koficlouds · 2 years
Whumptober Day 4 Dead On Your Feet
Fandom: Youtuber Egos
Characters: Septiscape Henrik, Joline, Baby Emma(the child), the egos
Relationships: Henrik/Joline
Triggers: Pregnancy death, infant death, uterine rupture, premature death
Prompt: Can’t Pass Out
Henrik stood by their usual waiting spot, the same stargazing hill they met by all those years ago. Today they were on their way to the Mindscape’s Hotel Inn. They’d be meeting up with the other egos to have some fun and have a small vacation. 
His wife, Joline, had been going on about how much he really needed this break. He wouldn’t lie, but he was pretty excited about this mini vacation he’d have. Around 6 months ago, Joline discovered she was pregnant with their first child. And they had already planned the name for the little one. 
Emmaline or Emma, if it was a girl.
Ryder, if it was a boy.
When the others had found out about the pregnancy Chase had recommended they plan a get together some day, and today was that day.
“Henny!” A voice called. When the German turned, he smiled, seeing the woman he’d fallen in love with all those years ago walking up to him. “Are you ready to head on over?” Henrik asked, to which he got the positive response in return. 
And with that they were off.
A few days in, while Henrik and Joline were out bird watching, Joline started to suddenly feel a lot of pressure. But how was that possible, the baby shouldn’t be born yet. It’s only been 6 months.
Just as soon as it passed, her water broke. She lost her balance and collapsed, only to be caught by her husband before her head hit the ground. “Joline!” Henrik had a worried and concerned expression on his face, nervous.
Joline put on a reassuring smile, weak at it’s best, on her face. “I..I’m fine Henny...Ah!” She felt a strong contraction, worrying her German husband even more. “No you’re not! You don’t just collapse if you’re alright!” 
She looked up at him, her face pale with fear and confusion. “W-We need to go..the..the baby’s on it’s way..!” His face paled with the same fear and confusion as hers when those words left her mouth. But he rushed her to the hospital, deciding he’d call the others once the baby was born.
During the labor, Joline started having several complications, causing an emergency C-Section to be done. Words cannot describe how much Henrik’s hands were shaking. His phone blowing up with calls and texts which he simply ignored. He could not possibly leave his wife on such occasion, or more plainly; he couldn’t bare to leave his wife to fend for herself or die.
Henrik had finally cut the umbilical cord, and removed the placenta. He quickly stitched Joline’s abdomen up and left her to rest as he went to clean and make sure his baby girl was healthy.
While doing so, he heard it. The sound of the heart rate monitor. 
It wasn’t beeping.
It flatlined..
The one thing he dreaded to hear, occurred during the situation he was scared of. He set his now daughter, only family member, Emmaline or Emma in her small crib. Rushing over to his wife he paled. Her eyes, which used to be filled with life and the nicest deep brown eyes; now pale and lifeless just as cold as her skin. He’s lost her. No pain could compare to what he felt that moment, but he had to pull himself together, for his daughter; for Emma. 
Since the newborn was premature by 3 whole months, she had severe breathing issues and heart palpitations. She’d need to be under heavy watch. 
Time flew by, and before he knew it. It was 3 in the morning. He hadn’t been sleeping well due to his anxiety so his eyes were heavy as he attempted to keep himself awake. He wasn’t going to let himself fall asleep, he couldn’t pass out. Not now, not yet, not until he knew she’d be alright. He’d stay up for days if he had to. He’d to anything if he needed to.
By four, he could slightly feel himself passing out. The last thing he heard was the sound of little Emma’s soft cooing noises in front of his desk.
“I can’t...pass..out...not yet..” He mumbled under his breath, head on his arms before his eyes started to flutter shut and sleep took over his body. “Can’t..pass out...” It wasn’t even a whisper anymore, he was out like a light now. And it was silent.
He woke, a good 8-9 hours later, and heard nothing. No cooing, no babbling. Not even the sound of faint newborn snores. Only dead silence. 
He passed out that night, and she died when he was asleep. 
That would be a guilt he’d never forget..or forgive himself for.
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