#can you tell im avoiding the election night tv show and spending time on stuff like this instead lol
pahallepaivalle · 8 months
In this silly video interview Jere says he would call Erika if he needed tips for bedroom stuff. Because she is such an expert in these things.
Haven't seen anyone translate this yet, so I did my own lazy text version. Would recommend watching the video too so you can look at Erika's face when K talks lol
(I feel like I should say as a disclaimer that I did this very quickly, not everything here is word for word. Finns feel free to correct me and let me know if something could be said in a better way :3)
Q: In what situation would you call the other person?
Käärijä: I would call you at that point when I have some questions about bedroom stuff. I guess – you're experienced/an expert in those things and we have talked about that stuff together. I can talk with you about those things and I could get some good tips from you.
Erika: When I need a really affordable dogsitter.
Q: Best feature about the other person?
Käärijä: Erika's best feature is that she doesn't give a fuck about what others think and I like that. Sorry about cursing. With you I can say things like this.
Erika: Käärijä's best feature is that kind of sincerity you have, being exactly who you are. And I get turned on by these kinds of people.*
Q: What annoys you about the other person?
Käärijä: I can honestly say that nothing annoys me yet. Probably at some point there will be that annoying trait.
Erika: You will find it when we hang out even more. What do I find annoying in you? Your success, of course. I'm joking, that is not a personality trait. It's just a cold hard fact.
Then they get asked about their best memory together, both mention Kalajoen venetsialaiset at the end of last summer where both of them performed. They got to talk long with each other and it was the first time they got to spend time together without any cameras or anything like that around.
*Could be meant here more in a friendly way, that kind of person lights a spark in me? Not sure
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