#can't have a horror episode without someone getting murdered in the shower
spacevixenmusic · 2 years
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I don’t have any funny commentary to add here, I just wanted to give a shoutout to Michael McManus’ amazingly over-the-top performance in this slasher-horror episode where Kai (normally the deadpan and emotionless voice of reason) gets accidentally reprogrammed with the personality of a psycho killer so he can ruthlessly murder a bunch of dumbass party kids who just woke up from their 300 year cryo sleep journey on that one kid’s dad’s stolen party bus.
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wanderingrain · 2 years
Blogging through Till the World Ends Episode 4
Golf. What is this outfit? I'm going to need you to rethink this one.
Oh wow look at the moon. Don't think about all the weird things it would probably do to the earth to have the moon moving closer like this. Focus on the scene.
Golf please take those stupid sunglasses off before I rip them off.
How did all of that blood get on Bubblegum's shirt?
Well ok there no need to be rude. Wait they're siblings? Wait there's a staircase in the bedroom? Why is this gang so confusing? Lol
I can't believe we're having this discussion while Golf is wearing sunglasses. I want to see the actor's face!
Why are they not hiding at the sound of footsteps? Oh they did lol.
Well this woman is the owner of the building for sure.
She is having so much fun. The crack is back guys, it's back.
Lol Art's face again
lol why is this suddenly a horror movie?
Ooh an aids psa. Awesome.
Ohhh the reason they haven't tried to contact anyone is because there's no signal. Kind of weird to only have explained that now but oh well.
The moon's going to kill us in 8 days but we might starve to death before then. Yikes.
"All the food here is probably expired" uhh since when? It's been like 5 days. You think there's gonna be any food left at the grocery store after 5 days of looting? Your best bet is to figure out how to get into your neighbors' apartments. I see you creating reasons for them to go out and get murdered.
Art self-soothing on the couch. Very nice body acting.
This is such a stupid plan Golf. "Are you afraid?" Of the people trying to kill us? Yes! What is this conversation?
That reminds me, Golf got over killing someone pretty quickly.
Once again showering after a medical procedure instead of before.
Oh the way they get so close to each other. These boys may not make much sense but they do make me soft.
Not the guitar being back in the room! I've noticed it before but didn't really think about it until just now. Boy really carried Art up to his room, patched him up, and then went back to pick up the (attempted) murder weapon.
I love how there's literally no way to excuse what Golf did. In real life there is no way these two would be able to end up together healthily. Golf has serious issues. And yet this show is going to try and convince me that they should end up together and I'm going to let it.
Aww he's climbing back into Golf's bed. Art is seriously so cute.
More soft, casual hand holding to make me melt.
We're cuddling now? Sweet. I won't complain.
Oh geez Golf looking right into the camera because we're in on the secret of what he did to Art. That's such a good moment.
Where in the world did you get that knife? You can't tell me you just had that lying around, I don't believe you. Just a whole machete in your apartment.
Not Art being the one looking down at Golf's lips!
Why does bubblegum keep trying to get Long to kill people? And why does he have so much trouble with it? I have so many questions about this gang.
Lol not the Puppy just sitting there. Are they still that close to the apartments?
No why is Art so cute in this outfit? And how does he have clothes that fit him? Lol
They are entirely not scared enough to begin this unnecessary journey to find a supermarket.
Not them talking about marriage and lingering in this room. Babes there are people who want to kill you out here.
More casual hand holding we love to see it.
Oh that's the end. Kind of a strange place to leave off but I guess they can't all be cliff hangers.
I'm incredibly confused by this gang. Bubblegum and her boyfriend apparently love killing to the point of arguing over who gets to kill Art. Long can't point a gun at someone without shaking, and eyepatch doesn't seem to speak except for when he's alone with Long. Were they already a gang or did they form after everyone fled? Is eyepatch as messed up as bubblegum and Long is only in the gang for him? I'm so intrigued but I don't think we're going to get any actual answers.
To Episode 5 we go.
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