#cant wait to see how fucked up lone trail will show their relationship
arkiwii · 11 months
Saria and Kristen when they were younger they were a healthy couple but sometime after Rhine Lab was established and built their relationship started to show cracks. Before all that I like to believe that Kristen wagged her tail behind close doors when Saria was around, just a slow wag. What do you think of Saria and Kristen?
oh boy, Saria and Kristen huh. rubs hands with malicious intents. I have, some THOUGHTS about them, i want to study their relationship under a microscope alright
to start with "they were a healthy couple", it's something that i can question. i mostly think about how Kristen lost her parents at the age of 10, and of her conversation with Saria about the subject in the manhwa:
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Saria "always protected Kristen", and she said that since she lost her parents, "not many have been willing to defend her family's reputation". which means, Saria was pretty much the only person Kristen could rely on, and if she was able to continue and go on, it was thanks to Saria. once again, she lost her parents early, she was very likely alone all this time, and for a child, it can create a huge hole in their heart, one that Kristen probably and definitively tried to fill with Saria. she followed her, Saria was like a lighthouse for Kristen; and that's why it couldn't be healthy.
because of Saria's views, her beliefs on how emotions are a bias to scientific avancement, Kristen very likely followed these, but to an extreme. to the point of going against ethics to fullfill her ambition and continue her parent's legacy.
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this is not to say Saria ever agreed with this, maybe even before Ifrit, if she knew about it, she would have stopped it. but it's to say that Kristen used this belief to feed her ambition, to see it as an open door to push the limits of what is allowed.
once rhine lab was created, once it became succesful, and Kristen was at the top of it all, she had no need to "use" Saria anymore. their relationship fell apart because Saria could not "defend" her anymore, now that Kristen was in control. she doesn't need anyone to defend her now.
so now, i'm not saying that Kristen never had any consideration for Saria. people in these situations may not even realize that what they are doing is wrong, that they may hurt someone. and i do believe that Kristen cares about Saria, and in fact, she truly does;
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she doesn't want Saria to be hurt, she actually did nothing that would hurt Saria. but is it the present Saria she cares about, or the past Saria? when Saria met Ifrit and Silence, she opened her heart to emotions, she who never had a family who cared about her, she saw this child being hurt, mistreated, alone, and she wanted to protect her. the present Saria may still struggle, but she discovered what it is to feel loved, which she probably never discovered with Kristen before.
but Kristen, she wants the Saria who is ready to step on boundaries, to ignore emotions, to achieve scientific avancement. she wants the Saria who protected her, who stood by her side when she was alone and hurt.
but, she knows that this Saria doesn't exist anymore and she knows that Saria would never have agreed with her, she knows Saria would have tried to stop her. she studied Saria, her way to fight, her Arts, and she literally created a barrier in her office that cancels her Arts, she created power armors who can also neutralize Saria's calcification. that means one thing, Kristen was afraid of Saria. she knew she fucked up.
of course, Kristen would ALWAYS be ready to welcome Saria with open arms, she doesn't want Saria to go away from her, she never accepted that she left Rhine Lab. maybe Kristen is idealizing a Saria who is like her.
their relationship is MMWAH chief's kiss I LOVE psychology and character development. what i say can work even if their relationship is purely platonic, but i enjoy the little twist it gives if it was romantic, which means that Saria had experienced something toxic and it made her afraid of love above all emotions, which fullfill my evil thoughts about Saria x Silence
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Hi so I’m the previous anon who asked for the one where they all turn 30 friends episode. I was wondering if you could write another friends inspired episode? Sorry, it’s one of my favorite shows! Can the imagine be inspired from when Ross and Rachel end up breaking up because of the girl from xerox place for Mason Mount please? Thank you :)
Of course I can! I was just actually watching this episode earlier today. Don’t worry anon I watch too much of it.
Mason and you were not spending as much time as you normally did, your jobs were consuming the majority of your time and training for the Champions league was taking some of Mason’s time. Mason came home every day before you did, and he got tired of always having to wait hours for you to come home. He even went once to visit you at your office, and he saw you were talking with one of your men coworkers, he got very jealous and decided to storm out of there because he thought you were cheating on him. The boys had invited him to go out with them and of course he had said yes, since he was feeling ‘lonely’. He was drinking his feelings away, because he felt like he was loosing you, since he felt like you were being very distant, not wanting to understanding that work was consuming your time. At this point he was on the borderline of tipsy and drunk, just remembering the events that have been happening recently. Tammy, Christian and Reece were trying to get him to drink water so that he wouldn’t do something he would regret later. He went out to the dance floor, and he swore had seen a girl that looked exactly like you. He even thought for a moment you had stalked his location and came to apologize for his current relationship with his cellphone since you were hardly around. He went up to the girl that looked exactly like you with confidence wanting to say how he really felt, the boys lost track of Mason. They thought he had gone to bathroom, they tried anything they could to try find him. Tammy ended up finding him snogging a random girl, who seemed to enjoy that she was making out with a famous player. Tammy was gathering all the lads so they could go home after Mason was at the point of drunk where he would commit the worst mistake of his life, cheating on Y/N. The mistake Tammy made was leaving him outside to get some air instead of leaving someone on Mason watch. The girl he snogged earlier happened to walk out while Mason was alone, the only good thing was that the paps weren’t around snapping pictures of the interaction to plaster it all over the papers. The girl, Madison, and Mason ended up leaving to go back to her place because she said she had a ‘cure’ to his problem. Mason didn’t think twice before saying yes, because he was still convinced that she was you. When they made it back to Madison’s place, he started realizing this wasn’t his apartment and that Madison was not you. But it didn’t matter to him at the moment, because at the moment this was the only action he would be getting for a while. The entire time during while were doing it, he would moan out Y/N and not Madison, of course Madison was upset that he was saying someone else’s name and not hers. ~Later that day~ Tammy was convinced that Mason had called a cab and went back to Y/N’s apartment immediately instead of his place, but then again he was questioning his thought seeing how drunk Mason was when he left him outside. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard knocking at his door, when he opens the door and sees Mason who was knocking with a face of regret noticeable to anyone even if they didn’t know who he was. Tammy knew at the moment that Mason never went home to Y/N. “Mason, mate what did you do last night? When I went back outside, you were nowhere to be found so I thought you went home, and with that face of regret you have I’m going to guess that you didn’t make it home?” Mason was scratching the back of his neck trying to gather his thoughts because he knew that Tammy would kill him for doing what he did to Y/N. “Ok, I’ll tell you the only thing I can remember but you better promise me that you won’t get mad at me nor will you tell Y/N! She has to find out through me and not from someone else. I made the worst mistake of my life that I thought I would never do, after you left Madison walked out an-“ “Mason who the hell is Madison and why the hell couldn’t you keep it in your damn pants? What the hell is Y/N going to do when you tell her?” Tammy said infuriated with what he was hearing. What both Tammy and Mason didn’t know was that Leah, Tammy’s girlfriend, was hiding behind the wall eavesdropping on the conversation since her and Y/N were best friends. “Tammy would you let me fucking talk? Madison is that girl that you saw me with earlier in the club. She told me she had a ‘cure’ to my problem and I said yes, only because I thought that she was Y/N! The entire time my mind was only on Y/N, all I could think was Y/N, and when we were doing it all I could say was Y/N never was I thinking about Madison. Hell, I was convinced she was Y/N when I first laid eyes on her, I swear I thought Y/N had came to the club to apologize for spending to much time with Mark from work.” Leah had enough of hearing the stupid excuses Mason was trying to justify his actions with, she knew that it was better if Y/N heard from Mason rather than herself but Y/N deserved to know the truth no matter what. So Leah left to their room to make an important call. Tammy was trying to think if Madison had any of her friends in common with Y/N so that they would stop chain before the news got to Y/N, but they didn’t know that he was screwed since Leah had told her best friend already. Mason feeling guilty just decided to go to Y/N’s apartment to face his consequences. When he made it home, he found Y/N sitting on the couch glaring at the front door waiting for Mason to come in. Mason knew at that moment that someone had to have told her what happened, because why else would she be upset. When Mason went up to kiss her temple, Y/N got up from the chair, he could see the stained trail of tears down her cheek making it visible that she had been crying not too long ago. Mason tried to embrace her trying to grab her chin to make her look at him, Y/N breaking at this point “Mason no, I cant even look at you!” “Y/N talk to me please, tell me what’s wrong?” “Oh come on Mason, you don’t come home and don’t freaking tell me if you are alright then you leave me worried wondering what you could be doing, then I find out that you slept with another woman! Mason you slept with another woman!” “Y/N it was a mistake, I made a mistake!” “Really Mason, a mistake? Where were you trying to put in, her purse?” “Y/N I want to talk about this, I want to talk and work this out please? Hear me out!” “Ok, how was she?” “What do you mean how is she, what kind of question is that Y/N?” Mason said with a bit of frustration that she would ask that, “Was she good? Was she better than me?” at this point Y/N’s heart was breaking into a million little pieces. “Come on Mason, you said you wanted to talk about it, well then let’s talk about! How was she?” “Y/n please I-“ Mason couldn’t think right “Mason Tony Mount, be a man for once. Grow a pair and respond to the question instead of trying to beat around the bush” Y/N becoming infuriated by the minutes, “Y/N she was….she was different” “Good? Different?” Y/N had grabbed a rolled up newspaper and proceeded to hit Mason with it, and  Mason was trying to run away from her “Y/N I’m sorry, ok I’m sorry! Nobody likes change, I swear I was only thinking of you the entire time. I swear I was convinced that she was you when I first saw her. I thought you had came to the club after work because you had stalked my location. I swear I couldn’t stop thinking of you!” “Oh Mason, that is so sweet! I think I’m falling in love with you all over again.” “Listen Y/N the important thing is that she meant nothing, she meant nothing to me!” “Oh really Mason did she? Cause last time I checked she was worth jeopardizing our relationship!” “Really Y/N a relationship? What relationship was there to jeopardize, hm my relationship with your voicemail?” “Really you think you’re going to get out of the on a smart ass comment! Mason I’m doing what I love, I get to work at my dream job if you can’t understand that my job requires a lot of time and effort just like yours then why the hell do you want to feel guilty! You’re apologizing not because you felt like it but because you were caught!” “Honestly I think this would’ve never happened if I didn’t think at the same moment you were sleeping with Mark?” “Really Mason, again with the stupid Mark thing. He is a coworker and we work in the same department” “Yes again with the Mark thing, you spend more time with him than with me recently. Even when I went to visit you at work last week, you were talking to Mark!” “Ok Mason, let’s say I had slept with Mark. Would you have forgiven me?” “Of course I would have Y/N, I wouldn’t want to lose you!” “You’d be ok if you knew that Mark had kissed me, had been naked with, and that we were a hot writhing me-“ “LALALALALA, ok I would’ve been devastated but I would still forgive you! I mean why wouldn’t I, it’s you! Y/N it has always been you!”. It had been four hours since Mason had come home and the argument had started. Y/N was an emotional mess on one of the couches while Mason was on the other couch crying with his hands on his head. Both of them had been like that for the past hour and a half, Mason had been the first to break the silence “Y/N I’m sorry ok! I’m sorry! I was out of my mind, I thought I had lost you! I didn’t know what to do, come on how crazy would I have been to cheat! Ok, I’m not Jadon! I made a terrible, stupid mistake and I wish I could take it back but I can’t and I’m sorry for putting you through this!” “Mason keep saying how sorry you are but supposedly when people are drunk their true intentions come out!” “Y/N I seriously can’t see us throwing away something that we both know is so damn beautiful! Y/N I love you so damn much!” Mason came over to her couch and sat right next to her, he took her hands in his and started to kiss from her neck until he tried to reach her lips and then Y/N escaped his grasp “No Mason, you cant kiss me and expect it to all go away. It doesn’t make things better! Ok?’ Y/N raising her voice each time she said a word. “Ok, ok” Mason said a little scared of her tone change, “Mason, I think you should go. I really think you need to go!” “Y/N there has to be a way we can work past this, ok? I can’t imagine my life without you!” Mason started crying as he grabs Y/N’s arms “I can’t imagine my life without these arms, without your face, and without your big heart. Don’t say something you might regret later babe, I can’t live without you.” Both of them break down crying, “No, Mason you’re totally a different person to me! I always saw you as someone who would never ever hurt me. Gosh and now I can’t stop picturing you with her, no matter what you say or what you do. This changed everything between us forever!” Mason kneeling on the floor with his arms wrapped around her waist “Y/N this seriously can’t be the end of us, this relationship can’t be really over!” Y/N was trying to keep her composure, because one of them had to be strong “Mason then how come it is?” At that moment, both Mason and Y/N’s hearts were torn into million pieces. Y/N ran up to her room then locked herself up there, crying her eyes out trying to remember what had gone wrong that drove Mason to sleep with another woman. In Mason’s head all he thought about was how he screwed up the best thing in his life, “I fell for temptation and didn’t know how to cope with you being at work, but I love you and will always love you, and I will always be waiting for you if you ever want to come back to this shitty ass boyfriend” he whispered on his way out particularly to no one. You were out in the hallway wanting to go downstairs and talk to him, when you heard everything he whispered, and you couldn’t help but think maybe we should work things out.
I’m sorry, this was longer than I originally expected. I was a little carried away, and also I don’t really condone cheating because I have been a victim of a partner cheating. But I liked the idea, so I wrote about it, I just wanted to put that out there. I hope you guys enjoy it :)
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