#can't wait to see the actual use of light and colors in S2
scatteredpiecesofme · 2 years
Between Darkness and Light
We all noticed the change in lighting in the 4-minute snippet but I didn't connect it with Edvin's repetitive statement about the season being darker until now. Or better, I didn't realize that this change in lighting goes in the exact opposite direction to the change in tone that S2 is supposed to display.
S1 gave us a lot of scenes in a very dim light, usually in a warm yellow-ish tone, and yet many of them didn't feel 'dark' at all. They rather felt cozy, intimate and warm (thinking of some happy domestic scenes at the Eriksson's, the intimate Wilmon scenes, and many others) in a sort of reversed parallel between the lighting and the general mood.
What I'm wondering now is: what if in S2 they're doing the same, but the other way round?
After the dream sequence, the first thing we see is an evidently depressed Wilhelm. What colors would you instinctively associate with depression? Dark ones, right? He's alone, sorrowful, disappointed and angry. He's lost everything. We might expect a shadowy room and a gloomy and suffocating atmosphere. But what do we get instead? The sun. Brilliant colors. A very bright room, flooded with daylight. And that's what I love in YR: they never make the obvious choice, they always go for something different. The Eriksson's house is shown ina bright diffused light too, suggesting that this might be a theme of the season, or at least not something only related to Wilhelm.
The thing is, by the end of S1 everyone showed their true colors, either in a good or in a bad sense.
All the five main characters have been somehow exposed - to us the audience and to the other characters. It's not just about Wilmon and the leaked video, despite this being the main focus.
Felice, contrary to the first impression, turned out to be a good friend and a kind-hearted person. August confirmed to be an unreliable douchebag full of personal unresolved issues. Simon demonstrated that he can and will stand for himself and set boundaries. We witness Sara making a deal with the devil to obtain what she wants. And then there's Wille. His intimacy, his body, his love exposed to the world. But also his essence, who he really is, what he really wants, what he's ready to do, finally revealed to himself in a newly-found awareness.
In S2 there's no more hiding. No matter how much betrayal, pain, revenge plans and shit are going to happen. No matter the darkness of it all. None of them can hide their true selves from the others anymore and, more important, from themselves. They have to face their own flaws, their own needs, their own choices. Their own actions. It's about knowing - and showing - where they stand.
No more hiding. Dark times are ahead, but all the cards have been laid on the table. In plain sight. In plain light.
Before it gets better it's going to get worse. Things are going to go down. Badly. Especially for Wilhelm who's not even trying to hide his intentions. And when he - and maybe also someone else? - will be going through his darkest moments, this new, bright, merciless light will do nothing but emphasize it by contrast in a piercing, almost painful way.
(reality check: I have no fucking idea. i'm just speculating because it's fun. but I guess I got carried away a bit? sorry. please don't mind me)
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aprillikesthings · 3 months
YAY I'M OFF WORK until Monday
s2 ep6 Light Spinner
just read the synopsis on the wikipedia episode list and Oof this one is going to be hard
Edit: oof I jumped around a lot, including mentions of the bible, my fave art, other cartoons and (predictably, for an episode about Shadow Weaver) my own history as a child abuse survivor and my dad dying. So, uh, you've been warned?
let's do this
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do they mention why she covers her face at this point? I forget
okay so true story and totally off topic but I get distracted every time Micah's name is mentioned because my favorite verse of the Bible is from the book of Micah. It's the fave verse of a lot of people lol I'm not unique. But yeah, Micah 6:8:
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord ask of you, But to do justice, and to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?
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I've half-joked for years now that if enough of your childhood report cards say any variation on "They have so much potential if they'd only apply themselves" you should get diagnosed with ADHD without further questions.
Hordak: why is Shadow Weaver still fucking HERE Catra: bc I like getting a chance to taunt her >:3 I MEAN, uh, she's a good source of information? Hordak: she needs to get to Beast Island, I don't like having her around she knows too damn much Catra: but she can't actually do anything without her fancy-ass magic rock
*power goes out*
Entrapta: ha ha WHOOPSIE Catra: wtf are you DOING
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Hordak: stop bothering my girlfriend Catra: wtf??? Entrapta: Entrapta: uhhhhh did I interrupt something Hordak: no it's fine bb don't worry about it <3 Hordak: ANYWAY Catra get that witch to tell you shit and then GET RID OF HER or I'LL GET RID OF YOU Catra: >:(
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In all seriousness I remember watching this episode and thinking: lol omg are they ship-baiting this???
And then the usual culprits did the "yOu cAnT sHiP tHaT" and I started reblogging content of it out of sheer fucking spite. Also at least one writer for the show is like "y'all Entrapta is in her late 20's/early 30's" and--wait hold on I know there's screenshots from twitter of the same person:
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But yeah stuff in later seasons made me cackle with laughter because it's not even subtle. At all.
Anyway you gotta be careful about spite-shipping. That's how I ended up having a lot of feelings about Jaspis from SU, ha ha WHOOPS
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jfc this and a previous line (talking about "gifted students") and it's like...why are y'all having her quote all the shit my teachers said trying to encourage me and only traumatizing me.
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mmmm don't like that
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I know I keep harping on how textbook of an abuser she is, but I love that the clues were there already. This is the kind of shit abusers do! Look at how controlling and possessive she is, but in a way that outsiders will just see as "she's a very invested/involved teacher."
plot plot plot the Horde is already invading, the Princesses are useless against them, our leaders aren't doing SHIT, anyway the sorcerers are meeting tomorrow and I hope they let me boss them around into agreeing with me
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this shot of the moons over Etheria reminds me of one of my fave artists--these pieces are layered resin, and I keep meaning to buy some prints of theirs. (One day I want to own an original. ;_; I love the way they use colors and the layers and just the daydreamy vibes of so much of their work.)
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(More of their stuff here)
plot plot Scorpia and Catra talk about how Catra doesn't want to send Shadow Weaver to Beast Island and Scorpia is surprised Beast Island is real and not a scary story they tell kids
Catra: but but but Shadow Weaver can tell us shit!
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Scorpia: anyway I thought you hated her??? Catra: you wouldn't understand >:(
I understand. I hate that I understand it. UGH.
plot plot Light Spinner tries to convince the sorcerers that the Horde is a threat, and points out they've taken the Black Garnet, and says let's cast a big spell together and GET SOME POWERRRR
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Sorcerer dude: that spell is FUCKED, absolutely not [for real the way he talks about it sounds kiiiinda like The One Ring] Light Spinner: fuck yOU
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OH so I didn't quote it but Catra says the same line earlier, about Hordak: "After everything I've done he still doesn't trust me"
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Catra is trying to save Shadow Weaver's life and Shadow Weaver is like...meh. But hey can you bring me an old trinket that's of sentimental value? I will never ask you to do anything else.
[I am Suspicious.]
back in time, Light Spinner manipulates Micah into doing the Big Scary Spell with her, they accidentally unleash a hORRIFYING MONSTER
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(I'm suddenly reminded of the last two episodes of Gravity Falls. It never ceases to amuse me that Alex Hirsch was told he couldn't do all kinds of totally innocent things, but he could have, well, the shit in the last two episodes. I remember telling my then-boyfriend that the intro of those last episodes had shots that looks like actual nightmares I've had)
Oh also the flailing disembodied hands remind me of some of the early episodes about the Cluster in Steven Universe. Remember Garnet finding some of the early fusion experiments made with broken bits of gems?
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(Also remember when Peridot was still kinda spooky and scary?)
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OKAY SORRy wow I'm distracted tonight.
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yeah that didn't work so great
And that's what messed up Shadow Weaver's face, and she throws a fit at everyone and calls them "weak" and uhhh murders at least one of them?
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face-touching! the only way she's able to show any affection at all...but only ever to manipulate people in her charge. anyway she disappears after that.
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Catra is not going to get a satisfying answer. One of the reasons it was a relief when my dad died was that I could let go of ever having any hope of him explaining to any kind of satisfaction why he did what he did. (He did apologize, once; in the most manipulative and self-serving way possible, when I was 35--at the time I thought maybe it meant something, but eventually I realized he'd actually made things worse, because he'd taken away any belief I might've clung to that he didn't know any better at the time.)
In any case, Shadow Weaver's answer is basically "You're just like me, and my life was hard, so why should yours be easy?" Like that old line about how people who suffer through hard things have one of two reactions: Either "why shouldn't you also suffer, you're not better than me," and "nobody should have to suffer like I did."
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I understand Catra so much. You still want that love. You can't not. You know you won't get it, not the way you need it, and you settle for a facsimile.
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I'm gonna throw myself into the sun
And then we go back in time to see the arrival of baby!Adora, like as an actual infant. They don't say where she got her.
Hordak: "I arrived too late. I found something but it's useless. Put it with the other infants in the infirmary."
"It." bleh.
Shadow Weaver: hmmm that's one powerful baby. Hordak: ugh, weirdo. You can have it. But ffs it's being noisy take it somewhere else.
Shadow Weaver's just like: oh sweet I get to start from scratch with this one.
Anyway under her tray of food that Catra brought her was her sorcerer's guild...thing. That she asked for earlier in the episode. Which means Catra did bring it to her.
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And Shadow Weaver's gone.
This explains part of why Catra gets worse for the next like two seasons. She tried to extend a kindness to Shadow Weaver--keeping her from being sent to Beast Island, giving her the trinket thing, offering to work together since Shadow Weaver thinks they have so much in common, right? But it bites her in the ass so bad.
So why should she be kind to anyone? When has anyone been kind to her? When has Catra being kind to anyone ever improved her life or made it easier?
But yeah the trinket had some kinda magic dust in it and Shadow Weaver escaped, and Catra had a (very understandable) meltdown about it.
Back in Bright Moon, the Best Friends Squad is using the moon alignment to get a clearer signal on Bow's track pad: "Serenia. Portal. Mara." AAAAND end of episode.
Yeah I was right. That was a rough one.
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