#can you tell mh adhd goes bonkers when this is brought up?
lukas-crying-heart · 1 year
Demon world. Inform. Me. Now!
Okay so the main character (Luka, yes he’s names after me) has always had some connection to the part of him that’s half demon, but this isn’t your normal every day magic, oh no, he has dream-centered magic. For example, he could dream of very specific events and they will happen. Prophetic dreams if you will but they’re usually just small events (what he’ll have for breakfast etc) but sometimes he will have dreams of bigger events (if someone were going to die he would have a very vague dream out it) but he, only being half demon, does not have very strong powers. These abilities are uncommon for him to be naturally gifted with, all other spells he wants to learn will be learned through study.
But then there’s the character that Eva ( @justexistinghere122 ) made for this whole thing named Stefan, he just has demon magic, though he seems to have a talent for memory spells. He is a very powerful demon and doesn’t use his powers for good or evil purposes, he just does whatever suits him.
And then ofc there are demons who specialize in love based spells, Jules is the best example of this. Now someone could look at them specializing in love based magic and think “oh they’re so sweet, and a romantic!” And while yes this specific character is, love in itself is a very very powerful kind of magic. You can make anyone do whatever you want with a simple love spell. Jules chooses to not to control those around them with love spells because they see it as one of the worst things that you can do to a person, but many demons like them will use it for not-so-nice purposes.
And while we’re talking about love-based magic, it is prominently used by succubi (like Jules) and most of them use this magic to do what succubi and incubi do. But there are some like Jules who just want to be happy and want the same for everyone else.
Now we have the demons who do more work in the mind (brainwashing, possession etc) these demons are more likely than not evil, two of my characters (Cas and Rose) have talent in these spells, and while Rose used her powers to find her son (Luka) Cas uses his to control and destroy anyone and anything. Physical and mental torture is what he does to get his way and if he doesn’t get it he kills the poor soul he chose.
And demons with the most potential to be some of the most powerful demons are those who are directly related to Satan himself. Quinn and Lilian are his half sisters, their mother being Lilith. Quinn did not know she possessed such power until she was well into her teenage years due to her not growing up in hell with her half sister (different dads), Lilian, so her powers developed on a small scale. Only having used them two times by accident in her younger years and nearly killing Luka at the age of 15.
Lilian on the other hand who did grow up in hell with full access to her full power throughout her whole life became one of the most feared demons hell had to offer (just below Lilith and Satan)
Lastly, we have humans who happen to have some natural connection to magic, Micah is the only one who spent a good portion of his life studying spells and who now has a gift for protection charms.
Yeah so, that’s most of the types of magic that’s used a lot throughout the whole story. Oh and ofc harming spells but every demon and magic user knows those. I’ve spent a better part of a year tossing these characters around in my brain.
There’s so much romance and tragedy in this, it just makes me so happy. This has been a passion project of mine for so so so long and I can’t wait for it to be finished so I can share it with people. But very select people will be able to read it as it’s being written (maybe)
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