#can you belieeeeve how much i miss them
james-beaufort · 4 months
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RINACENTRAL — EVENT 1: FAVOURITES ↳ my top 3 rina episodes in every season
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Tag thing
I was tagged by @kwamimusings (thanks!!) for two things so I guess I’ll just do them both all in one long thing :P
Name: Aish
Nicknames: Flash
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′5′’? 5′6′’?
Orientation: Asexual :D and proooobably gay on the romantic side
Ethnicity: Indian
Favourite Fruit: Mango
Favourite Season: Hmm that’s tough... winter maybe?
Favourite Book: I can’t choose! All the Harry Potter books let’s just say
Favourite Flower: Rose!!
Favourite Scent: Lavender
Favourite animals: DRAGONS COUNT RIGHT
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Tea (I’m Indian and I live in England okay... tea is my whole life)
Cat or Dog Person: Both both both both both
Favourite Fictional Character: *looks at url* Gee I wonder! *looks at icon* It could be anyone at all *looks at header* We just don’t know??? *looks at blog description* No idea at all
Dream Trip: Can I just say space
Blog Created: I’m not sure because I didn’t use this blog when I first created it I think, but like... 2011? 2012?? Not sure
What I Post About: Mostly Miraculous Ladybug tbh, sometimes memes or other TV shows or just posts I think are funny
Do I get asks on a regular basis: Not really, just every now and then
Aesthetic: I always look like I’ve just got out of bed, pulled on the first thing from my wardrobe and not bothered to brush my hair. This is because it’s true.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
LAST ___:
Drink: Water Phone Call: My mum I think? Text message: My dad this time Song you listened to: Everything Is Awesome (yeah, The Lego Movie :D) Time you cried: Like a few weeks ago I think, omg it was over something really embarrassing
HAVE YOU EVER ____: Dated someone twice: Not even once :P Been cheated on: Only on the Sims 3 Kissed someone and then regretted it: Never kissed anyone at all Lost someone special: Yep Been depressed: Too much over the past few years :/ Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nah, I can’t drink alcoholic stuff, it tastes awful (but I have thrown up over drinking too much orange juice and getting hyper)
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU _____: Made new friends: Yep! <3 Fallen out of love: Mmmm... idk Laughed until you cried: So much Found out someone was talking about you: *shrug* idk Met someone who changed you: Nah Found out who your true friends are: Yes Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I haven’t used facebook in like 3 centuries
GENERAL: How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t even remember but probably all of them Do you have any pets: No T_T Do you want to change your name: Nah, I love my name What did you do for your last birthday: Funnily enough I was actually on a flight to India on my last birthday What time did you wake up: about midnight. No, I’m not kidding, I went to sleep at like 10PM, woke up at midnight for some reason and then couldn’t get to sleep. I mean, I knew my sleep schedule was screwed up but I didn’t realize it was THAT screwed up What were you doing at midnight last night: Waking up and then trying to go back to sleep and accidentally inventing very angsty fanfic in my head
Name something you cannot wait for: When I inevitably buy the new Zelda game When was the last time you saw your mother: On Skype, earlier this week. In person, maybe like a month ago What is something you wish you could change about your life: SO. MANY. THINGS What are you listening to right now: the sound of my fingers typing this on the keyboard Have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yeah Something that is getting on your nerves:  Me. I’m getting on my nerves Most visited website: this blue website right here probably Elementary: Somewhere in England :P High school: Somewhere in New Zealand, followed by somewhere in England again :P I’ve moved around a lot. College: Somewhere in England, again :P Hair color: Very dark brown/black Long or short hair: Short Do you have a crush on someone: Ummm... idk. I guess it’s kinda... dormant? (Not as dormant as I thought lol SHUT UP AISH) What do you like about yourself:  I like my eyes Piercings: Ears Blood type:  I have no idea and when we were studying phenotypes in biology, I worked out from my parents and grandparents that I could actually have almost any bloodtype, so there’s no way to know or even guess unless I get it checked Nickname: Flash ~ ahhhhh! Relationship status: Forever alone Zodiac sign: Sagittarius Pronouns: She/her I guess, since I’m used to them, but honestly I don’t mind they/them, I’m just fine with whatever tbh Favourite TV show: Take a wild guess :P Tattoos: None Right or left hand: Right handed
FIRST ____: Surgery: None Piercing: Ears. I was less than 2 months old, weirdly enough. Best friend: A cool girl called Micheala who I still talk to sometimes Sport: I think the first sport I was really into was ice skating, when I was like 4 Vacation: I think it was the Lake District when I was like 2?? Idk because obviously I don’t remember hehe Pair of trainers: Okay am I missing something here? I’m English so to me this question looks like it’s asking what were my first pair of that kind of shoes. Which I have no idea.
RIGHT NOW ___: Eating: Just finished a bowl of instant noodles Drinking: Water About to: Play the Sims 3 probably, knowing me, or maybe write, also knowing me Listening to: My flatmates finally getting up Waiting for: season 2 of ML Want: season 2 of ML Get married: idk, I really don’t care much Career: Something creative
WHICH IS BETTER ____: Hugs or kisses: Hugs Lips or eyes: Eyes Shorter or taller: No preference Older or younger: Uh... neither? Same age! Nice arms or nice stomach: Both, both is good Sensitive or loud: Sensitive Hook up or relationship: Relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: I am too hesitant for my own good so how about a troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER ____: Kissed a stranger: I haven’t even kissed anyone I know Drank hard liquor: No Lost glasses/contact lenses: No Turned someone down: No, unless I’ve done it unintentionally Sex on first date: Lol I’m too ace for that and I’ve never even been on a date except as a third wheel Broken someone’s heart: I hope not but I have no idea! Had your own heart broken: Mmmmmmkinda. Been arrested: No Cried when someone died: Yeah... Fallen for a friend: Haha yup *cries in English*
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ____: Yourself: I try to! Miracles: There can be miiiiracles, when you belieeeeve~~ Love at first sight: I mean, I guess you can have a crush at first sight, but not like love love? Santa Claus: SANTA IS REAL AND HE DABS Kiss on the first date: Depends on the person and situation Angels: Sure
OTHER ____: Current best friend’s name: I have more than one best friend! Eye color: Hazel/green/brown Movie: Right now, The Lego Batman Movie ‘cause it’s awesome
I don’t know who’s been tagged and who hasn’t and this is long so, I just tag: whoever wants to do it! Just say I tagged you! <333
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venteamocha · 8 years
I’m gonna answer the offbeat q’s for your delegates because I’m thinking of playing more 7kpp again, since I have some time off right now. Even though I have two other games I’m also currently playing.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Best to worst cook? Kendra is the best. She had to make do before she got married, and afterwards, she was expected to be the model housewife.
Jienne is second. She’s interested in all manner of flora and fauna, and picked up a bit of cooking while learning the properties of various foodstuffs.
Trisha is actually third best. She learned to make simple meals, and to make things out in the wild so she could stay out on hunts and wander around in the wilderness longer.
Loriela is fourth best. She also picked up basic food making as a matter of course in her various wanderings and voyages.
Aliya is fifth and Caroline is the WORST. Neither bothered to learn the most basic lessons of food making, they just weren’t interested. Aliya is only slightly better because if pressed, she would remember a few barebones bits of the things people TRIED to teach her and... possibly produce something not entirely inedible. Caroline wouldn’t do even that much and might actually poison someone if she tried to cook.
Best to worst fashion sense?
They’re all actually fairly stylish in their own way, but if I have to pick an order:
Caroline and Aliya tie for the top, they’re both very fussed over their appearance, and actively follow the trends in their own ways. Then it’d be Kendra, she’s fashionable almost out of necessity, the whole model wife thing. Loriela would be close after, she loves her shiny baubles. Then it’d be Jienne, who likes flowy things even if they’re impractical, but doesn’t care for fashion at all beyond that, and last is Trisha, who wouldn’t give a fart in a high wind about what other people think of her clothes, and just wears what is practical and suits her current excursion.
(the favorite color vs color they look good in thing seemed a bit boring so skipping that sorry)
Favorite season and/or time of day?
Loriela - Autumn, Dusk
Aliya - Summer, Night
Caroline - Spring, Morning
Jienne - Winter, Night
Kendra - Autumn, Morning
Trisha - Summer, Afternoon
Most to least well-traveled?
Loriela - Trisha - Kendra - Aliya = Jienne - Caroline
One thing she used to hate and now loves (food, books, people) or vice versa.
Loriela - Used to hate reading, discovered travelogues.
Aliya - Used to hate most food, discovered adulthood (she grew out of her funky tastes lol)
Caroline - Used to hate being cooped up inside, discovered most of her favorite activities are actually indoor, decided to make a truce with the indoor realm. 
Jienne - Used to hate any form of exercise, discovered a love of research, which includes field research. Proceeded to hike much more than she ever wanted to, but found good things doing so.
Kendra - Used to hate cooking tbh, then she got better at it and discovered she actually very much loved throwing stuff together and having it come out great, and getting praised for it too. Used this to poison her husband in fact!
Trisha - Used to hate the political game until she figured out how to use it to get to do the things she actually wanted to do. “Do you REALLY have to go on another trip right now?” “Well, I might not have a good excuse for it, but what I do have is a very specific bit of blackmail on you.” “Oh for gods sake, fine.”
Most likely to return as a chaperon?
Caroline would probably love it. She’s found her match, she’s coming out of this all gold covered roses, she’d be thrilled to help others do the same. Aliya might as well, if only because she knows how dangerous it can be and would like to help people avoid what she’s had to go through. The rest? Nah, they’ll be glad enough to get things done and get the heck out.
One thing from home she didn’t expect to miss?
Loriela - Her shitty bed on her ship. She complained about it a lot and kept meaning to replace it, but never did. It gave her a stiff back sometimes, but somehow she misses it anyway. A nice comfy bed isn’t the same.
Aliya - Her special set of dancing shoes. Sure, you can probably get ones like them anywhere, but these fit her perfectly. They got lost somehow on the trip over, and the new ones she bought just don’t fit as well.
Caroline - Her set of embroidery tools. She forgot them when she left for the island. Somehow. She refuses to buy more, so that’s one hobby she won’t be able to do for the time being.
Jienne - Her study jam packed with all her research equipment and her tons of books. She was forbidden from bringing it all, and the small amount she now has feels sort of like a punishment. She honestly expected the island to have something like it, for some reason. It’s not enough.
Kendra - She does kind of miss her pen. It was a gift from her parents on her wedding day, a really nice fountain pen with a hummingbird motif, and its own fancy little inkwell shaped like a flower. She used it for her letters, and her journal, and all her writing in general. When her husband conveniently passed away, she.. somehow couldn’t use it the same way as she could before. She left it at home when she went to the island. She still misses the feel of it in her hands, but does not miss all the memories wrapped up in it.
Trisha - Her family’s cooking. The stuff on the island is okay enough, but it misses a certain something, and a lot of it is way too fancy for her.
One new thing she did not expect to learn at the summit.  
Loriela - More dueling techniques, courtesy of Ana.
Aliya - That you might leave Corval, but Corval doesn’t really leave you.
Caroline - That there are people who are even more flowers and sunshine than she is.
Jienne - That maybe this whole matchmaking thing isn’t a complete waste of time.
Kendra - Do you belIEEEEVE IN LIFE AFTER LOVE~ Nah but seriously she’s learning that she’s stronger than she thought she was.
Trisha - Maybe all this etiquette and politics nonsense isn’t such nonsense after all.
Kingdom she most wanted to move to before/during/after the summit?
None of them truly wanted to move away from their homes. Not.. completely. Might have wanted to go to different places within their countries, but not leave them entirely. Trisha and Kendra wanted to see more of the world, and Caroline was sort of prepared to have to leave for marriage and alliances to some degree, but... yeah.
Most to least likely to fall in love in a political track match?
Caroline - Aliya - Jienne - Loriela = Kendra = Trisha
Caroline’s a romantic, she was actually planning on making a political match from the get-go, and ended up finding things to fall in love with along the way anyway. 
Aliya is like Caroline in that she planned for a political match from the get-go as well, and also managed to make the most of it and fall in love along the way.
Jienne planned for politics because she firmly believed the heart had no place in the matter. She ended up the same as Aliya and Caroline, but in a less sappy way.
The rest... no. If they chose a political marriage, that’d be all it was. Possible friendship, but no love. It’s politics or love, not both.
An alternate universe in which she chose a different track/love interst, and why.
Loriela would choose Jarrod. He’s a challenge. She doesn’t back down from a challenge. She’s gonna get this guy kissing her tiny booted foot before he knows what hit him.
Aliya would choose Zarad. There is so much common ground, and so much more understanding between them than there is for her with anyone else. He reminds her of both the good and bad parts of her home.
Caroline would choose Jasper. Because he’s been so incredibly supportive, and while she normally feels a bit of distance to her servants, she felt genuinely close to him.
Jienne - I’m still not sure who to choose for her canon, lol. I tried to get her with Emmett, and it sort of fell apart. I might try again, I’m still tinkering with her.
Kendra - Same as Jienne.
Trisha would choose Ria. She just adores doting on her, and people like her, who are so caring of others. If she ever actually met Caroline, she’d become her second mother, most likely.
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