#can you pay for it bc im broke and need a whole new wardrobeeeeee
transmascissues · 6 months
Your HRT and surgery progress post is so cool, I’m gonna start T next year and seeing other trans dudes who are ahead of me in their medical transition is so encouraging.
I do have a question though that I’ve been thinking about for a while. If it’s weird and you don’t wanna answer I understand. My pre-T body has a considerable amount of butt, some of it muscle, but also fat. I was wondering about pant sizes once the fat gets redistributed by testosterone. Does your pant size tend to go down? Cause right now my main issue with men’s pants is to get my butt in there (with women’s it was the same).
I’m not coming from a diet culture “yay smaller clothes size” direction though. I have some cool pants that fit well right now and I’m worried that I might have to buy new pants if they start sagging too much 😅
I know every body is different, so maybe some followers can share their experiences too? Thanks in advance 👖
i might not be the best person to answer this because i gained a pretty significant amount of weight from being on t so my size in basically everything went up, but i will say i think i have less butt compared to the rest of my body now than i did before, so i would guess that if your overall size stays the same and the fat is just shifted around, it is possible to see your pant size go down as a result of fat moving away from the butt region. i’m not sure how common it is, but it wouldn’t surprise me!
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