#can you say familyyyyyyyy
madamebaggio · 5 years
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Notes: Following this piece of fluff, because those family feels are killing me and I love them and I want them to be a familyyyyyyyy!
The next day, Arthur was walking around the keep looking for Cat, but couldn’t find her anywhere. Eventually he found a maid from the house and managed to ask her.
“Lady Cat fell into a washbasin and got soaked wet, so her mother told her to stay in her room and get warm.”
It sounded like an interesting story; he’d have to ask the little lady about it later. Arthur thanked the maid and carried on.
During dinner the next day, Lady Cat was still nowhere to be seen.
“Lady Stark, how is Cat?” He asked his hostess.
“She’s a little indisposed.” She told him. “So she’s still resting.”
That was when he noticed the signs of fatigue on the lady. She’d probably was caring for her daughter besides her duties as warden.
In the next morning, Arthur was looking for Lady Stark, because he wanted to give Cat something to make her happier. He’d carved a eagle figurine a while back and he’d been carrying it around. He thought it might make her smile.
“Ser Brienne.” He nodded at the tall woman. “Is Lady Cat better?”
Her expression put Arthur immediately on alert. “Actually, Your Majesty, she has a high fever; it came during the night. Lady Sansa is by her bedside.”
Arthur felt a knot on his throat. He asked the lady knight for directions to Cat’s room.
He knocked on the door and found Lady Stark exactly as Brienne had said: by her daughter’s bedside. Cat seemed to be asleep, a cold compress to her forehead.
“Your Majesty.” Lady Stark was about to get up when she saw him, but Arthur made a gesture for her to remain seated.
“It’s fine, Lady Stark. How is she?”
The woman sighed. “The fever won’t go down, but at least now she managed to sleep.”
Arthur could see how exhausted the lady looked. She was already tired the night before, and he suspected she hadn’t slept at all.
“I know I should be leaving soon…” He told her. “But if you’d be so kind as to allow me, I would impose on your hospitality just a bit more.” He looked at Cat. “Just until she gets better.”
Lady Stark gave him a tired smile. “She’ll be happy knowing you waited for her. She’s grown fond of you.”
“I have that effect on ladies.” He joked, but it was weak.
It was a crying maid that made Arthur realize that Cat might be worse. He didn’t stop to think; he just ran all the way to her room.
He didn’t know why exactly -sure, she was a lovely child, but she wasn’t his. However, the idea that Cat might be too sick, that something could happen…
He barged into her room, decorum and proper conduct completely forgotten, only to find Lady Stark crying.
“Is Cat…”
“Her fever is so high.” She told him, tears coming down in rivulets. “If it doesn’t come down soon…”
“Is there anything that can be done?”
She just shook her head.
“Lady Stark…”
“I’ve lost so many people already.” She told him, all her walls down, her soul bared in fear and grief. “I can’t lose her.”
“You won’t.” Arthur vowed, knowing this wasn’t a promise he could keep, much less make. “She’s strong, she’ll get better.”
She covered her face and her shoulders started shaking. Lady Stark might be the lady of Winterfell and he was a visiting King and it was hardly proper, but he couldn’t just stand there as she broke down in front of him.
King Arthur of England hugged Lady Stark, Warden of the North, and she collapsed against him.
Cat’s fever wouldn’t go; she’d show signs of recovery, only to get worse again. The maester was worried that, if this didn’t end soon, the little girl might not…
Arthur couldn’t even think about the possibility. He could only begin to comprehend what Lady Stark was going through, and the fear in her heart…
It was probably a devastating force.
He went by to see Cat one day and found only her nanny there. Lady Stark was in one of her very rare breaks from her daughter’s side.
Cat was pale, looking small and fragile on her bed. Arthur sat close under the watchful gaze of the nanny and kept silent watch over her. He didn’t know what to say, so he just stayed quiet.
After some time he’d been there, Cat started moving. “Cat?” He called.
“Mom?” She called, her voice tearful and weak.
“Get Lady Stark!” Arthur ordered the nanny. “Now.” As the woman hurried away, he picked up Cat’s delicate hand. “Cat? It’s Arthur.”
“Mom?” She called again, clearly not hearing him.
Arthur held her hand and made soothing noises until Lady Stark arrived in the room, gathering her daughter in her arms. She sat on the bed and pressed her lips to the girl’s forehead.
“I think…” Her voice was tremulous. “I think her fever is going down.” She gave him a  relieved smile and Arthur just smiled back.
Cat’s fever did go down, fortunately. The little girl was still weak and needed to recover in bed, but she was much better.
“You really have to go?” She pouted as Arthur visited for the last time before leaving.
“I do, Lady Cat.” He told her with sincere regret. “My home needs me.”
“Winterfell could be your home.” She insisted.
“Really?” He asked, grinning at her.
“Yes. You could stay and meet uncle Jon and Aunt Arya.”
The other famous Starks. Arthur did want to meet them, but they would arrive in a fortnight, and he should’ve gone back to Camelot a week ago.
“I wish I could, Little Cat, but I have to go.”
Her pout got more pouty. “But I like you.” She insisted.
This wasn’t going to be easy, was it? “I like you too.”
Then her face became bright, like she’d just had the most brilliant idea ever. “You can marry my mom and become my dad.”
Well, fuck.
Arthur didn’t know those simple words would hit him so fucking hard.
He knew that, at some point, he’d have to marry and have children, but he hadn’t felt the need for it. He’d never dreamed of having a family before, but now…
Cat’s words packed a punch, one he wasn’t prepared for. The idea was much more attractive than he thought it’d ever be.
However, this was the pure heart of a child. Arthur couldn’t say he’d marry Lady Stark, just because he’d suddenly become greedy and wished he could have a daughter like Cat. This was hardly mature of him.
“It’d be a great honor to be your dad, Cat.” He told her honestly. “But your mother deserves a husband that loves her dearly, don’t you think?”
“Why can’t you love my mom?” She asked confused.
“We’ve barely know each other.” He pointed out.
“But she’s pretty. And so smart and gives the best hugs. Loving her is easy, I promise.” She insisted.
Well, fuck again.
What should he do?
That was exact the moment Lady Stark chose to enter the room.
“Lady Stark.” Arthur hurried before Cat decided to share her plan. “I’d like to invite you and Cat to visit Camelot.”
“That’s really kind of you, Your Majesty.” She replied as graciously as ever.
“When can we go?” Cat asked immediately.
“You have to get better first. Besides, uncle Jon and aunt Arya are coming, remember?”
It was clear that Cat was now divided between going to Camelot and seeing her family.
“Camelot will stay there.” Arthur told her gently. “Waiting for you. I promise.”
Cat gave him a shaky nod.
“And you keep your eagle, and take care of Cake and your mom…” He told her, gently holding her hand. “I’ll see you soon and I’ll show you everything you wish to see in Camelot.”
“Promise?” She asked, a big fat tear rolling down her round cheeks.
“I do, Lady Cat. I’ll see you again.”
“Soon.” Lady Stark called. “It’ll be soon.”
Arthur looked at her, unable to hold in a smile. “Soon it is.”
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