” Kyle answered “you, you fucking better find out who the fuck messed my brother up in there. I know you fucking know people, that’s my blood, my name being used in vain in that place. They fucked up my little brother, I want them dead. Or I will get back in that place myself and kill them” I am so angry inside, they fucked up “word?” Kyle said “word? Put my name on it” Kyle disconnected the call, I feel so sick.
I can’t show my emotions, I need to suck it up and move it back. I can’t show these people or even let them know. They will be like tell the law, the law ain’t going to do shit for him. Resting my head back closing my eyes, taking in a deep breath “I can do this” I said to myself, walking into the living area, the chatter became ever silent. They did see me run in wanting to be sick “is everything ok?” Olivia asked, I chuckled “erm yeah, early morning sickness. Luckily I can’t be pregnant cause I would be worried” I cringed at myself “I really would have” Mitch said, how can I be so stupid “I am going to get changed” Sofia got up, that was a stupid joke but I forgot. It slipped my mind that she was pregnant, I was going to say something but Sofia walked by me, today is not going well. I am just in idiot, shit is never my fault but I feel it. I am blaming myself for what happened to Jordan and now Sofia is upset with me, I snitched on him and beat him but he did the same to me minus the beating up. Rubbing my hands together, I will let the ladies speak I guess. They all went upstairs in formation, this is just great.
Kenton held out a glass to me “seems like you need it nigga” taking the glass from him “it has Patron in it by the way” he sat next to me “you just seem like a man with a lot on you, you should relax. I am actually very shocked to see Sofia this much into a guy. If it is that what is stressing you” downing the Patron “what do you mean?” I asked “meaning, Sofia being all over you. We all happy for her, she is happy. From knowing her, she don’t get to be happy with men. She works so hard for her mother and brother, so this is a good time for her. Women are stressful” he ain’t wrong “I just wish I didn’t have a heart Kenton, I think to myself did I do the right thing but my mind is saying yes. All I want to do is move, I want to move away where nobody knows me. I ain’t the biggest looking nigga, and I am not the type to kill or the type to open up to many. I am a quiet nigga myself” placing the glass down on the table “but the quiet ones are the most scariest, what you did for Mia and Sofia. I didn’t even know you left us to do that. Everything you did for Sofia, she said you helped her. But the quietest people can be the worst” smiling at Kenton “I am not evil, I just learned to not get my hands dirty but now I want to move from that. Can I ask you question?” I said to Kenton “sure” licking my lips “your brother did something to you, you got in trouble for it but now they in trouble. Nobody can help him besides you, what would you do? Would you help them, even if you knew in your heart he could” I paused “die” I finally said. Kenton went so silent, maybe I asked the wrong person “I don’t need to answer that, the tears in your eyes do. You’re a good guy Cassius” he got up from the couch “I won’t repeat this to anyone” watching him walk off.
Sofia is actually really upset with me, she has been keeping her distance so I kind of walked off alone. But I came back to them after an hour, it took a while to find them on South Beach but I noticed Sofia’ baby blue bikini. She looks so good, I am sure she goes to gym because her body is more toned then I last saw her naked, well yeah. Stood just over Sofia, blocking the sun. Sofia lifted her head up, I can imagine her mean mugging me under those shades “you came back” she mumbled “you’re in the way too” she rested her head back “where is everyone? I only knew you was here because of your bikini” I sat down slowly “I want to apologise” I said “the joke was not done on purpose, I can’t really say much. We ain’t ever spoke on it but I am sorry, I was not being malicious with it” looking up seeing the girls walking back to us “nice to see you back Cassius, I am surprised she ain’t kissing on you” I smiled “not right now, she need some booze huh” Sofia got up from her position, sitting up as she sighed out “I just need some space” pulling a face “let’s talk” I mumbled “girl, don’t be so sensitive” Mia said, watching Sofia fix her panties as she walked off “go on speak to her” Olivia said in a whisper to me.
I mean I don’t mind walking behind her, her body is so beautiful “pay for me” Sofia announced “for what?” jogging up to her “I want a drink” letting out an oh “Sofia, just one second yeah” grabbing her arm to stop her from walking any more “I am sorry, I didn’t think. I also didn’t think it would have upset you that much. I know it’s not something we spoke on” removing her shades slowly from her eyes “I am sorry” I said again “I don’t apologise much either” Sofia looked down “I am not upset with you, it’s still something I do think about but it’s done. I mean how can I be sad over something I didn’t even know but it doesn’t stop me thinking of what if but there is no what if, that was taken but. I initially did get upset but I am not with you, I forget too so it’s fine. I am just more thinking on how you think of me now, they all told me what I did so yeah. I don’t remember anything, from when you told me about the bar and then erm” she giggled to herself “you know, that thing” frowning at her “that thing? You going to need to say more than that” Sofia is really giggling “well I, see I said I. I sat on your lap and kissed you, I was making you touch my thigh. I was being inappropriate, god this is awful. Thank you, you saved me again. Your creepy ways, I am just so indebted to you, I really am. I am just thankful for you” so it wasn’t really the baby thing but more of shame “I was physically molested by you, yes. It’s cool, you had fun. You know, I ain’t complaining” Sofia is blushing so much “you shy?” I said, she pushed my chest walking off in annoyance.
Sofia wasn’t lying when she said I am paying but I don’t mind “I didn’t ask, why was you actually sick in the morning? Was it too much drinking” side eyeing Sofia not being able to open a bottle of Sprite “you need help with that?” I pointed “I can do it, just that it’s wet” she tried again to open the bottle “that’s what she said” I added, I had too. Opening my can of Red Bull, she can continue to suffer “that she ain’t me though” she would say that mid-drink because I got a comeback for that ass, moving the can back “you was wet in the disabled toilets, that is a lie though” Sofia held the bottle out “gave up?” she nodded, swapping drinks so I can open the bottle “can I drink some?” she asked “but you got this? Why you being difficult?” women are just odd “well I want Red Bull now” opening her Sprite bottle “right, well we swapped enough saliva last night so that is fine. Drink up” I might as well drink her drink then “shut up” I won’t shut up or drop it “so, you didn’t tell me” neither does she drop things, I shrugged “too much booze, I don’t know. Maybe the breakfast was wack” I don’t think I will tell her just yet about that, I just know I need to get back.
Not to sound too big headed but there is whole lotta ass on this beach and they are looking at me, maybe it’s just me “did poor Cassius sleep well on that cold couch?” Mia asked me, looking away from the beach “poor Cassius was expecting some cuddles after getting groped but I got nothing” Sofia near choked on her drink “excuse me!?” she spat “best thing ever is when Cassius got into the mini-van saw Sofia asleep and he got off” Olivia reminded me, everyone started laughing but little Sofia is not laughing “that nigga was like nope, I am done bye. Sofia was gone!” Lloyd dapped me laughing “I mean it wasn’t that, I just thought she may be sick and also I am not the type to take advantage, Sofia you can molest me as much as you want. I don’t mind” she put a finger up at me “I like my Lioness feisty” Sofia rolled her eyes at me looking down, she cute.
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