#can you really act shocked when I waste money on crystals hoping they'll do something while I've just waited 7 months to talk to my doctor
(D0nt r3/bl0g, I might change my mind and let people reblog this later but I need to read over it when I’m less emotional and see if I still agree with it)
I understand why chronically ill people are at such a high risk for falling for dangerous pseudoscience, because people like pretending that science has already figured everything out, and then acting like people who talk about the things science hasn’t figured out like we’re fucking idiots.
“You don’t need to ‘heal your gut,’ you don’t need to ‘cleanse’ your insides, your body literally already does does if you just leave it alone.” Cool, awesome. So tell me, when I’ve been going to the doctor for like almost ten years for unbearable stomach pain, and all of them have told me “yeah no your stomach is normal” and I am still in undeniable excruciating pain that I can feel, am I insane for looking at shit like herbal remedies??? Which like,,,literally can have a basis in science because like, it’s not like we Spawned medicine out of computers one day with the Power of Science, we like ?? Use things ?? That are natural ?? And make them into medicine??????
Wow, maybe when I drink broth with some herbs and it helps and the Science Believers tell me that that’s Utter Nonsense and Garbage and I Should Feel Bad For Believing It, and when the Community That Also Pedals Super Dangerous And Harmful Things As “Cures” actually fucking believes me and validates me, perhaps I’ll slowly begin to trust one of those groups more and one of them less!!! Wow!!! Crazy thought!!!!!!
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