#can't wait to see charles become the obvious angel to magneto's obvious devil on the x-men's shoulders again
justmenoworries · 5 months
I swear to fucking god, if they make Magneto a villain again after this I'm gonna mcfreaking lose it.
I know "Magneto was right" is basically a meme at this point but... he literally was? He literally didn't do anything wrong???
The Prime Sentinels were going to kill an unfathomable number of mutants. No one else came to help. The humans were all in on it and no, Val finally getting a conscience after already helping Bastion does not count.
Magneto didn't even hurt anybody, he just shut down the killing machines.
"[Magneto] declared war" Oh shut the fuck up Logan, no he fucking didn't. If anyone declared war it's fucking Bastion when he attempted a genocide on Genosha.
And even if Erik did declare war at this point he's well fucking justifed to do so, the peaceful approach has only ever fucked him and every other mutant on Earth over so far.
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