#cant w8 to get back on unions + nll
yakumtsaki · 5 years
popping in
to say first of all miss u guys and ty for the sweet messages i’ve gotten in my absence (which goes to prove what i’ve always suspected aka people like me better when they can remember me fondly without having to actively deal with me in the present. my death year is gonna be my year)
speaking of dead, thesis deadline is sept 15 which means it has now officially taken me a full 3 years to finish a 2 year masters *pause for applause*. if i knew at 17 this is where going to college would lead me i would had unironically gone to trade school and then moved to sparta to work in my grandpa’s olive fields.  on the upside i have the most micromanaging supervisor prof of all time and even she has given up and stopped emailing me so i see this as an absolute win
after this shitshow is done im taking a gap year to recuperate, so in other words i will be bumming around wasting my parents money and resuming my ts2 career around autumn/winter (inb4 only career im ever gonna have). im mainly posting this in case tumblr shuts down in the meantime (bc after that 2mil sale its starting to feel like a real possibility) to let u kno ill still be over @ lj/dreamwidth + ive downloaded all my crap from this blog to move to wordpress, so thats all the places where u can find me
id like to close this post with an obligatory mention of got s8 being by far the worst thing to happen to me this year, and this is the same year i had to beg for an extension, communicate with the psychopaths of the uni secretariat multiple times, not sleep for 5 days to finish a paper on a topic i didnt get to choose since my classmates voted on it bc apparently my dpt is run on the basis of a hippie commune, be put on multiple psychiatric meds as a result of sleep deprivation, and at the end of it all not even get a 10 on said paper. still a better story than fucking branbot the broken
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