#x men 97
padawan-carol · 1 day
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elficcionista · 2 days
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Wolverine wearing his mask 💥 📽 Deadpool & Wolverine (Deadpool 3)
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kataosmth · 2 days
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aceofhearts25 · 21 hours
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jpen-nico · 3 days
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Uncanny Spiderman! 🕸️
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doodlenoodleboi · 1 day
Just watched Deadpool 3 Yesterday when I tell you gambit is soooo fine.
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bamfkeeper · 1 day
SFW Headcannons: Nightcrawler // Sickness
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a/n: I was sick for a good week and a half and I'm just starting to feel it taper off. I kept thinking about him, I just hadn't had the motivation to write anything for this topic. But now I figure why not. Just a short little collection of hcs while I write more imagines. No warnings really besides basic sickness themes. Gender neutral reader.
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When You're Sick
Kurt fusses over you a lot when you're sick. He worries every second and he does his best to get you anything you need.
Medicine, water, broth, etc.
He makes you herbal tea and insists you drink it, wanting you to get better. He smiles, knowing the taste of the medicinal tea might be gross, but he always helps you with positive words.
"Now, it isn't that bad, liebling." he chuckled softly, finding it amusing how your face scrunched up at the smell of the hot tea. "It will soothe your throat and help your sinuses. Ich verspreche."
He manages to get you to drink, "That's it, good girl," he teased, "Drink as much as you can. It will make you feel better."
His hands will massage your sore body. You often wake up struggling at night or during the day you feel so stiff. He notices and he massages all those sore spots. "Sore?" he questions and kisses the nape of your neck. "I will help...just relax for me, ja?" he coos and does his best to be gentle but firm with his rubs.
He doesn't like when you're sick, but he thinks you look adorable with your puffy red nose and cheeks, your poor bundled body on the couch wrapped in a blanket.
He draws baths or showers for you, insisting you take a cold one if you are feverish. He washes you tenderly, he likes to tell stories in German to you, it helps you focus more on his words and he will praise you when you point out a German word with an English one that you know.
He makes homemade soups and stews for you, he likes to know what is in food before he gives it to you for eating. He doesn't want you to eat anything bad, so he likes to make sure to make it himself. No canned soup for you, only fresh at the hands of this blue mutant.
He doesn't care about getting sick himself. He will sit close to you, hold you and rub your back as you lay against him. He watches movies with you, trying to distract you from your sickness.
If you throw up, he holds your hair back if it's long, and he rubs your back. "Let it out, schatz...just let your body do what it needs to." he whispers, "Relax...breathe." his tone is even and calm, even if he is panicking internally seeing you so sickly.
He holds you if you need to cry, sometimes being sick can be frustrating. Kurt is always there for you, kissing your temple or forehead, arms and tail wrapped around you.
"I want ice cream," you whine softly against his neck, your throat ached and you needed something cool. It would help your fever too, so Kurt gladly obliges and gets up to get you some ice cream. "Of course, liebling...but only vanilla. You can't have a lot of sugar when you're feeling unwell." he says in a firm but gentle tone.
"Awee....but I want a different flavor..." you pout, making him shake his head. He was firm on his decision, tough love for you.
He might seem too firm at times for your liking, but he's really just concerned about you. He wants you to get better, since he knows you don't like being sick. He has your health in his heart and he loves you.
When He's Sick
Kurt is a big baby when he's sick, especially when he knows how much you will fuss over him.
At first, he tries to hide the fact that he doesn't feel well. He's not used to being pampered or getting 'days off' when he's sick because he never got that luxury when he was in the circus. He doesn't share a lot about the circus besides the happier memories, but he had a tough time.
This goes for being sick. Anytime he didn't feel well or caught a cold, he wasn't given a day to recover. It was like he was feeling as chipper as ever. They seemed to make him work harder, so he subconsciously learned to hide if he felt sick.
When you noticed he was coughing or sniffling a lot, you confronted him and asked him about it. He admitted to being sick but quickly assured you he was fine.
It wasn't until you began to get him things for his sickness that he slowly began to let go around you. He became a little more needy, asking for medicine or more pillows and blankets, and cuddling with you. He was almost like a toddler, whiny and pouty, but he was grateful for your help.
He always made sure to tell you how much he appreciates your efforts, even if it was as simple as getting him water. When he's sick, teleporting to the kitchen made him feel so dizzy. So you getting him water was such an easy task, but one he appreciated like you walked miles just to get him a drink.
"Danke..." he rasps, taking the water and coughing slightly. "You are an angel..." he drank quickly, avoiding any more coughing fits.
He snuggles you almost constantly, seeking you out in the bed or couch. He needs to be right beside you when he's sick, and he refuses to be anywhere else.
Baths are so hard for him when he feels bad, he doesn't like them and he's like a whiny cat. He tries to sit up so many times out of the water, but his 100+ degree fever says he needs the cold bath, especially since his fuzz keeps heat more.
You do your best to follow recipes for soups that will help him feel better. You feed him ice chips and spoon feed him the soup you make so he doesn't have to move (he whines if he has to move).
He's so in love with you and he's so grateful that you are taking care of him without a single complaint, because you'd never complain when you get to take care of the love of your life.
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Thanks for reading.
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dividers by @/adornedwithlight
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hofstadt3r · 24 hours
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they are in the waters,,
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some-dull-scissors · 2 days
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Morpherine nation we got CRUMBS!
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robinhuntr · 2 days
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peopleeeater · 2 days
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@swarmishstrangers gave me worms
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artverso · 2 days
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Bengus - X-Men 97
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nicoveil · 2 days
Came back from Deadpool 3 and those two queers didn’t fuck once
I need a refund
(It was fucking amazing. X-men are so back)
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evoy-xavier · 2 days
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furiousdandelion · 3 days
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Super rough but here we are xD sketch/lineart for the maid outfits. I am deeply sorry already
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minniethemoocherda · 2 days
You Are The Weapon I Choose: Chapter 1
A/N: Thought I'd celebrate the release of Deadpool & Wolverine with my take on introducing Laura to X-Men 97! I haven't seen the movie or even the last few trailers so no spoilers in the comments please! And thank you so much @pkmndaisuki for being my beta for this fic, they were so helpful!! Xxxxxxx
"I don't like this," Logan grumbled. "Too quiet for what Cooper was sayin' this was."
Morph was inclined to agree.
Dr Cooper had uncovered intel that indicated that a supposedly abandoned laboratory in Mexico was experimenting on mutant children. Since she didn't have the clearance to send in any US personnel without causing an international incident, she called on the help of the X-Men.
And, well, rescuing mutant children was an X-Men speciality.
At least it should have been, but so far there had been a definite lack of mad scientists and kidnapped kids.
"Can't hear any guards either," Logan added, scanning the halls. "Oughta be way more security."
"I agree. This whole thing reeks," Cyclops noted. "Keep your com lines open. Storm, you and I will check the east wing. Wolverine, you and Morph make a sweep of the west. Rouge and Jean, stand by."
Morph nodded, and the team split their search.
They transformerd one of their arm's into that of Glob's, the pink glow of his transparent skin lighting the way down the dark corridors. Not that there was much to see. The walls and doors were completely blank. No name plaques. No door numbers. Not even an out of date fire alarm poster.
Suddenly Logan stopped in his tracks beside them.
"What is it?" They asked.
"Gunfire." He pointed at one of the unassuming walls. "Over there."
Morph nodded, switching their Glob arm to that of the Hulk and smashed through.
Whatever Morph had been expecting to find the opposite side of that wall, it definitely hadn't been this. It felt like an entirely different building. Instead of a gloomy dark, the room they'd broken into was a harsh white. The tiled walls were almost too clean, like they had been scrubbed of any past proof that anyone had ever even breathed in there. There wasn't even a visible door. The only thing of note was the chains bolted into the corner.
This was a cell, Morph relised with a sinking sensation of dread in their stomach. The place reminding them of the tube that Sinister had kept them locked up in.
"Come on," Logan growled, the room no doubt reminding him of his own past imprisonment. "This way."
They smashed through a couple more walls. Each of the rooms had same eerie emptiness to them. Even the labs that had some colour variation to them, with their various vials, felt completely stark.
Morph was not smart enough to know what any of those labs were for but whatever it was, they knew it definitely wasn't for anything good.
They turned the corner and froze, the sight stopping them in their tracks.
"Logan." Morph gasped. 
A woman with dark hair and eyes, dragged herself across the floor, her light brown skin splattered with bullet holes. Near the beginning of her trail of blood, Morph spotted two more bodies. Both wore the matching uniforms of soldiers. And they both had matching syringes sticking out of their necks.
But that wasn't what made Morph freeze. That was the sight of the girl in the tank beside her.
The girl was suspended in what Morph first thought was water but on closer inspection appeared to be something murkier. Morph wasn't great at guaging children's ages but this girl couldn't have been over the age of ten. She twitched in her slumber, perhaps trying to fight back against whatever those tubes were punping into her body to keep it forced in unconsciousness. But the most shocking thing of all was that pertruding from the knuckles of her balled fists were twins sets of metal claws.
However Morph didn't have time to think about that right now. Instead they rushed to the woman's side, shifting as many arms as they could as they did their best to stop the bleeding. Which was made all the harder by the woman trying to push herself up.
"You need to stay still." Morph told her but she just shook her head.
"P-poison." The woman gasped pointing at the girl, leaving a bloodied stain as she tried to grab a console attached to the tank.
Morph elongated their neck, desperately searching the console screen, hoping to find a 'stop poison' button. But Logan went straight for the jar, his claws slashing through the glass.
The tank shattered. Morph borrowed Colossus' metalic skin to sheild the woman from the rainstorm of glass whilst Logan caught the girl before she could crash onto the concrete floor. Morph watched as Logan cradled her in his arms, careful not to hold her too tight as if she too was made of glass. Through the whites of his mask, Morph could see a rare glint of fear in The Wolverine's eyes.
"Who the hell is she?" Logan demanded, even though they all knew the answer.
"Laura." The woman breathed through a blood stained smile.
It was the last breath she took.
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