#can't you tell I'm obsessed with Diagnostic Principles?
mia143 · 3 years
So Ethan Ramsey published a textbook right? So Diagnostic Principles probably has an ISBN*, right?
Imagine though, one day, Ethan and MC are setting up MC's new gadget. MC goes to the kitchen or somewhere and Ethan starts typing in MC's email address and is like "Mc what's your password?" and MC casually says the ISBN number of Diagnostic Principles and Ethan's just there, very impressed that his rookie has the ISBN of his book memorized. Number by number.
I imagine that Ethan had maybe a few hundred copies of Diagnostic Principles and those first few hundred copies are a different version** than the ones people can find some time after the release of his book, so the ISBN of the Original Diagnostic Principles was the one MC memorized, which makes the fact that MC has the ISBN of Diagnostic Principles somewhat even more impressive.
*for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, ISBN stands for "International Standard Book Number". It looks something like this: (note though, i took this from the first photo of an ISBN i could find online, so i have no idea what this books is.)
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**Each and every version of every book have a different ISBN. So the ebook, hardcover, paperback, and audiobook will require different ISBN numbers.
I imagine Ethan probably had the first few hundred printed in both paperback and in hardbound, and when he decided to print more, he probably decided to edit the book. He also probably has a version of the book in an ebook form so that some people can access them more easily.
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satrangee-ray · 3 years
Meet my MC: About the Present
Inara Hepburn (she/they)
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More below the cut—
Inara has recently taken over as the Leader of the Diagnostics Team, Bloom Edenbrook, from the former DT head and current Chief of Medicine, Dr. Ethan Ramsey. Applications for the fourth open position has been received, (Landrat had applied, lol), and after a consultation with the Chief and the board, Dr. Aquino (immunologist), who had previously been considered for the same position has been recruited.
With Bloom's complete withdrawal of control from the functioning of any internal teams, Inara has brought back the voting procedure for selection of cases. So, unless there's any emergency in which the leader needs to make an immediate decision, all cases accepted shall now require the consent of majority members in the team. In case there's a 2-2 situation, the case which the leader sides with gets selected. 
On days when she gets lesser or easier cases, Inara makes time to visit Baz and Elijah in the research lab and enquire about their latest mind-blowing discoveries. Though she will never consider shifting to full time research, she had had too much fun interacting with the mice on her first time there, and she wants to know more in that department.
Inara is also working on a third book, their first non-fiction one, specifically a memoir to document their 3-year long rollercoaster ride of a residency. The book is called 'Hepburn's Stethoscope'.
They have a verified, monetized YouTube channel, and a Pictagram page, where they post assertive, informative, and satirical content regarding the healthcare industry, myths and loopholes, as well as the queer community, its current socio-economic-cultural standing, practical ways to deal with queerphobia, and allyship. The full sum of money obtained from these are donated to a Boston based queer charity Inara works closely with. 
Friends and family dynamics:
The only relatives in her bloodline, i.e. her aunt's family, occasionally converse with her virtually. Though she never goes into talking much about her feelings, they are more or less aware of her whereabouts.
Vaani and Ayan continue to remain thick as thieves with her. The three still obsessively share every single detail of their lives with each other in their group chat. 
Apart from their two closest friends and a personal diary, Inara had always found small talk worthless, and most other people unsuitable for a meaningful conversation, let alone deep personal bonds. But after Edenbrook, everything has changed. Now Inara has a whole gang of friends comprising themselves, Sienna, Jackie, Aurora, Elijah, Bryce, Rafael and Kyra. They are all like a set of long lost siblings, somehow united by medicine, destined to share the most wholesome bond for an entire lifetime.
Naveen is the cool grandpa Inara didn't know they needed, and over music and teasing Ethan, they both have grown quite close. At work, the trio is often called the 'three musketeers of Edenbrook' by their colleagues. They are known for conquering mysteries that conquer humankind through generations. 
Relationship with their LI:
There is no doubt that Inara's path to getting together with Ethan, or even initially forming an honest friendship, was rocky. There were too many walls built up around both of them, and disintegrating every single one took time. But by the end of Inara's second year, they both had managed to start officially dating. After a year now, they are in a committed relationship, co-parenting their pup Jenner. 
Ethan had popped the moving in question at the end of her residency, and Inara was initially hesitant, cause as much as she wanted to stay with her partner, she didn't want to reside in someone's house free of any monetary contribution from her side. After several discussions regarding this matter, the couple decided to let Inara fund most of the domestic groceries, and hence they moved into Ethan's condo together.
As individuals, Ethan and Inara are extremely similar in certain aspects, and vastly different in others. Their morals, principles, limited social energy, outlook on the medical industry, and political views could easily align with each other; to some extent even their part time pessimism when it comes to themselves. But their go-to drink orders, general music taste and tolerance level for interns might qualify as some things that two might differ on. They try to keep up with the best of both worlds, though! Inara accompanies Ethan on opera dates, Ethan reads and marvels at translated lyrics of Rabindra Sangeet. They tried swapping their patent cosmopolitan and scotch neat at the bar one evening, only to spit out the very first sip they took, and Inara had conducted a whole orientation for Ethan on why intern wrangling is essential, enriching, and to be conducted with grace.
The nicknames they have for each other are oddly time, place, and mood specific, so here we go–
1. Ethan @ Inara: Darling, Love (on a usual day); Nars (when he's just so done with them), Rookie (on special occasions, when he can't help but be overwhelmed by their sheer brilliance, or the magnitude of his unadulterated love for them).
2. Inara @ Ethan: E (all day every day), Ramsey (posing a challenge or threat purposes); Baby (teasing purposes); literally any and every ethyl group compound under the sun (purpose of expressing annoyance, greater the annoyance, longer and more complicated the compound).
It is no secret that both Ethan and Inara have had a pretty troubled past, and the hurdles along their relationship have only resurfaced the trauma. So, they have mutually decided to enter therapy, and they both believe that moving forward, it would help them build a future together based solely on love, trust, and honesty, devoid of any baggage from the past.
That was it! My entry for today... tell me how you liked it. I'm enjoying this moodboard making way to much for my own liking, watch me be obsessed ya'll. Good day <3.
Tagging: @openheartfanfics @adiehardfan @barbean
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