#cannot imagine engaging with voltron like a normal person frankly
vldkeith · 3 months
to be quite honest klance with altean marks lance is actually 10000x worse than allurance. it’s like the purest distillation of “yeah allura was there and she mattered but only as she relates to klance.” at least with allurance she’s an actual character & an active agent in the story (albeit an ooc one, in my opinion). you people drawing your post season 8 old man happily married klances where lance has the mark of his dead girlfriend—a mark he literally only got bc allura was killed off by the writers in a truly astonishing act of misogynynoir—is like…laughably obtuse. i’m not saying it is racist or immoral to do this but i am saying that the combination of factors surrounding it should make you kind of uncomfortable and embarrassed and you could simply choose to. Not.
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