#cannot believe i can write this so easily but an eassy for college is kicking my ass so bad
louiscassettes · 2 years
lucky again interpretation
even though life is too busy at the moment, i wanted to post my interpretation of lucky again because im absolutely obsessed with this song right now and i need to get it out.
overall, to me this song feels like him talking to his younger self, specifically when he was in 1D, how he lost himself but worked towards finding himself and is now back to his true self again.
1st verse: "you give and give until it's gone away, just tell yourself you've got another day" - he starts off with these lines as an allusion to how he presumably gave the most of himself to the band, writing those many songs by pouring out all his emotions till he might've felt emotionally drained but telling himself he has another day to catch his breath, to get a break.
"you've lived that life, you just don't see it yet, i see how hard you've worked to be yourself" - current louis telling his younger self that he has lived that superstar life and did the insane level of hard work that superstars do but it might be difficult to see then as it all felt very surreal being in the band and being thrust to this level of fame so fast.
pre chorus: "if you believe a guy is Superman, they're selling tickets at the cinema, whatever gets you through the darkest night, just find the light out in the madness, hold tight" - fav lyrics from the song!! but also, this para sort of stumps me a little. from i could gather, it looks younger louis might've believed some guy is the "saviour" (like how superheroes are supposed to be saving people), so he tries to go see him. but maybe he was wrong (note the use of 'if' and 'whatever', used as a tone of dismissal to that previous belief of the guy being some sort of a true helping hand). or i feel it could also be about how louis likes/d marvel/dc and this para could be referring to how it was so mad being in the band, he found someone who he thought of as superman in his head, just to ground him, even though he probably knew it wasn't true. but he needed that false belief to hold on and get himself through the darkest nights of madness.
chorus: "'cause I'm a hard man to lose, but i figured it out, then made my way back to a life I would choose, we werе lucky once, i could be lucky again" - this feels about how he lost sight of himself as an artist after 1D which was hard for him as up until then he probably had a sense of identity regarding everything he did including songwriting in 1D and leading 1D. louis has also mentioned similar sentiments in many interviews after the 1D hiatus and during walls release. he then goes on tell his younger self that he figured out how to come back to the life he wants (to make the kind of music he wants to, go on tour, play the venues that he wants to, sing his own songs to his fans). he is also telling his younger self that they (current and younger louis) were lucky to have had the opportunity of being in 1D (and thus hard launching his career) but he could also be lucky again (with his solo career to have a similar amount of love from fans). the last line of the chorus makes me sob.
2nd verse: "beforе the world, it got so serious; before the time, it got away from us i'll meet you at the favourite subway stop; we grab some food, then meet the lads for one" - his world got serious as he went from being a high school student in a small town to being in the biggest boy band of the decade. louis felt the time getting away from him, slipping through his fingers as he grew up in the haze of being in the public eye (he has similar themes of being afraid of growing up, of change in other songs and interviews). current louis wants to meet the louis he was (before all of the above happened) at his favourite subway stop to just grab some food, take a breath, and probably meet his childhood buddies for one beer (ties in to how he references pubs and night out with his lads in other songs). (the subway stop might have been a hangout spot with his friends and could have a lot of fun pre-fame memories attached, hence "favourite").
"i'm a hard man to find, but you figured it out and I love you for that look back on a time; i was lucky once, i could be lucky again" - the final two lines are almost identical to the lines in the chorus, but with some changes. current louis seems to assure his younger self that was lost that he figured it out and found himself, for which he loves him (himself?). for me, the last line further solidifies this theory of current and past louis for me as he says "look back on a time" = 1D; AND he finally changes the "WE" to "I" in the line "i was lucky once" as throughout the song it seems to progress through his career. like he started from 1D in verse 1 by giving it all, to feeling lost after the band in verse 2 to reaching this stage where his current and past selves meet. i sort of imagine past him walking through the stages of his life and merging with his current self as a form of self acceptance and acknowledgement of everything he has lived through. and lastly, now that the two are one, he refers to himself, current or past, as just "I" (instead of "we"), saying that since he was lucky once, he could be lucky again.
also, his soft voice in the whole song could be how he is talking gently to his past self who current louis knows how lost he is feeling.
anyways, this was soooo long but yeah. love fitf so much and i literally cannot stop playing ever since it came out!!
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