#cant think of any rn maybe it'll come to me later lol
uraosol · 2 years
So much time chasing,
Chasing after the moon.
I stop and look up,
It has long been replaced by the morning sun.
I lay down and close my eyes to conjure its image.
Trying to remember its light and the warmth it brought with it.
I sleep,
Only to wake up to find the blanket of stars above me.
The moon, still there, but something has changed.
My legs are tired from running.
My arms are tired from reaching.
My heart, weary from yearning.
I sit up and look, not up, but straight ahead.
And I see it, tiny, so tiny but it's there.
A star. Flickering a soft, blue light,
But carries a yellow glow.
I'm curious,
So I walk, not run- no, not anymore.
I stand in front of it,
I don't dare touch it.
It greets me softly, and warmly.
My heart floats, not flutters,
it speaks to me sweetly.
Sweetly and softly.
And it speaks to me, says I'm sweeter,
and I stumble. Unexpected.
Bashfully speaks again, apologizes for being cheesy.
Softly glows brighter.
I laugh.
My heart floats.
Used to only sinking and falling.
Now it floats.
just maybe.
I don't need to chase anymore.
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